Roads to Health

Roads to Health

I am Victoria Omelchenko, Homeopath and Nutritional Therapist. I studied Biomedicine in College of N


Dry skin

Here is some important and basic information for those who has dry or any other skin condition associated with dry skin

🧬The balance of moisture and oil is crucial for attractive and healthy skin

🧬Moisture is the water present in the skin cells that comes into cells through the bloodstream.

🧬Oil is secreted by the sebaceous glands and lubricates the skin.

🧬These two work together and there should be enough oil and moisture to act as a shield and protect the moisture from evaporating from skin top’s layers.

🧬There are two types of dry skin:

Simple dry skin

Complex dry skin

🧬Simple one is lack of naturals oil, and usually women under 35 are affected

🧬Complex one is lack of oil and moisture, usually associated with aging and characterized by brown spots, discoloration, fine lines etc.

🧬Collagen, keratin and elastin(the proteins that make up our skin) may be damaged by sun exposure or due to other health conditions.

🧬There are some nutrients that you might find very useful and handy if you suffer from dry skin condition

🧬Primrose oil contains essential fatty acid (linoleic acid) that needed by the skin

🧬Vitamin A - protects and strengthens the skin tissue.

🧬Vitamin E - protects against free radicals, minimize wrinkling

🧬Zinc - Vital for proper functioning of oil-producing glands

🧬Vitamin C - necessary for collagen production

🧬Also eat food high in sulfur, which helps to keep skin smooth and youthful. These are: garlic, onions, eggs and asparagus, also amino acid L-cysteine can be used as a supplement.

🧬Of course, drink plenty of water. Stay well hydrated.

🧬Use ONLY good quality oils. Either cold press if you go for plant option or proper butter (at least 80% fat)

🧬Do not eat junk food

Stay beautiful and healthy!


“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has a courage to lose the sight of the shore.”

Lungs and Liver

📍Did you know that that all nutrients as well as toxins from the digestive system separates in two directions, one is going to the lymph and the other one to the blood?

📍Lymph has high fat content so fat-soluble toxins and nutrients from the gut absorb into the lymph.

📍Lymph is going to the left subclavian vein (through the thoracic duct and along the spine) where it takes the blood-lymph mixture into the heart, which immediately pumps it up directly to the lungs.

📍So, the good quality fat is essential for our lung health and respiratory system in general.

📍Our blood is water-based substance, so all the water-soluble toxins and nutrients are absorbed from a system of veins (portal system) that connected to liver.

📍Our liver is the first stop for water-soluble toxins and nutrients through our gut wall.

📍Did you know that liver is amazing organ and perform more that 500 function: detoxifying hormones and neurotransmitters, creating: enzymes, antioxidants, and hormones etc.

📍Believe it or not but liver does not accumulate toxins, it is perfectly safe to eat and will help your liver to process toxins effectively.


Homeopathy for Stress

For many people this time is so stressful, after C O V I D times many of us have jumped into war times. I feel it. Being Ukrainian, I face it and know it so well. We are dealing with the stress in so many ways. When I ask my patients from Ukraine how are you now, the answer is always : I am in huge stress. And I always dig deeper and ask to explain more about this stress: how you exactly feel? Needless to say, we are all different and experience stress differently. My aim is to help you to help yourself. Once one has some options, we can do a lot to help not only yourself, but to help others. Let's talk about one of the famous remedy for shock and bereavement - Ignatia...


The plant Ignatia Amara (Ign.) comes from the St Ignatius bean, which is the seed of Ignatia amaris. We can find it in Philippines, Indonesia and China. The other famous and well known homeopathic remedies like Spigelia, Nux Vomica and Gelsemium belong to the same family Loganaceae.
We as a homeopaths use Igantia mostly for acute stress. If you need Ignatia you have "a lump in the throat", uncontrolably sobs and signs, very moody with paradoxical reactions (reactions with not proportional response to the problem). We sometimes call it "Homeopathic Prozac". Ones need Igantia if shock represents itself hysterical behaviour: crying, fainting or laughing in inappropriate times.
Also, Ignatia covers lots of symptoms like headache, sore throat, digestive disorders and skin issues. The main point is the remedy has to cover the typical Ignatia symptoms.
We usually recommend the medium potency 30c for personal use. If you feel the response after taking the remedy, please allow some time to work it. Repeat if the symptoms worsen.

Stay Healthy!


