Hormonal Yogi

Hormonal Yogi

Fertility Awareness Method educator & Yoga teacher

Menstrual cycle coach


🌟 Join my 6-week Happy Hips yoga series! 🌟

Sure, you can drop in for single classes, but why not commit to the whole series?
Here’s why:

✨ Self-Awareness: Notice your weekly progress and tune into your body’s natural rhythms (hello cycle phases!) Some weeks may be a breeze, others more challenging. Embrace your cyclical nature and meet yourself where you are 💫

✨ Physical Benefits: Notice improved posture, strength, and mobility, especially in your hips, where we store so much stress and emotion. Let it go and feel the release! 🧘‍♀️

✨ Mental Clarity: Practise calming and quieting the mind. With my progressive sequence, you’ll gain confidence in the poses and sharpen your mental focus. Use this clarity on and off the mat 🧠

✨ Self-Discovery: Get curious about yourself through quiet time and breathing techniques. These are powerful tools for personal growth 🌿

✨ Self-Trust: Build both your physical body and your self-trust muscle. Committing to a practice feels rewarding. It’s just one hour, but it’s all for YOU 💚

✨ Oh, and you’ll also save some 💷

Ready to transform? Let’s attune, empower and flow! 🫶🏼


Nominate a charity - Movement for Good 27/05/2024

This will take a few clicks.
Please nominate Menstrual Health Project for a £1000 contribution to the amazing work that they do!

Nominate a charity - Movement for Good Nominate a charity for a Movement for Good award now.



Happy Hips yoga is back!

I’ll be teaching this class at the beautiful Clear Space Studios in Hereford.

If you’re interested in connecting more intuitively with your body, this class is for you.

Classes begin April 10th 6:30 - 7:30pm

Book before April 10th to grab the 6 week class pass offer and save £20!

See you there 🫶🏼


Photos from Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research's post 15/03/2024

I sometimes hear people refer to their cycle as their period. Or vice verse. But there are not the same.

Here’s why.

The cycle is everything that happens from the start of your period to the next.
✨ Including ovulation ✨

The period itself is menstruation - the time when the uterine lining is breaking down and shedding through the va**na (AKA bleeding).
The first day of full bleeding marks day 1 of a new cycle.

Ovulation - the release of an egg - is really the main event in the cycle, but given that most know and refer to it as the menstrual cycle, it’s no wonder the bleeding phase takes focus.

The cycle as a whole is characterised by four hormonal phases:

✨ menstruation (the period)

✨ pre-ovulation (the time in between menstruation and ovulation)

✨ ovulation (a brief moment in the cycle when an egg is released from the o***y)

✨ luteal phase (the time from ovulation until the start of the next menstruation)

So, the meaning of period and cycle are not identical, rather, one is a part of the whole.

Charting your cycle with fertility awareness is an effective and easy way to know where in the cycle you are and most importantly, that you are ovulating!


In last week’s yoga class, I offered the following to reflect on:

~ what the mind thinks, the body feels ~

Yoga practise helps us to clear the mind, so that we can create some space and then decide what to fill it with, should we choose to fill it with anything.

Our unconscious beliefs show up as thoughts and these in turn, show up as feelings in the body.

But they’re sneaky you see, some thoughts become so habitual, we don’t realise that a lot of our mental content isn’t actually helpful or useful, and a lot of our tension, discomfort and pain, is caused by the unprocessed emotion that we hold on to.

Working with the hips, means working with the sacral chakra - the energy centre that governs how we experience pleasure, creativity, sensuality and joy. All the fun things!

Bringing this chakra into balance can support fertility and s*x drive, as well as heightening intuition and emotional intelligence.

When this chakra is blocked, it can lead us to feel emotional instability, or numbness. A lack of joy, creativity and pleasure. Boo!

If we want to feel differently, we need to think differently.

~ What the mind thinks, the body feels ~

Releasing tension in the hips can help to move stagnant emotions through the body. Fear, guilt and shame are destroyers of joy, passion and freedom. They need to be processed so that they don’t become stuck. Creating more space in the mind and body, allows us the space to choose different thoughts and ultimately, create a different reality.

Are you ready to release those hips?

Join me at Wednesdays 6:30pm

📸 Erin 🫶🏼


In last week's yoga class, I offered the following to reflect on:

~ what the mind thinks, the body feels ~

Yoga practise helps us to clear the mind, so that we can create some space and then decide what to fill it with, should we choose to fill it with anything.

Our unconscious beliefs show up as thoughts and these in turn, show up as feelings in the body.

