Featherock Therapy

Featherock Therapy

Helping creative women connect to their soul purpose and releasing the blocks to thriving.


Summer Solstice and sun moving into Cancer at the same time 10:14amBST.
I don't mind admitting that I'm a biased Cancerian so I think this is super magical.

How are you celebrating the longest day of the year?


Kelly sold her business for her asking price within 3 weeks of having a declutter consultation with me. She now enjoys the freedom of creating her spiritual passion project! 💗

That’s right you can declutter business premises as well as your home!!

Here’s what Kelly said about our session:

“Jo helped me gain clarity and a new perspective of letting go and decluttering.

My lens had always been one through Feng Shui, Vastu, placement and energy.

Jo helped me see that I had been missing a huge valuable piece - a birdseye view of each room to see the individual energy of each individual thing, I had been so immersed deep into the core of everything, I hadn’t thought to take a step back.

Jo guided me beautifully to help me see the missing pieces and helped me declutter my business in a soul way ready for its sale.

I felt this process was a beautiful exchange for all, for me it allowed a less emotional transaction even though it had been my ‘baby’ of blood sweat and tears for over 16 years, a clean energetic slate for the new owner and it allowed me a deeper sense of gratitude for ‘things’ I took for granted, even things like a staff kettle.

I feel it allowed a beautiful energy exchange and gratitude for all involved, including the business itself.

Very soulful, compassionate and caring. I would highly recommend Jo for this work.”

Try it for yourself on the clutter clearing challenge - an easy 4 days to making space for abundance to come to you, using your home as a beautiful anchor. Link in bio xx


🧹Whether you are in your dream home or your 'just for now' home, how much love is cultivated within its walls? And I'm not talking about the love between you and your partner.
🧹How often do you express your gratitude for the items you surround yourself with?
🧹Does everything around you fill your heart with joy?
🧹Are you able to relax when you step through the door after a busy day?
🧹Do you take your home for granted?

I would like to introduce you to a concept of clutter clearing but not just one where you are ‘throwing things out’ for the sake of it; one that works on an energetic level to support you and your life.

Come join me on a 4-day mini challenge where I’ll not only show you how it and energy works, but you will experience it for yourself. Yes, that’s right 4 days to see how you can shift your energy to attract what you desire whilst creating a sacred space in your home.

If you are ready to start shifting the energetic blocks that are anchored within your home sign up the challenge today – Link in the bio xx


🧹Does the thought of having to do any type of decluttering, especially sorting out your wardrobe overwhelm you?
🧹Do you get side tracked?
🧹Do you Simply give up and just put everything and decide your need everything because it seems easier?

If you answered yes for any of the above, the I have an easy 4 day challenge that you will love!

Join me 11-14 April for an easy and fun introduction to clutter clearing that helps you overcome procrastination and overwhelm so you get it done.

🏡Learn how your home can energetically support you in creating the live you love and enjoy.

🏡 Learn how to make it work for you even if you are renting or sharing with other people.

🏡Learn the importance of creating a sacred space for yourself.

🏡Learn how to deal with stuff when you are short on time.

Want to become more energetically aligned to your dreams/ goals the easy way then secure your free place on the clutter clearing challenge now. Click on the link in my bio.


Tomorrow, we have the Full Moon in Virgo, followed by the spring equinox on the 20th and two weeks later on the 1st April, we have a New Moon in Aries.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, Virgo's are known for being very organised and particular about their surroundings and New Moons are a great time to put out your intentions for manifesting! Aries is about the self

So, what better way to celebrate yourself and supercharge your manifesting power than to release the blocks to you receiving them?

Join me for a free 4-day introduction to clutter clearing 28-31 March by way of a fun and easy challenge.

The intention is that you get to do a little bit of clearing around your current commitments to help you supercharge your goals and dreams.

I love energy work and how clutter clearing can work its magic for you.

Grab your spot by signing up via the link in my bio!


The more love and joy you cultivate in your home the more empowered you will become.
If you love the space around you, then you will cultivate a sense of joy in your life. ⠀

When you create sacred space in your home, you effectively create a sanctuary for yourself within your home

Making sacred space for yourself doesn't mean making it religious. The word "sacred" is whatever resonates with you. The sacredness of your space is having safe space for yourself⠀

A safe space to unwind
A safe space to heal
A safe place to grow
A safe space to simply be you... physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually

Having that special space around you means you can absorb the energy into your being ... and you can carry that around with you to tap in when needed.

Are you ready to create sacredness in your life?



What is clutter? My house is spotless so why should I care?