My dear friends starting from May I will be taking online appointments only until further notice.
Salt and wellness clinic is closed since 3 May. It was an amazing time and amazing team and will be hugely missed. I have met many wonderful people and I was very proud to the part of this family. I am proud of helping people to improve their health.

Please contact me via my FB page or my e mail : [email protected]

I am happy to help you to your journey to health.

Apart from classical appointments in homeopathy and nutrition, I have many things to offer: hair tissue mineral analysis, Homeobotanicals ( wonderful herbal mixes preparing homeopathically), I am always here to listen to you.

Stay healthy!


In addition to the offer below For ALL Ukrainians who fled from war - ALL my services are FREE for the whole APRIL. Please DM.


It is quite controversial topic for many people. There is so much information that is it bad or good for human body? It is always confusing, and we are in doubt which info to follow.
Let’s do a little bit of research
Natural salt is vital for our physiology. That’s the fact we must accept. The question is which salt and how many salts we must use.
Did you know that only 10% of all salt produced by humans is used in food industry, the other 90% is actively used for industrial purposes: plastics, chemicals, detergents, soaps etc.
The nature salt contains many other trace minerals which our body consists of, but the industry requires pure sodium chloride, so the other elements have to be removed. Many of us consume refined natural salt which is Sodium Chloride that is widely known as Table Salt. Also, all processed food contains Table Salt. For many centuries we, as humans, consume natural salt with the other minerals, and only in 20th century our food become processed (ready to eat) with incredibly high content of pure Sodium Chloride.
We know that water follows Sodium Chloride which in excess consumption upsetting homeostasis. Our bodies try to work with that and form gall bladder and kidney stones. The other trace minerals become out of balance. The consequences of such routine are disastrous for us that’s why the medical doctors recommend not to consume Salt..
The rule here is to use only natural unprocessed salt as it plays fundamental role in physiology. “All substances are poisons; there is none that is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.”
It is in every part of our body; it distributes water and maintain water balance by osmosis.
One of my favorite homeopathic remedies is Natrium Muriaticum which is Sodium Chloride. I am very excited when I am feeling all the parallels between homeopathy and life, how it reflects in our life.
You can safely use some homeopathic remedies without being a partitioner.
For example, you are starting to experience of headache, with the first hint of it take Natrium Muriaticum (Nat Mur) 6X or 9X (as a tissue salt) 2 pellets every 10 minutes for 1 hour and usually it clears headache completely.
For catarrh and egg like, watery discharges with puffiness and the bags under the eyes Nat Mur will be highly recommended. Take 2 pellets every 10 minutes until you feel better.
It is one of our major remedy for depression, anger and heavy emotions.
Food that rich in Nat Mur is Seafood, asparagus, parsley, lentils, beet, almonds, figs, apples, buckweed, cabbage, spinach etc.
Don’t forget that Salt Therapy (Halotherapy) are known for centuries. Whether you suffer from asthma, COPD, sinusitis, hayfever, rhinitis, coughs, colds, influenza, bronchitis, chest infection, eczema, psoriasis, or breathlessness breathing salt could be very helpful.
I will be happy to help if You are interested in it. Please contact me directly or via Salt and Wellness Clinic (Bexleyheath).
Stay Healthy!

(picture taken from salt and wellness clinic website)


Dear friends!
I hope you are all doing well.
After a long period of silence I am coming back...
I would like to let you know that my prices are going up since March.
Please book an appointment before that time if you are interested in my services.
Miss you a lot and promise to post something very interesting soon!
Stay healthy!


Часто задаваемые вопросы: Какая длительность лечения и что ожидать?

Этот вопрос часто задают пациенты прийдя на консультацию. И совершенно справедливо. Каждый человек хочет знать, как долго займет процесс лечения, на какую сумму ему расчитывать, понадобятся ли дополнительные анализы и т.д.
Предварительно не зная человека абсолютно точно можно сказать, что невозможно дать прогноз. Но можно однозначно сказать, что длительность лечения прямо пропорционально зависит от длительности заболевания. Чем дольше мы вынашиваем "проблему" тем больше времени займет от нее избавиться. Как правило большинство людей приходят уже с букетом заболеваний, а не с острой простудой или гриппом. Изначально острое состояние разрешить гораздо проще, чем многолетнюю проблему.
Могу точно сказать, если у вас проблема, которая беспокоит Вас в течение 10-15 а то и больше лет, есть отягчающие факторы, такие как нервный стресс, проблемы в семье и на работе, не стоит расчитывать, что мы решим все за один-два-три раза. Не решим. Но почувствовать сдвиг тектонических плит болезни Вы сможете. И это обычно придает силы, вдохновение и надежду людям.
Сложно научить людей плавать, играть в теннис, кататься на коньках за один раз, также с гомеопатией и нутрициологией, да и с обычной медициной. На все нужно время. Но если у Вас хорошая наследственность, все-таки еще крепкое здоровье, все происходит достаточно быстро! Но не отчаивайтесь, если картина изначально не слишком радужная, многолетние хронические состояния тоже уходят, ну может быть не так быстро как бы нам хотелось:)

