Soulflower Therapies

Soulflower Therapies

Holistic Healing, Soundbaths, HeartSpace for Women, Flower Essences, Reiki attunements.

Photos from Soulflower Therapies's post 14/07/2024

Hey all, I’ve been quiet on my socials for the last few months because a) I launched a branch of which is a women’s social membership group aimed at making friends, boosting your physical and mental wellbeing and learning new things (give us a follow!) and b) I’ve been immersed in my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. No wonder I am tired!

Yesterday I completed the last in person yoga training day which was naturally emotional. It’s been a privilege sharing this journey with so many wonderful women from a variety of different backgrounds each with a story to tell. The next few weeks is all about anatomy and preparing for my practical exam so I’ll continue to be quiet whilst I study and prepare. Thank you to everybody who has joined me at my soundbaths, allowed me to support you on your healing journey and honoured me with the privilege of being your Reiki Master Teacher. I look forward to sharing my love of yoga with you in the autumn but until then, I’ll be taking a break in August so come and enjoy some soothing sounds on 18th July 2024 in Davenham, just 4 tickets left and 31st July 2024 in Winnington, just 1 ticket left..

Photos from Soulflower Therapies's post 12/06/2024

A sound bath is a deeply immersive experience where you get to ‘bathe’ in the sounds and vibrations produced by a variety of instruments including chakra attuned crystal bowls, tibetan bowls, rainstick, chimes, wind gong and more. Each sound has a purpose and intention which enables your mind and body to drop into a deeper state of relaxation. This state of relaxation is associated with feeling more peaceful and less anxious. It can help with pain management and give you better sleep. The real hidden beauty of a sound bath lies in you not having to do anything other than listen. An hour where you get to lie down, switch off and forget about the world.

Photos from Soulflower Therapies's post 30/05/2024

I’m running a solstice special HeartSpace this month on 20th June 2024 at Davenham Methodist Church. The evening will be a time to rest, reflect and rebalance as we meet the midway point of the year. This 2 hour experience will include:

* Guided Meditation and Journalling
* Sound Healing
* Reiki
* Oracle Cards
* Herbal Tea

Included in the ticket price is a 30ml dosage bottle of Awakening the Heart flower essence worth £10.00.

HeartSpace is a perfect space for self reflection helping you to connect with your inner world as a means of identifying feelings and behaviours that may be impacting your mental health. It’s an excellent tool for personal growth as you get clearer on the relationships, activities, or situations that drain your energy and hinder your growth. Most of all it is a space to receive some tlc and be amongst other women who are honouring themselves.

There are contra indications for the sound element so be sure to read them on the website listing before booking.


As we reach the midway point of the year, the summer solstice is an energetically charged day and an important one. The Summer Solstice is a time of completion and celebration. Plans that we made in the darker months should now be fully in place. We will come together on this solstice night to celebrate and honour our journey.

* Guided Meditation
* Journaling
* Reflection
* Oracle Cards
* Reiki
* Soundbath
* Herbal Tea

You will also receive a 30ml dosage bottle of ‘Awakening the Heart’ flower essence to help dissolve old issues and barriers so that the vibrations of love & joy can reawaken within your heart chakra.

This will be a deeply nourishing experience in a safe and held space dedicated to you. The group size will be small to ensure personal attention. Tickets are £25.00pp and available to book now.


Excited to be bringing my soundbath experience to a new part of Northwich, this time at the lovely Winnington Community Building. I’ll be there on Wednesday 5th June 7.30-8.45pm. Tickets are £15pp and can be booked via the link below. All the information you need is on the website. Please be sure to read the contra-indications before booking or get in touch if you have any questions whatsoever.

5 JUNE 2024 SOUNDBATH WINNINGTON A soundbath is a deeply relaxing experience that uses sound to relax your body and mind. All you need to do is lay there and let it work its magic! This beautiful evening will take place in the Win…


I’ve recently launched a branch of HerSpace in Northwich which is a membership group for women aimed at meeting friends, learning new skills, boosting psychological well-being and basically having fun!

The group is open to all women across Northwich whether you’ve lived here all your life or moved yesterday. This space is for you to focus on you. Not the you who may also be a mother, wife, partner, sister, granddaughter but the you who may have gotten lost under all of those roles.

I’m passionate about getting to know yourself and recognising when you need to take more care of yourself or put your needs higher up the list. You matter. We all matter. Self care isn’t selfish. It’s self love and vital if you want to live a more authentic life where you’re not afraid to say no to others in order to say yes to you.

Take a look at the website and see if it sounds like something you’d like to be part of. It’s only £4.00 for your first month until 30th April 2024. The events range from free to £25.00. You can join in as many as you like or can afford. It’s a rolling membership so there’s no tie ins either.

May events are now live and available for members to book! May is Mental Health Awareness Week with movement being the theme. That’s why this month you’ll see walks, mindful activities, meditations and learning new culinary skills that all aid in boosting your psychological and physical well-being. They will also involve a lot of giggling too, I’m sure, as I haven’t used a hoola hoop since I was a child so that’s going to be one not to miss!

We are also taking part in ‘Wear it Green Day’ to raise awareness of the great work they do in removing the stigma of mental health so it’s easier for us all to say, it’s ok not to be ok.

Thank you to Hula Daze .cw9 and Oakwood Smoke & Dough for collaborating with us this month. We are passionate about working with and supporting local independent businesses and appreciate their involvement.