🧹Whilst we all see clutter as something different, some elements are the same, such as "an excess of stuff". ⠀⠀

The Cambridge dictionary says it's "a collection of things in an untidy state".

Yet, not all clutter is untidy. Clutter can be anything that is not used or is unloved.

It can also related to things that aren’t house specific such as your past or your thoughts and feelings.

Whilst some people perceive you to have a 'tidy' home, however because of the bigger picture aspect you may think you have clutter. Everyone has a different threshold as to what constitutes as clutter.

What if those judgements are affecting you energetically in the different areas of your life?

🧹Are you aware that all objects in your home have an energy - some positive and well ... some not so happy - would you know how to tell the difference ?

🧹Knowing that “clutter” is actually anything that stands in the way of you and the life you want to live, means that it’s not just limited to the physical stuff in your house.

It can include any aspect of your life - that’s people and places as well as ‘things’

This may sound a little woo woo, but decluttering can actually bring some ‘magic’ into your life.

I believe that using clutter-clearing holistically, your home can help you create an amazing space for you and open you up to lots of opportunities, just like a feng shui does. ⠀⠀



🔆Spring is almost here - the sun seems to be coming out to play today!

Have you ever wondered why it's called a "Spring Clean"?

🧹Wayyyy back when, before we had gas and central heating to warm us through the winter, we had fireplaces that burned coal or wood and lamps that used kerosene or oil.

🧹It meant a serious deep clean was needed. Not to mention that during the winter season it was deemed too cold so windows were kept closed.

🔆Spring was the first opportunity with the warmer days open the windows and let the fresh air in!

🧹Did you know Persia celebrated the new year on the first day of spring, and practiced "khaneh tekani" which means "shaking the house" which involves the homes being cleared to sweep away last year's energy.

🧹Whereas, in Thailand, they celebrate the new year holiday of "songkran", the festival of purification between 13-15 April. Which is also a time when homes are cleaned.

🧹What’s your spring clean tradition?


Celebrating women today for International Women’s Day!

Sending love and blessings to the women who have been victimised, abused or bullied.

Big 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 to the women using their voices to help those who struggle to find theirs.

My heartfelt thanks to the trailblazing women working hard for women’s issues and equality.

Massive praise for the women who help other women, who raise them up and who champion them.

Women are stronger together
May we know them, may we be them and may we raise them!


💖 Happy World Compliment Day 💖

We live in a world that seems to put judgements about others before raising people up!

In turn, only 22% of women seem to be able to accept a compliment when it is given.

Mainly because women are taught to ‘give’ and daring to want something for themselves is selfish.

If someone ever says ‘hey I like your dress’ and you answer ‘oh this old thing’ you are not allowing yourself to receive the compliment.

Just say “thank you” and let it fill up your cup 💖💖


Happy Valentine’s Day!!

How do you say “I love you”?

What’s your love language?



"Hey universe, things are going so well in this relationship, maybe it's time to screw it up by repeating the x,y,z pattern that happened when I was with 'the wrong one' "

Said no one EVER!!!

Unhealed relationship wounds are real though.

They may look like
💔Struggling to trust your partner
💔Feeling you need to over give
💔Holding a belief you'll never find a decent partner
💔Thinking you aren't good enough/no one wants to be with you
💔Putting a (potential) partner on a pedestal that in reality they may never reach
💔 Not being able to communicate or respectfully compromise (when appropriate) with your partner
💔Feeling as though the same issue is on repeat
💔Feeling you can't be open, vulnerable and intimate with your partner

These are the types of subconscious wounds that get embedded when your relationship experience hasn't been the best.

Even if for the most part the relationship was fine but the ending was traumatic (anything that is painful for you, the body treats as a trauma memory).

However, these wounds can be unknowingly triggered by people around you.

You may have moved on but meeting up with people who ask about the relationship or they mention your ex in passing, can bring that wound back to the forefront of your mind.

Would you like to heal your wounds in a safe and loving way - One that lets you understand how to recognise the patterns so you can let them go?
💝Comment "heal my relationships" below # # #


One of my super powers is giving awesome hugs, unfortunately, with the way things are now virtual hugs for Hugging Day is the way to go!

Hugs are important for us human types lol

They help to release oxytocin which is the feel good hormone, which in turn releases stress and lowers blood pressure. Proving that we were meant to be social.

If you aren't able to hug someone today, you can give yourself a hug by cross your arms over and giving yourself a little squeeze. which can be helpful if your aren't feeling quite yourself.
.. This teddy bear is just so damn cute!!


