Soulful Woman Rising

Soulful Woman Rising

Awakening Authenticity
by breaking free from limitation and creating a fulfilling life Hello and welcome. It’s such a joy to connect with you.

I’m Helen the founder of Soulful Woman Rising®, creator of Soul Alignment Medicine™ and Soul Alignment Coach. I am an advocate for self-empowerment, mental health and emotional wellbeing through the awareness, understanding and embodiment of our inner archetypes. I believe that by becoming our own authority, we can successfully activate our inner power, cultivate our archetype resources and elevat



‘Over the last couple of decades I have participated in numerous Circles and Ceremonies, both in person and online. For me, feeling safe and protected throughout is a top priority.

Helen's Ceremonies are absolutely second to none. She holds space beautifully and I always feel absolutely Protected throughout this enabling me to fully immerse myself in Trust, as I embark on her journeys.

Her ceremonies are powerful and always thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening and infused with incredible yet easily digestible Wisdom... a real Soul cleanse.

Furthermore, Helen's aftercare is always superb too, with both direct and indirect advice and checking in. I have recommended her Ceremonies to a number of my friends and Yogi peers and Helen never ever disappoints.

I highly recommend joining Helen for one of her incredible journeys. See you there.’


✨ Online Ceremonies are held on the first Sunday of each month 7-9pm GMT



This page is no longer active and will be removed at the end of this year.

🙏🏼 You’ll find insights, tips and events that support your well-being journey over at The Medicine Tent.




Photos from Soulful Woman Rising's post 31/10/2023

A reflection on Sundays ‘Wisdom Of The Oracle’ retreat day.

It was my final day in service, as Soulful Woman Rising and it felt very apt that the day focussed on our inner oracle: the Wise Woman! It is this character within my inner community, that has guided me to transition into The Medicine Tent.

We opened circle by welcoming in the cardinal directions and sacred elements. We then connected to the energies of the vertical plane: the sacred feminine and masculine. After collectively setting protection, the container we created felt safe.

We spent time exploring the essence of the Wise Woman within and how she shows up for us. After wisdom sharing, we participated in the ritual of sharing ceremonial cacao, in preparation for a guided shamanic journey.

It was an honour to guide these courageous woman into the Lower Realms to meet their Wise Woman self. They explored various chambers there to gain insight into their wounds, rescind outdated contracts and retrieve healed soul fragments. It was epic on many levels.

After a nourishing sharing lunch, we spent time aligning our Wise Woman self to our chosen Oracle deck. We selected the ‘Celtic Compass’ 9 card spread to provide insight, clarity and direction for the period ahead of us.

During circle share, each woman bravely shared her experience. All received what they personally needed from the day and on this part of their path. It was emotional, inspiring and empowering.

My next event in the Midlands area will be Sunday 26th November. Circle will be open to both women and men, so that collectively we can begin to unite these essences within us.

If you are ready to THRIVE, by connecting to your inner medicine of AUTHORITY (self governance), ALCHEMY(transformation & creation) and ALIGNMENT (fulfilment of potential & purpose), please remember to register at

In gratitude for all of the incredible women I have served on my path. I see you. I hear you. I acknowledge you.

Helen 🙏🏼


With only 2 days left until the official launch, will you be joining the women and men who have already registered?

Your seat in the online ‘11.11 Activation’ is waiting for you to claim it. It may be FREE, but the benefits are priceless.


As a thank you for your support, I've got something special for everyone that pre-registers on The Medicine Tent® website.

The great thing is ... everyone's a winner and entries are FREE! The PRIZE - a seat in circle at my LIVE online '11.11 Sacred Activation'

There's only 2 days left, so head on over to the website and register to be included on the mailing list at

11.11 Sacred Activation ... ideal for those you are:
- yearning for a deeper alignment with their true essence, in order to experience life more authentically.
- ready to harmonise their feminine and masculine elements, for increased peace and balance.
- curious about aligning to the infinite resources of both their feminine and masculine elements for increased resourcefulness, adaptability and fulfilment?

You'll receive the Zoom login details by email on the 10th Nov, so remember to check your inbox.



I send this communication to you all, with mixed feelings. I have a heavy sadness in my heart, as I say goodbye to you all, as the founder of Soulful Woman Rising. However, I am also sensing a rising in my heart, in excited anticipation for continuing our connection in a more aligned way.

