Family Box Club

Family Box Club

Family Box Club is the brand new way to give the gift of quality time, either to your own family or


When it's been quite the term! 😂


💙 RIP Arthur 💙

RIP Arthur - A special message to a boy in heaven who loved football and just wanted someone to love him. Grassroots Football will dedicate this weekend to you, the grassroots football community will send all our love to you. Forever in our hearts and forever 6.




If you find yourself changed by the events of this decade so far,
imagine how it’s affected the kids.
We have been alive for many years and been through a lot,
you and I,
and yet,
this has hit us pretty hard and shaken our very core.
Based on percentages,
the kids now only really know and remember this ‘new normal’.
The old days will be very much in the past to them,
on the scale of their little lives.
So, as they leave the safety of summer and head back into this ever-changing world.
Remember, they are kids.
Let them fidget,
let them cry,
let them come home and fuss over nothing,
let them cuddle a little longer,
let them into your bed if that’s where they find their peace.
They are not with us for long.
And this world is scary right now, so much change and so much risk and the talk of ‘going backwards’ an ever present threat.

And as for the teenagers, try looking through their bolshy exteriors and see the inner child cowering inside.

Let the kids do what they need to, they have been through a lot.

Donna Ashworth



Art by Lucy Campbell ‘Starry Bear’ Lucy Campbell

Photos from St Bede's Catholic Primary, Jarrow's post 12/07/2021

Love this SO much! I hope schools across the country follow suit and these amazing role models are deluged with letters of love and support ❤️👏


😂 Applies for all age groups, I think!

Mine's been planning invites since January. His birthday is in December 🤷‍♀️ ⁠



An old video I shared years ago! Can't wait to be able to dance in the street together again 😍🙌




The Family Box is the brand new way to give the gift of quality time – either to your own family, or as a very special gift to a family you love.

Whatever your family set-up – part-time working, full-time working, stay at home parent, single parent, running a business, studying, raising babies, caring for family or – like most of us – trying your best to juggle various roles and hoping we don’t mess up too badly along the way – it often feels impossible to find the time to do all the things we would like to do with our children. The sitting down and listening. Talking. Playing. Planning. Unplugging and discussing. Laughing and having fun. Life just gets in the way. There are so many demands on our time that push quality family time further and further down the pile, despite our best intentions.

This is where The Family Box comes in. Think of us as the parental Robin to your Batman. The Dr. Watson to your Sherlock Holmes. The Cagney to your Lacey (for the 80s kids!) Whatever your preferred sidekick analogy, we take the planning and preparation off your never-ending to-do list and send you a ‘box of tricks’ to make you look like the most amazingly organised and fun parent ever – all you have to do is accept all of the glory and simply carve out whatever time will work best for your family circumstances to go through the box together. Enjoy it all at once, or spread out throughout the month.

Each box will arrive as an exciting personalised gift in the post, making the unboxing part of the experience. Your box will contain a selection of fun games, challenges and activities, all chosen and designed to help put the heart into your family, covering all age ranges and family set-ups, either every month or for however long you choose to subscribe.

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Magic sweets
We're back with a shiny, happy new name- hello from Family Box Club! 😍 We've got a lot of work to re-do and re-print, so...