

Breath Coach - breath work for all improve your mental & physical health


♥️ I love this from Jay Shetty, it took me a long time to realise this, even though I didn’t feel mentally stressed my body was (& still is, telling a different story - work in progress with improvements all the time)

📖 The book ‘The body keeps the score’ by Bessel Van Der Kolk talks more throughly about this - I highly recommend it.

❗️What parts of your body are in pain, ache? Your body talks - so listen. We often unconsciously suppress emotional energy in our nervous system which can create pain, it is possible with deep conscious breath work to let your body feel safe enough to let go of these trapped emotions & then the physical pain.


✨ Spring cleaned breathing studio !

✨ Can’t wait to welcome all my Sept clients

✨ If you didn’t know I offer Breathwork for breath dysfunctions such as sleep apnoea, snoring, asthma plus deep dive Breathwork for anxiety / stress in my studio here in Steyning, West Sussex, plus online internationally!

✨ Have a great weekend y’all - Mel x


Our house this morning- anyone else 🤣

Photos from Breathgal's post 03/09/2024

💡 Here’s a few reasons why:

✨ Consistency: If breathwork is only occasional, the benefits may fade quickly. Make it a daily habit for more lasting effects.
✨ Stressors: Daily stressors—like work demands or unexpected challenges—can counteract the calm you’ve cultivated. Regular practice helps build resilience.
✨ Overall Health: Sleep, diet, and exercise all play a role in how long breathwork benefits last. A healthy lifestyle enhances your resilience.
✨ Expectations: Remember, breathwork is a practice. It takes time, consistency, and patience to experience lasting change.

💡 Tips for Lasting Benefits:

✨ Incorporate breathwork into your daily routine.
✨ Support your breathwork with a healthy lifestyle.
✨ Explore different techniques to find what works best for you.
✨ Consider guidance from a certified instructor to deepen your practice.
✨ Be patient with yourself—consistent practice can lead to profound and lasting benefits.

Photos from Breathgal's post 30/08/2024


💥At mine, at yours (10mins radius from Steyning) or online.

💥Choose functional Breathwork or deep dive!

💥 Tag up to 3 mates who need to follow me over on Instagram & write 👇 “ME PLEASE” on the Instagram post & when I reach 5k followers (only 80 to go) / I’ll pick a name out of a hat and let you know.

💥Whether you are a seasoned breather or a newbie who is intrigued I’d love to breathe you!

HAPPY FRIYAY!!! Love Mel xx

Photos from Breathgal's post 21/08/2024

♥️ just sharing some client feedback, always means a lot! 🥹

🙋‍♀️ If you didn’t know I work with clients on correcting day to day breathing dysregulation covering anything from snoring to asthma. Plus I work with deep dive nervous system healing Breathwork for anything from anxiety to depression.


Photos from Breathgal's post 18/07/2024

😭 I burst into tears when one of besties sent me this quote this morning. I hadn’t considered it from that perspective before & had a moment of pride.

☺️ As I look at this picture, I feel forgiveness towards my mother, as I think she did the best she could do with the skills she had at that time.

😊Breathwork has helped me in my personal journey of growth and self-discovery. But I encourage you whether it’s through counseling, breathwork, somatic practices, EMDR etc., to find the therapy that speaks to you. As you invest in yourself and put in the work, you will undoubtedly transform into a better version of yourself. Plus the positive impact you’ll have on those around you will serve as a constant source of motivation to keep pushing forward!

Photos from Breathgal's post 16/07/2024

😌 Did you know that most of us are guilty of over breathing, and it can have negative effects on our health, similar to overeating? 🍔

😮‍💨 Over breathing (breathing quickly and more volume of air than we need) can be detrimental to our well-being. When we breathe in excess of our metabolic rate, it can cause a decrease in carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in our bodies.