Fancy joining in the fun? Membership is still £4.00 until 30th April 2024. There’s no tie ins either.

Photos from Soulflower Therapies's post 12/09/2023

It’s that time again for our monthly soundbath at Davenham Methodist Church. If you’d like to experience the power of sound in a safe and nurturing space, then I’d love to welcome you on Thursday 21st September 2023.

I will open the space with a short guided relaxation before using an array of instruments including chakra attuned crystal bowls, tibetan bowls, wind gong, ocean drum, rainstick, chimes and more to relax and rebalance the body and mind. We will close with herbal tea, chat and oracle cards for those who can stay.

It is a beautiful experience and one not to be missed!

Tickets: £15.00 per person

There are contra-indications which are listed on the booking page. However, if you have any questions whatsoever about the suitability of a sound bath then please do get in touch.

Photos from Soulflower Therapies's post 08/08/2023


When we 'clear away' the emotional debris that may be blocking our inner light from radiating, we are able to draw upon our own inner sunshine to weather the storms.

There are lots of different ways to do this that take a top down, bottom up or combined approach to healing. Sound healing is a bottom up approach. It invites your body to release any areas of trapped or stagnant energy that may be held within your energy system that are preventing your inner light from shining. When our inner light is dimmed this can leave us feeling helpless, hopeless, cut off, in the dark, disconnected. No matter how hard we try, we cannot seem to reconnect with that inner spark of light that guides and support us through life.

Does this resonate for you? Have you tried sound healing before? Are you intrigued?

Come join me at the next sound bath and see for yourself how incredibly soothing it can be (despite all the noise it makes!).

There are contra indications for this session. Please read the website link and get in touch if you have any questions. Even if you are holding trauma in your body, it is still possible to use this type of healing to enable you to safely let go, when you are ready to do so.


FINAL CALL for this month’s restorative sound bath on Thursday 22nd June 2023 to coincide with the Summer Solstice. A potent time for new beginnings.

Using a variety of instruments including crystal bowls, tibetan bowls, wind gong, rainstick, chimes, ocean drum and more you will be taken on a journey into a deep state of relaxation. Studies have shown that the vibrational sound frequencies entrain brainwaves to alpha, theta and delta frequencies which are associated with states of deep relaxation, meditation and sleep.

This session will incorporate a short guided relaxation at the start and herbal tea and sharing circle to close (for those who wish to stay).

Davenham Methodist Church, Firth Fields, Davenham, Northwich
Tickets: £15.00 per person

There are contra-indications which are listed on the website. However, if you have any questions whatsoever about the suitability of a sound bath then please do get in touch.

Photos from Soulflower Therapies's post 11/05/2023


The theme for this year (15th-21st May 2023) is anxiety and according to the Mental Health Foundation, anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems we can face. In a recent survey, a quarter of adults said they felt so anxious that it stopped them from doing the things they want to do some or all of the time.

Whilst talking therapies are important when it comes to understanding the internal landscape that keeps you stuck in anxiety and fear, studies show that the body needs just as much attention as the mind if you truly want to free yourself from the patterns that hold you in this dysregulated nervous state.

To support Mental Health Awareness Week, I am running an extended group sound bath session on 18th May 2023 where you will get to experience the benefits of using sound to invite gentle, yet powerful, therapeutic processes to nurture your mind and body. Using a variety of instruments including crystal bowls, tibetan bowls, wind gong, rainstick, chimes, tongue drum and more you will be taken on a journey into a deep state of relaxation. Your nervous system will have an opportunity to switch out of fight and flight ‘doing’ mode and into its regulated state of calm and ease. This session will also incorporate a guided body relaxation at the start and a closing circle with herbal tea and vegan snacks. Time permitting, I will share 2 powerful somatic tools to equip you with the know how to self-regulate whenever you feel overwhelmed by your feelings.

Davenham Methodist Church, Firth Fields, Davenham, Northwich
18th May 2023
Tickets: £15.00 per person*

*10% of sales profits will be donated to the Mental Health Foundation.

There are contra-indications which are listed on the website. However, if you have any questions whatsoever about the suitability of a group sound bath then please do get in touch.


“A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system”. Hazrat Inayat Khan


Thursday 20th April 2023
Davenham Methodist Church

Further details and to book:


I hope you are well and enjoying this glorious weather. It’s been a while since you last heard from me as I decided to take some time out for my own self care when we went into the winter lockdown. The last year has been demanding for all of us, including myself, so it felt timely to step back for a little while to nourish my own mind and body.

As we are now able to enjoy the return of in person classes and treatments, I’ve been working behind the scenes with Martyn at Gong Spa to bring the Gong Bath back to Northwich.


The 2 options we currently have to squeeze in a gong bath before the venue closes for summer break are 5th July and/or 12th July 2021. As much as we’re excited to bring you this class, we’d like to know what interest is out there for one or both dates.

Please comment with a Yes! or drop me an email ([email protected]) with an indication of which date(s) you can make and whether you’d be interested in attending both dates.

Videos (show all)

BTS set up for a soundbath with a sneaky listen to the heart chakra and throat chakra Tibetan bowls. There’s just 2 spac...
Since joining a walking group earlier this year, I’ve met some lovely people and visited places I never knew existed. An...
Nature is our true home. We are born to live in harmony with nature, because we belong to the natural world, not to the ...
Whether you go for a hike, put your feet in the sand, go for a drive along the coast or just look at images of trees, na...


Opening Hours

Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 19:00