But they're sneaky you see, some thoughts become so habitual, we don't realise that a lot of our mental content isn't actually helpful or useful, and a lot of our tension, discomfort and pain, is caused by the unprocessed emotion that we hold on to.

Working with the hips, means working with the sacral chakra - the energy centre that governs how we experience pleasure, creativity, sensuality and joy.

Bringing this chakra into balance can support fertility and s*x drive, as well as heightening intuition and emotional intelligence.

When this chakra is blocked, it can lead us to feel emotional instability, or numbness. A lack of joy, creativity and pleasure.

If we want to feel differently, we need to think differently.

~ What the mind thinks, the body feels ~

Releasing tension in the hips can help to move stagnant emotions through the body. Fear, guilt and shame are destroyers of joy, passion and freedom. They need to be processed so that they don’t become stuck. Creating more space in the mind and body, allows us the space to choose different thoughts and ultimately, create a different reality.

Are you ready to release those hips?

Join me at Clear Space Studios Wednesdays 6:30pm


New Pilates classes from Goode Movement Pilates

New classes! Starting April 🐣

Off the back of your messages, I’m going to be holding 2 new classes to kick off spring. The first will be at the beautiful space that is .co in Marden on Thursday lunchtimes 12:10-1pm. If lunchtimes don’t work and the location does, will be running her evening Pilates classes there on Tuesdays 6 & 7pm.

The second class will be at ’s brand new location in Priebe Building just off Grandstand Road Monday early evenings at 5.45pm. Both classes are suitable for beginners as there will be different progressions and modifications to suit you. I’m also trained in teaching over 60s and currently training in a Pilates for perimenopause and pre and postnatal. More details to follow on these classes and please do spread the word if you know of anyone who wants to learn or practise Pilates.


Hereford’s movement scene is growing! Movement is medicine after all…

Definitely worth checking out these Pilates classes 💚

New classes! Starting April 🐣

Off the back of your messages, I’m going to be holding 2 new classes to kick off spring. The first will be at the beautiful space that is .co in Marden on Thursday lunchtimes 12:10-1pm. If lunchtimes don’t work and the location does, will be running her evening Pilates classes there on Tuesdays 6 & 7pm.

The second class will be at ’s brand new location in Priebe Building just off Grandstand Road Monday early evenings at 5.45pm. Both classes are suitable for beginners as there will be different progressions and modifications to suit you. I’m also trained in teaching over 60s and currently training in a Pilates for perimenopause and pre and postnatal. More details to follow on these classes and please do spread the word if you know of anyone who wants to learn or practise Pilates.


Welcome to your weekly mind-body check in.

This hatha flow class will be anchored in menstrual cycle awareness, serving to release and open those tight hips! Allowing you to find more ease and flow physically, mentally and emotionally.

Discover how you can feel in rhythm with the inner seasons of your menstrual cycle using breath and movement, helping you to honour a deeper, more intuitive relationship with yourself and your body.

You don’t need to know which phase of the cycle you’re in or even have a natural menstrual cycle - this class will meet you where you’re at. I will offer you variations and props to support the body and assist in finding your variation of each pose.

Whether you are a beginner, improver or want to align your current practise with your hormonal ebb and flow, you will feel empowered and restored after this class!

Spaces are limited so book online now to get your spot.


This hatha flow class will be anchored in menstrual cycle awareness and will serve to release and open those tight hips!

The first class is totally FREE so come along and discover how you can move in rhythm to the inner seasons of your menstrual cycle using traditional yoga asana and breathwork - helping you to connect with your inner energy, wherever it’s at.

You don’t need to know which phase of the cycle you’re in or have a natural menstrual cycle - this class will meet you where you’re at. I will offer you variations and props to support your practise and to assist in finding your variation of each pose. Whether you are a beginner, improver or want to align your current practise with your hormonal ebb and flow, you will feel empowered and restored after this class!

Spaces are limited so book now to get your FREE spot!

Photos from Hormonal Yogi's post 07/10/2023

Every step and every stroke was for you today Grandad X ♌️💚⛰️ X


Home | hormonalyogi 04/10/2023

Join our Sacred Cycles Workshop this Sunday 10 - 3pm

What to expect:

🫶🏼 A safe, non-judgemental space and sense of belonging, as women gather together to empower themselves and each other.

👩🏼‍🏫 Teachings on menstrual cycle awareness including a discussion about what a “healthy” menstrual cycle looks like and the power of living attuned to your natural rhythm (this work is relevant to any age and stage).

