Every batch at BNUTZ premium nut butters is made with the highest quality ingredients. Explore our flavours and indulge your senses.


Morning my lovelies 🌞

🤍Monday’s meditation got me thinking;
👉🏻The secret meaning of suffering 👈🏻

✋🏻Each soul here on earth, is here for the purpose to evolve, to express itself and to learn more about what it is to be human and spirit at the same time.

👣Each soul proceeds according to its own path of development and you are asked to respect this, to take a step backwards and to concentrate entirely on yourself, on your light💫. The energy, the truth, the vibration that you radiate as a result invites people, animals, plants and all beings to come into your energy field in order to receive healing vibrations🧚🏼‍♂️.
😚This is the work you came here to do. There is no need for you to stand on barricades. There is no need for you to fight.
Each time you lock yourself in indignation and anger even if it concerns injustice and suffering, step back and move into the centre of yourself.
Accept that everything completes its own cycle and has its own development including the people that are dearest to you.

Set them free, observe with love and compassion and trust in God path💛

📸 : Caught manifesting a good day, week and life 💛


💛It’s Tuesday and the sun is shining 🌞
❣️Okay, for just five minutes forget the bucks. Forget your soulmate, too. Forget the new car, the "home run," and being on Oprah. ❤️‍🩹Forget your fears, your problems, and your pain. And during those five minutes, feel the feelings you most want to feel, for the rest of your life.
It might seem awkward, that's okay. It might seem silly, too. And I can just about guarantee, at first, it’ll feel utterly futile... until your entire life begins to change.
If I were a beggar, I'd beg you. If I prayed in question marks, this is what I'd ask for. And if I could implore you to do anything, let this be it.
Because nothing else, that you might ever do will have as profound an effect on your fortunes, friendships, and happiness; in navigating the illusions, manifesting what you want, and avoiding what you dread; as this little five-minute drill performed just once a day, on as many days as you remember to do it.
And just so you know, if you do this right now or even every day for the rest of your life, I'll add back those five minutes to each of the days you do it. I'll just sneak 'em in there, and they'll feel like ten.
-Here’s to the 5minute wonder 🥂
Why not start today, start now 🤩


🌸Quantum physics proves that the energy we put out into the world does matter. Baking with pure love is one of my fundamentals when I bake! A non-negotiable!
🌺Being conscious of the vibes we put out doesn't only affect ourselves but everyone as a whole. That means that our choices and positive or negative energy can have a deep impact on the world. However there are a lot of temporary or "fake" things that appear to help our soul vibrate at high frequencies, but instead pacify and stunt our growth towards our true quest. I often see people craving these positive high vibrations but instead they get trapped in a negative world that is cloaked in a spiritual veil with only shadow energy below it.🥀 🌻Searching to grasp onto something with substance, I see them jump from one thing to the next, becoming even more lost. 🌷See when you stop searching externally and you begin to do your own work internally, you will organically start to vibrate at your highest frequency and in turn, you will attract the same energy.
💐We are all in this together. What affects one of us, will eventually affect all of us.
👉🏻Ways to raise your vibration:
💚 Earthing: Getting grounded and healing from the earth. Did you ever notice that the types of people who seem to be in the best elevated moods are always barefoot, e.g yogis, & surfers.
💚 Avoiding Dark Energy- This could be one of the hardest ones for some people, especially when your own family is the heavy energy. As your energy shifts and your vibrations ascend you might see that your circle minimizes.
💚Say no to drugs: They will pull you away from feeling or dealing with any reality at all.
💚 Speaking Your Truth- Anything that is false or inauthentic is harmful to your soul and your words are the way of transportation. The freer and purer you become with your words, speaking the truth from your heart, the closer to alignment you become.

🌾Have a wonderful Wednesday 🌱


🔊Advice from María Sabina, Mexican healer and poet - “Heal yourself with the light of the sun🌞 and the rays of the moon🌚. 🍃With the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds🦜. Heal yourself with mint, neem, and eucalyptus☕️. Sweeten with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile🥄. 💛Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a hint of cinnamon🍫. Put love in tea instead of sugar and drink it looking at the stars🤩. Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain. 💪🏻Stand strong with your bare feet on the ground and with everything that comes from it. Be smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with your forehead. 🦶🏼Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier. 👄Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember ... you are the medicine.”
Have a beautiful day 💫💛


Mornings are made for BNUTZ 🤩
Breakfast muffins 👇🏻

100g coconut sugar
70g coconut oil
4 tbsp of chia seeds
1tbsp BNUTZ
300g spelt flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1 orange
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
200g strawberries
20g ground almonds
50g flaked almonds

👉🏻Preheat the oven to 170°C.

