

Multi-Gyn is a complete range of natural intimate health products, to treat and prevent your discomforts. Helping you feel better about you!

Statistics show that 3 out of 4 women occasionally have va**nal problems which require attention. It is often the case that the problems are not caused by full-blown infections and are not serious enough to require prescribed medicines (such as antibiotics or antimycotics), as these can have undesired side effects. In these cases, the Multi-Gyn range, which has been specifically designed to improv

Miracle mum wins EveryWoman Day Award – EveryWoman Day 21/12/2018

Congratulations to Lucy for winning the EveryWoman Day Award 2018! 🎉🎊🎈

Take a moment to read her story - we hope you will be as inspired as we were 💓

Miracle mum wins EveryWoman Day Award – EveryWoman Day The aim of EveryWoman Day is to raise awareness for common female health conditions

Announcement: the EveryWoman Day Award & chance to win £250 – EveryWoman Day 20/09/2018

Announcement: the EveryWoman Day Award & chance to win £250 – EveryWoman Day BeLifestyle | Best WordPress theme for free souls

Inner skincare: anti-aging for ladybits - Purple Orchid Pharma 14/09/2017

Inner skincare: anti-aging for ladybits - Purple Orchid Pharma More than 50% of post-menopausal women experience va**nal dryness. Patients say ‘it’s like crunching tissue paper between your legs when you walk’.


A celebration of va**nas - through an exhibition. Visit the va**na museum at Edinburgh festival.

Comic stops you wetting yourself with laughter - Purple Orchid Pharma 25/06/2017

Incontinence, whether it's a drop here and there or much more than that, can cause psychological issues, as well as skin soreness and irritation.

Learn how to stop leaking when laughing (ironically, this article will make you laugh out loud!)

Comic stops you wetting yourself with laughter - Purple Orchid Pharma Elaine Miller, an Edinburgh physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic conditions gives us five top tips to make you laugh out loud without leaking.

Multi-Gyn IntiSkin direct itch relief 07/12/2016

With every purchase you make on Purple Orchid webshop, you'll get a Busy B Busy Life diary for 2017 - FREE!*

*The offer is valid while stock lasts.

Multi-Gyn IntiSkin direct itch relief


If you are a woman, a mother, a daughter, an aunt or a grandmother and are aghast and horrified by the result of the US Presidency and Trump's views on women and their right to free choice, then share this post and let's show together how great the worlds support is for the right of free choice for women about their s*xual health, a safer world for our children to grow up in, and a pledge to save the planet from rising temperatures, subsequent crop shortages, starvation and loss of habitat for our greatest mammals, and embrace diversity of all kinds.


For all the ladies out there: don't let beauty magazines dictate your life. Be comfortable in your own body, because what is presented to you as beauty... is not real!

Putting myself into someone else’s shoes – how I learned more about interstitial cystitis - HealtheWomen 23/09/2016

I knew about interstitial cystitis, the possible causes, and the mechanism of bladder damage. I learned all that while studying pharmacy, no doubt about it. But there was a big piece of the puzzle missing.

I had no idea what those patients were really dealing with.

Putting myself into someone else’s shoes – how I learned more about interstitial cystitis - HealtheWomen When I agreed to go to a big urology congress, I already knew everything they teach you in pharmacy school about interstitial cystitis. But there was a big piece of the puzzle missing.

Everywoman Day – #MeToo 16/09/2016

I'm every woman.

I am…
Mother, daughter, sister, auntie.
Lover and warrior.
Care giver and receiver.

I carry so much inside...
Strengths and weaknesses.
Fears and dreams.
Pain and light.
Smiles and tears.

And I carry on…
I am you.
Every Woman. Something extraordinary. Every Day.

Happy EveryWoman Day, September 16!

Everywoman Day – #MeToo

Active ingredients | Multi-Gyn UK 01/06/2016

Everyone is talking about the danger of the antibiotic resistance - but what can you do? For a start, it is important to know when antibiotics are necessary, and when other therapies can help. Multi-Gyn ActiGel is a safe and effective treatment of bacterial vaginosis - which is commonly treated with antibiotics. Read more about its mode of action on our website.

Active ingredients | Multi-Gyn UK One of our main ingredients is the patented, plant-based, bio-active 2QR-complex (pronounced “to cure”). We believe it is better to restore the natural balance of the va**na- which protects you from discomforts- than merely treating the symptoms. This method is effective, gives direct relief, preven...

Product selector | Multi-Gyn UK 11/05/2016

Do you know how to choose the right product? We can help you with this interactive product selector:

Product selector | Multi-Gyn UK Multi-Gyn LiquiGel offers direct relief of va**nal dryness caused by e.g. s*xual in*******se, hormonal changes(menopause), medication, stress or insertion of tampons. It is an excellent lubricant and has a strong soothing effect.

Top 5 va**na myths debunked - HealtheWomen 21/04/2016

Some of the most common va**na myths - busted.

Top 5 va**na myths debunked - HealtheWomen Losing tampons down there is just one of the many va**na myths that young women are scared of. Read on to find the truth behind 5 most common misconceptions about our reproductive system.

