Dragon Ascension Therapies

Dragon Ascension Therapies

Dragon Energy Specialist

Shadow Energy Navigator

Preloved Crystal Specialist My name is Cheryl and in simple terms I work with energy.

In 2014 I was allowed to bring through some of the Dragon Energy that I work with for people to experience for themselves. This is an energy I have integrated in and work with it 24/7 to the point which means I won't be teaching or training anyone in it as I've moved past that point. Typically I am helping others find/rediscover the tools they need for their own self empowerment. Off the back of t


Good morning folks,

Quick reminder to stay away from the things that distract and distort and do what makes you happy instead. Lets shift that vibration 😀

As the suns out I’m taking my nieces to a place we all love that’s outside and pretty chilled out.

Whatever you have planned or if going with the flow - enjoy it.


Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies


Hey Folks,

It's almost time for our next Quarterly group Dragon Clearing.

They are a tad intense - and only recommended for those who have worked with dragon energy before. As with the others this is around new moon which is the phase of lunar cycle I prefer to work with.


Any questions not answered please feel free to get in touch direct.

Dragon Ascension Therapies


Dear All,

Todays dragon energy distance session has now completed for those who asked to be included. My findings (which can be very brief given I am scribbling away real time) from the session are as follows:

Opening the space for all involved.

Aware as we start of a LOT of pressure around various parts of the head : back of skull, eyes and top of the neck.

Going a little deeper into the group energy.

Tension very localised at:
Very back of the head
Back of the throat

Asking on behalf of all here that anything in the upper layers of individual energy that is ready to go please do so now,

The tension being felt and held around the head has many roots in the collective energies being felt - it has attached to as many people as possible in order to be transmuted quickly but it’s gotten a bit stuck along the way instead. Very sudden expulsion of energy and very dense and sticky.

Asking that all collective energy held within the group settings be passed from each individual into a central column of silver light in the centre of the group space. To be dissolved and transmuted on your/our behalf by my team.

Connecting with the very present and increasing solar activity and energy to fully illuminate what is being held at the individual level - even if you have not been aware of it till now. You can’t release what you don’t know is there.

Aware of density over the third eye as well - which had been hidden till now.

Let any irritation start to fall away.

Asking for the tension at the third eye and eyes to reduce and dissolve out.

Anything you are holding around the head/upper chakras take a moment to look at it. if all the work has been done and it can be released - now is the time to ask it to move on. If more work is needed acknowledge the presence and set the intention to come back to do the work needed.

The central column of silver light now changes to a deep dark green. As it shifts fully to dragon source light - to assist with full relaxation of the system and surrender to the process. You will be able to connect as you need - or as guided.

Group energy now much lighter than it was at the start - far less tension being felt or held.

Keeping the column of dragon source light and connection to solar activity open - to held connect and recharge respectively.

As this stage comes to a close we thank the beings of light who have facilitated the session as the dragon source light and solar activity connection pull back. Those who have these connections will still have them - they are pulling back only in the sense of the session space.

Calling all back up through the energy layers back into the physical.

Energy feels MUCh lighter and at peace
Tension across the head has diminished significantly
No irritation being felt
Very deep feeling of relaxation

Calling all fully back into body and back into full awareness of the ambient noises around you in the space where you are as you disconnect from the session space.

My team doing the needful and the space now closed.

(Time elapsed was 35 minutes).

Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies

Photos from Dragon Ascension Therapies's post 31/07/2024

Hey folks,

while I don't typically share the preloved crystals in here much these days I have some VERY special spheres listed at the moment.

Now these are considered in terms of value and energy but they are amazing beings and thought you might like to see a little peak. I have added a video in the comments section as my cat decided to interact with one.

I do have some other even more considered pieces which I haven't listed yet

Head on over to Preloved Crystal Sales - Dragon Ascension Therapies for more details including some video I caught today :D


Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies / Inner Crystal Magpie


🐲 Free distance Dragon Energy session 1st Aug 🐲

Dear All,

I will be opening up space on 1st Aug to send distance Dragon Energy at 7pm local Uk time.