На какую сумму расчитывать:
На моей странице есть расценки, но хочу описать подробно.
Любая начальная консультация, по гомеопатии и нутрициологии стоит £80, далее, последующие консультации £70.
Ведение острого случая по гомеопатии £25. Я веду Вас в течение 5 дней. Но крайне редко беру к себе на острые случаи новых пациентов, которых я не веду. Любой труд должен быть оплачен. Я не работаю бесплатно. Однако я провожу благотворительные приемы раз в три месяца для людей с финансовыми трудностями. Я имею ввиду очень тяжелое материальное положение, где у человека нет никакой возможности прийти на прием. Такие консультации не предполагают дальнейшего ведения пациента.

Теперь насчет анализов: Я очень очень редко прошу сдавать какие либо анализы или тесты. Только, если в этом есть крайняя необходимость. В 80% случаях ее нет. Единственный тест, который я предлагаю это анализ по волосам на содержание минералов и токсических веществ. Он весьма информативен и дает полное представление о том, что происходило с вашим организмом на клеточном уровне за последние 3 месяца, и какая общая тенденция и прогноз того, что с вами произойдет в будущем. Но этот тест не только про минеральны и токсические вещества, информацию, которую я получаю, благодаря этому тесту дает мне получить представление о работе щитовидной железы, надпочечников, толерантность к глюкозе, общее состояние здоровья и т.д.

Я работаю с проблемами ЖКТ, гормональными нарушениями, респираторными заболеваниями, диабет 2 типа, кожные заболевания, и пр.
Я не работаю с онкозаболеваниями.

Если у Вас имеются вопросы, пишите мне в личку.

Желаю Вам крепкого здоровья,
С уважением,


Chronic cystitis

Chronic cystitis is the most common problem in women with abnormal gut flora.
This flora comes from the groin, which originates from the bowel in its turn. If your gut flora is abnormal for some reason, the flora in your bladder, urethra is highly to be abnormal too and most probably will lead to recurrent cystitis. Again we come to the point where we have to look after our gut health.
We have to balance and implement pre and probiotics, healthy fats, healthy carbs and proteins.
Lots of plant foods have very irritating substances for urinary tract. These are salicylates and oxalates. When our gut flora is healthy all these substances get digested and absorbed properly. They irritate and damage the urethra and bladder.
Greens, fruits, coffee, tea, spices, nuts, wine, beer etc are high in oxalates and salicylates. these all have to be removes from one’s diet with urinary problems until you heal your gut and balance microbiome.
I will give very simple but very valuable receipt how help normalise local microbiome in bladder, urethra and ge***al organs.
Keep some homemade kefir in your home. After your shower daily routine apply some handful of kefir all over your groin and let it dry before dressing. This is very simple but very effective procedure that will help to populate with friendly bacteria and eliminate pathogenic microflora.
There are so many natural remedies that could help with this problem, please contact me if you need help.
Stay healthy!


Deals this good does not last forever. For limited time only.

It is COPD day today. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is predicted to be the fourth leading cause of death in the UK.

Salt is antibacterial, it kills bacteria
It reduces inflammation of the airways
Salt is mucolytic, which means it helps to shift retained mucus.

Timeline photos 27/09/2021

Хорошие рекомендации!

Барьер для простуды ❗

Создание этого барьера не потребует ни сил, ни средств, а «материал» для него есть в любой квартире. Есть вещи на удивление простые. Так и тут.

💧Вечером, перед сном, ставим одну ногу под кран с холодной водой, поплещем воды и выше колена. Это минуты на полторы (впоследствии – дольше), после чего досуха и хорошо растираем ногу полотенцем и повторяем то же самое с другой ногой. По итогу – однозначно приятно.

Только нежелательно всё это проделывать, когда ноги озябшие.
Месяц такой закалки – и практически на нет сходит угроза простуды, ангины, цистита и т.п. Эта угроза назреет вот-вот, ненастье и зима не за горами. И, кстати, начинать закаливание лучше всего в начале осени, то есть сейчас.

