Sweep Chief

Sweep Chief

Chimney Sweeping Services. All solid fuel fires and stoves. Traditional and rotary power sweeping.

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 03/08/2024

Another quality ash logs and and larch kindling delivery from Luke all stacked ready for the season.
If you need logs, you need Luke's "Logs R Us".

07794 418340

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 02/08/2024

Not everyone knows this.....

When it comes to logburner installations not all of them have a continuous metal tube (a steel liner) that runs all the way to the top of the chimney from the logburner. Some (the minority) are fitted like this without the metal liner and the pipe on top of the stove just ends above the metal plate above it. There's nothing too wrong with that so long as there is sufficient access (access hatches/sweep hatches) in that plate (register plate) to allow for the sweep debris/soot to be cleared after the sweep has taken place. Otherwise there's a risk the debris can lay around and become a chimney fire risk.

This stove had an additional hatch fitted last year , so one either side of the pipe. I can now ensure completely that the top of the plate is clear for safe use going forward. This is the look you want ideally.

Some lazy unprofessional sweeps don't bother clearing via the access hatches and just leave the debris to gather and thus contribute to a potential fire where the client thinks they're having the flue swept to avoid one!

Not alot of people know that!


I promised him I'd post it! So I did.

I was a good boy for a change and didn't eat all of them. Was that rude or just not greedy?


Was asked if I'd replace the firebricks in this Stovax Studio 3 inset woodburner when I sweep. Hadn't done one before so picked up the installation instruction leaflet the day before being someone who likes to be prepared. Seemed straightforward enough, and indeed it was with a nice result. Even saved a few of the new bricks for when they really need replacing. Stovax know how to charge so no point replacing bricks for the sake of it. The new inserts had been modified so that the tertiary air bricks are now made of cast iron so they won't perish like the previous vermiculite ones did.

All in a "very warm" πŸ₯΅ days work.

Send a message to learn more

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 27/07/2024

An interesting week doing part contract and part private work. Key issues identified on a couple of stoves. One being a dangerous imminent fire hazard following a recent house refurbishment involving a lovely new oak fire surround around an existing logburner. The clue is in the word "woodburner". There are always minimum distances to combustible material tolerances with every stove written in the manual. This one said 800mm. The stove pipe was 30mm away from the mantle and the front of the stove 140mm from the wood hearth surround. So dangerous I had to direct it not used until the issues were rectified. A decision not taken lightly.

The other example is the way the stove pipe joined the collar of the logburner where there is obvious corrosion already. This is because all sections of a stove flue should socket inside , not outside its adjoining section so debris and condensation goes into one place only not around the outside of the stove.

Don't forget, we're nearly at that time of year. So, if you need a sweep, service or flue inspection don't hesitate to contact me asap, availability in August still but the rest of the Autumn usually becomes frantic.


Sweeping at Talbot Village today. Spotted this poor little chap struggling out of a bush on a clients plot. Very close to the main Wallisdown Road near to the Uni. Felt so sorry for it. Anyway sent the client the video at their request after showing them it to try and get some kind of assistance from somewhere.

I'll try and get an update in due course to see what happened πŸ˜”πŸ¦Š

In the meantime if anyone knows anyone that can help I can point you in the right direction.


Every now and again....... but when it happens wow it's so welcome. Really lifts the day!

Don't forget everyone, this is the best time of year to get a sweep! From mid August or so onwards getting a chimney sweep is about as rare as hens teeth!


Give us a call.

Send a message to learn more


Look, it's a Sweep Dog. 🀦



Since becoming a Chimney Sweep it's incredible the amount of time I find myself spending staring up at chimneys. Even on holiday I spied this pesky situation on someone's stack in Beer, Devon.
Glad I'm not on duty today!!

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 05/05/2024

A very varied last week on the rods!

Everything from clearing a badly blocked flue of an old birds next and various decomposed birds to a CCTV inspection prior to an installation of a logburner and also trying out a new brush with great results on a stainless steel lined flue.

Sweep of the week, New Forest, room with a view, top quality biccies with tea and as last job of the day a cheeky pint at the pub 100yrds at The Red Shoot Inn. Had to be done.

Please call for a free quote if you're looking for services relating to your solid fuel appliance.

07961 001053

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 05/05/2024

Spring sweeping and it's spot the brush time!

Into that time of year where its an excellent time to put your hard worked chimney to sleep all nice and clean ready for the Autumn with no extra long wait to book a chimney sweep appointment.

Always remember .... Beat the rush with a Summer brush!

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 04/04/2024

New Service & Maintenance Product ..

As a qualified service/maintenance and chimney flue inspection Chimney Sweep and after several trials of my new service I am now offering a Level 1 Chimney Inspection as part of my product range.

This exceeds just having your chimney swept.

One of the additional benefits of this is that it involves a far more focused inspection of the internal flue system through use of camera technology which is recommended periodically for flues of a certain age or if you just want the peace of mind that you're using your fuel correctly and not unduly damaging the flue and therefore potentially reducing its longevity.

