Mumio Phoenix UK

Mumio Phoenix UK

Our company distributes to European Union countries a unique, 100% natural and biologically active



Photos from Mumio Phoenix UK's post 08/03/2022

Stay Healthy and Strong you deserve it...


Healthy life is in your hands.


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O książce...⬇
Książka o największych tajemnicach świata. Albo raczej najważniejszych – z perspektywy człowieka żyjącego w 2021 roku. Tytułowa mistyfikacja dotyczy tożsamości Jezusa, celowo ukrytej w procesie tworzenia kościoła chrześcijańskiego, poprzez wprowadzenie do historii nieistniejących pięciu stuleci, w warunkach zniszczonej naturalnym kataklizmem Europy. Ponadto przybliżyłem przyczyny biblijnej długowieczności przed potopem, dzięki czemu czytelnik dowie się jak żyć długo (znacznie dłużej niż „zwykli” ludzie) i w doskonałym zdrowiu.

Poruszyłem również przyczyny problemów na naszej planecie, co sprowadza się do psychopatów i władzy jaką zdobyli. Wiedza przedstawiona w książce doskonale wyjaśnia obecną dezinformację i niezrozumiałe poczynania elit, których głównym celem jest maksymalna kontrola populacji. Jednocześnie wiedza odnośnie ich motywacji, chroni przed zastraszaniem, co wydaje się być jednym celów psychopatycznych elit, demaskujących się przez brak poszanowania dla demokratycznych zasad podczas ostatnich wyborów w USA, wprowadzanie propagandy wrogiej ludzkości, agresywnej cenzury na platformach wymiany informacji, co jest przygotowaniem przed zmianą oblicza naszej planety przez zbliżający się silny rozbłysk Słońca (micro-nova) będącego reakcją na coraz większą ilość negatywnie naładowanych obiektów (asteroidów, komet) w jego sąsiedztwie. Taki rozbłysk jest faktyczną przyczyną zapowiadanego „przebiegunowania” naszej planety, które jest co najwyżej skutkiem, nie przyczyną wydarzen.


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Serdecznie polecam

O książce...⬇
Książka o największych tajemnicach świata. Albo raczej najważniejszych – z perspektywy człowieka żyjącego w 2021 roku. Tytułowa mistyfikacja dotyczy tożsamości Jezusa, celowo ukrytej w procesie tworzenia kościoła chrześcijańskiego, poprzez wprowadzenie do historii nieistniejących pięciu stuleci, w warunkach zniszczonej naturalnym kataklizmem Europy.

Poruszyłem również przyczyny problemów na naszej planecie, co sprowadza się do psychopatów i władzy jaką zdobyli. Wiedza przedstawiona w książce doskonale wyjaśnia obecną dezinformację i niezrozumiałe poczynania elit, których głównym celem jest maksymalna kontrola populacji. Jednocześnie wiedza odnośnie ich motywacji, chroni przed zastraszaniem, co wydaje się być jednym celów psychopatycznych elit, demaskujących się przez brak poszanowania dla demokratycznych zasad podczas ostatnich wyborów w USA, wprowadzanie propagandy wrogiej ludzkości, agresywnej cenzury na platformach wymiany informacji, co jest przygotowaniem przed zmianą oblicza naszej planety przez zbliżający się silny rozbłysk Słońca (micro-nova) będącego reakcją na coraz większą ilość negatywnie naładowanych obiektów (asteroidów, komet) w jego sąsiedztwie. Taki rozbłysk jest faktyczną przyczyną zapowiadanego „przebiegunowania” naszej planety, które jest co najwyżej skutkiem, nie przyczyną nadchodzących zdarzeń.

Photos from Mumio Phoenix UK's post 27/11/2021

Biologically active 100% natural diet supplement Mumio Fenix
The unique properties of Mumio Fenix lie to meet the nutritional needs of the body at the molecular level.
The product supports natural building processes in organs and tissues, because it is anabolic protein and a strong anti-inflammatory agent.
In addition, it stimulates regenerative processes that enable adequate biochemical balance. Mumio Fenix as an adaptogen supports metabolic and fermentation transformations in the body. It also helps to maintain the correct blood indicators.
The supplement additionally supports the proper nutrition of organs and tissues, restoring metabolic balance.
Mumio Fenix provides high quality support for regenerative processes. They concern accelerating and strengthening nutritional results, as well as stimulation of natural functions of organ and tissue rebuilding.

