Greenheart Community

Greenheart Community

Through services and activites, we break down socioeconomic barriers between people of all ages and abilities, regardless of their upbringing.

Through diversity and collaboration we celebrate a functional approach to health and wellness.



@greenheart_community | Linktree 24/01/2024

Our Link Tree - FREE Coaching and Chillaxing TOOLS:

@greenheart_community | Linktree Linktree. Make your link do more.


You might expect that someone who has studied human emotion would be a really nice guy, but what if the work of man starts by dropping Mr Nice?

There's a fundamental difference between being nice and being kind. It's trying to be nice all the time that gets us into trouble. The Mr Nice you meet favours certain outcomes that keep him out of trouble. In contrast, the phrase, 'you have to be cruel to be kind,' is more of a trait that society needs. Unfortunately, truth is slowly being weened out of community to our detriment.

If getting what you want is easier than being authentic, it's easy to see why so many fall into this trap. But, the reality is that hiding our true authentic expression damages all parties. The truth sometimes hurts, and nice guys will do anything to avoid hurting anyone or meeting conflict.

Nice guys need to be liked; truth seekers will do whatever it takes to unveil authenticity. Niceness is an adaptive behaviour that surrenders its power to an outcome, reference point or ideology that massages feelings of self-preservation, leverage and even grandiosity.

Kind men that seek truth over nice men that manipulate outcomes are the greatest asset to the well-being of our nation. Being nice does not win the war on emotional health, which is the foundation for mind-body balance. We are being actively and systematically manipulated and reduced to being passively agreeable and accommodating to those that control us, which is certainly not an act of kindness.

A kind man is a dangerous man, one who has the ability to shake systemic oppression at its core and reveal this truth.

Poet's Society on TikTok 03/04/2023

When the truth hits you in the face and there's nothig you can do about it...

Poet's Society on TikTok thats how leaders are made.


Featured Post:
If you're involved in community development, you've probably heard of an initiative known as an ASSET-based approach to community - 'placing people's skills, networks and community resources (their assets) alongside their needs to improve care and support'.

This is an excellent idea. But does it include everyone, including those in roles that set up and deliver the initiative and those outside of community development?

If a community is everyone, does this initiative translate across all sectors?

To the contrary, what if we all lived and operated from an 'accet' based approach to community?

If ACCET were an acronym, what might the letters stand for? And, could an 'accet' based system be more in keeping with what most people require?

Just imagine if every relational interaction you ever had included the following:

A - authenticity
C - congruency
C - compassion
E - empathy
T - transparency

How might your current state of emotional health and well-being differ if these were governing factors?

Holistic testing 30/12/2022

The focus for 2023 is to share enriching ways of developing this group as a robust platform that shares trauma-informed education with the sensitivity and integrity it requires. The question is, where can we support you and are you ready?

Some things to consider.

I have experienced first-hand the negative impact of using the word trauma. My subsequent approach is to use the T word as little as possible in specific environments. Why? Because without the proper introduction and processing space, there are usually two responses to the T word.

One: People turn away and passively ignore what's being said ­— perhaps due to the positive thinking arena that we live in — most people don't want to hear anything negative in a world that propels negativity. The issue here is that ignorance is NOT bliss and is at the root of poor communication, which causes further disconnect.

Two: The T word is highly activating and triggers an intense response (the fight part of the fight or flight response) in those with unresolved childhood programming. Many will challenge or bring up a good reason why they were left unattended, by the system or their caregivers, to normalise their lives.

When we respond to such situations, we get one of two outcomes: We either become pulled into the stories of others and find ourselves in a supporting role, or we shut down ourselves in some way, which inevitably re-traumatises those we are trying to help. This is why, as trauma-informed educators, we must define where we are on the hurting, healing or helping scale.

Hopefully, you can see why it's essential to have the resources and capacity to self-regulate, plus have the ability to sense emotional dissonance in others and know when the timing is right to introduce the T word.

Contact me directly to get support on any of the above content. The sessions are pre-funded, and we work at your pace.

Email - [email protected]

Take the Well-being Test

Holistic testing Using the latest research in holistic testing we analysis the Biological, Psychological and Social aspects of your life


Something worth sharing...


Something worth sharing...

Photos from Greenheart Community's post 26/08/2022

In response to being refused community funds to coach youngsters the art of fishing during the holiday period, Greenheart decided to go ahead with a single evidencing session. Fishing is a predominantly male sport, but more recently, women and girls are relaxing by the water's edge, as our learner ratio proved. Our one-off event supported by England fishing champion Paul Yates, had a great turnout, despite the weather. 4 teams made up of lads and Dad's, Grandad and Grandson, male and female teenage cousins were coached and then went up against Paul in a fishing match. The bank was full of smiles and laughter, evidencing that fishing is a multi-generational sport that brings people together to celebrate the great outdoors. Thanks to Paul Yates and all those down at Willow Garth fishery who supported this wonderful event.


I'm chuffed, we're gaining traction on our well-being test...

Comments on subsequent training in 'Compassion Fatigue' include the following:

"I am grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to access this training because no one else at a community level is talking about this subject - at certain times in my life, usually burnout, I've self-referred myself into IAPT and councilling type services and been thru BUPA occupational health via work for prolonged acute stress - anxiety derived predominantly as a result of my job...Nobody has ever mentioned (non) compassion fatigue or vicarious trauma.
It,s been an informative, thought-provoking morning to say the least... I've cried at least twice. I'll try and complete part 2 tomorrow as I need to take some time away from the screen now and digest the information I've taken in mentally & emotionally".

