Wolverhampton / Walsall Socialist Workers Party Videos

Videos by Wolverhampton / Walsall Socialist Workers Party. We are the local branch of the Socialist Workers Party a revolutionary party for socialism, internationalism and against racism, imperialism and oppression

Other Wolverhampton / Walsall Socialist Workers Party videos

Can Workers Run Society?
Hector Puente Sierra's opening talk at our Black Country Meeting last night on Can Worker's Run Society?

Lenin at 150 - The relevance of his ideas for today
Our meeting this evening was on Lenin at 150 - Sean Doherty explored the relevance of Lenin's ideas today, particularly in light of events in the Labour Party and the crisis of COVID 19.

WW2 to coronavirus - why we're not 'all in it together'
Excellent turnout again for our meeting last night with Mark Thomas on "World War 2 to coronavirus - why we're not 'all in it together.'" You can watch Mark's opening talk to the meeting on this video. Great contributions in the meeting from people in the frontline of experiencing the reality of COVID 19 in Tory Britain from those on the end of privatised care services to people working in the NHS and the retail sector and those organising community responses to COVID 19. #ClassPolitics #PeopleBeforeProfit #JoinTheSWP

Unwelcoming Boris Johnson
Unwelcoming Boris Johnson and his party at their campaign launch this evening at the NEC

Summing up: Antisemitism, the Far-Right, Zionism and the Left
Rob Fergusn summing up at the end of his talk on 'Antisemitism, the Far-right, Zionism and the Left'.

Antisemitism, the Far Right, Zionism and the Left
The far right has risen on the tide of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate; this has in turn fuelled old hatreds. Antisemitism has returned to haunt us and has become an ideological weopon for the far right.

Video of this evening’s talk by Charlie Kimber Editor of Socialist Worker on The Labour Party - A Marxist History

Sally Campbell speaking about Rosa Luxembourg this evening in Wolverhampton.