🌎 Cycle wisdom mapping - an interactive exploration of all cycles, and how they impact our relationship to self, others and planet - you will finish this activity with an awakened perspective and respect for the interconnectedness of cyclical energies.

🩸A healing meditation for your first period - Menarche. Have you ever really talked about this experience and how it has shaped the way you perceive your menstruating body?
We’ll journey together to meet ourselves around the age of our first period, and give ourselves whatever we most needed at the time. This intuitive practice is known to be deeply healing.

🥕 A nourishing root vegetable soup and tasty snacks will be included.

book your spot:

Home | hormonalyogi


Day 11.

I start off feeling pretty fragile in my inner spring but as I move closer towards inner summer, the sassy effects of rising oestrogen take effect 😏

I’m feeling more energized, elevated and sociable - excited rather than anxious, confident rather than cautious 🌞

With cycle tracking, I notice bodily changes which indicate that my ovulation phase is beginning.

Timed beautifully this cycle with the full moon. A great time both hormonally and energetically for me to lean into expressing myself creatively and taking action to manifest my dreams.

Affirmations for this full moon:

I am powerful.
I am here to be seen.

What cycle day are you on? Tell me all about it… 🌝


Are you curious to know more about your menstrual cycle?

Did you know that you can use your menstrual cycle as a tool for self-care?

Learning menstrual cycle awareness is simple, informative and doesn’t mess with your hormones.

This practice will teach you how to understand your cycle, your body and ultimately, yourself.

Come and join us for conversation over a cuppa, and some relaxing movement.

11am Sunday 9th October at

The event is totally free. Link in BIO 💚


Join me for my free menstrual cycle awareness workshop at

✨ Sunday 9th October at 11AM ✨

Come find out how to track your menstrual cycle and attune to your inner seasons.

We’ll finish with a 45 minute relaxing yoga session and a delicious tea 🫖

Sign up details to follow 💚

📸 .hendersonphotography


It’s day 28 for me.

I’m having a peaceful inner autumn, waiting for my bleed to arrive and witnessing my energy shift inwards to a place of deep reflection.

I’m asking myself, “what can I let go of?”

Over the weekend we moved into a new moon in the sign of Virgo.

Meaning…it’s my birthday month ♍️🎉

A new moon is a great opportunity to gather yourself, carve out some space to renew and gain clarity on your intentions for moving forward.

On Sunday these words found their way into my journal -

“I’ve been so afraid of not knowing enough, of getting things wrong, looking silly and being judged.

I’ve been rehearsing a story entitled “I don’t know how to do this.”

I’ve been afraid of showing up imperfectly in a world that demands perfection.”

Virgo energy calls us to release our perfectionist thoughts, to step out into our truth and show up exactly as we are. I for one, am really feeling this.

It’s time for me to gather and harvest what I’ve learnt and start sharing it! 💪🏽

So keep your eye out for some exciting menstrual cycle awareness workshops coming soon.

Affirmation for this new moon -

It is safe for me to be seen.
I know enough.
I am enough.

What cycle day are you on? Tell me all about it.


I’m not keeping this a secret anymore. I’ve struggled enormously with my mental health.

Arriving at my teen years, disordered thoughts and unhealthy coping behaviours had manifested. It all centred around body image, my sense of personal worth and how I think I am perceived by others.

It’s only through years of tracking my cycle and reflecting on my experiences, that I realised this all began around the time of menarche - my first menstrual cycle.

Had I of known how to notice my energy body - observe it, respect it, hear it - I’m confident that I could have held myself more safely and lovingly through some of the darkest moments. I know this because this is what I do now.

The practice of awareness requires us to notice and not judge. That’s it. And in time, we master compassion, acceptance and empowerment. Both for ourselves and for others.

Those of us with a womb (energetic or physical) were born with a deeply intuitive code for living. Patriarchy doesn’t want you to live by this code, so it has plagued our minds with fear and shame. But deep in the earth of our own body, this power has roots.

Menstrual cycle awareness is how we initiate the reconnection.

I can’t go back and tell child Rhi about the wisdom held within her, but I can do my best now to make sure I tell as many womb owning people that their cycle is their most powerful, untapped resource for understanding and loving themselves.

Photo credit .hendersonphotography

Videos (show all)

Intuitively, my yoga practise leads me to hip opening movement. The hips are home to an energetic centre – the sacral ch...
The beautiful thing about cycles is that there are so many of them at play, all the time. From the micro to the macro, e...