The fight against period shaming is going mainstream 20/04/2016

For something that has over 5,000 slang terms, the period is one of the most ignored human rights issues around the globe — affecting everything from education to economics — but that’s finally starting to change.

The fight against period shaming is going mainstream The fight against period shaming is going mainstream

To shave or not to shave? That is the question - HealtheWomen 14/04/2016

We asked a teenager whether they shave their p***c hair and why.

To shave or not to shave? That is the question - HealtheWomen As a 17-year-old female and aspiring journalist, being asked to write an article is one of the greatest honours I could wish for. But what about when the request is to write about shaving p***c hair?

Timeline photos 11/04/2016

Purple Orchid Pharma offers free samples of several Multi-Gyn products. Follow the instructions and pay only for the postage!

Visit our webshop and look for this badge! Purple Orchid Pharma now offers free samples of Multi-Gyn IntiSkin, Multi-Gyn Compresses, Multi-Gyn ActiGel, Multi-Mam Balm, Androferti, Loyon and Multi-Oral Spray!

Polish women are sending updates about their periods to their Prime Minister 07/04/2016

Modern world protests.

Polish women are sending updates about their periods to their Prime Minister Polish women are trolling their Prime Minister Beata Szydlo with updates on their menstrual cycle, after the politician came out in support of a full ban on abortion. The EU member state country currently has some of the strictest abortion laws, with terminations allowed in cases of rape…

Multi-Gyn IntiSkin - va**nal itch relief - HealtheWomen 05/04/2016

Did you know that IntiSkin is based on an extract of Aloe? Also - the nozzle works under any angle and creates a fine cooling mist which does not wet or stain your clothes.

Multi-Gyn IntiSkin - va**nal itch relief - HealtheWomen Living with constant itch (which you can't really scratch when you're among people) is a torture. Multi-Gyn IntiSkin achieves fast va**nal itch relief.

Timeline photos 08/03/2016

Dear ladies, happy !

Empowering women to take control of their health and wellbeing

10 million could avoid antibiotics with award-winning ActiGel - Purple Orchid Pharma 18/01/2016

10 million could avoid antibiotics with award-winning ActiGel - Purple Orchid Pharma Ten million women could avoid using antibiotics thanks to Multi-Gyn ActiGel, which has just won a major pharmaceutical industry award.

Transgender woman in a male prison – we see you, Tara! 14/11/2015

Have you been following Tara Hudson's story? If not, it's time to catch up.

Transgender woman in a male prison – we see you, Tara! Tara Hudson is a 26-year old transgender woman who was sent to an all-male prison. The sentence was amended and the battle for diversity & equality was won.

Non-hormonal solution as effective as HRT for va**nal dryness 13/11/2015

There are three million dry va**nas in the UK - if you are part of this group, If you cannot use or are still concerned about the risks, Hyalofemme is the perfect choice. **naldryness

Non-hormonal solution as effective as HRT for va**nal dryness Non-hormonal Hyalofemme® has been clinically proven to be as effective as va**nal HRT for va**nal dryness. Learn more...

Painful in*******se or dyspareunia 30/10/2015

Do you experience pain while having s*x? This symptom that can significantly affect quality of life shouldn't be ignored... *x **naldryness

Painful in*******se or dyspareunia Dyspareunia manifests through pain that a woman feels during pe*******on - pain that can go from mildly uncomfortable to very strong.

Timeline photos 23/10/2015

Today is day - the day to remind our mums, sisters, daughters and friends about dangers of breast cancer. Have you done your self-exam this month? Knowledge is power!

You’re not going mad, it’s just the menopause 18/10/2015

It’s not all about hot flushes. Long before those arrive, bouts of memory lapse, impaired ability to concentrate, mood swings, loss of libido, and a host of other annoyances may plague you. It’s not funny – but you might as well learn to laugh about it.

You’re not going mad, it’s just the menopause Forgetfulness, common for the old age, also happens in menopause. That, and a whole lot of other things that make you suspect you’ve lost your marbles.

A woman’s guide to making intimate examinations more comfortable 18/09/2015

Recipe for relief is here!

A woman’s guide to making intimate examinations more comfortable Most women accept that intimate examinations are a necessary part of being female. Examinations are needed for cervical screening (smear tests), during pregnancy and childbirth, to investigate certain medical problems and during fertility tests and treatments. Often the thought of going for an exami…

Shopping - Purple Orchid Pharma 17/09/2015

Get 10% off Multi-Gyn va**nal health&hygiene products - only during the !

Shopping - Purple Orchid Pharma 10% off all va**nal health&hygiene products

All you need to know about STDs 15/09/2015

It's and it's time to refresh your knowledge about !

All you need to know about STDs Beside unwanted pregnancy, unprotected s*x can lead to HIV infection that may cause the incurable disease AIDS, as well as many other s*xually transmitted diseases which you should be aware of. Most STDs can be cured, and the chronic ones can be kept under control with proper treatment. The most