I am referring to this as a "stove service" rather than a standard sweep which is included in the stove service. I'll be offering either of these two when taking bookings.

Feel free to message me for further details and costs.

Also, now is the time of year that birds begin to look for "new homes" to nest in for the Spring/Summer so if you need to protect your chimney with a bird cowl before a nest ends up in your flue let me know and I can provide you with a quote.


"Just when are you buggering off so I can re-claim my place in front of the logburner?"

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 15/02/2024

Meet Margo!!

Had a great "doggy" day (had to get that phrase right!)
3 jobs all with fab dogs. 10 week old Margo the Border Terrier obviously stole the show paws down.

I had a Border that lived until he was 14 despite a horrendous back injury when he was only 6 which was successfully operated on. Superb dogs.

Best you keep focused on little Margo as clearly recent birthday excesses have taken its toll on Sweep Chief with his Walkers crisp bag face look. Jeez where have the years gone!! Given up trying to edit the pics. I miss my filters on my old Samsung. πŸ˜ͺ



This is a great on-line resource for all my friends and followers to explore for helpful advice and information about solid fuel burning.

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 21/01/2024

One innocent looking semi detached house hiding 5 bin bags worth of birds nest! How one potential simple sweep becomes 2 hours of hard graft, dust control on another scale and grappling with years of disgusting bacteria ridden muck and debris.

I advised of the urgent need of a bird cowl to prevent another nest as Jack Daws do have a propensity to return to the same places.

Nesting season fast approaching so just bear in mind if you have an operational chimney with no vermin/bird protection. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss any requirements be it sweeping or chimney cowl related to avoid being victim to those pesky birds taking up residence in your chimney this Spring.

Things to bear in mind:-
They don't ask if it's OK to move in.
Once in there's no retrospective opportunity to ask for references.
They make as much mess as they want whilst in residence and the council don't provide them with facilities.
You can't use your appliance (minor inconvenience πŸ˜„)
You have to wait until early September before you can remove/pay to have removed their home.
They don't pay rent either!


Photos from Sweep Chief's post 17/01/2024

Properly back into Sweep Chief operations after new year. Now that the manicness of the Autumn has eased time for some refurb work alongside sweeps and very much treated and surprised this morning to the most outstanding tea and biccies.

A lovely regular client, bowled me over when she came in with the tray, tea stewing in the pot and top quality sweet stuff on the side!

(Mistake) Even sent a pic home to the long haired commanding officer where I was asked, " Is that for you?" I responded yes with the response, " ffs!"


Photos from Sweep Chief's post 18/12/2023

Play, work, play........ work imbalance ..... hmmmm.


Cheeky Elves means Christmas is nearly here! With 5 sweep days to go I'll be looking for some serious sleep days to recover from this year's Silly Season sweep-fest. Thank you to everyone who's had me to sweep / service their appliances this year. Loved meeting you all, your pets and sharing your home space, tea/coffee, cake, biscuits, Pumpkin pie (with cream) and to the person who even shared their Covid πŸ˜„. Oh and the amusing exchange of "Dad Jokes".

Taking this opportunity to be cheap (rather than send hundreds of individual Christmas cards courtesy of the Bank of Royal Mail) and wish everyone an amazing Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.

Hope to see you all again in 2024!



Just loved this job today. 3 open fires at same property but this one was simply majestically authentic. First one I've ever seen and can't wait for the next.

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 24/11/2023

Just another week out in the field .... and I did truly feel like I was in a field when I brought down that birds nest. They really are very unpleasant things (all very avoidable), the smell of damp gardens, soil, twigs, bird corpses, moss, wool ... you name it Jack Daws are the most persistent buggers for establishing a nest until it gets a purchase and then they're away with whatever they can get their pesky beaks on. Don't forget a bird cowl can save you all this expense and inconvenience.

Christmas nearly here.....

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 11/11/2023

And all of a sudden it's the weekend again! Just a few memories of the last whirlwind of a week on the rods in silly season.

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 03/11/2023

Made every effort to sweep the chimney .... oh well never mind πŸ˜†. I canine sweep and fuss dogs at the same time.

I did sweep a chimney at some point with evidence attached. Not the same place. Knoll House Hotel, Studland.


Paws off! That's deffo my Pumpkin pie (with cream) and cuppa cha. Stare at it as much as you like.

Photos from Sweep Chief's post 28/10/2023

Another full on week in peak chimney sweeping season with a varied selection of piccies for your consumption.

The lovely generosity of my clients with tea and snacks presented with such finesse, even a tea cosy!
Cosy leads to nosey New Forest ponies and then there's dog characters - I usually spend half my time just belly laughing at their antics whilst the owners turn themselves inside out worrying about the dog getting in the way of the Sweep. We're now looking after Honey & Poppy the two featured labs for a week in December whilst the owners are on hols to avoid kenneling (Avoid Kenneling isn't a place in Cornwall btw πŸ˜„. If it was it would be Trevoid Kenneling).