🥣Place the sugar and coconut oil/butter in a food processor and cream together. Once fluffy and light, add in the chia seeds and process together.

🥣In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, and cinnamon together.

🍊Zest the orange and mix together with the vanilla extract. Pour the orange and vanilla mixture with the wet, and then over the dry mixture and stir well, before adding in the strawberries and half the almonds.

Pour into large muffin paper moulds, sprinkle over some of the rest of the almonds and some sugar, bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Leave to cool then dig in.
Top with a dollop of BNUTZ butter, my go to is; vanilla & macadamia nut butter.


🤩We got another star⭐️
So pleased to announce BNUTZ for cacao and hazelnut butter has been awarded a great taste star as part of our ever growing award winning range💫. Thankyou
It has taken me a while to find the right cacao powder; I can assure you I’m now over the moon with the cacao powder we now source🥄.
🍫Cacao powder can enhance our wellbeing.
🧡Cacao powder is packed with flavonoids. These nutrients that have been shown to help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the brain and heart, and aid in preventing blood clots. 🙌🏻The flavonoids in cacao powder may help increase insulin sensitivity, reducing your risk of diabetes🤩.

Photos from The Enchanted Glade's post 10/11/2021

If you need a caterer please email me @ [email protected] 💫💛


🌫Colder days, darker nights and the magic of Autumn is now amongst us🍁.
The season for soft sweaters, blankets and a lovely lit fire🪵🔥. 🍂The leaves will transition from brown into amber as they drop from the trees, its as if pieces of glitter and confetti are gliding through the air🍁. 🚶🏽‍♀️Long crisp walks with a warm cup of coffee or a BNUTZ hot choccy☕️. Echos of laughter, Autumn you are wonderful🥰.
🕊If these times have taught us anything it’s important to let go, surrender and live in the present moment.
🪶And that’s what autumn brings...
A time to reflect.
With some much needed comfort food...🥣
Recipe for this turmeric pasta with a BNUTZ vanilla & macadamia centre is on the website 💫


👉🏻Oh how far we have come…
To think wild microbes made our food at first!🌏🤩
🍻It created beer, bread and cheese.
Fermented foods which are often nutrient rich and have long shelf lives are great when we didn’t have the luxury access to fridges and freezers.
👉🏻Now cast forward a few years, the knowledge we now have on food is absolutely amazing!
✌🏻Food to heal! We can now understand the bendists of food. We’re lucky enough to be able to import foods from all over the world!
And the latest thing is stem cell foods❗️
💫What a phenomenon💛.
They are now creating veggie burgers that bleed 😬lettuce under lights, algal protein drinks, insect risotto.
🌱Micro greens are grown under Clapham high street!
😌HOWEVER, the west still wastes 33% of its food while 795million worldwide go undernourished.
🤔How can we advance more?
Recycle more, improve soil and crop production for all and develop more tasty food 🤔😜 grow your own - pesticide free 💛 you won’t look back 💫


💛These certainly are unprecedented times😰.
👉🏻News of another lock down, news that we aren’t having another lockdown. It’s leaving everyone frazzled and I can’t explain how much FEAR is being vibrated⚡️.
💥FEAR, this isn’t just a feeling! It’s toxic!
In fact it causes havoc on the body and causes a lot of dis-ease! 😬
👉🏻Fear can be portrayed in many forms; doubt, worry, anxiousness, judgment, & comparison. The list really goes on.
🙋🏽‍♀️Admittedly I fell into the fear trap and found myself constantly talking about COVID effects on the business blah blah blah. Energetically all that did was set me further back❗️. At the time I didn’t know but it was a serious internal malfunction that kept me in a perpetual cycle of sickness and sadness. Then I came across a life saving practice which transformed the way I do EVERYTHING…
BREATHWORK 👉🏻follow:
And give her classes a go💫
The queen of perception correction!
Be conscious on how these times have an effect on you and your actions and act with love always 😘. Find your practise that recenters you and grounds you.
Oh and the most perfect after class snack is a date stuffed with BNUTZ vanilla & macadamia nut butter 💛


💭This time last year I was here, my life was the most spontaneous adventure, I was living a dream👉🏻🚍My campervan and I.
🌱Nature has extreme healing powers and is absolutly magical 💛
🌳Problems soon shift and Mother Nature finds her way in to conduct a deep healing, casting her sober power over us and gives us perspective🍁. My crumbling world suddenly became full again💛.
👉🏻Today I highly recommend that when you can, to connect with nature, lay on the grass, watch the clouds, listen to the sounds of life, notice the intricacy in flowers it’s those “small” things that make you feel BIG😘💛.