Since re-locating to Wales two years ago, I’ve experienced a huge vibrational shift, that has influenced me personally and professionally. It created the need for me to pace myself in relation to work, so that I had ample time to commit to healing, integration and embodiment. I have spent much time in chosen isolation, which I also affectionately relate to as my cave. This has allowed me to spend time in ceremony with various plants such as dandelion, hawthorn, rose and mugwort, as well as cacao. The plants have been a welcomed medicine that have gifted me insights and direction.

I now fully realise why I was called to move to Wales. The sacred lands here, have helped me to remember and reclaim my sacred essence and gifts on a new, deeper level. I have visited many sacred sites that are within waking distance or a short drive from my home. These sites and the wisdom of the ancient ancestors that resided there once upon a time, have ignited the re-emergence of my inner Medicine Woman.

On my transitional journey, I came to I understand that I had repressed this archetype, not just in this, but also in other lifetimes. I had a deep fear of persecution, that was running in my red thread, that required my attention. I began consciously working with this as a theme in October 2022, in honour of my grandmother. I have never met my grandmother in life, as she was sectioned when my mother was a girl of 10 years old. However, I have had the pleasure of meeting her spirit and working with her. In May this year, she was welcomed into the Celtic Roundhouse by the ancient ones and her spirit is now at peace.

The story is a long one, so I won't go into it in full here. However, I would like to share the main threads that wove a cloak of invisibility, that I had unconsciously placed over myself. A cloak of protection, to prevent me from experiencing the same generational experience. The threads include fear of persecution, betrayal, abandonment, judgment and rejection. Yep, there was much to work through, on behalf of myself and my maternal line.

When I begin to unravel the threads of my inherited beliefs, emotional trauma and behavioural patterns, it felt overwhelming. Maybe you've experienced that sense too? It almost felt like it was too heavy a burden to carry and heal. I had some amazing sisters encouraging me and supporting me though, and of course very understanding clients, who knew that I would show up in service when I could. Thank you all for being so patient and tolerant. Words can't express how grateful I am to you for your continued trust in me. I am so honoured to have a circle of such incredible women, who offered me space to walk my talk.

What emerged from this valuable healing time, is the next level of service. I was shown that for women and men to heal the separation that exists in society, it is key that we come together in circle. Through the power of circle, we can gain understanding of each others gender challenges, have compassion for each others experiences and heal the gender wounds of separation. This is why it is time to say goodbye. Soulful Woman Rising does not align to mixed gender offerings. In a weeks time, Soulful Woman Rising will morph into its new form; The Medicine Tent®.

It has been my pleasure for the last three years to serve all of the women who felt called to Soulful Woman Rising. I feel deeply honoured to have sat in circle with so many of you, to have worked on a one-to-one basis and shared retreats, as well as hosting some of you at my home in Snowdonia. I would like to invite you to join me on my adjusted path. As of today, you can register at The Medicine Tent® by clicking on the link below. For those who register before the 1st November, I am offering a place in my '11.11 Live Online Journey Circle'.

I would be most grateful if you could share with friends and on your social media channels too. With current algorithms, it can be difficult to be seen in a sea of noise and content. Your help in being able to reach as many people as possible, is appreciated.

With loving blessings, from my heart to yours


The day is welcomed in this morning by a beautiful pink sunrise. 🌅

Feeling deeply grateful for this day and excited about what will unfold.

Note: Photo doesn’t really do it justice. Energy much more inspiring in reality.

Soulful Woman Rising | Destiny Rising | Online Gathering 05/08/2023

Hello dear sisters, I’d like to share and invite you to a circle that I’m holding online tomorrow evening.
We are in a time when we are being called to RECLAIM our SOVEREIGNTY of pure love, peace, joy, prosperity, unity and freedom.
The KEY to Sovereignty lies in the activation of our Ascension Chakras. During this ceremony we focus on detoxing dense energies that prevent you from accessing these chakras. Through a guided journey you will then activate your Ascension Chakras, in readiness for a full Sovereign Activation ceremony on 8.8 (FREE for those who register for Destiny Rising)
Sovereignty is our birthright.
Sovereignty is our DESTINY!
Are you ready to RECLAIM your Throne?
Register NOW at

Soulful Woman Rising | Destiny Rising | Online Gathering Hello, I’m Helen the founder of Soulful Woman Rising® and I’m delighted that you have landed here. Thank you for your presence. My online ceremonies are an opportunity for evolving women to gather in circle and generate welcomed transformation within themselves and their lives. My intention is ...


