Angelic Light

Angelic Light

Hello and a warm welcome to my page! I am also a Bookseller, and I am a Book Reviewer for NetGalley, The Pigeonhole, BookSirens and Edelweiss.

πŸ’œ Spiritual Readings
πŸ’œ Healing/Therapy Sessions
πŸ’œ Reiki/Energy Healing Courses
πŸ’œ Magickal Star Creations: Mystickal Jewels/Crystal Treasures/Starlight Gift Sets/Sun Sparklers/Wind Whisperers/Dream Enhancers/Wands of Enchantment
πŸ’œ Books & Book Reviews My name is Catherine Craig and I am a Medium & Intuitive, Energy Healer, Complementary Therapist and Reiki Master/Teacher. I also design and create M


πŸ’œSeptember Special Offer - Discount Code for Angelic Light! πŸ’œ

Hi everyone, I have extended my 25% off discount code until the evening of the 13th of September 2024! The discount code is SEPT25OFF and you can use this code as many times as you like on any of my services, such as my e-mailed Spiritual Readings, my distance Healing Sessions and my distance Attunement Courses, up until it expires. Enjoy!

Love, Catherine # # πŸ’œπŸŒˆ


Good afternoon everyone πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™


πŸ’œSeptember Special Offer - Discount Code for Angelic Light! πŸ’œ

Hi everyone, I have extended my 25% off discount code until the evening of the 13th of September 2024! The discount code is SEPT25OFF and you can use this code as many times as you like on any of my services, such as my e-mailed Spiritual Readings, my distance Healing Sessions and my distance Attunement Courses, up until it expires. Enjoy!

Love, Catherine # # πŸ’œπŸŒˆ

ANGELIC LIGHT WEBSTORE Spiritual Readings by e-mail, Distance Healing & Therapy Sessions, Magickal Star Creations (Mystickal Jewels, Crystal Treasures, Wind Whisperers, Sun Sparklers & Starlight Gift Boxes), Books & Book Reviews by Catherine Craig at Angelic Light, Scotland, UK.


πŸ’œ September Special Offer - new Discount Code for Angelic Light! πŸ’œ

I have a new discount code to offer you! This offer will give you 25% off anything in my Web Store, including my Spiritual Readings by e-mail, Distance Healing Sessions and Distance Attunement Courses. You can use the code as many times as you like until it expires on the evening of the 7th of September 2024. The code is SEPT25OFF

The link to my Web Store is if you are interested in my Special Offer.

I look forward to helping you along your path of light!

Lots of love and hugs, Catherine # # # πŸ’œπŸŒˆ


❀️ Distance Shamanic Healing Session - 30 minutes ❀️

With this session, you will receive a powerful healing and clearing, using a few different types of shamanic, animal or earth-based energy healing systems, as well as the energies of your animal guides, shamanic guides, plants, essential oils, crystals, stones, feathers or sound therapy.

You can choose the types of shamanic/animal/earth-based energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you. A list of these energy systems can be found on my Healing & Therapies page. Also on that page, you will find more detailed information about my Healing Sessions that you should read before you book your Healing Session.

This type of session is wonderful, as you can relax in the comfort of your own home while I send the energies to you. This is a beautiful session that will leave you feeling relaxed, calm, balanced and supported. It may also help to reduce any stress or tension that you may be feeling.

Please let me know when you book if there are any specific areas that you would like me to focus on during your session, such as basic health issues (but not medical), energy system issues, energy clearing, removing negative energies, cord cutting, space clearing, stress and anxiety reduction, clearing negative emotions, reducing trauma, fatigue, sleep issues, dream therapy, life path, soul retrieval, power retrieval, power animal connection or ancestral healing.

After your session is completed, I will e-mail you a paragraph of text explaining what happened during your session.

🌈 Price/Energy Exchange: £18.00

Please click here to find out more:

I look forward to bringing you some beautiful Shamanic energies!

Love, Catherine # # # ❀️


Good morning everyone ❀️❀️❀️


Thought for today πŸ’•


πŸ’œ September Special Offer - new Discount Code for Angelic Light! πŸ’œ

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well!

I have a new discount code to offer you, to welcome in September. This offer will give you 25% off anything in my Web Store, including my Spiritual Readings by e-mail, Distance Healing Sessions and Distance Attunement Courses. You can use the code as many times as you like until it expires on the evening of the 7th of September 2024. The code is SEPT25OFF

The link to my Web Store is if you are interested in my Special Offer.

I look forward to helping you along your path of light!