📖 Это самое простое и подходит для людей более-менее молодых и здоровых. (Внимание: нельзя начинать закаливание при недомоганиях!) Что же касается деток и людей пожилых, начинать рекомендуют с обтирания. И лучше по утрам.

💧Губкой, которая смочена в чуть теплой воде, обтирается голова, шея, руки, грудь и спина, всё это растирается досуха и до красноты, потом идет обтирание ниже пояса, начиная со стоп и вверх. Температуру воды нужно каждые дней 5 немножко понижать .

Второй этап – обливание: можно из ведерка, можно под душем, можно с ног до головы сразу, можно «по частям». Температура воды тоже постепенно понижается (вплоть до того, что в ведерко кладется лед из морозилки).

Детям можно и такой начальный вариант закалки. Ставятся два тазика, один с горячеватой водой, другой с прохладной. Ставим ножки на 1-2 минуты в первый тазик, обливаем до коленей, потом – секунд на 20 в другой тазик. И так несколько раз.

❗Важно. Процедура должна быть приятной! Такой, чтобы каждый раз хотелось ее повторять. К слову, водные процедуры еще и повышают стрессоустойчивость, если кто не знает. И еще важно: вести закаливание надо не через пень-колоду, а каждый день.

А вдобавок начнем спецзакалку и для горла. Будем полоскать его водой комнатной температуры, потом водой похолоднее, температура воды и продолжительность полоскания – тут сам себе режиссер.

Ставьте ❤ и делитесь с друзьями! Подписывайтесь, если вы ещё не с нами. И помните, что социальные сети - это хорошо, а книга лучше!

#издательствогомеопатическаякнига #гомеопатиядлявсех #гомеопатия #классическаягомеопатия #гомеопатмосква #гомеопатновосибирск #гомеопатспб #здоровье #гомеопаткрым #гомеопатическаякнига #лечениеболезнигомеопатией #альтернативнаямедицина #холистическаямедицина #нетрадиционнаямедицина #медицина #медицинскаялитература #здоровыйребенок #здоровыймалыш #здороваясемья #женскоездоровье #гомеопатияприменение


Let's talk about digestion.
It is crucially import system in our body, and not only to digest food to get nutrients but also to detoxify harmful substances we accumulate in our body. If your gall bladder works well, if your liver (organ that performs more then 500 functions) works well we have a huge capacity to handle with plenty sorts of different toxins. So, it is necessary to maintain our digestive system "in order" to keep us going well.
If you have acute or chronic disturbances in your stomach such as heartburn, dyspepsia, hyperacidity, gastritis, nausea, vomiting, eructations, colic, flatulence and bloating, peptic and duodenal ulceration, anorexia or bulimia etc, I would suggest trying to approach your condition naturally especially if you tried traditional medication and it did not really helped.
Homeobotanicals could be good option for you.
There are wonderful herbs In the Digestion Tonic.
-Camomile (calms bilious vomiting and gastralgia)
-Cinnamon Quills (flatulence colic and dyspepsia, gastritis, infantile diarrhoea, profuse bright red clot)
- Condurango (it is best known for appetite- stimulating action, relax the nerves of the stomach, making it of use in the settling of indigestion where this is affected by nervous tension and anxiety)
There are also wonderful herbs like Marigold, Marshmallow, Peppermint, Meadowsweet, Gentian, Fenugreek)
Please remember that homeobotanicals are fully compatible (there are couple exemptions)
We can add Liver tonic for better hepatic and biliary metabolism. For poor nutrient assimilation we have Nutria Tonic, Pancreatic Tonic for pancreas support.
If you are interested in consultation please contact me via my business FB page or in Salt and Wellness clinic by number 02084329796.
Stay healthy!


LUNGS and the importance of FATs in their health.