If you would like to be included please leave a comment on this thread which will close at 5pm on the day.

Pets as always are welcome to be included.

A note to those adding other people - you are welcome to do so and it will only be sent if accepted by their higher selves. Anything not accepted will be returned to Gaia instead.

To connect at the time simply make yourself comfortable and say out loud or in your head that you accept the energy being sent by Dragon Ascension Therapies. It lasts typically half an hour.

For those unable to connect at the time you will be able to do so at a time more suitable to yourself later (called calling it in). Just go through the same connection step above when it suits.

You may see, feel or hear things during this time , or you may simply fall asleep or become deeply relaxed - this is quite normal. I will give a summary of the group findings afterwards on a separate post.

I do these free sessions on the 1st of each month and have done so for several years and will continue to do so - this is part of my paying it forwards.

Those who have asked about making donations firstly thank you and secondly you can use:


Dragon Ascension Therapies

Photos from Dragon Ascension Therapies's post 28/07/2024

Oracle card reading 29th July - 4th Aug

If this has presented itself to you and you couldn't care less - just scroll past.

Take what makes sense and skip the rest .

Mon 29th - Tue 30th : Divine Guidance

At the start of the week we are being reminded we ALL play a role in this life time. Even if we can't see right now what that is, or might develop into - it is/we are part of a much bigger picture.

Those feeling a little flat or uninspired - keep doing the day to day stuff and try and not push the other aspects. It may be you have some resting to do first and you're being forced to take time out. Do your best not to push through as your body may be forced to take drastic action to stop you in your tracks.

Be gentle with yourself, your energy and your body. Rest when needed, be open to seeing the smaller details of things and just be.

Not always easy to do if people/work/situations are demanding access to your time, energy or patience. Believe me I know this one well. Place yourself top of the list of priorities and see how it shifts the horizon.

If you can't do something, or really don't have available time or space right now then say so. Be honest and upfront, that way any resentment you may be holding can start to dissolve out rather than festering away in the background.

You are supported and seen but it helps to set your boundaries at the same time.

Wed 31st - Fri 2nd : Nurturing Universe

Another reminder to rest and heal when it's needed rather than attempting to push through and make things worse. You are supported (spotted a theme yet?) and having trust in this will help.

"I'm too busy"
"I have to do x, y and z"
"people are relying on me"

While all the above may be true where are you making time and space for you? Is anyone else doing it for you or is there an expectation you will drop everything for someone else? This is something I would deeply encourage everyone looks at this week.

You may have a few "ah ha" moments, or even a few "oh f&ck " ones as the penny drops.

Be aware of available energies and vibrations that can help the healing process - being in nature, specific frequencies, plant healing, the ocean - all these things can and do help. Find the ones that mean something to you.

For me it's bird song.

Sat 3rd - Sun 4th : Manifest

End of the week a potential shift as we've fully moved from one month into another. And the creativity is coming back up to the surface.

Everyone has the ability to manifest - the good, the bad and the ugly. It all depends where you place your focus and energy. So pay attention to both.

I'm not going to explain to you HOW to manifest as it looks different to everyone - so sit with the card and the word and see what comes up direct. .

Extra for the week : Fulfillment

Alongside everything else we are getting a nudge to do some research or at the very least some due diligence before we commit to anything and everything.

An open mind and the ability to change direction or belief based on new information is key. Being closed minded or unwilling to listen to differing ideas or experiences may not be the best course this week.

Explore, learn, remember and discover the new.
Decks used:

Divine Guidance
Path of the Soul
Return of Spirit - all by Cheryl Lee Harnish
Whispers of Lord Ganesha - Angela Hartfield

Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies


Another sunny warm day here and came home to discover an injured pigeon at the back gate. Managed to create a nice quiet space for it under a large fern where the other birds and the cat couldn’t see it.

Think it had stunned itself on a window and thumped a wing as it couldn’t take off - so checked a few times, gave it some bird food and gone to check again and it’s not there and none walking around the garden.

Presuming all is well and it just needed a bit of time.

