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Abqa Institute

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Hātim al-Asam - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“Four things remove rancor from between Brothers:

-Physical help
-Kind words
-Financial assistance
-Supplication (for them) in their absence.”

[As-Sadāqah was-Sadīq: p364]


Al-Awzā’ī - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“When Allāh wants evil for a people he imposes on them argumentation, and prevents them from actions.”

[Al-Ādāb ash-Shar’īyyah: 1/202]


Al-Hasan al-Basrī - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“Sincere repentance is that you hate the sin just as you used to love it and that you seek for forgiveness for it whenever you remember it.”

[Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr: 8/169]


The Tābi’ī, Makhūl - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“I saw a man crying in his salāh and I accused him of showing off

So I was deprived of crying for a year.”

[Al-‘Uqūbāt of Ibn Abid-Dunyā: 83]


Abdallāh ibn Mubārak [may Allāh have mercy on him] said:

“Among the greatest calamities which can inflict a person, is that he knows that he is negligent [towards his religious obligations] but he does not mind nor does he grieve over it.”

[Shu’ab ul-Ēmān 2/271]


Abū Dāwūd - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“I entered on Kurz al-Hārithī and found him crying. I said to him, ‘What makes you cry?’ He said, ‘I didn’t read my portion of the Qur’ān last night, and I don’t think that happened except due to a sin I committed.’”

[Al-Hilyah 5/79]


“When Allah wills good for a servant, He removes the sight of his good deeds from his heart, and the mention of them from his tongue, and preoccupies him with the vision of his sin.

It remains fixed before his eyes until he enters paradise. What is accepted of deeds is lifted from the heart in its sight, and from the tongue in its mention.

Some of the Salaf said: 'A servant may commit a sin that leads him to paradise, and he may perform a good deed that leads him to the fire.' They said: 'How so?' He said: 'He commits the sin, so it remains fixed before his eyes. When he remembers it, he feels remorse, submits, supplicates to Allah, hastens to erase it, humbles himself, submits to his Lord, his arrogance and pride vanish from him. And he performs the good deed, so it remains fixed before his eyes, he sees it, delights in it, relies on it, and becomes proud of it until he enters the fire."

[Tariq al-Hijratayn (p. 169-172)]


Al-Fudayl ibn ‘Iyyād - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“The creation only reveres you according to the amount of your reverence for Allāh.”

[Al-Hilyah 8/110]


قال العلاَّمةُ ابن القيم رحمه الله:

Al-‘Allāmah Ibn al-Qayyim - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

‏ "كتمان المصائب ، و الأوجاع ، من شيم النبلاء".

“Hiding misfortunes and pains is from the characteristics of the noble.”

[Al-Fawā’id, p 36]


‘Abdullāh ibn Mas’ūd رضي الله عنه said,

“Indeed, the greatest Āyah about alleviation in the Qur’an is: ﴾Whoever fears Allāh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way out for him (from every difficulty).﴿”

[Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr: 4/400]


Muhammad ibn Sīrīn - may Allah have mercy on him - said:

“The people with the most sins are those that mention the sins of the people the most.”

[Al-Majālisah Jawāhir al-‘Ilm: 6/86]


Al-Fudayl ibn ‘Iyyād - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“Don’t be like a strainer that good flour is filtered out and traps the unwanted particles: wisdom coming from your mouths while rancor remains in your hearts.”

[Sifatus-Safwah 457]


𝗪𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝟮𝟱𝟬 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀! 👥

Alhamdulillah we’ve had an amazing response so far for our 24hr LaunchGood Challenge and have now crossed the half way mark! ✨

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May Allah accept your donations and duas! 🙏


“One of the pious predecessors was reported to have said:

Sometimes, a small deed is elevated by a noble intention, while a grand deed can be diminished by an insincere intention."

[Ihya’ ‘Ulum ad-Dĩn: The Chapter of the Virtuousness of a Noble Intention]


"And Al-Junayd, may Allah have mercy on him, said: Yunus (peace be upon him) cried until he became blind, stood up until his back swayed - rendering him physically restricted - and prayed until he became bed-bound, and then said: 'By Your might and glory, if there were a sea of fire between You and me, I would have crossed it eagerly to reach You.'"

[Ihya’ ‘Ulum ad-Din: The Book of Sincerity and Truthfulness: p361]


“I wish that people learnt this knowledge from me without ascribing one letter of it to me.”

- al-Imam ash-Shâf’i

[Hilyah al-Awliya’]


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"The best (thing) that souls have acquired, hearts have obtained, and by which a servant attains elevation in this world and the Hereafter, is knowledge and Imân (faith)."

- Ibn al-Qayyim

[al-Fawa’id: 151]


"If Allah intends good for a slave, He makes him acknowledge his own sins, refrain from (falling into) the sins of others, generous with what he possesses, unconcerned about what others possess, and tolerant to the harm others inflict (on him). But if Allah intends bad for him, the opposite is decreed for him."

- Ibn al-Qayyim

[al-Fawa’id: 145]


The People of the Qur’ān are More Intense in Their Love for Allāh.

“According to the amount one loves Allāh, he will love His Speech.”

- Ibn al-Qayyim

[Rawdat-ul-Muhibbīn 1/102]


“Sincerity: It's the secret unknown to angels, immune from the enemy's harm, and not boasted about by its possessor, lest its essence is nulified.”

- Ibn al-Qayyim

[al-Fawa’id: 144]


"If you want to know the state of Islam among the people of your time, don't look at their crowding at the mosque gates, or their chanting at the pilgrimage in Mecca. Instead, look at their companionship with the enemies of the Shariah."

- Ibn Muflih

[Al-Adaab Al-Shar'iyyah: 1/237]


"Reliance (upon Allah) does not defy preparation/the taking of measures, and asceticism does not refute the idea of having wealth in one’s hand."

- Al-Dalji


{We shall gradually lead them from where they do not know. And I will give them respite; surely My plan is firm.}


“The situation of the deniers and all the inhabitants of the earth is easier and smaller in scale than the meticulous plans Allah has devised for them. Allah warns them through His mercy, giving them a chance to reflect on their actions before it's too late. The apparent security they perceive is described as a trap, and the allowance for their wrongdoing serves as a gradual strategy leading them to a damning outcome, burdened with their sins, deserving shame, hardship, and punishment.”

- Sayid Qutb

[Fi Dhilal al-Qur’an: Chapter 68]


"I have encountered people whom, if you saw them, you would think they are mad - due to their unwavering certainty, asceticism (detachment from the wordly life) and reliance upon Allah."

- al-Hasan al-Basri


"Palestine is the foremost issue for Muslims; it will remain alive and not die, strong and not weaken, ablaze and not extinguished. It is an obligation upon the whole Ummah to forsake trivial issues and focus on what the captive Al-Aqsa Mosque is facing."

- Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi


"So be wary of a brother who watches you, as the dogs tear into you, ripping apart your flesh, and he remains silent amidst this, unmoved by compassion or protectiveness to defend you."

- al-Ghazâli

['Ihya Ulum al-Din': 4/101]


“Just as the body, when it's sick, is not benefited by food and drink; similarly, the heart, when it's afflicted with desires, is not benefited by advices/reminders.”

- Ibn al-Qayyim

[al-Fawa’id: 142]

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