Lots of love and hugs, Catherine # # # πŸ’œπŸŒˆ


πŸ’™ Ethereal Crystals 1-12 and Ethereal Crystals Boosters Levels 1 & 2 Distance Course Package πŸ’™

It is now possible to give a powerful crystal healing, without physical crystals. Through attunement you gain access to a specific crystal's energy and can channel it by intention. These ethereal crystals are much stronger than those found in earth. You can place them on the body, just by pointing at a certain area of the body, and by thinking the stone's name. The stone will disappear when the energy is no longer needed. Furthermore, you can create powerful gem elixirs in seconds and increase the strength in certain gemstones by 400%. An Ethereal Crystal healing can stand alone or be combined with other healing methods, such as Reiki or Spiritual Healing. You can also perform distance ethereal crystal healing using this method.

Crystals attuned to during Ethereal Crystals 1-3: Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Pink Beryl (Morganite), Blue Lace Agate, Botswana Agate, Green Calcite, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Single Terminated Clear Quartz Crystal, Diamond, Single Terminated Clear Quartz Crystal, Emerald, Hematite, Red Jasper, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sodalite and Turquoise.

Crytals attuned to during Ethereal Crystals 4-6: Alexandrite, Amazonite, Azurite, Bloodstone, Gold Calcite, Fire Opal, Fluorite, Red Garnet, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Moldavite, Moonstone, Peridot, Pyrite, Blue Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Black Tourmaline, Violet Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline and Double Terminated Clear Quartz Crystal.

Crystals attuned to during Ethereal Crystals 7-9: Charoite, Sugilite, Rhodochrosite, Pyrite Sun, African Jade (Prasem), Snowflake Obsidian, Apache Tears, Moqui Marbles, Boji Stones, Tektite, Chalcedony, Larimar (Atlantis Stone), Labradorite, Kunzite, Heliotrope, Kyanite, Apophylite, Ruby-Zoisite and Tanzanite.

Crystals attuned to during Ethereal Crystals 10-12: Cavansite, Celestite, Blue Diamond, Dumortierite (Blue Quartz), Euclase, Fairy Quartz, Fossils, Girasol, Papagoite, Petrified Dinosaur Bone, Silver Tibetan "Black" Quartz, Verdite, Witches Finer (Witches Finger Quartz) and Zebra Stone.

Crystals attuned to during Ethereal Crystals Booster Level 1: Merlinite, Yellow Fluorite, Lavender Quartz, Pecos Diamond, Opal Quartz, Holy Stone, Strawberry Quartz, Green Zincite, Rose Quartz Elestial and Orbicular Jasper (Ocean Jasper).

Crystals attuned to during Ethereal Crystals Booster Level 2: Tangerine Quartz, Super Seven, Red Phantom Quartz, Silver Rutilated Quartz, Lemurian Star Seed Quartz and Rose Amethyst.

Once you have been attuned to these systems, you will be able to use these energies for yourself and others, and you will be able to pass the attunements and manuals on to others.

You will receive:

πŸ“– 13 e-mailed pdf manuals

🌟 All distance attunements, sent in five separate sessions (chiball or real-time)

πŸŽ“ 1 e-mailed pdf certificate

πŸ“§ My full support by e-mail before, during and after your courses.

You will receive all of your attunements sent in 5 separate attunement sessions as follows: The first session will attune you to Ethereal Crystals Levels 1-3, the second session will attune you to Levels 4-6, the third session will attune you to Levels 7-9, the fourth session will attune you to Levels 10-12 and the fifth session will attune you to Ethereal Crystals Boosters Levels 1 & 2.

The Founders are: Ole Gabrielsen founded Ethereal Crystals 1-9, Victor Glanckopf founded Ethereal Crystals 10-12 and Suraya founded Ethereal Crystals Boosters Levels 1 & 2.

Dates of Creation: Unknown

Healing Systems or Empowerments? Both

Prerequisites: Ethereal Crystals 1-12 must be completed in order before the Boosters.

Length of Attunement Sessions: 20-30 minutes each. It is advisable to leave around 2-3 days or more in between each session, to give your body time to get used to the energies.

Fixed Fee Guidelines: please note, Ethereal Crystals 10-12 alone has a fixed fee of between $15-$30 set by the founder. This fee is included in the package price.

🌈 Price/Energy Exchange: £50.00

Case Studies: If you wish, you can complete case studies for these courses, although this is not compulsory. If you do not wish to complete case studies, you will receive Certificates of Attunement. If you do wish to complete case studies, you will receive Certificates of Mastery, which mention that you have completed case studies.