(Reposted) - Peterson Family Update June 2020 28/07/2022

Before you commit to a Benzodyazapine prescription... watch this.

(Reposted) - Peterson Family Update June 2020 This video discussion was previously released (June 30th, 2020) on my daughter Mikhaila's YouTube channel and podcast (

Compassion Fatigue ON DEMAND 22/07/2022

Greenheart Community has an opportunity for those caring for others in Doncaster to train alongside the amazing Gabor Mate. We have very limited spaces for certified, compassionate fatigue training. If you know someone that works hard supporting others in the community sector and could share this knowledge with their team inbox us.

Compassion Fatigue ON DEMAND Compassion Fatigue with Dr. Gabor Mate


Not sure if the Free link will still activate...but this film is highly recommended for anyone interested in ecology, healthy living, environmental issues or just plain common sense.


New resources can be found on our website...

In particular, on the psychology section look out for the tab marked:

Ownership over your physiological being.

Insights into why we do what we do and what we can do to gain a deeper connection to ourselves and others.


Art has the potential to calm the disturbed mind and yet positively disturb the calm mind. If you are an artist or want to explore the possibility that creativity can ease a troubled mind then this is for you.
‘Knowing Boundaries’ is an essential skillset for many, especially those empathetic individuals that seek to live in a more harmonious world. It seems the world is a hostile place, full of unwanted surprises. So quite often we stay in our protective bubbles.

It’s like there’s a disconnect. We want to reach out and grow and yet our boundaries have become so entrenched that we fail to identify what or who is safe anymore. But before we explore the outer world our inner terrain must be well tendered.

Cohesion is the latest buzz word and yet, as we observe our communities, we are more disenfranchised than ever before. So many have become lockdown by their emotions, that navigating change has become overwhelming. The task we have is to learn how to safely explore the inner turmoil of our own body-mind and then to safely explore how we can share what we find with others.

It takes great courage to do inner journey work and yet it can be quite simple. Although, simple does not imply easy, so we need as much help and support as we can get.

Creativity provides a safe nurturing childlike space where we can nurture those parts of ourselves, we once closed down from. When we discover that all of our parts serve us, in one way or another, we become whole again. This project invites you through guided audio to explore your inner terrain and celebrate what you find with the wider community.


Upon delivery of another workshop today, for people with long term health challenges, I wanted to highlight the importance of understanding trauma-related illness and how unspent emotions impact almost every pathway of the body-mind. We cannot separate the mind from the body and many people are told their illness is 'all in their head'.

We live under a medical system that is not equipped for many modern-day symptoms related to environmental toxicity. Toxic relationships, perhaps being the most damaging to our health. I am pleased to share that 1133 people have now successfully completed the Greenheart Well-being test, helping them with resources on how to self regulate and navigate their own personal wellness journey.


When we shine the light of awarness, on everything we do, the dark emotions, and people that dim our flame, fall like ashes to the bottom of a pit...


The event we are holding this topic on will be held at the Quaker Meeting House, Doncaster. From 10 a.m. on the 9th of April. It is completely free, although donations received would be gratefully appreciated.

Feeling connected or closed down by life 04/04/2022

When we feel connected our body engages the central nervous system (CNS), activating a state of rest and digest. Through no fault of their own, many people currently live in a constant state of fight or flight. The next stage is 'freeze' where the body begins to close down to further protect us. We cover solutions on how to turn the CNS around and more in a workshop on the 9th April at the Quaker Meeting House in Doncaster 10 am - 12

Feeling connected or closed down by life When we learn how to manage the signals from our central nervous system, we learn how to self regulate.

Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines | Sarah Hallberg | TEDxPurdueU 02/04/2022

Celebrating the life of the brave Sarah Hallberg who challenged the medical industry regarding diabetes education. Greenheart Community is currently supporting food education across Doncaster. If anything in this video challenges you or your client base we are here to open conversations around change.

Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines | Sarah Hallberg | TEDxPurdueU Can a person be "cured" of Type 2 Diabetes? Dr. Sarah Hallberg provides compelling evidence that it can, and the solution is simpler than you might think.Dr....

Is your work transactional or transformational? 30/03/2022

A transactional approach to change, where we do something new and expect it to last, is limited.

Is your work transactional or transformational? A short clip from Glen's somatic experiencing workshop


Balancing mood, mind and body is all about expansion and contraction, we explore this and more in a safe secure environment in this coming workshop: The Quaker Meeting House, Doncaster, 9th April 10am -12


After successful music and movement session last month at the Quaker Meeting House, Greenheart is offering ways to help you understand and integrate the benefits of somatic(body) therapy. The movie, 'Wisdom of Trauma' clearly shows that we are all in some way impacted by adverse childhood events. A trauma-informed community is one with less long term illness and more compassion. If you are a carer, therapist or feel trauma has impacted you in some way, embodyment skills are an essential tool for transformation.

Greenheart Community

Please share our of safety, unity and support.

Take the test below and help us develop better resources that could save lives...

Cos we’re all in this together.

Videos (show all)

When we shine the light of awarness, on everything we do, the dark emotions, and people that dim our flame, fall like as...
Balancing mood, mind and body is all about expansion and contraction, we explore this and more in a safe secure environm...
A video about understanding and combating F.E.A.R
Steps for a Greenheart community
Men's circles and why its good to talk
Great afternoon with some lovely people. Live music, home baked cake, art and fire without smoke. Let's do a Halloween p...