Helping others should never be a drain on your time, energy or resources. Sometimes all they need is space and quiet with a few check ins along the way.


Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies


Hey folks,

well a little theory I had going about the weather seems to have come to fruition - we have warmth AND sunshine here at the moment for the first time in months.

Always trust the nudges your gut and intuition give you - they aren't trying to steer you the wrong way. They are trying to tell you something.


Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies

Dragon Energy and why I'm not teaching it 24/07/2024

Hey folks,

In case you missed it my latest blog is out - as to why I don’t teach about connecting to Dragon Energy as I do get asked about it fairly frequently.

This is me being brutally honest - I can’t be anything else.


Cheryl// Dragon Ascension Therapies

Dragon Energy and why I'm not teaching it A quick reminder as to why I do't teach Dragon Energy. It's very personal and may not be what you were anticipating.


OK folks here we go again.

Seeing some very aggressive, non aware and fecking dangerous behaviour on the roads again today.

It's a heads up to be aware - I've already tripped over my own feet again today so please watch yourselves. Mine may be combined with severe lack of sleep, hormones and a very contempt filled energy where I live.

But the suns out and I'm home for the day ....


Cheryl / Dragon Ascension Therapies

Photos from Dragon Ascension Therapies's post 21/07/2024

Oracle card reading 22nd - 28th June '24

If you've stumbled across this and have no interest just scroll past.
Take what makes sense and ignore the rest ..

Mon 22nd - Tues 23rd : Fearless

Start of the week and we are being shown very clearly that the "fear" agenda is just that. So many narratives, stories and timelines are pushing their hardest to keep people in a state or vibration of fear. Why? It's tasty and the energetic equivalent of junk food.

When we take the time to feel into things when the fear rises and understand where its coming from, where it has been held and what you can do to move it on, we stop feeding others. By taking responsibility for ourselves, what and how we feel at any given time, cease the outwards projections and do the work - we cut off the feeding tubes.

Quite a lot of the time when we feel stuck or blocked - it's actual ourselves that have created the blockage or stepping stone we can't seem to cross.

Taking time and energy to investigate, delve that bit deeper and give space to what we ACTUALLY feel can release so much. More so than you may even imagine.

Take the time this week to look at what makes you feel on edge, fearful or scared. Acknowledgement is the fist step in taking control and changing the script.

Many times you may even find it's yours anyway - it may be projected from someone else or even Collective. Which can be moved out very fast - ask for it to be transmuted on behalf of the Collective/specific person so you no longer have to carry it.

Trust the process and let things play out as they are meant to. .

Wed 24th - Fri 26th : Dreaming

Now I see this as a slightly different card than the the creator of the deck did. They saw it as paying attention to your dreams and what you are shown via them.

I see this as thinking way, way outside the box. Of working towards what you would like to see in the world or in your life. The how is not the important bit right now - the end result is.

You could say it's a form of daydreaming - and I would agree, and being present while you do this is the key step.

For those who work in dream state - and I have said this before - ensure your boundaries in that space are working. Dream state is not as it once was and many things can find a way in if you are not diligent. That will make sense to whomever needs to see it.

I will note the colour and image is very calm, contained and in balance.

Sat 27th - Sun 28th : Speak your truth

Strong end to the week. With the work you've done to look at your fears, start to work towards where you wish to go in life you may start to be able to speak your truth. To voice your concerns and feelings more freely.

Again note how balanced and in control this image is with the darker blues and purples. That is how I would suggest you go about things.

At times we can bite our tongue until everything erupts - which perhaps is not the best option for all concerned.

Instead speak up when you feel the urge to do so, yelling and screaming won't cut it and you'll be dismissed for being "overly emotional". You'll find the way that works for you. It may even be through the power of writing that you find your outlet.

Whatever it happens to be - be authentic, be truthful and be open to changing direction and beliefs when new information comes into your awareness.

For those who have kept quiet a long time you may find you've been having throat issues, tooth ache, sinus infections or stuck/stiff neck. All that unreleased tension and energy can lead to blockages over time. So speak out rather than letting things fester.