One of the most important detoxifying organ in the body is lungs.
For the fat-soluble toxins it is number one and
for water-soluble toxins it is the second one after liver.
The lungs are perfectly prepared for this function.
Many toxic substances can be converted into gases and eliminated through lungs. Other pathogens are eliminated by macrophages (our immune cells). Little tiny hair on our breathing passages, called mucociliary escalators push all the debris up to be coughed out.
But there are moments that due to high toxins exposure, stress, abnormal gut flora etc. our lungs can not do their job properly.
The lungs are the first organ that receives the flow of fats (fat-soluble) substances by lymph. The mother nature did it for purpose as lungs require huge amount of fat-soluble substances, cholesterol, saturated fat in particular for proper functioning. Mari Enig (expert on fats) says : «When it comes to lungs, the very important phospholipid class, called lung surfactant, is a special phospholipid with 100% SATURATED fatty acids. It is called DIPALMITOYL PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE (DPPC). When people consume a lot partially hydrogenated fats and oils, the trans fats are put to phospholipids, where the body normally wants to have saturated fatty acids, thus the lungs may not work efficiantly».
Lungs surfactant is essential structural component of the lungs. Without surfactant the lungs will not be able to fill in with air. Premature babies who had lack of lung surfactant was one of the leading cause of death. These babies are given animal surfactant which saving their lives.
Surfactant is made of 80-90% of saturated fat, DPPC, cholesterol and about 10% of proteins.
But not only premature babies are lack of surfactant, also people who suffer with pneumonia, COPD, asthma, bronchitis and other acute and chronic pulmonary diseases.
So for normal lungs functioning good quality saturated fat is a must.
Also lungs being dependant on fat-soluble substances, they are very prone to fat-soluble toxins like lead, aluminum, mercury. When the lungs are exposed too much toxicity coming from the gut any problems can occur in the lungs. By treating the lungs we have to address our gut as well. So normal gut flora plays huge role in the health of this organ.
If you find the information useful for you please do like it and share.
Thank you!
Stay healthy!

P.S. There is yellow mullein on the picture. This herbs is one of the best natural remedy for weak lungs.


Gut creatures (part 2) (no picture for this post:)

Lets talk a little bit about worms.

First of all - we all have them, from several-feet long tapeworms to tiny threadworms. We have numbers of studies where we see that helminth therapy reduce inflamation, allergies and auto-immunity and rebalance our immune system. Published clinical studies have shown that intentional introduction worms to our bodies can improve symptoms of different chronic diseases such as: type 1 Diabetes, Chrons, Ulcertrive colitis etc.
But don't get me wrong, there are pathological states when overgrowth of various worms can cause serious issues and lead to diseases. It is all about healthy ballance between viruses, bacterias, protosoa, archaea, fungi and worms (and maybe someone else). Yes, our body is not sterile inside. What I am saying is it is totally unnessecary to get rid of worms profilacticly just in case you think this could the root of all your problems.
I have some clients who don't have any symptoms but they want to get rid of them. DO not do that, you can bring more harm then good.
Do you know what role play earth-worm? Huge one! They are totally irreplaceble for our soil. They digest soil and create the best compost ever called worm castings that rich in pre-digested nutrients for plants. They create channels for water and air while moving through the soil, maiking it softer, healthier and re-cycling organic matter. The more worms in the soil the more productive and fertile it is! I am sure that worms in our gut play similar role.
Lets just all bring to ballance.
Stay healthy!


"If you don't like bacteria, you are on the wrong planet" S. Brand

We are populated by a myriad of species: fungi, bacteria, protozoa, worms, viruses and other life forms. Recent reseach discovered that about 90% of all cells are gut flora! Our health does depend on our gut flora composition. It does not really matter how far the affected organ from the gut, it is still depends on your gut health.


Candida is a part of normal human microbiome, and when microflora is unbalanced it becomes a dangerous parasite. We know from clinical experience that candida protecs us from toxic metals like mercury. It simply absorbs toxic metals. It would be really hard for one to get rid of candida if there is amalgams. It is there for the reason, and trying to destroy Candida with antifungul meds is not the best idea. Attacking candida we are attacking the other spieces, liver, we unballance the fragile eco system of our body. Moreover by trying to destroy Candida in this situation , fungi releases mercury and other toxic elements back into the system. The only way to get rid of excess of candida is to bring the gut microbiome to balance again and get rid of maintianing cause. Sientists say that the best bacteria that "fight" with candida is Lactobacilli. They control their growth and prolifiration.
Let's see what positive role candida plays in our gut when it is under controle. It produces aglutinin like adhesins, fibrinogen etc, that creats "bonds" with viruses, microbes and bacteria in the gut and their glue like secretions. These bonds absorb large amount of water thus the gut wall is moist, protected and well-lubricated. But when microflora is destroyed the gut wall losses its protection and moisture.
It is trully all about balance.
Look at what you eat, is your food free from pesticides, fungisides and other agricultural chemicals? Is your meat free from hormones and antibiotics that destroy balance in gut flora

Please do comment if you would like to know more about what role Bacterias, Viruses, Worms and Protozoa play in our gut. They are not bad guys, but we need them balanced.