💚“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” (Hippocrates 400 BC)

💛The endocannabinoid system (ESS): was never mentioned before, but now we hear it loud n clear 🔉
🤔But what exactly does the ESC do and how can we support the integral system?
Our Endocannibanoid system is based on two receptors;
👉🏻CB1 receptors. Thee are essential for healthy brain function and one of the most common receptors throughout the nervous system. Found on synapses and, depending on what region of the brain they are located in, they act via up or downstream signalling throughout the nervous system. They act via up or downstream signalling throughout the nervous system moderating synaptic plasticity, memory, mood, motor function and pain perception. These brain receptors are also responsible for the psychoactive properties of cannabis when tetrahydrocannabinol binds to them.
👉🏻CB2 receptors. These are most commonly found within different immune cell groups where they moderate inflammation and immune response to pathogens. This is why using phytocannabinoids in the immune system imbalances arthritis, asthma, allergies, autoimmune disorders or digestive issues

Support the ECS SYSTEM with supplements and BNUTZ cbd nut butter 🤩


🍌Can’t get enough of smoothies at the moment! 🧋
👉🏻This banana and Vanilla & Macadamia nut butter smoothie is an absolute dream!
🍌2 cups frozen sliced bananas
🥥1/2cup coconut yoghurt
➰1/2 tablespoon ground flax seeds
💪🏻1tbsp pea protein powder
🥛1 cup unsweetened plain almond milk
🥄1 tsp BNUTZ espresso nut butterWHIZ UP & Enjoy 💛
Catch us this Saturday at the we’ll be in Egham from 10-3. Can’t wait to see you there 👏🏻
Thought of the day💭
Appreciation is a wonderful thing: it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well 💛💫


💛Summer sessions💛
Tonight you’ll find us at NIGHT MARKET🤩💃🏽 🙌🏻
We can’t wait! What a perfect date night! 😘
See you there
6-10pm in Whitehall & Bordon
Come grab a drink and some good grub.
This mornings brekieeee;
Cherry scones 🍒 with BNUTZ Vanilla and macadamia nut butter 🥄.
Cherry’s are high in antioxidants which help fight free radicals. Keeping diseases at bay! This guilt free treat is best taken as a dessert, the melatonin in cherries will help aid a healthier sleep. •Ingredients:
450g spelt flour
1 tsp vitamin C
100g vegan margarine (I use earth balance)
2 tbsp coconut sugar
290ml oat milk
1tbsp BNUTZ vanilla & macadamia nut butter
2 tsp vanilla extract
100g fresh cherries chopped
cherry or strawberry jam, to serve 😋🙌🏻
Method: check the website😘


👍🏻Start the day right with a BNUTZ espresso smoothie 💛
👉🏻This will kickstart your metabolism and keep you feeling fuelled throughout the day. Perfect after a workout! 🏃🏼
🍌Bananas are high in potassium so reduce swelling, triggering muscles to contract and nerve cells to respond. 🥄The combination with a dollop of BNUTZ espresso nut butter helps beat fatigue, also sustaining attention and cognitive functioning throughout the day ahead🤩. Why but give it a try, you’d BNUTZ not to 💫
💭Tuesday thought;
🛫Put your own oxygen mask on first, before assisting others.

👉🏻If you don’t put your own oxygen mask on first, you might not have the opportunity to help others.

💫Sometimes we get so caught up in how we can help those around us, that we forget to take the time to nourish ourselves. 💛When were depleted, lost, unbalanced or just don’t feel like ourselves it can be very hard to care for others.


👊🏻Remember this; 🔊We don’t have power over situations and people, the only thing we have power over is our own energetic stance- when we live in a high vibrational state💫. Our life is transformed into bliss and paradise🔅.
🍪Homemade strawberry BNUTZ vanilla and macadamia nut cookies 😋 no regrets sweet treat..recipe on the website


💛With a week to go until Father's Day (Sunday 20th June). What a perfect gift to give 💫

⭐️For the dads who have given you life’s greatest gifts; their time, care and love🥰. 🔥Give back this Father’s Day through the most popular jar by far, BNUTZ spicy chilli and lime nut butter🥄💛.