If you know it's a battle that isn't worth it - then let that s**t go and move on instead.

For those around you speaking up or letting rip - give them the space and respect to sort things out for themselves unless you are specifically requested to help. It can be very tempting to wade in but are you really trying to help or is it a martyr complex making itself known?

Be true to yourself.

Extra for the full week : Growth

Lovely card in tandem with the others and its the one of growth I see this as personal growth AND collective growth.

Give things that you have nurtured space to really start to make themselves known.

I'm not going to say too much about this card as it will speak to you direct :)

Decks used:

Return of Spirit
Path of the Soul
Divine Guidance - all by Cheryl Lee Harnish
Foxfire the Kitsune Oracle - Lucy Cavendish


Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies


Afternoon folks,

well after my life-flashing-before-my-eyes-swan-dive when I rolled my right ankle yesterday it would appear my LEFT ankle took the brunt and has a bit of inflammation.

Noticed this at my class this morning and rather than push through like normal, I stopped, found the inflammation and decided "nah I'll stop".

I know physically what the issue has been but also looking at what energetically is trying to trip people up. Yes we have full moon tomorrow but this feels separate from that.

Again just watch you footing, words, attention and energy today as something may be trying to push you off course. Or trip you up in some way.

It's not all bad as if you're aware that not is all that it seems you can be prepared and possibly prevent anything from kicking off in the first place.

Best advice? Get outside, detach from the crazy and tune in to your own energy instead.


Cheryl //Dragon Ascension Therapies


Quick reminder as just rolled my ankle (it's fine) watch where you place your feet, thoughts, energy and attention today .


Well folks it’s all playing out even more - mass global IT outages across the board even as I type.

Things really are speeding up and showing us what we need to see almost in an instant. Stay in observation, focus on yourself and do the needful to stay in balance 😁

Some people will be trying to add fear into the mix - don’t pay attention to that instead embrace the peace from technology for the rest of the day, possibly tomorrow as well. It will get fixed but I feel it may take longer than these hinges have in the past.

This may be the kick up the arse some technocrats are needing …….

Like I said fun times folks 😉


Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies


Hey folks,

just been reminded that we have a full moon approaching (will be exact here in the UK on Sun at 11.17am) which may explain some behaviour I'm seeing playing out - mainly hypocrisy.

And this is playing out in the day to day stuff.

I have seen someone who I know that runs a super local group where we have to be "kind and respectful" showing their true colours on another local group by being dismissive, deeply unkind and mansplaining.

That's the level I'm talking about - what is playing out at a global level is being seen right down the opposite end of the spectrum. This deeply held or hidden shadow is being brought front and centre for everyone to see.

I'd suggest observation for the next few days - not buying into or adding to the drama eveeeeeeen if its really bloody tempting (I'm having to massively bite my tongue today).

And breathe - we do have a lot stirred where I am this full week and it's rippling out. I'm doing what I can to transmute but think energetic rebounds will be getting served very quickly.

Fun times eh?


Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies


Hey folks,

I've been quite as dealing with something at an energetic level around the area I live and it's taking a fair bit of my time and attention.

If you can feel/see/sense the unravelling of a story or a narrative or even a timeline step back and let it unravel. Not everything is meant to continue - some things have outlived their purpose and it's time to let them collapse into the dust.

I can't talk about it fully but we have many things being seen and falling apart as I type - they are MEANT to, as they are done.

Rather than concentrating on things or old ways that cannot be resurrected - focus instead on bringing in the new or where you would like to be heading. The "how" doesn't mater so much right now as the end result.

Yes I'm speaking in code and those that can translate it are meant to. If this just reads like a random assortment of words don't sweat it - its not for you.

Get outside, breathe, observe, switch off from technology and simply be in the moment. You'll feel better for it.

Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies


🐲 Group Dragon Release 15th July 7pm 🐲

Dear All,

I’ll be facilitating a group Dragon Release 15th July at 7pm, you can find the link to book a space below:


This is a paid for session at £5 per person. Any issues you can contact me direct to book.