And then..... last job of the day thank goodness. The token birds nest in a flue for a gas fire in an Air bnb. Suspicion is it had been there for a good few years with risk of Carbon Monoxide gases emitting into the living areas. Good ole Jack Daws returning to the chimney of familiarity year after year.

BUT NOT NEXT YEAR, thanks to Sweep Chief's bird guard service. All fitted now to keep the feathered friends at bay. So don't forget , now's the time to get your cowls fitted to prevent birds entering your chimney. Once the nesting season starts it's a problem to dispose of them.

If you need this service, a sweep, a carbon monoxide monitor or general advice about your set up then please get in touch.


Absolutely fuming! 🀬

I had a lady insist for me to sweep her chimney on a Sunday, I told her I don’t work Sundays but she would not have it so I ended up doing it.

I never got offered a tea or coffee and she implied that I was taking too long and then when I had finished I told her how much it was she told me to f*** right off.

I asked her why she wouldn’t pay and she said if you carry on like that you won’t be getting fed tonight and won’t be doing your washing from now on.

My first non payer absolutely livid!


Meet "Barry" the female Siamese cat and Puurrrrfect sweep assistant for today's Saturday sweeping. Had to paws to accommodate her inquisitive invasion of the hearth. Think she was feline mischievous as she then went on to play with the draw cord on the sweep sheet.
Anyway, manged to claw back the time lost to taking kitty pics and cracked on with this stove pre-installation flue sweep. Chimney sweep tails!


Think I'm ready for the burn season and chillier weather. Great service again by Luke from LogsRus with a double delivery of pure Ash logs. Should keep us going for most of the winter (slight overflow stacked in the garage too).
Finally went for the external log store from Woodsonandson.com last year having been tempted for months by their amazing selection of different designs.
My advice for what it's worth is to get your wood now. My experience last season speaking with clients is that certainly one large commercial supplier east of the county were overwhelmed quite quickly and giving people ridiculously long lead in times for delivery.
The last thing anyone wants is to be cold in an energy crisis, but also not to be tempted to burn unseasoned inappropriate fuel which can cause havoc with your appliance and flue not to mention the environment.

Here's one new thing I learnt from assessor on my recent NVQ2 Chimney Sweeping, stove maintenance and flue inspection qualification ... it's not a good idea to burn wood and coal together. Because, wood burns from on top coal burns from beneath. If you're burning both together you'll end up somewhere along the line with an incomplete combustion resulting in smoke and unacceptable particulate emissions. Again, not great for the appliance or our friend Greta Thunberg.


Highlight of this week. A whole week of sweeps out on a Ringwood estate with a full on farm and dairy concern. 2 x herds of 300 cows. Tipped up to sweep the Farm Manager's woodburners first thing as he also arrived with intro of , " I'll let you in, can't stop, got a calf on the passenger seat".

Ha, ha, now to a towny like me that sounds like a final curtain call unless he had a calf for a pet. So, I peered in through the drivers window and here it was. Appears it was born early (just 2 hours ago) and all was well apart from some extra hands from us hooomans and some form of formula milk for cows. Wow what a treat. I love nature 😍. Turned out was just a bit sleepy from what it'd had just been through.
I know how it feels after 5 full days on the estate.
Back to normality Monday. Bring it on πŸ‘Š.

BTW, don't leave your sweep to the last minute as with energy costs still as they are, we're all going to be relying on our solid fuel alternatives for heat this Winter. My usual line of " Beat the Rush with a Summer brush!"

P.S the calf may not look that good, but a bit like me, not too good early morning. Turns out a good ending.



Over my time as a sweep I've regularly received enquiries from people asking about getting a stove/woodburner installed. Either that or had the need to refer people with installations that are non compliant with regs or just down right dangerous.

So, here's my partner in crime on that one. This is Ryan Toms (Tomsy) my go to for referring people to for all installation requirements. Here we are yesterday at the NEC Installers Tradeshow being silly. Actually the night before, but we were there for the show. The pic made me think and as we barrel head first towards another Autumn/Winter with energy prices as they are that there's potential for another spike of people considering having a modern Defra approved stove to help keep them warm this season.

I've realised that with my contact for supplies of logs, my skills as an NVQ sweep, provision of bird cowls etc and with Ryan too that between us all we can provide the full range of services that clients may want. There we have it. Please feel free to get in touch if any of this resonates with you and I'm confident that between us we can deal with any enquiries or answer any queries and provide free quotations. πŸ˜‰

Videos (show all)

Sweeping at Talbot Village today. Spotted this poor little chap struggling out of a bush on a clients plot. Very close t...
Since becoming a Chimney Sweep it's incredible the amount of time I find myself spending staring up at chimneys. Even on...
Just loved this job today. 3 open fires at same property but this one was simply majestically authentic. First one I've ...
Heard a lot about the "top down" (careful how you Google that one) method of lighting a stove so tried it myself for the...
1 more day left to sweep then I'm done until 27th. Just wanted to wish all my friends and followers a sincerely Happy Ch...
Had an awesome day today all thanks to the youngest's boyfriend's parents calling me to sweep for them in Poole. Not onl...