🙋‍♀️ But why is this a problem? 🤔 Overbreathing disrupts the delicate balance between oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) that our cells require to function properly. The low CO2 levels resulting from overbreathing can actually reduce the delivery of oxygen to our cells. 😱 This lack of oxygen can impact various bodily functions. It can affect our cardiovascular system, leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure. Our respiratory system may also be affected, resulting in symptoms like shortness of breath and dizziness. Moreover, overbreathing can contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress, as our body interprets the low CO2 levels as a threat. Just like overeating, overbreathing disrupts the delicate balance in our body!

🙋‍♀️Would you like to know how you work out if you are over breathing? Poll below!


👋🏼✨ Did you know that our breath holds incredible potential to connect us with our emotions and create a safe space for them to be acknowledged and expressed?

🌈💭 By intentionally focusing on our breath, we can tap into a deeper level of self-awareness and allow our emotions to flow freely. Breathwork techniques, such as deep connecting conscious breathing, can help us release tension and create space for emotions to be felt and processed. 🌬️💛

✨ Through this practice, we can cultivate a sense of presence and mindfulness, allowing us to fully embrace our emotions with compassion and understanding.

So, let’s take a moment each day to engage in breathwork and invite our emotions to rise to the surface. 🧘🏼‍♀️💕 Let’s create a loving and accepting environment within ourselves, where emotions are seen as valuable messengers rather than burdens to be avoided.

♥️This type of breathwork is a powerful tool that can support our emotional well-being and help us live more authentically.

🌟✨ Let’s embrace this practice and honor our emotions, knowing that they are an integral part of our human experience.

⭕️Last breathing circle until Sept is next Thursday 11th July online 7pm - link in bio - Mel x



♥️I love Gabor Mate & his wisdom, I find these words deeply resonate for me, with a childhood spent repressing / suppressing my emotions, I find it fascinating that I have autoimmune issues now.

👄 Expressing & working through these emotions through breathwork have greatly improved them though and as a ripple affect - so has being able to express my emotions safely within my own family now. So don’t bottle up your emotions, they are suppose to be felt, so feel them, integrate them & let go, always a work in progress 💯👌


Thanks so much everyone 🙏 !

We’ve had an incredible response to this workshop and sorry we can’t fit all of you in. Hopefully it will be the first of many. Follow our pages to look out for future dates.

Photos from Steyning Physiotherapy's post 18/05/2024

Can’t wait for this event - it’s going to be a special one 👏✨✨✨


🤔 Whilst I love all the chat about mental health this week for , it does make me think why oh why are we having to bring awareness to what is essentially just as important as physical health. Do we have physical awareness week?! We probably do now I’ve said that 😂. And this is why I am so passionate about , if we can teach all children to learn how to help regulate their emotions from a young age through the power of their breath what a different world we would live in.💥

♥️ Anyway I’ve had this quote, that a client had sent me, sat in my inbox for a couple of weeks now and today it felt right to share it. I believe it totally represents her mental health journey of self development & discovery. She is a shining star of a soul & I see so many great adventures ahead for her ✨✨✨♥️♥️♥️

Photos from The Pilates Company's post 09/05/2024

Looking forward to sharing some Breathwork The Pilates Company in a weeks time ! ✨

Photos from Breathgal's post 01/05/2024

🙏 Two testimonials - one from a healing Breathwork client and another from a functional Breathwork client!

🙏If you didn’t know I offer both healing Breathwork & also functional breath correction for dysfunctions such as Sleep Apnoea, Asthma, Snoring, over breathing 😮‍💨

🙏So grateful always to recieve a review, you guys are my boss at the end of the day 💥


🙆‍♀️ My point here being, little changes can make a big difference !!!

🙌I had some feedback today from a client I’ve been seeing for just 3 weeks now, we’ve done some conscious connected breathing in his sessions, plus I gave him some techniques to do on a daily basis to help with anxiety when out & about & a few to do at home. He reported today that he had a really stressful situation occur this morning & he noticed immediately that he didn’t react as he usual does, (classic panic, fight/flight response) he then did some breathwork at his desk anyway.