💌Order online to grab a beautifully gift wrapped present for those special dads ⭐️.

Alternatively, catch us at the Epsom market on Sunday 🔥.


💫Dates galore 💛
✨Friday night will be spent with this hot date😍
Cut the expensive dinner costs and guarantee yourself a winner!👐🏻Dates stuffed with BNUTZ vanilla and macadamia nut butter, sprinkled with desiccated coconut🥥✨. Best snack ever! Great for on the go, afternoon pick me up, with a cup of tea or coffee, before or after the gym.

🔅Thought of the day;
🧡Do you have a voice inside your head?
🤔Is this voice one that offers guidance or is this a voice that can lead us down a rabbit hole of self destruction and rumination. 💪🏻It’s important we take time to harness the power of this voice. Be aware and study the conversations you have with yourself📃. We must be aware of the chatter, as our inner voice controls our life👐🏻. The inner voice can help innovate, rationalise and in many ways helps to shape our identity. 👏🏻Rather than silence the chatter we need to work out how to harness it. 👉🏻Harness powerful conversations with your inner self chatter that cater self reflection 👊🏻

Have a lovely weekend! Come and grab a jar from Camberley this Saturday 🧡.


✨Affirmations to start the weekend;
❤️I am love
🏃🏼I am adventurous
👏🏻I feed my spirit
☺️I am happy
🕺🏼I am my own superhero
💡I am light
🦋I am free
🥰I am beautiful
👏🏻I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents
💫Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.
🤩My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
💚My nature is divine;I am a spiritual being.
💕I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
🧡I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.
👉🏻My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved towards greatness.
I radiate love and light wherever I go💫💛.
Have an amazing weekend 🥰


🌚The lead up to this super blood moon has left my energy levels feeling completely zapped! 🤯I am finding a strong intensity to work through my to do list and avoid resting and sitting still🧘🏽. The moon tonight is a super moon, this means it’s at its closest orbit with the earth🪐. She will be passing across a lunar eclipse and the shadow that’s cast across creates a blood red glow to it☄️. An absolute radiance is with her, she is also bringing an intense energy with her💫. Being in the Sagittarius sign, it emphasises transitional energy🌊. Meaning that we may be called towards sudden or urgent changes in our life, take all opportunities🏃🏽‍♀️. Get out your comfort zone, take a step at a time away from discernment👏🏻. This energy has been in play for a month. An eclipse season is very different from a lunar season🤔. We are being graciously guided, the last three months have been absolutely chaotic, especially with the weather🌨. Make note of the special moment like the glimpses of sun 🌤we have had and what the uncomfortable change has bought.
🙏🏻Take the time tonight to mediation and ask yourself what it is that you need and listen into that.
🥄I will settle in to meditate with a tbsp of espresso nut butter spread on a slice of banana🍌, I find this helps me to ground and concentrate. 🥄The walnut resembles the 🔱brain studies show that they may lower the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, reduce symptoms of age-linked conditions affecting the brain and can even help prevent certain cancers‼️.🧠Walnuts have been part of our diet for 9,000 years and cultivated since 4000 BCE but the ancient Greeks, who are thought to have appreciated their health benefits- go get em🦶🏼.

Photos from's post 10/05/2021

Get in tune with yourself, listen to your body 💛.
Stay a tune to the natural ebbs and flows that are in us.
Try and eat as it’s summer 12months a year, fresh!
A summer diet is full of fruit n vegetables
In the spring and summer we have an abundance of fruit and vegetables. In the globalised world this has changed drastically.
Spend time to connect with your body and question whether your full and how certain foods make you feel 💛🦋
👉🏻Shop at farmers markets!
- 📖Read a book
-listen to a podcast
Stillness doesn’t need to be stationary.
It’s a time you give to honour and value yourself so you can present the best you to your friends and family 😘

Photos from's post 04/05/2021

🌀Modern life is forever moving, unrelenting in its eagerness to push us forward onto the next thing and the next thing, and the thing after that. 🤯And so our minds are just as busy. 🧎🏼Too infrequently do we stop and enjoy the stillness of a place.
This Wednesday evening at 8pm my dearest friend/ guardian angel: Anna will be bringing us back to our main compass in life- our breathe. Anna holds a powerful breathework class
Which takes us out of our busy lives and heals us - reconnecting us with our environments and ourselves. Connect again to conscious breathing 🗣