For more information on my Courses, please visit my Courses page on my website.

Please see this link to view this course on my website:

I look forward to helping you with your studies!

Love, Catherine # # # πŸ’™


Good afternoon everyone πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


Good evening everyone, hope you are all well πŸ’™πŸŒŸπŸ’™

Reviews for Readings 04/09/2024

πŸ’œ 1 Page Reading by email πŸ’œ

Would you like to receive some spiritual guidance, or would you like to find out who is around you from the spiritual realms? If so, why not book a 1 page channelled Reading with me, as a gift to yourself. You deserve it!

This beautiful 1 page Spiritual Reading will be lovingly channelled for you for approximately 20 minutes and your messages will be typed up for you onto a pdf file and sent to you by e-mail. Your 1 page Reading will be approximately 700-800 words long.

The Readings I do come through in a similar fashion to Spiritual Counselling and all of the messages will be brought to you in a loving way that will leave you feeling inspired, empowered and ready to move on to the next stage of your life. They can be very healing, touching, uplifting, motivational and even educational, and I just love bringing through these Readings.

The types of Readings I offer are as follows:

πŸ’œ Angel & Ascension
πŸ’œ Colour & Crystal
πŸ’œ Divine Guidance
πŸ’œ Magickal
πŸ’œ Nature
πŸ’œ Past Life
πŸ’œ Spirit (Mediumship)
πŸ’œ Spirit Guide

This Reading is perfect for answering one question or receiving guidance on one area of your life.

Some things I can help you with and that you can ask me about include the following: romance/love, career/ basic finances/abundance, general health (but not medical), your energy system/chakras/aura, colour therapy, life purpose/life path, spiritual growth/ascension, past lives, family life, who is around you (angels, guides, nature spirits, beings of light, departed loved ones), plants/herbs, crystal therapy, animal communication and magickal work.

Please note, I cannot answer questions of a serious medical, legal, criminal or financial nature. Readings are "for spiritual and entertainment purposes only and have not been scientifically proven." You must be 18 years old to receive a Reading.

🌈 Price/Energy Exchange: £22

The current waiting time to receive your Reading after you book is: approximately 7-10 days.

Please see the following link to view my 1 page Reading:

I look forward to doing a Reading for you and bringing you loving and uplifting guidance from spirit, the angels, ascended masters or your spirit guides, to help you along your path of light. Love and hugs, Catherine # # # πŸ’œ


πŸ’œ Mini Reading by email πŸ’œ

Would you like to receive some spiritual guidance, or would you like to find out who is around you from the spiritual realms? If so, why not book a channelled Reading with me, as a gift to yourself. You deserve it!

This beautiful Reading will be lovingly channelled for you for approximately 10 minutes and your messages will be typed up for you onto a pdf file and sent to you by e-mail. Your Reading will be approximately 350-400 words long.

The Readings I do come through in a similar fashion to Spiritual Counselling and all of the messages will be brought to you in a loving way that will leave you feeling inspired, empowered and ready to move on to the next stage of your life. They can be very healing, touching, uplifting, motivational and even educational, and I just love bringing through these Readings.

The types of Readings I offer are as follows:

πŸ’œ Angel & Ascension
πŸ’œ Colour & Crystal
πŸ’œ Divine Guidance
πŸ’œ Magickal
πŸ’œ Nature
πŸ’œ Past Life
πŸ’œ Spirit (Mediumship)
πŸ’œ Spirit Guide

This Reading is perfect for answering one question or receiving guidance on one area of your life. This is a wonderful taster session of my work if you are only looking for a small Reading or if you just want to try out my work for the first time.

Some things I can help you with and that you can ask me about include the following: romance/love, career/basic finances/abundance, general health (but not medical), your energy system/chakras/aura, colour therapy, life purpose/life path, spiritual growth/ascension, past lives, family life, who is around you (angels, guides, nature spirits, beings of light, departed loved ones), plants/herbs, crystal therapy, animal communication and magickal work.

Please note, I cannot answer questions of a serious medical, legal, criminal or financial nature. Readings are "for spiritual and entertainment purposes only and have not been scientifically proven." You must be 18 years old to receive a Reading.

🌈 Price/Energy Exchange: £12

The current waiting time to receive your Reading after you book is: approximately 7-10 days.

Please see the following link to view my Mini Reading:


πŸ’œ Mini Reading by email πŸ’œ

Would you like to receive some spiritual guidance, or would you like to find out who is around you from the spiritual realms? If so, why not book a channelled Reading with me, as a gift to yourself. You deserve it!