The influence of Mumio Fenix on the human organism
✅ maintains the body's natural immunity to negative environmental factors
✅ demonstrates immune system properties
✅ effectively supports processes: growth of fractures, regeneration of tissues and tools after injuries
✅ has a beneficial effect: for sleep, appetite, reducing pain, reducing swelling and bleeding
✅ supports effective lowering blood sugar and lipids levels
✅ reduces the risk of arthritis attacks, lower limb bruises and pain in the intestinal inflammation of the veins
✅ affects the regulation of peripheral blood composition by normalizing its main indicators
✅ regulates lipid metabolism and also helps to reduce the risk of yeast infection
✅ supports the reflexive and tropic functions of the body, which are characterized by strengthening self-regenerative processes at the nerve fiber level
✅ supports the effective fight against liver disease and obesity
✅ optimizes the acidity of the stomach juice, while also fighting the fluctuations of its levels
✅ supports therapy in many gastrointestinal and intestinal cord
✅helps restore natural immunity to infections or infections
✅ supports anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine processes
✅ strengthens the immunity of the gluttonous lung to factors: physical, chemical and biological
✅ supports natural respiratory system immunity in contact with external contamination and other connections that lead to the lungs or heat and thus minimizes the risk of intensifying the disease
✅ by containing hummusic acids it supports the removal of toxins from the body
✅ stimulates the processes: regeneration of liver tissue, softening cramps and restoring proper muscle tension of smooth gallbladder
✅ it is non-toxic, stimulates the ability to improve the function of the adrenal chorus
✅ support: elimination of inflammatory processes, increasing diurea and releasing toxins, including uric acid salts
✅ It also supports the restoration of proper enzymatic and metabolic functions of individual organs
✅ impact on activities: anti-inflammatory, regenerative and restoring the trophy of sexual organs within the entire system
✅ It also promotes rapid healing of damaged areas of the gland mold
✅ it also shows properties: antiseptic, anti-shrink, swamp-drive in the strong and prostate system
✅ contributes to the formation of trophism, as well as improving overall skin nutrition
✅ because of its bacterial properties, it supports the effective cleansing of unhealed wounds
✅ strengthens the body against the potential, toxic effect of certain drugs
✅ simplifies the process of reconstruction of tissue in the oral cavity
✅ helps to improve the trophysics of the gums and the gland lips

Photos from Mumio Phoenix UK's post 27/11/2021

Healthy life is in your hands.

Photos from Mumio Phoenix UK's post 21/11/2021

We invite you for a week with Mumio Fenix
Like our FB page👍, follow our IG profile👀 and comment under our Mumio post.
We will be posting new information about Mumio properties daily
✅ History, the origin
✅ We're going to be a myth.
✅ Mumio and skeleton muscle system.
✅ Mumio in the affordability of the digestive system.
✅ Mumio in cancer diseases
✅ Mumio in Alzheimer's disease.
✅ day Humus Acid contained in mumium and glycin in the removal of Glyphosate.

Out of all who will like, follow, comment
We will pick a Winner!! !!️ !!️ ❤️
Mumio Fenix full value jar prize
Have a good time 👍💓

