Christ Church, Great Broughton
19th century Church of England church, serving the communities of Great and Little Broughton, and surrounding areas.
Tomorrow in a service that begins at 11am all these lovely people will be ordained Deacons at Carlisle Cathedral, our very own Nick and Sue Cole (2nd and 3rd from the left) among them - and lots of their Christ Church, Great Broughton and GMC family are going along to support them.
Then at 6pm on Sunday night, Christina Brentnall will be ordained Priest at St Bridget's, Bridekirk.
Do join us if you can, and join us in praying for them all.
There’s more information on this, and much more, in our latest newsletter, now up on the website:
We will remember them.
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by war. Today, we especially pray for our WW2 veterans, and those families whose loved ones never came home.
We had a wonderful time in our Cafe Church service this morning at Christ Church. Lots of good conversations and refreshments. Next one will be in May, watch out for details and come along!
He is risen! Alleluia!
And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
Matthew 27:28-29
🐣Easter Services are:
Good Friday - prayers at the Cross, 2pm in the churchyard.✝️🙏🏼
Easter Sunday - Holy Communion at 10.30am.⛪🍷🍞
You are all most welcome to join us. 💛
Today is Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week and the Sunday before Easter Day.
Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem. All four Gospels tell us how he rode into the city on a donkey and was greeted by a jubilant crowd shouting "Hosanna!", an exclamation of praise. They waved palm branches, a symbol of victory and triumph.
Today, congregations often celebrate by holding their own processions with handmade palm crosses, and sometimes donkeys too.
Palm Sunday is a time of mixed sentiment because, although triumphal, it precedes the marking of events that led to the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus.
Everyone is welcome. Friday 1st March.
Tomorrow, at 10.30, (Sunday 18th,) it's Church at the Punchbowl!
It's the 1st Sunday of Lent and we'll be thinking whether it's better to give something up - or is there something else we could do. What do you think?
Why not come along and join in - everyone is welcome and refreshments ( if you haven't given them up) are served afterwards!
Christ Church would like to wish you all a very happy New Year, if it's not too late to say it!
Our coffee mornings are up and running again on Thursday mornings at 10.45, do join us for a cuppa, a cake and a chat. Everyone is welcome!
We have a growing collection of spectacles which have been left in church at some point through the last year, the latest being a pair left at one of the Christmas services (we think). If you are missing a pair and think they may be yours, please contact Pauline on 01900 824563 or Sue on 01900 827935.
And do join us this Sunday for Church at the Punchbowl, if you haven't been yet, do come along and join our informal service of Morning Prayer with refreshments served afterwards ☺️
The Feast of Epiphany celebrates the revealing of God in human form, recalling the visit of the Magi (or wise men) who brought gifts to the infant Jesus.
The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek word “epiphaneia”, which means “appearing”.
The Epiphany is celebrated on 6 January, 12 days after Christmas Day.
The season of Epiphany continues until 2 February, and many churches and cathedrals mark it with services including processions, traditional carols and candlelight.
Please note: there won't be a service or coffee morning at Christ Church tomorrow.
We' ll be restarting next Thursday, (11th) with a service of Holy Communion at 10 am followed by our weekly get together at 10.45.
Do join us for both or either, everyone is welcome 😊🙏☕🫖🍰
Wishing each and every one of you, and those you love, a very happy Christmas.
Please share. Everyone welcome!
Fancy a Christmas sing along round the piano?
Join us at the Sundial (8.30 pm) this Wednesday evening for Beer 🍻 and Carols 🎶.
Come and get the festive season off to a musical start! 🎄🎶🍺
Join us at 10.30 tomorrow morning for Church at the Punchbowl 🙏
An informal service of morning prayer led by Lois Sparling with refreshments served afterwards.☕🍰🍪
Come along and join in with music, prayer and time for reflection.
Remembrance poppies 2023
Fed up of the rain ☔ and cold?
Don't forget Thursday morning at 10.45 is our weekly get together, come along and join us for coffee ☕ tea🫖 cakes 🍰 biscuits 🍪 and a warm welcome 🤗
Thanks to everyone who joined us for remembrance. It was great to see so many people.
We'll be posting photos of the poppies soon, but just want to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed. Special thanks to the children and staff of Broughton Primary School, Broughton craft group, neighbours and the members of the congregation who knitted, glued, sewed and cut to help make the church and churchyard look so nice. God bless.
Please feel free to join us for our service tomorrow from 10.30am. We will assemble in the churchyard for the act of remembrance at 11.00 🎺
Everyone is welcome.
The church will be open after the service for refreshments and for anyone who wants to see the poppy displays 🌺 Thanks to everyone who has contributed 🌺
🌹Thanks to everyone who has made a poppy for our remembrance display this year. They look great! There's still time if you'd like to join in though. Please let us know if you'd like to make a poppy so we can make sure we have space and include them, ideally in the next few days.
Everyone is welcome for the service and act of remembrance on Sunday 12th November as well.🥀
With sadness we are letting you know that the churchyard has suffered some vandalism. This has left some gravestones fallen, damaged and in unstable positions. Please do take care when visiting, and let us know if the graves you tend have been affected.
Parents, please discuss matters of respect of graves with your children, as well as the risk to safety that results from damaging structures.
If you have information , see anyone causing damage or behaving in an antisocial manner in the churchyard, please call local Police on 101. You can also speak with a church warden with information if you wish.
Thank you for your cooperation. God bless, CCGB.
What we do
We are part of the worldwide Christian community, and gather to worship God and learn of the teachings of the Bible. We also take part in, and host, local events and groups which continue to bond us with the local community, as has been the case for more than 180 years. This helps us to continue to share God’s love and blessings with those around us.