This is a recording of a Live Ceremony that took place on 7.7.7.
This Activation can however, be completed at any time that you feel drawn to work with your Sirian Guides and the Sirian Medicine Keepers.
During this ceremony, you will be guided through a full purification of your 13 Chakras, releasing all dense energies that bind you to 3D or 4D frequencies. These are energies such as:
- limiting beliefs about yourself e.g self doubt
- emotional patterns e.g victim consciousness
- unhealthy behaviours e.g procrastination
- sabotaging imprints e.g people pleasing tendencies

The purification ceremony also includes the removal of misqualified karmic energies, redundant akashic records and etherial devices such as viruses, implants and blockers.
In the Activation stage of the ceremony, you will be guided to Sirian Temple where the Medicine Keepers will initiate your Sirian Light Codes and re-establish your Sirian circuitry, preparing you for the next stage of your life journey.
These codes of light and energetic circuitry will allow you to more ready connect with 5D frequencies and your TRUE SELF essence which includes:
- empowering beliefs about yourself e.g self trust, self faith
- emotional resilience and ability to maintain boundaries
- personal discernment/ intuitive decision making
- healthy and empowering behaviours e.g aligned and timely action
May you receive the gifts that you desire and deserve from this Activation, so that you can THRIVE!
With love and blessings, from my heart to yours
Helen 🙏🏼


Always SURPRISED ... but never shocked
The POWER of numbers is at play again today.
Today is 7.7.7 - for those new to numerology it is the 7th day, of the 7th month, in a 7 year (2+0+2+3)
And guess what ......
21 women have chosen to gather this evening for the Sirian Activation. (7+7+7=21)
You really can't make this stuff up!
Feeling eternally grateful and deeply honoured to be in service to this wonderful planet we call home


REGISTRATION closes at midnight tonight

We are being gifted by our Star brothers and sisters the opportunity to work with their codes of light to enhance our progression here on earth and to facilitate the collective birthing of the New Earth.

You are our OWN healing authority with the capability to liberate yourself of the dense layers of your False Self energies such as:
- limiting beliefs that keep you trapped in cycles of 'not enough'
- emotional wounds that generate unhelpful emotional patterns that encage you in unconscious fear
- unhealthy behavioural patterns that sabotage who you are and prevent you from experiencing the life you are here to live

You are our OWN medicine woman with the capacity to embody your TRUE SELF essence. You are HERE to realise your full potential, limitless power and highest purpose!
The NEXT level of ascension is upon us dear sister. Are you ready? Fantastic! Thank you for listening to the call of your heart and soul. Come join myself and other like-hearted soul sisters as we unite at 7pm (GMT) on the 7.7.7 for a Sirian Portal Activation

To reserve your seat in circle, please click the link below.


How are you feeling today dear friend?

Do you feel the energies shifting following the opening of the Sirian portal yesterday?

What is rising within you that is being called to be released?
At this pivotal energetic time, I invite you to enter your inner Winter, so you can be with your Wise Woman self.
To access your inner Winter, requires you to BE. To BE still and silent. DOING is avoidant energy that prevents us from being present with our ‘SELF’
We are heading towards the peak of the portal on Friday (7.7.7). Our body, heart, mind and soul is now in a phase of purging, clearing the way for us to receive new codes of light. As this chapter closes, another is ready to open. We are entering the next phase of ascension and self-realisation.
I am hosting a FREE event on Friday for those feeling called to activate their new codes of light. The time is HERE. The time is NOW!

If you would like to be part of this online gathering, you are welcome to reserve your seat in circle here:


To all my friends who JOURNAL

Can you HELP me please? Thank you 🙏🏼

If you could suggest one question prompt that would help someone new to journaling … what would it be?