Details will be given to you when you book a space (check emails sent to you) as to how to connect and my findings will also be emailed to you on the 16th.

The Release goes deep and can help with the upper most issues in your energy system that you may be experiencing, so slightly more “work” gets done or highlighted in this space. Please be aware the first one went pretty deep for those taking part.

You are held in a safe protected space and whatever you are needing at the time will be brought forwards.

Please note this is distance so no Zoom call or anything similar :) and if 7pm UK time doesn't suit it will be 7pm your local time OR you can connect in at a time that suits afterwards.

Please get in touch for more details if required.

For those who prefer the energy of an individual session please just get in touch to chat.

Dragon Ascension Therapies

Photos from Dragon Ascension Therapies's post 14/07/2024

Oracle card reading 15th - 21st July '24

If this has landed in front of you and you have zero interest - just scroll past.
Take what resonates and ignore the rest.

Now I will be upfront we have a potentially energetically chaotic week - but forewarned is forearmed.
Mon 15th - Tue 16th : Nature

At the start of the week if you feel things getting just a bit too much then it's a reminder to get outside. To connect with the nature that is all around you - wherever you are. It can be found EVERYWHERE.

In these weird-ass Collective pulses it's easy to get caught up in the drama, the story, the pantomime.....but when you take the time to disconnect from the BS you can find yourself once more.

Being in nature keeps you present - which is VERY much needed this week.

Watch and observe what Gaia is showing you direct. Not the nonsense that politicians or self proclaimed "experts" would have you believe - but the actual truth of the matter. Believe your own eyes and ears first - before listening to something that may not be in your/our best interests.

There are several energies at play that WANT chaos, fear and division. By not falling into or feeding this we take that power away.

In summary - get outside, switch off mainstream and social media, see for yourself the truth in nature (and this is for the whole week - not just the start) and detach from the craziness when you feel it starting to pull. It may also prevent you taking a mis-step be it physical or otherwise.

Wed 17th - Fri 19th : Receiving

In amongst all the potential craziness we have a small reminder that it's not all about giving or helping or depleting energies. Sometimes its being open to receive.

It goes both ways yet we are programmed (mainly) to be in the martyr energy. Enough of that outdated spiritual BS - if this is what you are being taught or you find yourself repeating take some time to dig in. Is it actually your belief or someone else? Does it serve you, or does it serve someone else?

There has to be balance in all things but when things go only in one direction - that's when issues arise.

For those who have been giving too much - its time to put yourself first. Extreme self care is needed before you fall over. Take the time and space YOU need right now. If that is grating think of it as a boundary and that may help.

For those who have been taking too much - its time to balance this out. Where can you give back in a way that does not deplete energy or resources? Are you fully aligned with yourself or have you fallen into a narrative? Why have you been in a space of taking all? I can't answer these - only you can. Redress the balance before it turns sour.

Ultimately this week is about balance of giving and receiving - of having the flow and movement between both.

And believe me you will see extremes of both on the Collective stage - most likely politics/politicians will show you what I mean.

Sat 20th - Sun 21st : Confidence

Seems a bit of an odd card given the week BUT this is about self confidence. To be able to know what is right or wrong for you and standing by it. Even if those around you are doing the opposite. And doing your best not to compare yourself to others.

Work with your morale compass, stand up for yourself if needed and believe in yourself and what you stand for.

This card is also about integrity and authenticity - I won't say too much simply leaving you with those words.

Be. Aware. Of. All.

Extra for the full week : Concentration

Quite a powerful energy running along side the above as it shows the ability to really focus on the task at hand. To be very present and have full commitment on what needs done.

It can be very noisy when the Collective is in a guddle but you still have the focus and ability to block it out. To concentrate on what is important to you.

Get clear on what it is you are looking at, what needs done and then doing it. Step back from the distractions and distortions and FOCUS. It may seem impossible at the start but trust me the vibration is there - you can work with it. Show others how to do it - even in the middle of the storm.

Have faith in yourself and your abilities. Ignore the drama - or at least move it to the side and park it till the needful is completed.