No matter how it looks for you personally, how important is it for you to be in a relationship?


Mine was more of an assumption...

When I was 15 I assumed I would be married by 26 and having children soon after. In reality when I was 26, I was trying to focus on my corporate career.

What were your expectations vs reality?


When it comes to your intimate relationship, what is your must have - that when it's not present is an absolute deal breaker?


Hey sister!

How often do you find yourself overthinking and spiralling about the things that aren’t going well right now?

Or not so great experiences from the past seem to be haunting you?

Did you know this one one way blocks turn up? also known as your Ego thinking it is protecting you!

If you are feeling blocked right now let’s talk and get you feeling freer - book your Sacred Alignment Call now - link in bio 😘😘😘


Are you making space for you in 2022?

It doesn’t really matter if you set up goals, vision boards, wish lists etc if you don’t actually make room for them in your life.

Making space can be anything from decluttering your wardrobe, to learning a new skill to dealing with your mindset.

What’s your ‘make space’ action this year?


Are you someone that creates New Years resolutions or creates a plan to experience and thrive?


Your past can only shape the future if you allow it to.

You don’t have to let the pain, failures, criticisms and disappointments of the past hold you back from being happy right now!

Things you can do to let go of the past and manifest what you want:

Cord cutting/balancing
Goal setting
Healing past experiences
Creating scared time for yourself
Choosing what’s important for you
Celebrate your successes

What are you ready to let go of?


What do you do during ‘crimbo limbo’?

I like to take stock, release and create a plan.

The first time I created worksheets for reviewing the year was for my women’s circle way back in 2015.

Since then, it’s had 2 upgrades and become the toolkit it is now on my website.

And what I still use to heal and celebrate my experiences of the year so I can get clarity on what I want to experience more of next year.

I love sacred ceremony/ritual, which is why when I sit down to work through this, I will also have my favourite oracle and tarot cards, crystals, snacks and a cup of cacao on the table!

How do you transition through one year to the next?


Wishing you a wonderful Christmas filled with love and happiness # # #


Full moon in Ta**us at 8.57am 19th November with a partial lunar eclipse at 9.02am

Is it time to heal your body or release what no longer resonate you, especially material possessions.

Are you being present with the “home”you have created? And if not, what do you need to do, be or have.

Remember your “home” can be your body, your physical home and the spaces you frequent.


Happy New Moon in Scorpio 21:14 GMT

The sign that loves all things taboo and shining the light on truth!

Are you ready to go deep into your emotions?

Don’t forget to wish upon the moon and see how soon it can manifest 😉


💍It can be nice to receive something that has been in the family for generations.

Although I would probably say receiving generational limiting beliefs, patterns and karma can be a 🤬

🧙🏻‍♀️Not only that, but women also have a witch wound (although they may not know it) running down their ancestral line too.

Bet you thought I was going to talk to you about decluttering 😜

👸🏻How about if I say that I’ve got something up my sleeve that will help heal and transform the wounds, beliefs and patterns by releasing the karma?

Details coming soon 😘


Do you ever have moments when you feel like you’re not getting anywhere as quickly as you’d like … but when you look back, you realise you’ve actually achieved sh*t loads?

Yeah let’s celebrate that!!!! 🎉🎉


Sometimes the fear of something not working out as you plan, can be so intense that it can stop you from taking action or experiencing life at all.

🧐Does starting again scare you into not ever trying?
🧐Does it scare you into staying in relationships that deplete your energy?

What’s your comfort level in these situations:
😔Not allowing yourself to be you?
😔Not allowing yourself to express your sacred power to create?
😔Not allowing yourself to have w ‘better’ than you did before?

Most of us easily start over if something in the kitchen wasn’t going to plan.

Maybe you wouldn’t think twice about it.

But is that the case when it comes to work or your life in general. There seems to be a blurred and sticky point - because the perception you may lose something, perhaps?

What is holding you back gorgeous?


Full moon in Pisces at 00.55 21st September

Are you ready to face and clear your fears, limiting beliefs and your on victim-martyr complex?

Videos (show all)

💖 Happy World Compliment Day 💖We live in a world that seems to put judgements about others before raising people up!In t...
Happy Valentine’s Day!!How do you say “I love you”? What’s your love language? #valentines #iloveyou #lovelife #lovelife...
Thought I would share some examples of what I do and don't do as a clutter clearing coach as it's important to understan...
🤔What is self-esteem?It’s the term used to describe a person’s sense of value or worth, which includes how much we like ...
1 min time out
Reclaim Your Inner Goddess - 20-Day Challenge