Disabled Access Reviews of Shops, Businesses, Restaurants, Hotels & Venues

Disabled Access Reviews of Shops, Businesses, Restaurants, Hotels & Venues

The reviews of accessibility for disabled people will also provide businesses feedback and suggestions for how to improve accessibility on their premises.

We are an online community giving disabled people a collective voice to improve accessibility and inclusion, sharing knowledge with businesses and boost facilities in shops, hotels, cinemas, restaurants, football grounds - in fact almost everywhere! You can contribute to our disabled access guide and help us improve accessibility and inclusion for disabled people by clicking on our website and reviewing any shops, restaurants, business premises, sportsgrounds etc that you visit.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. 16/03/2019

Today is

Where have you been and what did you think? Share your experiences with others (and at the same you'll helping businesses get to hear what they do well and what they don't) at buff.ly/2pN5MbR

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. See what people are saying and together we can improve accessibility for millions of people.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. 25/02/2019

We're at a conference for the next two days, talking to banks and insurance companies about customer service.

What's the one thing you'd like to see them improve for disabled customers?


Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. See what people are saying and together we can improve accessibility for millions of people.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. 22/02/2019

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. See what people are saying and together we can improve accessibility for millions of people.

Timeline photos 06/02/2019

There is power in constructive and collective feedback. It creates change for good reason and intent.

Customer Experience Exchange BFSI UK 31/01/2019

Finally! A customer experience event for banks, insurance companies & many others that gets that being & IS customer experience. We're there and our co-founder is chairing the two day event. https://buff.ly/2S2kn3H

Customer Experience Exchange BFSI UK Whether you’re struggling with NPS scores, looking to restructure your CX strategy, personalising and humanising your digital CX or in need of employee engagement initiatives, the Customer Experience Exchange BFSI brings you case studies on digital and culture transformation from the industry’s ...

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. 30/01/2019

We like to hear about good experiences. It really helps other people who maybe thinking of going there too.

What places have you been to where access and facilities were good?


Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. See what people are saying and together we can improve accessibility for millions of people.


In our first guest blog of 2019 Kath Sutherland from talks about what employers should do to attract and retain disabled employees and the support her organisation provides.


Thank you to you all for your continued support this year. For sharing your experiences, letting people know about us and leaving your reviews about disabled access - to help make a difference. We ❤ you. We'll be back in the New Year with more updates. Happy Christmas!

Timeline photos 28/11/2018

If we don't tell businesses where they are getting things wrong, we can't expect them to change (or know what to change). And we should tell them when they get it right too.

Your feedback makes a difference. Join our growing community and share your experiences. Go to our website buff.ly/2pN5MbR or download our free Apps to review on the go. Just search MeIncluded in the Play and Apple stores.

Timeline photos 26/11/2018

We've heard stories of you having to 'make do'. But a number of you have told us how you had no option but to leave and go somewhere else.

Timeline photos 23/11/2018

In our recent survey we asked how much planning goes into going out?

Timeline photos 21/11/2018

How do consumers think businesses are?

Timeline photos 19/11/2018

Why should businesses take seriously? Because in a recent survey we did, this is what people told us.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. 15/11/2018

Is the spirit of still going strong in our high streets and shopping centres? We hope so!

What's been your experience of since then?


Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. See what people are saying and together we can improve accessibility for millions of people.


Are you ready for ?

Download our free android and iPhone apps (direct from the front page on our website) or just go onto the apple and play stores and search for MeIncluded.

Then leave feedback about your experience. It's quick. It's easy. It will help businesses know what they do well and where they need to improve, and it'll help other people thinking of visiting.

Oh and keep leaving the feedback beyond Tuesday, to make this really work we need shops to be

Timeline photos 29/10/2018

It's 2018 & yet many places and services are still inaccessible.

If we want change to happen we have to push it to happen. If we don't, nothing will change.

Leave your reviews at buff.ly/2pN5MbR

It makes a difference.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. 24/10/2018

Businesses - don't ignore the purple pound. It's worth A LOT of money. Our guest blogger Esi Hardy from talks about the opportunities there for the high street.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. See what people are saying and together we can improve accessibility for millions of people.

Timeline photos 16/10/2018

Our local in Sittingbourne showing that small changes can make a huge difference to many people. It's an absolute joy shopping there at this time.

Timeline photos 10/10/2018

We'd like to give Worcester Foregate station a 👏 for this sign on their accessible toilet. A useful reminder that not all disabilities are visible.

Disabled fan wins football seat victory 05/10/2018

Why it's important for all businesses to understand the importance of being inclusive as well as accessible.

Disabled fan wins football seat victory A disabled fan who found himself separated from fellow supporters at an away game has won an apology.

Welcome to the National Centre for Diversity 02/10/2018

Is there someone you'd like to be praised and recognised for their diversity and inclusion work? It can be one person or a team of people.

Nominations for the National Centre for Diversity's Grand Awards are now open!

Welcome to the National Centre for Diversity Our Mission: To advance Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) to ensure fairness for all What's going on at NCFD


Have you visited somewhere recently & been impressed with the standard of disabled access & facilities?

Although we often shine a light on things that could be better, we love to celebrate the good too! So, share your good experiences with others on... Www.meincluded.co.uk

Timeline photos 25/09/2018

I don't think anyone will insure me."
In our guest blog talks about living with hypermobility syndrome and her drive to help people with medical conditions get insurance. Plus some hints and tips for anyone looking to buy insurance.

Timeline photos 13/09/2018

We set up MeIncluded because we know businesses don't know about the daily issues customers have when wanting to use their service (although social media is full of examples). Leaving your feedback in one place makes businesses hear our many voices. Be part of it.


Airports. We're looking into what can make people feel uneasy or worried when they're at an airport. How did you last feel when you were at an airport? Did where you were going, who you were going with or why you were going affect how you felt?

Timeline photos 07/09/2018

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. 06/09/2018

Back in November 2016 Sophie Christiansen was our first guest blogger, sharing her experience of train travel. Almost two years on, do we think things have changed for the better?

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. See what people are saying and together we can improve accessibility for millions of people.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. 04/09/2018

Were you out and about over the summer? We're keen to hear what places deserve a whoop whoop or a wooden spoon for their . Share your experiences to help others choose where to go and give businesses a clear idea of what they do well/could improve.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. See what people are saying and together we can improve accessibility for millions of people.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. 29/08/2018

How do you solve a problem of poor disabled access? By enabling businesses to hear the experiences of many customers and people who would like to be their customers. Come join us and be a part of it. Help make change happen.

Visit MeIncluded and share your accessibility experiences with others. See what people are saying and together we can improve accessibility for millions of people.

Where have all the public toilets gone? 15/08/2018

Public toilets: Can you go when you need to go?

Where have all the public toilets gone? A BBC map helps you find out how many public toilets have been cut in your area.

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