Genius NLP

Genius NLP

Genius NLP - the home of NLP knowledge and training from Peter Freeth, probably the world's foremost authority on NLP's business applications

Welcome to Genius NLP, the home of NLP knowledge and training from Peter Freeth, probably the world's foremost authority on the business applications of NLP. Our lead trainer and program designer, Peter Freeth, has almost twenty years experience of learning, developing, teaching and applying NLP, and has more direct experience of applying NLP in the business environment than anyone else working in


It's the dawn of a new era and one of my lucky students is the first to have his amazing skills recognised.


News from the Society of NLP
For many years, the future of the oldest NLP association, the original one created back in the late 70s, has been in question. Well, that question has finally been answered. Some time ago, Bandler lost ownership of the SNLP in a bankruptcy lawsuit and it was acquired by a group of NLP’s early creators and trainers, including Christina Hall.

From that group, only Chris Hall has been recently active in training and certifying through the SNLP. Bandler has also been able to use the SNLP trademark which I understand he passed on to one of his associates. Chris has now chosen to step back from training and has passed that responsibility and legacy on to a group of her own Master Trainers and Trainers, and so I can now finally tell you that, amongst others, I am now an owner of the Society of NLP. Me! When I completed my first SNLP Practitioner training I never would have imagined it.

Does this mean that there will now be a proper society with annual conferences, published standards, membership perks and so on? I don’t know. What I do know is that Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainer certification can continue. I don’t currently have any plans to license Master Trainers because I think the market for that is too small, but maybe enough of you will prove me wrong.

If you have been waiting for a certificate then this is the reason why. It has taken many, many months of wrangling to work out the contract. The ink is now dry, and the SNLP enters a new phase of its life.


Big news coming soon...


Why is NLP training still relevant?

When I was first running NLP training back in the early 2000s, I had a lot of corporate students who wanted help writing business cases to get funding from their employers. It was such a popular question that I had a business case template on my website.

There were two essential parts to it, firstly that the quality of interpersonal relationships underpins every business transaction and secondly that much ‘soft skills’ training is NLP based, so they would actually save money by learning the source material.

Presentation skills? NLP. Time management? NLP. Coaching? NLP.

For those of you who are horrified at such a thought, let me explain. NLP is a synthesis of the most effective personal change techniques available at the time that it was developed in the late 1970, early 1980s. The human brain and mind have not changed significantly since that time. Whether we call the latest thing TA or Gestalt or Human Givens or Transpersonal Success Coaching or whatever else is in vogue, the underlying principles are pretty much the same. For example…

You tend to get on better with people when you enter their reality instead of yelling at them from within your own.

Dysfunctional relationships often arise from people wanting different things from a relationship but not sharing that with each other.

Many behaviours which are labelled as ‘difficult’, ‘challenging’ or ‘abnormal’ arise not from deficiency but from fear, and seem appropriate when you take a moment to fully consider that fear.

People tend to solve their own problems when they have a fresh perspective or time to think clearly, they don’t need other people’s solutions forced upon them.

Ultimately, human beings are not that different to each other. We all want to love and be loved, to belong and to be individual, to have security and also freedom, to be in the moment and to feel safe in knowing what lies ahead.

In NLP, principles like this are called ‘presuppositions’ and they serve as an implied foundation for the techniques. Maybe in coaching, they’re called ‘credentialing criteria’ but it all amounts to the same thing; the fundamental truths of human relations. If you know how your car works, you can use it more efficiently and cost effectively. When you know how the human mind works, or when you at least have a useful model of that, you can find your way through life more easily, with less conflict and with more of your valuable time and energy devoted to the things which really matter.
Here are some examples.

Time management
Working back from the end result is an example of ‘Well Formed Outcomes’
Adding ‘empty time’ or ‘planning time’ or even travel time into your calendar is an example of moving from an ‘in time’ structure to a ‘between time’ or ‘through time’ structure

Presentation skills
Standing in a certain place, or in a certain way, is an example of ‘anchoring’
Using a flipchart to change the audience’s emotional state is an example of ‘swish’
Storytelling is an example of ‘Milton Model language’

Stress management
Reviewing and reprocessing a stressful event is an example of either ‘Perceptual Positions’ or ‘Fast Phobia Cure’, depending on how stressful it was
Neutralising stress triggers (like in CBT) is an example of ‘swish’ or ‘squash’, depending on the nature of the trigger
Branding is an example of ‘anchoring’
Trial closing is an example of the ‘ecology check’ from ‘Well Formed Outcomes’
Presenting the solution is an example of ‘future pacing’

Learning the ‘source code’ of NLP is valuable when you’re willing to experiment, to try out new ideas, to make your own connections, to innovate and to be part of this great human adventure which we share.