This beautiful Reading will be lovingly channelled for you for approximately 10 minutes and your messages will be typed up for you onto a pdf file and sent to you by e-mail. Your Reading will be approximately 350-400 words long.

The Readings I do come through in a similar fashion to Spiritual Counselling and all of the messages will be brought to you in a loving way that will leave you feeling inspired, empowered and ready to move on to the next stage of your life. They can be very healing, touching, uplifting, motivational and even educational, and I just love bringing through these Readings.

The types of Readings I offer are as follows:

πŸ’œ Angel & Ascension
πŸ’œ Colour & Crystal
πŸ’œ Divine Guidance
πŸ’œ Magickal
πŸ’œ Nature
πŸ’œ Past Life
πŸ’œ Spirit (Mediumship)
πŸ’œ Spirit Guide

This Reading is perfect for answering one question or receiving guidance on one area of your life. This is a wonderful taster session of my work if you are only looking for a small Reading or if you just want to try out my work for the first time.

Some things I can help you with and that you can ask me about include the following: romance/love, career/basic finances/abundance, general health (but not medical), your energy system/chakras/aura, colour therapy, life purpose/life path, spiritual growth/ascension, past lives, family life, who is around you (angels, guides, nature spirits, beings of light, departed loved ones), plants/herbs, crystal therapy, animal communication and magickal work.

Please note, I cannot answer questions of a serious medical, legal, criminal or financial nature. Readings are "for spiritual and entertainment purposes only and have not been scientifically proven." You must be 18 years old to receive a Reading.

🌈 Price/Energy Exchange: £12

The current waiting time to receive your Reading after you book is: approximately 7-10 days.

Please see the following link to view my Mini Reading:

I look forward to doing a Reading for you and bringing you loving and uplifting guidance from spirit, the angels, ascended masters or your spirit guides, to help you along your path of light! Love and hugs, Catherine # # # πŸ’œ




πŸ’™ Distance Angel & Ascension Therapy Session - 30 minutes πŸ’™

With this session, you will receive a heart-based and compassionate healing and clearing, using one or two different types of Angel & Ascension energy healing systems, as well as the energies of the angels, archangels, guides or ascended beings.

You can choose the types of Angel & Ascension energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you. A list of these energy systems can be found on my Healing & Therapies page. Also on that page, you will find more detailed information about my Healing Sessions that you should read before you receive your Healing Session.

This session is wonderful, as you can relax in the comfort of your own home while I send the energies to you. This is a comforting session that will leave you feeling relaxed, calm and supported by the angels, guides and masters. It may also help to reduce any stress that you may be feeling.

Please let me know when you book if there are any specific areas that you would like me to focus on during your session, such as basic health issues (but not medical), energy system issues, energy clearing, removing negative energies, cord cutting, space clearing, stress and anxiety reduction, clearing negative emotions, reducing trauma, fatigue, sleep issues, dream therapy or life path.

After your session is completed, I will e-mail you a paragraph of text explaining what happened during your session.

🌈 Price/Energy Exchange: £18.00

Please click here to find out more:

I look forward to bringing you some beautiful Angel & Ascension energies!

Love, Catherine # # #

Videos (show all)

❀️ Distance Shamanic Healing Session - 30 minutes ❀️ With this session, you will receive a powerful healing and clearing...
πŸ’™ Distance Angel & Ascension Therapy Session - 30 minutes πŸ’™With this session, you will receive a heart-based and compass...
Today is the last day of my 25% off Special Offer! To take advantage of this offer, please use the code AUG25OFF on my w... #angels #ascension #angelreadings #spiritualreadings #spirituality #channelledmessa...
πŸ’š Archangel Raphael's Healing Hands Empowerment Distance Course πŸ’šFrom the founder, Amanda Hadley: "The energies of this ...
Thankyou for the review πŸ’™
πŸ’™ The New Energies of Archangel Michael Distance Course πŸ’™By using the New Energies of Archangel Michael you will gain ma...
πŸ’™ Distance Angel & Ascension Therapy Session - 30 minutes πŸ’™ - ✨️ NEW SPECIAL OFFER - 25% OFF! ✨️With this session, you w...
πŸ’œ 2 Page Reading πŸ’œ - *25% OFF, for a limited time only!*If you are in need of some spiritual guidance, or you would just...
❀️ Distance Shamanic Healing Session - 30 minutes ❀️ With this session, you will receive a powerful healing and clearing...


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 14:00
Thursday 10:00 - 14:00
Friday 10:00 - 14:00