Stay Healthy!


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Asthma and how to manage it naturally 🌿

Again and again ALL roads lead to our allmighty Microbiome.
Asthma is one of the most widespread chronic respiratory diseases in the world. It can affect anyone and anywhere, my aim is to try to explain one of the possible connection between diversity and health of our microbiome and lungs. Stiemsma et al. studied a group of children diagnosed with asthma at preschool age in whom they found evidence of gut bacterial dysbiosis, particularly reduction of Lachnospira in favor of Clostridium spp. was potentially linked to asthma. This bacterial dysbiosis was confirmed in other studies in which they showed the relative abundance of the bacterial genera Lachnospira and the decrease of Veillonella, Faecalibacterium, and Rothia in children at risk of asthma.
Soo health and diversity of our gut bacteria is paramount.

How our microbiome can be altered:

- stress
- bad diet (think about high sugar consumption for kids diets)
- different medication (antibiotics, hormones, pain killers etc.)
- sterile environment
- pollution, toxins

Microbiome is hugely linked to any atopic condition actually.
The potential link of gut microbiota and atopy was studied on mice that were born and raised germ-free e.g.sterile environment. They were very susceptible to anaphylaxis, their immune system was totally imbalanced. For the last 10 years there were number of studies that confirmed gut bacteria in regulating immune system.

What we can do to prevent or help to manage asthma:
- Mind your nutrition. It has to be nutritious and balanced.
Vitamin B6, C, E, Magnesium, Quercetin, Selenium, Probiotics and of course Omega 3 are key in managing Asthma from nutrition point of view.
- Diverse exposure to different bacteria. It means ALLOW your kids play in dirt. It is educating their immune system. Kids expose themselves to antigens that stimulate TH1 (T HELPER CELLS TYPE 1) response which is considered to be protective against asthma and eczema.It is VITAL for health.
- Avoid living in air-polluted areas.
- Avoid unnecessary medications (overconsumption of antibiotics, Panadol, steroids etc.)
- Stress...can't say more)
- Natural birth
- Get a pet
- Avoid excessive and obsessive cleaning and sterilising. You don't need thousands of antibacterial bottles, normal soap is enough.

Digestive health are SO SO important in Asthma (and nor only). It has been studied that low stomach acid and poor protein digestion is linked to asthma in children.

Another absolutely wonderful remedies that could be very helpful are Homeobotanicals. It is an enormous help to any practitioner. These are synergistic blends of organic herbal combinations in liquid form, dynamised and selectively chosen to target specific organs and systems in our body.
The extremely effective and helpful mixes "Respiratory" and "Plura"

Here is an example of herbs in the mix "Respiratory" and actually it is much more than helping asthma and covers the plethora of symptoms.

Albizzia (Albizzia lebbeck) Anti-allergic. Atopic allergies such as asthmatic conditions, eczema, allergic rhinitis and urticaria.
Amalaka (Adhatoda vasica) antispasmodic and expectorant, used to treat asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions.
Elecampane (Inula helenium) Strengthening tonic action on the lungs. Indicated in congestive bronchial or pulmonary disorders such as bronchitis and will increase the productivity of coughs of bronchial or pulmonary origin.
Euphorbia (Euphorbia hirta) Traditional for asthma and bronchitis. Rhinitis, coryza, with special affinity for mucosal catarrh of upper respiratory tract. Sinusitis and otitis and "glue ear."
Grindelia (Grindelia camporum) Helps with emphysema, bronchitis, chest infections and persistent coughs related to inflammation and excess mucous production
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Acts on lung tissues with anti- inflammatory action. Eases predisposition to cough and assists in ameliorating bronchial spasms.
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) Reduces inflammation and promotes expectoration. Bronchitis with hard, sore, dry cough. Inflamed trachea.
Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) Sedative, relaxant and hypnotic for whole nervous system with special affinity for the lungs.
Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) Effective with respiratory infections, reduces fever and promotes expectoration. Specific in pleurisy, pneumonia and valued for influenzal conditions. Congestive and catarrhal combination.
Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) Bronchial spasm from anxiety, hysteria and nervous tension.

Please contact me if you are interested in Homeobotanicals. It costs £25 plus £5 postage in the UK.
Please do like it if you find this information useful. It requires me hours of research and study.

Stay Healthy!


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