CE Partners UK

CE Partners UK

CE Partners UK is a charity supporting indigenous Christian initiatives in Central Eurasian countries

Central Eurasian Partners is not a relationship between those in “mission sending countries” and the “mission field”. Rather it is a partnership between the Church in countries with a long mission-sending tradition, and those countries that are just beginning to develop a wide range of home-grown mission initiatives. Partnership means that there is mutual benefit, give and take, and mutual learning.


Please find a video which shows the reality and practicalities people/ ministers in Izium and other front line areas meet...
Izium was occupied for 8 months at the beginning of the war.. It is close to the front line now.

Photos from CE Partners UK's post 12/02/2024

Please find some news / thanks/ updates /requests from one of our partners:
Vitalik and Tania, ministers in Izium, Kharkiv area

- supporting and caring for the existing church "New Life" in Izium

- evangelizing people in Izium and organising new church in another area of Izium (where the house they live in is)

- supporting believers in the villages where there are no pastors (like Barvinkove village)

- distributing humanitarian aid and practical help for people

- providing help and support for volunteers coming their way (accommodation, food)

- children's and youth ministry

- online schooling for 11 children, taking place at their house

- being LIGHT and SALT at the place where God has sent Vitalik and Tania (he is originally from Luhanska oblast (district), which is occupied by Russia now)

Please pray for the growth and development of the new church forming in Izium, that God sends his workers on his field, for the growth of people who turned to God. There are about 15 people taking baptism classes. About 100 are coming to Bible Study/evangelistic services.

Please pray for the building issue for the existing “New Life” church in Izium, the church building was ruined at the beginning of the war, now the church is gathering at a small shopping centre given for them to use, the owner of which wants to sell the building. If it happens the church is outside on the street. In the warm season they have an opportunity to gather together in a tent outside, but not in winter time…

For God’s protection in His Sovereignty for people in Kharkiv oblast (district). There were quite a few missile attacks starting the new year. It is said that russian side is going to bombard Kharkiv oblast and send troops then.

For special strength, stamina and wisdom for Vitalik and Tania, his wife, and their team (about 8 people) who have their house as “open house of mercy” for volunteers coming their way to help (they stay the night, wash the clothes, have a warm meal), children, teenagers, who lack love and care at home and come to get it in Vitalik and Tania’s house.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer and support. It is much appreciated.

Videos (show all)

Izium, Kharkivska oblast (district), Ukraine