Photos from Mumio Phoenix UK's post 21/11/2021

The first scientific test of medical properties mumio was the job of a doctor surgeon
A. Sakirova from Taskent.
The author examined mumio in terms of the potential of substance to eliminate the consequences of wounds and fractures.
The author determined the great effectiveness of the supplement and the fact that the substance helps in the bone healing process while also improving the overall condition of the patient.
Sakirov's studies have put a challenge under the scientific research of the medical properties of mummies in trauma and other medical disciplines.
First time in 1970. T. Abdurahmanov and his colleagues used the medicine for treatment
spinal inflammation of the deep veins of the lower limbs, without using any other medicines or
Dietary supplements.
Mumijo was given a 0.3 g dose once a day for ten days. Patients
they were not receiving any other medicines, which was a revolutionary approach at the time. Results of overall clinical, biochemical and blood tests showed that patients from day 3 to day 6 felt
pain relief, the bruise of the affected limb has subsided, overall condition has improved. At the end of the treatment, in days 8-10, practically all patients' temperature at the place of the injury has settled down, and the other symptoms of the disease subsided.
In addition, it has been stated that oral intake of the supplement
going up by 1-1
In a different article presented in the same year T. Abdurahmanov announced great effectiveness
in the treatment of chronic colon inflammation caused by dense mumijo extract.
The dish was served in a dose of 0.2 g once a day for 10 days without breaks. The main symptoms of the disease decreased in most patients on day 4 or 5 on the day of treatment and only in individual cases they disappeared on day 10 of the beginning of treatment.
Back in 1986. V. Kozlovskaya used mumijo to help in circulatory nerve endings
muscular and skeletal system (neurologist inflammation, neurodermititis, nerve tissue inflammation, nerve pain) by rubbing affected parts of the body for a few minutes with a water solution
get ready. After rubbing and a light massage, the tension in the burnt muscle was reduced,
the sense of pain and itching is gone, and all other symptoms of the disease subsided within the first 3-5 days.
The treatment ended with a complete, 100 percent cure for all patients.
In laboratory tests on rats (1968, 1970) Y. Yuralieva has established mumio's ability to accelerate regenerative processes in recurrent-distrophical gastrointestinal changes. It was an experimental settlement of the composition for the use of the formula to
improvements in stomach and twill. Following that, clinical tests were carried out in 74 patients in two clinics in the Internal Section of the Kyrgyz Medical Institute, the Leningrad Institute of Health and Sanitation and the Medical School of the University of Tajikistan. Most of the patients have suffered from this disease from 2 to 10 years. Dietary patients were taking mummies in the clinic in the specified
conditions. 0.1 g of preparation was served orally twice a day (morning and evening), 30 minutes before the meal, for a period of 24 to 26 days. Mumijo was dissolved in volume in 1 teaspoon or boiled water. 15-20 minutes after taking the solution almost all patients felt it
relief from the usual headaches. All symptoms of indigestion (baziness, vomiting, burning, eruption, etc. ) They gave up after 7-10 days of treatment. In the last third part of the treatment, other annoying symptoms remain
disappeared from all the patients. Significant effect was reported in all 74 patients. There were virtually no side effects.


Fulvic minerals are all the rage right now—and for good reason!
Ancient fulvic acid is ready for you from Mumio Phoenix

These powerful minerals bring a wide range of benefits to our health.

This remedy is so old that it goes all the way back to ancient Himalayans and Ayurvedic medicine thousands of years ago.

☘ How Are Fulvic Minerals Formed? ☘

Fulvic minerals are derived from a compound that is found in soil and formed from the decay of ancient plants and animals.

These minerals are formed over thousands of years through millions of microbes breaking down plants and animals into humus—this is the part of the soil where fulvic minerals are found.

Then goes through a process called mineralization. This reduces decaying matter into the smallest possible form so plants and animals—and also you and me, through the food that we eat—can absorb their healing properties on a cellular level.

👩‍🔬 7 Science-Backed Benefits of Fulvic Minerals 👩‍🔬

Multiple peer-reviewed journals like The Journal of Diabetes Research, Phytotherapy Research, and The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease among many others, have published studies looking into the therapeutic properties of fulvic minerals.

👇So let’s take a closer look at the proven benefits of this natural superfood:

💚 Boosts nutrient levels
💚 Supports gut health
💚 Supports brain health
💚 Reduces inflammation
💚 Enhances immune response
💚Supports metabolism & energy levels

So today, I'm happy to introduce you to our Premium Mumio Phoenix

Photos from Mumio Phoenix UK's post 01/11/2021

The Secret of Health in Mumio.🌀

Photos from Mumio Phoenix UK's post 26/10/2021
Mumio Fenix | Kolejna witryna oparta na WordPressie 26/10/2021

Mumio Fenix | Kolejna witryna oparta na WordPressie Mumio Fenix 100% natural, biologically active Food supplement The effect of Mumio Phoenix on the human body 100% Natural Superior quality Safety guarantee 100% natural, biologically active Food supplement Mumio Phoenix Mumio Phoenix unique properties consist in meeting the body’s nutritional needs...