November 25th 2023
How to Sell Coaching
As a bonus module for my upcoming NLP Coaching Practitioner training I'll be running a one day training based on my popular book which is based on 20 years of experience selling personal development services and 20 years experience before that in technology services.
If you're struggling to get clients to sign up with you and if you're fed up with the nonsense from 'six figure coaches' promising to skyrocket your income whilst fleecing your clients then this is for you.
All for just £195!

Your irregular Genius newsletter 28/07/2023

Your irregular Genius newsletter -

Your irregular Genius newsletter It’s been almost a year since I last wrote to you. I bet you’re asking yourself “what does he want now?” and the answer is simple. I want you to book a place on my upcoming online NLP Coaching Practitioner training, starting in September. If you can’t do that then I really don’t know wha...


I'm planning to set dates for an online NLP Practitioner training, UK/Europe timezone. I wonder who might be interested to attend?


I'm hoping that this is more than a rehash of his previous books... Like his previous books have been.


An excellent interview with Dr Julia Shaw on false memories. Interesting that she is studying something for a PhD which Derren Brown performed in 2011 and The Amazing Kreskin used in his shows in the 1970s.

Image irrelevant but Facebook won't let me post without one.

So You Think You Know Meta Model? Peter Freeth at the NLP Masters Summit 2021 16/12/2021

My most popular video on YouTube is from the International NLP Conference, entitled, "So you think you know Meta Model?"

It's a live demonstration of how to analyse the structure of a client's language in order to understand how they structure their reality.

Here's a new, updated version, recorded at a conference I spoke at a couple of months ago.

So You Think You Know Meta Model? Peter Freeth at the NLP Masters Summit 2021 Here I am again, presenting my deep dive into the Meta Model at the NLP Masters Summit ( Learn how powerful the Meta Model really is, how you...

How do you know what you know? 02/12/2021

How do you know what you know? Here's a short extract from one of my online training courses.

How do you know what you know? In NLP's model of subjective reality, all knowledge that a person has about themselves and the outside world must have arrived through their sensory systems,...


Starting tomorrow, Marketing Made Easy. 18:30 Hong Kong time, 10:30 UK time.

Visit All About You Centre to reserve your place.

Events 03/09/2021

New training dates announced! NLP Coaching Practitioner starts 4th November. NLP Master Practitioner starts 3rd February. Both online, 8 days over 4 modules. See the website for full details.

Events Genius NLP - Transforming the understanding, teaching and practice of NLP Training, books and other excellent resources from one of the world's most innovative, creative and experienced trainers today, Peter Freeth. Live NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner training in Spain and India every year...

Can you learn NLP over Zoom? Let Agnes tell you! 19/08/2021

NLP Coaching Practitioner begins again on 4th November 2021.

But what does Agnes think about it?

Can you learn NLP over Zoom? Let Agnes tell you! Some people say you can't learn NLP over Zoom because it can only be taught in a classroom and learned 'intuitively', whatever that means. Don't these people...

Distorting Memories Helps the Brain Remember - Neuroscience News 22/02/2021

One of the things I do in coaching is provoke responses by exaggerating differences in the client's perception, and this helps the client to recall details or recover information more easily. Here's some interesting research which seems relevant.

Distorting Memories Helps the Brain Remember - Neuroscience News The brain exaggerates differences between similar events in order to encode them in memory. This results in divergent brain activity that allows for better memory performance.


Welcome to NENLP, the home of NLP knowledge and training from Peter Freeth, probably the world's foremost authority on the business applications of NLP.

New Excellence NLP - Transforming the understanding, teaching and practice of NLP in business

Training, books and other excellent resources from one of the world's most innovative, creative and experienced trainers today, Peter Freeth.

You can find out about Peter's books, watch videos, join free taster and refresher sessions in the, UK, discover NLP Business Practitioner, Business Master Practitioner and Business Trainer Training in the UK and exotic locations around the world every year, and with SNLP certified training, you have everything you need for your professional NLP journey.

Peter has been studying, innovating and teaching NLP since 1993 and probably has more experience in applying NLP professionally and seamlessly in business than any other trainer today.

Videos (show all)

NLP Coaching Practitioner
NLP Master Practitioner begins
Richard Bandler's heart warming tribute to the great Steve Andreas...
NLP in Business
A nice example of a congruence check in a TV matchmaking show!