👏 He has been practising the techniques I have given him for 10-20mins every day without fail. Little changes = big differences 🎯


😮‍💨 Happy World Breathing Day!

♥️Last year, I had the opportunity to finally bring to life a long-planned tattoo that symbolises both my family and my passion for my work.

🤔 As I look back on the time that has passed since I got this tattoo, I can’t help but feel grateful for the personal growth I’ve experienced. The time has been filled with embracing change, exploring new horizons, and discovering a bit more of my true self & all because of my breathwork journey!!!! My word for this year btw is EXPANSION! 💥

🌟 This tattoo also reminds me to embrace the journey of life I am on with all its wonderful moments & challenges that come my way. 🌟

Photos from Breathgal's post 09/04/2024

🙋‍♀️ If you didn’t know I’m co-director of School Breathe a community interest company & we were featured in at the weekend 🤩 - find out more about what we offer below 👇👇 . Feel super lucky to be part of the team here & even prouder of founder .well for her brilliant interview 👏

💫 Discover the power of breath with which has been recently featured in The Times!

🌟 Our platform offers online breathwork programmes tailored specifically for schools, as well as breath coach training for staff and professionals working with children. Here are just a few benefits of integrating breathwork into educational settings:

🧘‍♂️ Stress reduction: Learn techniques to help students and educators manage stress and anxiety effectively.

🧠 Improved focus and attention: Breathwork practices can enhance concentration and cognitive function, leading to better academic performance.

😌 Emotional regulation: Equip children with tools to navigate their emotions and cultivate resilience.

💤 Better sleep: Encourage relaxation and better sleep patterns, promoting overall wellbeing.

🌱 Mindfulness: Build a culture of mindfulness and self-awareness within schools, promoting a positive learning environment.

Join on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the simple act of breathing.

Link in bio to full The Times article in PDF format and links to our online breathwork and breath coach training brochures.

Please email us on [email protected] with any questions.

Visit to learn more and start your breathwork journey today!



We are in the Times today!!!! Double page spread in hard copy!!! Yasss Aimee Hartley 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Repost from SchoolBreathe

Thank you for spreading the vital word of our breathwork in primary schools initiative. We loved chatting all things breathing and talking about why we are all so passionate about sharing breathing techniques with children.

Our breath coach training is also mentioned along with key research backing up just how important breathwork is!

Thank you for supplying School Breathe’s video for the online section.

Thank you for adding to the calm at the photo shoot and for the super shiny hair and makeup and the plaits!

Full article in the paper today 🗞️🗞️

Photos from Breathgal's post 13/03/2024

🧑‍🏫 What a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon spent at winery talking about how to breathe well.

🧑‍🏫 Love introducing people to the power of the breath & such a lovely welcome, beautiful surroundings! Fantastic engaged audience, I couldn’t have asked for more 🙏


🙋‍♀️ Posting this quote because I had client who said recently after their deep dive session (conscious connected breath-work) that she felt safe to take off her armour for the first time since she could remember, to let go off so much she had been holding onto - ooouuuuuffffff.

🤩 This says it all for me - this type of breathwork helps in so many ways, mentally and physically, the way it can make changes to how we feel is just incredible 🌟 there’s some real magic in this work ✨

If you’re intrigued - or you’ve tried before! I have one safe space left on Thurs March 7th online deep dive breath-work session, link in bio if you want to take off your armour & feel ♥️

Photos from Cara Hawkins Coaching 's post 14/02/2024

So looking forward to holding a Breathwork session here 🤩 anyone local be great to see you there!


♥️I love this from Jay Shetty, it took me a long time to realise this, even though I didn’t feel mentally stressed my body was (& still is telling a different story - work in progress with improvements all the time for me) the book ‘The body keeps the score’ by Bessel Van Der Kolk talks more throughly about this - I highly recommend it. What parts of your body are in pain, ache? Your body talks - so listen. We often unconsciously suppress emotional energy in our nervous system which can create pain, it is possible with deep conscious breath work to let your body feel safe enough to let go of these trapped emotions & then the physical pain.