Mumio Fenix | Kolejna witryna oparta na WordPressie 22/10/2021

MUMIO for gastrointestinal tract:

MUMIO helps the treatment of ulcers, erosions, eliminates inflammation,cramps, pain, increases the resistance of mucous membranes, and thus reduces their susceptibility to injury.

Regulates acidity of gastric juice and gives clear effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mumio Fenix | Kolejna witryna oparta na WordPressie Mumio Fenix 100% natural, biologically active Food supplement The effect of Mumio Phoenix on the human body 100% Natural Superior quality Safety guarantee 100% natural, biologically active Food supplement Mumio Phoenix Mumio Phoenix unique properties consist in meeting the body’s nutritional needs...

Mumio Fenix | Kolejna witryna oparta na WordPressie 22/10/2021

Mumio Fenix | Kolejna witryna oparta na WordPressie Mumio Fenix 100% natural, biologically active Food supplement The effect of Mumio Phoenix on the human body 100% Natural Superior quality Safety guarantee 100% natural, biologically active Food supplement Mumio Phoenix Mumio Phoenix unique properties consist in meeting the body’s nutritional needs...


Ulcer healing activity of Mumijo aqueous extract against acetic acid induced gastric ulcer in rats

Objective: Gastric ulcer is an important clinical problem, chiefly due to extensive use of some drugs. The aim was to assess the activity of Mumijo extract (which is used in traditional medicine) against acetic acid induced gastric ulcer in rats.
Materials and methods: The aqueous extract of Mumijo was prepared. Animals were randomly (n = 10) divided into four groups: Control, sham-operated group (received 0.2 ml of acetic acid to induce gastric ulcer), Mumijo (100 mg/kg/daily) were given for 4 days postacetic acid administration, and ranitidine group (20 mg/kg). The assessed parameters were pH and pepsin levels (by Anson method) of gastric contents and gastric histopathology. Ranitidine was used as reference anti-ulcer drug.
Results: The extract (100 mg/kg/daily, p.o.) inhibited acid acetic-induced gastric ulceration by elevating its pH versus sham group (P < 0.01) and decreasing the pepsin levels compared to standard drug, ranitidine (P < 0.05). The histopathology data showed that the treatment with Mumijo extract had a significant protection against all mucosal damages.
Conclusion: Mumijo extract has potent antiulcer activity. Its anti-ulcer property probably acts via a reduction in gastric acid secretion and pepsin levels. The obtained results support the use of this herbal material in folk medicine.

Photos from Mumio Phoenix UK's post 20/10/2021

Mumio Fenix
Gwarancja jakości!!!

O jakości mumio decyduje:

1. Miejsce wydobycia surowca
Surowiec z którego powstaje Mumio Fenix został zebrany w Ałtaju rosyjskim i mongolskim.

Miejsca te nadal pozostają w swojej pierwotnej formie, z dala od dużych ośrodków przemysłowych i miast, co pozwala zachować wszystkie użyteczne właściwości wydobywanych tu surowców

2. Metoda ekstrakcji

Ekstrakcja mumio z surowca jest procesem kluczowym, wyznaczający jakość mumio jako produktu końcowego.
Niedbałość na tym etapie produkcji może doprowadzić do utraty biologicznie aktywnych substancji.
Unikatowa technologa ekstrakcji Mumio Fenix odbywa się ręcznie przy temperaturze nie więcej jak 46`C z zastosowaniem Aerolife PL*, co pozwala

a) zachować biologicznie aktywne substancje
b)sterylizować ekstrakt mumio
Aerolife PL*– fotokatalityczny oczyszczacz powietrza. Dezynfekuje powietrze od wszystkich znanych bakterii chorobotwórczych i wirusów (grypy, gruźlicy, pleśni, grzybów, Staphylococcus aureus itp.).

3. Ilość zawarych w nim kwasów humusowych (huminowych I fulwowych)

Mumio Ilość% w dziennej dawce – 600mg

Kwasy fulwowe 240 mg
Kwasy humusowe nie więcej niż 50mg

Dzięki unikatowej metodzie ekstrakcji naszego produktu wszystkie zawarte substancje w Mumio Fenix pozostają zachowane w biologicznie aktywnej formie w formie najbardziej przyswajalnej dla człowieka.

