GLB Lifestyle

GLB Lifestyle

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from GLB Lifestyle, .

I help busy ambitious women achieve empowerment and confidence through transforming their body and lifestyle

�Be confident in your own skin
�Healthy & sustainable diet
�Personalised training plans
�Skincare specialist
�Mindset mentor


Embrace Self-Compassion on Your Fitness Journey!

Embarking on a health and fitness journey is an exciting endeavour, with opportunities for self-improvement and growth. However, it's common to find ourselves trapped in a cycle of self-criticism and self-sabotage. Instead of being our own biggest cheerleaders, we inadvertently become our harshest critics. The key to breaking this cycle lies in cultivating self-compassion—a practice that can revolutionise the way you approach your journey.

1. Practice Mindful Awareness - Begin by tuning into your thoughts and feelings. Notice when self-critical thoughts arise and acknowledge them without judgement. Mindfulness allows you to observe your thoughts without becoming entangled in them, paving the way for self-compassion.

2. Shift to Self-Talk - Transform your inner dialogue from self-critical to self-compassionate. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you'd extend to a friend facing challenges. When setbacks occur, remind yourself that everyone experiences them—what matters is how you respond.

3. Celebrate Progress, Big or Small - Instead of fixating on how far you have to go, celebrate how far you've come. Every step, no matter how small, is a victory. Embrace a growth mindset that acknowledges progress and values the effort you're putting in.

4. Set Realistic Expectations - Striving for perfection can breed self-criticism. Remember that fitness journeys are about progress, not perfection. Set achievable goals and acknowledge that setbacks are part of the process. Adjust your expectations and timelines with self-compassion.

5. Prioritise Self-Care - Nurturing your body and mind is an essential aspect of your fitness journey. Incorporate activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it's taking a nature walk, practising yoga, or simply spending quality time with loved ones. Self-care enhances your overall well-being and reinforces self-compassion.

We understand that finding self-compassion can be transformative. It doesn't mean ignoring areas for improvement; rather, it involves acknowledging your efforts, treating yourself with kindness, and embracing the ups and downs as part of the journey. Remember, self-compassion empowers you to bounce back from setbacks with renewed motivation and determination.

With these five tips, you're equipped to infuse your fitness journey with self-compassion. Embrace each step you take, both forward and backward, as part of your unique path. As you cultivate self-compassion, you'll find that AG Fit isn't just about physical transformation—it's about nurturing a positive relationship with yourself that sustains you on this journey and beyond.

Be kind to yourself
Gen ✌🏼


New Week Pending!

Sundays for me are about resting, reflecting and hitting the RE SET for a new week!

Here are a few prompts to remind yourself before entering a new week!

This time next week, the next group will be starting the 8 week challenge “The Winter Shape Up”

➕ Why wait for January when new habits take anything from a good 18 to 254 days to form! Yes! That’s right! Not a week! Not 4! It is person dependent!

➕ If your start now! You can be physically and mentally in a improved state of mind and body by Christmas!

➕ Events & being “busy” are excuses! This are simply obstacles in the journey that can be diverted and accommodated! Tell me a human that does not have commitments!

➕ When it comes to goals! January 1st is the same day as any other! Miracles do not apply on this date!

➕ Your fitness & health goals should always be a long term process! No fads! Long term and sustainable wins always!

Interested in working together?

📲 Coaching Enquires
[email protected]


If the goal is to “loose weight” the main thing to consider is are you in a calorie deficit?

So what does this mean?

A calorie deficit is when you are consuming fewer calories than you are burning over time!

Deciding what that calorie deficit looks like will depend on a number of factors and then monitored over a long period of time!

Sticking to a reduced amount of calories is the hard part! Some days you will be faced with challenges that are out of your control!

Another way to look at your deficit, is over the week! So if you did have a couple of higher days! That doesn’t mean you still won’t reach the goal over the week!

Once your average calories for the week are worked out based on a number of factors! Different and personal to us all!

How you distribute the calories can be based on preference! Lifestyle! Goal! Etc!

Option 1 - Eat the same calories daily

Option 2 - More calories of training days

Option 3 - Perhaps more calories on the weekends but still wanting to keep on track!

My top tip for weight loss! Have a plan!

It doesn’t always need to be an exact plan telling you what you must eat! But at least a calorie and macro goal will support you in getting closer to the goal!