This is also a reminder to be present which will ensure no mis-step or tripping over.

Decks used:

Path of the Soul
Divine Guidance
Return of Spirit - all by Cheryl Lee Harnish
Whispers of Lord Ganesha - Angela Hartfield


Dragon Ascension Therapies // Inner Crystal Magpie


Hey folks,

happy Sunday.

Another quick reminder as I have one pushing at me, and we have increased solar activity which may be poking a few people .....things outside of your control really are just that.

Take a step back, realise there is NOTHING you can do about it and let that s**t go.

Why am I saying this today? Because we have the Golf Open starting here today and where I live is slap bang in the middle - which means we have potential traffic chaos for a full week. Getting in and out of my village will become a logistical clusterf*ck.

There is nothing I can do but grit my teeth and get on with it - and the closer I've gotten to it all the angrier I've been getting. So this TECHNICALLY is for me to get over it, pull my big girl pants back on and practice what I preach 😏

I can complain after the event to the relevant parties.

And we have had at least 1 X class flare which means the sun has been revving back up - those around you who may be sensitive to this (even if they don't know they are) may be a tad reactive. Give them space and leave them be.


Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies


Reminder for the weekend : Boundaries.
And all that entails.


Hey folks,

just quickly checking in (having another slightly unplanned weeks holiday at the moment) to say you may start to feel a shift again in the energies.

In a GOOD way.

We have a bit more solar activity but at the moment it looks gentle rather than intense. I don't really feel it as much since I put the spiral in place for solar energy :)

If its possible for you get outside, connect with nature and see what it is showing you direct. I've been saying for a while (since Feb) that the cycle this year is one month in advance. i.e. nature thinks its August right now not July

Sit with things, let them flow past and if that doesn't work ask yourself will you care about what it is in a week, a month , a year? If the answer is no then step back and stop feeding it.

If the answer is yes then what can you do now to change the script?


Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies


Hey folks,

When you FINALLY have blue skies and warmth remember to stop and enjoy them. Stay in the moment 🙂

Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies

P.s. and if you feed the birds make sure and top up their water

Photos from Dragon Ascension Therapies's post 07/07/2024

Oracle card reading 8th - 14th June '24

If this has anded in front of you and you have zero interest please just scroll past.

Take what makes sense and ignore the rest. .

Mon 8th - Tue 9th : The Grid

Start of the week is a reminder that all things are interconnected - the good, the bad and the ugly. And that we can choose to react or observe what comes up when we sit in that realisation.

We can see the potential and opportunity to create and make change, or we can choose to sit in the glass half empty everything is s**t space. The choice very much is yours to make. I know which I prefer.

I would encourage you to sit with this card direct if you can as there is a lot of hidden symbology and patterns waiting to be seen and felt - it will differ from person to person as to what you see and connect with.

For some this will be a nod to the many timelines, realities and dimensions all playing out at the same time and in the same space - and how making a small change can affect the outcome for you and in some cases those around you.

Be brave and make the changes or acknowledgements required to facilitate movement rather than stagnation.

I cant give you specifics (and to be brutally honest it's not my job to give you specifics - this is personal work) but you will know what it is - it may even be playing out in front of you in a different way as confirmation of where to look.

Look a bit deeper than the surface this week if you can. Or look past any smugness, told you so, etc etc energies trying to assert dominance. No-one has time for that and it only muddies the water...even if comes from someone else OR you. .

Wed 10th - Fri 12th : The Awakening

Now we had this card turn up a few readings back and it appears we have another opportunity to step up. To realise that something within you has been awoken and is ready to be worked with.

Note I do not apply the term "awake" relating to people as I find it a little insulting to assume people are "asleep". They are where they are - focus on sorting yourself and your shadow first. It may help to swap the word "awaken" with "awareness".

I digress.

This gold dragon represents the sunrise energy, the start of the new, the beginning of a new cycle. Take the opportunity when they present themselves this week to begin or continue something that is new to you - or being re-introduced as beneficial.