4. Czy mumio zostało przebadane na zawartość metali ciężkich .

Mumio Fenix zostało przebadane na zawartość metali ciężkich i uzyskalo Certyfikat bezpieczeństwo suplementu diety.


Ulcer healing activity of Mumijo aqueous extract against acetic acid induced gastric ulcer in rats
Nader Shahrokhi 1, Zakieh Keshavarzi 2, Mohammad Khaksari 1
Affiliations expand

Objective: Gastric ulcer is an important clinical problem, chiefly due to extensive use of some drugs. The aim was to assess the activity of Mumijo extract (which is used in traditional medicine) against acetic acid induced gastric ulcer in rats.

Materials and methods: The aqueous extract of Mumijo was prepared. Animals were randomly (n = 10) divided into four groups: Control, sham-operated group (received 0.2 ml of acetic acid to induce gastric ulcer), Mumijo (100 mg/kg/daily) were given for 4 days postacetic acid administration, and ranitidine group (20 mg/kg). The assessed parameters were pH and pepsin levels (by Anson method) of gastric contents and gastric histopathology. Ranitidine was used as reference anti-ulcer drug.

Results: The extract (100 mg/kg/daily, p.o.) inhibited acid acetic-induced gastric ulceration by elevating its pH versus sham group (P < 0.01) and decreasing the pepsin levels compared to standard drug, ranitidine (P < 0.05). The histopathology data showed that the treatment with Mumijo extract had a significant protection against all mucosal damages.

Conclusion: Mumijo extract has potent antiulcer activity. Its anti-ulcer property probably acts via a reduction in gastric acid secretion and pepsin levels. The obtained results support the use of this herbal material in folk medicine.

Can Nutraceuticals Prevent Alzheimer's Disease? Potential Therapeutic Role of a Formulation Containing Shilajit and Complex B Vitamins 16/10/2021

Czy Nutraceutyki mogą zapobiegać chorobie Alzheimera? Potencjalna rola terapeutyczna preparatu zawierającego shilajit i witaminy z grupy B.

Choroba Alzheimera (AD) jest chorobą mózgu, której występowanie i wpływ stale się rozwija. To ekspansywne i epidemiczne zachowanie jest niepokojące dla lekarzy i opinii publicznej, skupiając wysiłki na zapobieganiu i leczeniu. Jedna z ważnych strategii zapobiegania temu upośledzeniu mózgu opiera się na zmianach diety i suplementach diety, żywności funkcjonalnej i nutraceutykach. W tym przeglądzie omawiamy potencjalny wkład shilajit i kompleksowych witamin z grupy B w zapobieganie AD. Analizujemy stan badań biologicznych i przedstawiamy dane z badania klinicznego opracowanego u pacjentów z łagodną postacią AD. Badania sugerują, że shilajit i jego substancja czynna kwas fulwowy, a także formuła shilajit z witaminami z grupy B, pojawiają się jako nowy nutraceutyk o potencjalnym zastosowaniu przeciwko temu zaburzeniu mózgu.

Shilajit / Mumio jest silnym i bardzo bezpiecznym suplementem diety, potencjalnie zdolnym do zapobiegania wielu chorobom, ale jego główne zastosowanie medyczne wydaje się teraz wynikać z jego działań na rzecz poznania i potencjalnie jako suplement diety zapobiegający chorobie Alzheimera.

Can Nutraceuticals Prevent Alzheimer's Disease? Potential Therapeutic Role of a Formulation Containing Shilajit and Complex B Vitamins Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a brain disorder displaying a prevalence and impact in constant expansion. This expansive and epidemic behavior is concern…

Dr. Bruce talks about the benefits of Shilajit 17/04/2021

Mumio/ Shilajit

Dr. Bruce talks about the benefits of Shilajit Dr. Bruce talks about the benefits of Shilajit

Photos from Mumio Phoenix UK's post 19/03/2021

Mumio/ Shilajit

Mumio Phoenix 50g 3+1 01/03/2021

Discount 3 +1 free!

Mumio Phoenix 50g 3+1 Food supplement Mumio Phoenix® Mumio is a 100% natural product resulting from a complex geological process. Mumio is a blend of organic and inorganic substances. Mumio is a natural preparation produced by nature in a complex geological ...