🌚Full moon tonight!
💫Harness the energy of the full moon in Scorpio🦞. ✨The full moons brings a perfect time to check in and see where your at. 🧘🏽‍♀️Take this time too to harness your self care practice.
🙏🏻A main question to ask yourself this full moon is what do we need to feel safe and secure and stable in our lives? the Scorpio energy is all about change, the opposing sun sign is in Ta**us, this is about grounding. 👏🏻When we surrender and answer the question of what brings us security we can evolve into a transformational place. 🦶🏼Change to many can bring about a feeling of uncertainty, many want to remain in their comfort zone.
👍🏻We all want to feel safe and belong.
What does security mean to you?
For me, it’s a form of consistency whether that be a routine or that I feel safe in a consistent environment. 💛What do you need to feel stable and secure in your finances aspect of life.
🌑Lay your limiting beliefs down in front of the full moon, or write them down and burn them.
Sit under the moon tonight, drink a cup of 🍫KAKAO (available to order from; ) and meditate, feel your warm radiant heart illuminate- open up your heart space to what what you feel you need in order to feel secure?

Photos from's post 19/04/2021

👉🏻The most amazing pancake stack 🥞made by; .kitchen.chronicles

Have an amazing week ahead🙌🏻

🧘🏽‍♀️Do you have a little voice inside your head?
💛Is this voice one that offers guidance or is this a voice that can lead us down a rabbit hole of self destruction and rumination🤔. It’s important we take time to harness the power of this voice. Be aware and study the conversations you have with yourself🐝. We must be aware of the chatter, as our inner voice controls our life🕸. The inner voice can help innovate, rationalise and in many ways helps to shape our identity🦋. Rather than silence the chatter we need to work out how to harness it. Harness powerful conversations with your inner self chatter that cater self reflection and positive chatter 🧚🏼.

Hager the best week- set your goals and go smash em.


👉🏻BNUTZ energy balls are back on the menu after a popular demand, and are keeping me exceptionally busy🚨.
🌰Email your orders to;
[email protected]
We have now finalised our snacks menu 🙌🏻🥥💫
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful 😘.
Have a lovely Thursday my beautiful BNUTTAHS!

Photos from's post 13/04/2021

GUYS... guess what... we made it into the TATLER mag! 🙌🏻
🌰BNUTZ has been featured in the TATLER, April 2021 issue with the beautiful Carrie Symonds. We were so pleased to be approached and asked to be featured as one of TATLER’S top picks on what to treat yourself with💫 now that lockdown restrictions have lifted grab a coffee a copy of tatler and enjoy 📖💭


🕑Time is not linear, we are super moving our energies around each other. All of the time.
🍪So many cookies are commercially wrapped in plastic, in the cookies you’ll find they are filled with preservatives, additives and all the other nasties.
🌸These beautiful homemade goodies are free from all of those and my oh my they are a wonder😍💛💫
Vegan white chocolate chip cookies:
🥥100g coconut sugar
🌫115g plain flour
🥄70g BNUTZ vanilla and macadamia nut butter
🥛50ml soya milk
🥥1tbsp coconut oil
🤍70g chopped white chocolate
👉🏻Roll into balls and cook at 10mins at 180c💫💛


🐝 How special, a little bumble bee stopped right on a jar this morning👋🏻
🎈It’s my birthday- to celebrate I’m giving a 10% off code🎁.
🎉Wigglewithrae - type this in at the checkout 💫💛
Spread love wherever you go.


Our mind has already been programmed to believe and feel in certain ways, by our society, our parents, our environment, our culture and our age. Our immediate world is a creation, a direct result of mind over matter.
Think kind thoughts. Speak words of kindness. Act with kindness. Make kindness your state of being in thoughts, words and actions. There are many degrees of kindness, and it is interesting to realise that what people call devil or dark is simply the absence of kindness.
So start the week positively and be conscious of your thoughts and embrace a week of kindness.

Our Roots

My name is Bianca, or most of you will know me as B. I am 24 years old and am highly passionate and fanatical about healthy living coinsidly conscious about the environment. My background in mental health nursing has proven how important it is to have a diet free from additives, preservatives and one which is rich in nutrients antioxidants and super foods.Sustaining this as a lifestyle choice as opposed to a diet. Food is not only how we fuel our bodies, it is also how we fuel our mind which ultimately effects everything. I am so excited to be able to share my nutritious NUT BUTTERS with you all, I’m certain you’ll enjoy these deliciously smooth nut butters from the first spoonful until the last xx

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🕑Time is not linear, we are super moving our energies around each other. All of the time. .🍪So many cookies are commerci...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00