I'll give an example - I am re-assessing my level of processed sugar in what I eat and have an influx of fruit to kickstart me back to natural sugar instead. This is something I have done before and I know it made me feel more like myself - so I am bringing it back in.

It may be for some that mid week a part or aspect of yourself you didn't even know was there makes itself known. Sit with it and even (or especially) if it is something uncomfortable know now is the time you ARE able to look at it and do something to either integrate or dissolve. Realise it is still part of you - you can take responsibility and make any changes needed or explore it further.

It's time to live our authentic selves - even the shadow aspects.

It's far less exhausting than wearing a mask or persona to fit in or stand behind.

Sat 13th - Sun 14th: Light Within

As we start or continue to take responsibility for our energy, actions and self more will begin to be revealed. Help is there when needed and will make itself know when it really is essential but some of the best guidance may be from within.

Perhaps before shouting for help really look at what is coming up - observation is a massive thing and can be under utilised at times. Sit with it, feel into it, really let it come to the surface and see what it looks like. No-one but you can truly express this stage.

With this knowledge, over time, comes healing. It's worth doing the work even when painful or uncomfortable as shadow work is ALWAYS beneficial.

Healing and happiness can be an inside job ...........

Extra for the full week - Commitment

And running alongside all the personal energies this week we have a question - what are you committing to?

It's a bit of a big question as for some it will be huge and for some others it will be a bit smaller. Whatever it happens to be make sure and sense check it all first - do your due diligence before you sign yourself up for something you can't get out of further down the line if it really isn't for you after all.

If it's something you are committing to for yourself - a change in exercise, diet, job, habits - is it something you actually mean or are you paying lip service?

And for some others it may be time to assess relationships or contracts or commitments others have made towards you that are not being fulfilled. Is it time to cut your losses and let them go or can they be tweaked.

This also goes for any promises you have made to others - can you step up and meet them or would it be more realistic to be honest and say "I can't commit"

Again I can't answer this for you - but a heads up it is and you'll know it if it comes in.

For those looking for a summary the cards do it really well by themselves:

The Grid (connects to)
The awakening (of self)
(to bring) Light Within


Decks used:

Divine Guidance - Cheryl Lee Harnish
Foxfire the Kitsune Oracle - Lucy Cavendish
Path of the Soul - Cheryl Lee Harnish
Return of Spirit - Cheryl Lee Harnish

Cheryl // Dragon Ascension Therapies

Our Story

My name is Cheryl and in simple terms I work with energy.

My journey began back 2002 at a particularly low point in my life and reiki helped to turn me back around. Since that point more and more has come forwards including Angelic Reiki which I now also teach and my OWN “stuff”.

My own stuff is what I tend to concentrate on - as you do . So what is my own stuff?

Well as you can possibly tell from the name the main energy that works through me is Dragon Energy. I was given permission to start bringing this forward in 2014 and thats exactly what we’ve been doing.

Videos (show all)

Hey folks,A quick (almost) final call for those who are interested in the Energetic Boundaries masterclass I'll be runni...
Something that was a game changer for me - and how things that are super important at the time can turn into stepping st...
Solar flares and energy work  - a tip that's actually working.(I tried to go live twice but my phone connection dropped ...
Suggestions when working with enery
Let's chat as to why I haven't done a live in here for over a year ....if my connection will blinking let me! CherylDrag...
Catch up - third time lucky .....Thought it was time to let you know some of the goings on in the background 🙂Website mo...
Evening all,As I’m still not quite 100% health wise (I’m about 80-90% which is far better than the last 2 days ) the ora...
Hi folks Something a little different as I have a handful of new crystal towers to show you.They came from someone windi...
Online retreat running 14th - 28th October There are spaces available.To book:https://bookwhen.com/dragonascen/e/ev-szea...
Dragon words of wisdom
Afternoon folks,well isn't it fascinating when work you've been parking in the corner starts turning up regardless.Somet...

Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 21:00
Thursday 12:00 - 21:00
Friday 12:00 - 21:00
Saturday 12:00 - 21:00
Sunday 12:00 - 21:00