E.g name 3 things your grateful for today

📷 Image credit: Joel Muniz - Unsplash



Feeling deeply blessed and incredibly grateful for this day.
This solstice is certainly unfolding in unimaginable ways and expanding so gracefully in, through and around me. 🥰
The solstice gateway for me personally opened last Tuesday and what a blissful week it has been.
I’m discovering more and more, that my soul is guiding me to honour these transitional points in the Wheel of the Year, over a period of time that extends beyond a single day.
This is a powerful reminder that when we commit and invest in ourselves, we are rewarded beyond all measure!
The past week has been a sacred process of re-membering that I will always treasure. A time that will remain sanctum between me, my spiritual guides and the people I shared it with.
I honour myself, the process and my soul tribe for being there. Thank you from all facets of my being.
I feel guided to share and offer thanks for being witnessed here in this space.
Today …
I am grateful to all those on the planet who are committed the path of ascension. We ARE making REAL shifts! I see it, feel it and know it. Thank you 🙏🏼 I honour you and your contribution towards the collective activations and growth 🤗

I am grateful to ME. Thank you for not giving up when your false self was trying to convince you otherwise. For staying TRUE to your beliefs, values and intuition. For being STRONG when you could have chosen weakness. For choosing COURAGE when you could have stayed in fear. I love you 💜

If you too feel guided to share how you are feeling on this day, please use the comments as a circle space.

So be it. So it is. It is done 🌎✨


I feel truly blessed for the creativity to get to have in my business. It definitely heals my inner child, giving her the opportunity to explore textures, fabrics, colours and materials.
As a child Loved art, colour, texture and anything that involved unitising my hands. At 14 years old however, I developed a negative narrative and emotional wounds in connection with anything remotely artistic.
In our GCSE selection process at school, I was made to take German in the column in which I wanted to choose Art. Back in the 90's we were made to learn a foreign language and so my creative days came to an abrupt end. I was gutted and a part of me shut down.
Having healed my 'creativity' wound and reclaimed my inner artist archetype, I love weaving creativity into my work when I can. I no longer believe 'I'm not creative' or what I produce 'isn't good enough', as I now allow myself to be present with what I am creating and understand it's a process .
This Sunday I'm hosting a Retreat Day for women to connect or in some cases, reconnect with their inner artist and inner shaman. As we sit in circle together, they will birth their own Shamanic Feather Wand to use as their personal medicine tool.
Today I'm preparing for Sundays retreat by sitting in ceremony with the feathers that will be used and blessing them for their onward journey to be utilised by a different woman. May all who have chosen to gather rise to meet this sacred part of themselves and each other.


Only 6 more sleeps until 10 incredible women gather in circle with me in the stunning Snowdonia-Nationalpark!
🏔️ 🌊
A weekend of gentle activities intended to facilitate self-exploration, self-empowerment & self-expansion.
I’m excited to see what will unfold for us all individually and collectively as a group. When we are in circle, we are all present as both the teacher and student, sharing our stories and learning from the stories of others.
A genuine celebration of women, the challenges that cultivated our super powers and the person we have become and are today.

Soulful Woman Rising | Rise & Thrive Retreat 2023 02/03/2023

Is your mind, body or heart yearning for some YOU time?
Is it time to retreat from daily life, so you can immerse yourself in practices that help you to relax, rebalance & recharge?
You are invited to join myself and other like-hearted women at this years Rise & Thrive Retreat which is taking place in the stunning Snowdonia-Nationalpark

This retreat offers a friendly, nurturing space for women to come together for individual and collective transformation, expansion and celebration!

To discover more or reserve your place, click the link below

Soulful Woman Rising | Rise & Thrive Retreat 2023 Hello beautiful friend and welcome. I am delighted to connect with you here, in this space and share with you my retreat offering for 2023. RISE and THRIVE is intended to support your journey home to the FULL power and potentiality of your TRUE self. This retreat offers a friendly, nurturing space f...


Blessed day supporting 2 women through my 1:1 self-realisation mentoring offering.
This mornings client is transitioning through a big life change, whilst at the same time navigating through the loss of her father.
This afternoons client is working with her shadow self to reconcile her childhood wounds that generated people pleasing tendencies.
Are you going through a life change or experiencing a challenge right now & would benefit from support?
New mentoring slots become available in April. I am therefore currently booking in Discovery calls for those wishing to begin a 12-week mentoring process with me. You can schedule yours here

Self- realisation is a wonderful gift of self-love.

Valentines blessings
Helen 🙏🏼

Videos (show all)

💫 Thoroughly enjoying sitting in my creative space today, as I prepare the personalised program for next weeks guests.. ...
REPLAY: 2.2 Light Code ActivationAmy and I held circle tonight for women who felt called to transcend their conditioning...
NATURES MEDICINE🌍The easiest way for me to relax is in nature.🌿Connecting to the element of earth helps me to be grounde...
Showing appreciation today for all the signs which have provided guidance and sign-posted me in the right direction, whe...
Beltane / Samgain Blessings
Are you ready to rise and thrive?