💭 Let’s take a moment to think about the tension we hold in our bodies. Do you have any now? Scan your body ….

😮‍💨 Whether it’s from big traumas or little everyday stresses, our bodies can store this tension, affecting our overall well-being. Did you know that this tension impacts our breathing?

❄️P.S. when it’s cold outside, we tend to hunch more, creating even more tension and making it harder to breathe freely. Let’s be gentle with ourselves, acknowledge the tension, and take steps to release it….breath work can really help release stored tension ..



Happy Friday all - Favourite feedback here ✨ 💥

Snore away snoring 😴 If you didn’t know snoring is a breath dysfunction not just an annoying habit.

😴 Snoring occurs when the airflow through the mouth and nose is partially obstructed during sleep. It is caused by factors such as relaxation of throat muscles, obstructed nasal passages, excess weight, alcohol and sleeping position. Severe snoring may indicate a more serious condition called sleep apnea.

😴 Breath re-education with a breath coach can correct & or improve symptoms!


🌟 Anyone else?

🌟 How about we embrace & love ourself as we are?

♥️ I think that self-acceptance is about acknowledging and embracing all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths, weaknesses, and imperfections. It means letting go of the need for external validation and fully accepting who we are, without judgment or comparison. When we practice self-acceptance, we create a foundation of self-worth and inner peace that allows us to thrive in any circumstance.

♥️ Self-love, on the other hand, I think is the practice of treating ourselves with kindness, compassion, and respect. It involves prioritizing our well-being and nurturing our physical, emotional, and mental health. (Breathwork being key here). And I think by practicing self-love, we cultivate a positive relationship with ourselves and set healthy boundaries that protect our energy and happiness.

♥️ So as we all start a new year, how about we drop the pressure of any resolutions to be a better, new improved versions of ourselves & just love & accept ourselves as we are?

Timeline photos 29/12/2023

So looking forward to this on Sunday 28th Jan, head to The Pilates Company to book your space - I’d love to see you there ✨

Photos from Oxygen Advantage's post 21/12/2023

Great to see one the breathing methods I’m trained in mentioned in GQ! 🙌


🌲 And that is a wrap for my 2023 121’s !!! 👏 you have ALL been awesome & I’m honoured to have held space for you 🙏

✨ As I may have mentioned !!! This year has been particularly challenging for me, starting with the passing of my mother on January 1st and followed by a major spinal surgery just two months later. Despite these difficulties, I have found solace and gratitude in my breathing practice. It has been my guiding light throughout these trying times, both emotionally and physically. The tools and teachings I have acquired over the years have proven to be invaluable in navigating grief and healing from surgery. Through the power of breath, I have witnessed my own strength grow exponentially.

🙏 I am also deeply thankful for all my clients, both new and old, as each individual I meet reminds me of the uniqueness of our breath, much like a fingerprint. I continue to learn and be amazed by the profound impact that breath can have on our lives.

🌲 Wishing you a Merry Christmas and hoping to see you soon. With love, Mel x ♥️


Photos from Amplify Nutritional Therapy's post 19/12/2023

Read this if you struggle with sleep some great advice here! and thanks for the mention Amplify Nutritional Therapy 🙌

Videos (show all)

Our house this morning- anyone else 🤣#backtoschool
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And we are in the Times on Sat today!!  - double page spread in hard copy!!
😴 In honour of world sleep day today head to my stories to get the link to the video on my youtube channel & listen befo...
🌬️✨ Breathwork where to start?👓 I like to think that there are three main categories of breathwork: Pranayama, Functiona...
🧠 Obsessed with witnessing the incredible growth of neurons in the brain when we embrace new knowledge! It’s truly mind-...
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✨ Feeling creative & philosophical after my own personal breath practice this Sunday afternoon.✨ I found this video I to...
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FRIDAY FUNNY 😂 #friday #fridayfunny #laugh #cantstoplaughing #humour

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 15:00
Friday 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday 09:00 - 12:00