Great Wollaston & Middletown Churches

Great Wollaston & Middletown Churches

Information and news for St John the Baptist Church Great Wollaston & All Saints Church Middletown.

Part of the Ford Group of churches


This was an enjoyable occasion last year. All most welcome to celebrate the Harvest at this lunch. Telephone number on the flyer for Maggie to let her know numbers.

Sunday 24th September 11 am, Harvest Service at Great Wollaston

Sunday 1st October 9.30 am, Harvest Service at Middletown Church


New ! Junior Church meets next month, 17th September at Alberbury, in the Loton Chapel.

Photos from Ford Group of Churches's post 15/07/2023

9 am St Michael’s, Ford, Holy Communion
11 am St John the Baptist, Great Wollaston, Holy Communion

then on Sunday 2nd July

(new time) 9.30 am All Saints' Middletown, Holy Communion
11 am St Michael & All Angels Alberbury, Community Worship

A prayer we shall hear tomorrow:

O God, whose beauty is beyond our imagining
and whose power we cannot comprehend:
show us your glory as far as we can grasp it,
and shield us from knowing more than we can bear
until we may look upon you without fear;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.


Future services and events are noted in our Weekly sheet.

Please note the new time of 9.30 am for the first Sunday of the month service at Middletown.


Faithful God, who fulfilled the promises of Easter by sending us your Holy Spirit and opening to every race and nation the way of life eternal: open our lips by your Spirit, that every tongue may tell of your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


3 Cheers this morning on its first anniversary of returning after the lock downs.

First anniversary of the return of 3 cheers in Middletown


CS Lewis wrote: ‘The first fact in the history of Christendom is a number of people who say they have seen the resurrection’.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the turning point of the world. Death becomes new and eternal life. Endings are transformed into new beginnings.

Without the resurrection of Jesus, Peter would never have been forgiven for his betrayal. Mary Magdalene would have lost a relationship with someone who treated her with dignity. The disciples would have had shattered reputations and no hope. In that alternate history, the church would have been over before it had begun.

Worst of all, it would mean nothing had changed. We would still be trapped in the same cycles of death and despair. God had not made a difference that would transform the world.

And yet, today we proclaim joyfully with the angels: ‘He is not here! He has risen, just as he said!’

In the resurrection, the world has changed. And so is everyone who encounters the risen, living Christ. From the disciples who went from being cowards who abandoned and betrayed Jesus to those who would – and did – die for him, to the millions of people throughout history who are radically, unrecognisably transformed when they meet the living person of Jesus, present and near.

The resurrection means the things of God are eternal. Everything we do for Jesus lasts for eternity because it is in he service of an eternal kingdom. And everything that is against God can only die. The sin and evil of the world is left in the grave today.

Because of the resurrection of Jesus, our lives are changed today and have meaning throughout eternity. Christ is alive. He is risen! Alleluia!


Our Holy Week services from now until Easter Day within the group


A concert is planned for St George's Day.

Tickets are £7.50 from Mary on 01743 851323 or Jane on 07832 165285


The first Sunday of Lent


Sunday 12th February

There are three services in the group tomorrow at various times:
8.30 am St Michael & All Angels Alberbury - BCP communion (said)
11 am St Michael’s Cardeston - Holy Communion
4.30 pm St Michael’s, Ford - BCP Evensong

Everyone welcome at any of the services. In the gospel reading we shall hear Jesus say the words, 'do not worry about your life, what you will eat and what you will drink, or about your body...' We'll reflect on these words as we gather from a world where there is plenty that can worry us.

Almighty God,
give us reverence for all creation
and respect for every person,
that we may mirror your likeness
in Jesus Christ our Lord.


There are two services in the Ford Group on Sunday 5th February. A Holy Communion Service at Middletown and Community Worship ( all-age service without communion) at Alberbury. The gospel speaks of the calling of Christians to be 'the salt of the earth'.
5th February:
9 am All Saints' Middletown - Holy Communion
11 am St Michael & All Angels' Alberbury - Community Worship

There are two services in the Ford Group on Sunday 5th February. A Holy Communion Service at Middletown and Community Worship ( all-age service without communion) at Alberbury. The gospel speaks of the calling of Christians to be 'the salt of the earth'.

5th February:
9 am All Saints' Middletown - Holy Communion
11 am St Michael & All Angels' Alberbury - Community Worship


Our group service for Candlemas on 29/1/23 from Cardeston


Our deanery candle for the Hereford Diocese Year of Prayer at 3 Cheers in Middletown