The calories we often forget to track! Will be what could take you out of the calorie deficit!

Just be mindful of the little extras!

What’s your preference when tracking?

Need help? DM and let’s chat!


Top Tips! Focus on the basics!

➕ Cals IN vs Cals OUT should be the focus always! Get aligned with the goal!

➕ Energy balance is the focus EG. Goal = drop body fat, then your focus should be a calorie deficit, eat less! Move more!

➕ Before expecting results! Question are you ticking all the boxes the best you can? Tracking food to see calories? Putting maximum effort into training sessions? Being accountable for all the extras or the things you didn’t do?

➕ Online trackers are fab! There is so much information out there! But be careful of the information you input! The app will do the maths! But are you really eating those calories or are you being as active as you say?

➕ Have a balanced, healthy, diet! From as many whole foods as possible! Eliminating food groups or using your calories for the wrong foods! Will lead to deficiencies!

➕ It’s ok to feel a tad hungry from time to time! Remember if your eating the right calories/ macros and doing it safely! It’s normal for your body to feel ready for the next meal! Your not starving! Your just ready for some more fuel/energy!

➕ Tracking is the best way to learn! Keep focus! Be accountable and understand your bodies needs! It’s not a forever! It’s a tool to help you reach your goals!

Is “diet” challenging you?

Does it feel far more “complicated” than it should be?

DM - Let’s chat goals 🙏🏼


Let’s talk MINDSET & FAT LOSS!!!

Oh the battle this can be!!!

Is this you???
- Scale goes up by 1lb and your FREAK OUT and feel like a failure!
- Feel like utter sh*t if the scales don’t move! Because you have worked your butt off!
- Treat yourself and then cut calories to compensate indulging!
- Go all in, then stress/life takes over then you pack it all in!
- Wants quick fix and tries every fad/detox!

If this is you, you won’t the the first and definitely not the last! I have been ALL of these in the past!

Trust me when I say! You can break free of this past mindset! You can and WILL make progress if you adopt the right mindset!

My tips:
- Listen to me when I say, fluctuations are a normal part of the process, really scales should not be the only way you are tracking progress!
- Get with the program (like really!) it’s a journey! There will be small wins over a long period of time… and be patient!
- It IS possible to loose and still have a life! There is a thing such as balance! You are allowed to eat a cookie and not spend 1 hour on the stair master to burn it off!!!
- Your allowed to take time out! It’s LIFE it will be stressful from time to time, actually a good diet and training will only add benefit to your crazy, stressful life! Don’t give up, re look at the plan and what’s possible!
- Finally! There is a way to “DIET” without doing silly crazy fads! WINNING!!!

I truly believe if there is a WILL there is a WAY and if you want it, you will go get it!

Interested to find out how???

Get in touch today

📧 [email protected]



New Week!

May your week be filled with good thoughts, kind people and happy moments!

August Slots Open For 121 PT

09th August 2021 - 8 Week Challenge Begins 🙌🏼
To join please email - [email protected]

Photos from GLB Lifestyle's post 01/08/2021

8 Day Countdown ▶️▶️▶️

August Edition:
8 Week Challenge!
All things HEALTH, FITNESS, BODY & MIND join me &

Are you ready to take action?

Have you got a health & fitness goal?

Are you wanting to transform your body & mindset towards it?

Need a little guidance?

Need a plan?

Need an accountability partner who can support you along the way?

Drop me a DM now - IN ✌🏼

This time next week we will be ready to roll!!!!


Countdown is on……. ❤️

TRANSFORM 2k21 August Challenge
SD: 09/08

Join the GLB community
- 8 Week Fitness Program
- All the basics tools to set you up for a healthier lifestyle long term
- Access to app and personal area
- Tailored Training Program
- Access to zoom classes
- Tailored Diet Plan
- Macros
- Private Group Access Instagram & FB
- Home or Gym Addition
- Recipe Books
- Welfare Pack
- Ebooks (Training & Nutrition)
More to come….

To request payment link or more information
📧 [email protected]


TRANSFORM 2k21 August Challenge
SD: 09/08

Join the GLB community
- 8 Week Fitness Program
- All the basics tools to set you up for a healthier lifestyle long term
- Access to app and personal area
- Tailored Training Program
- Access to zoom classes
- Tailored Diet Plan
- Macros
- Private Group Access Instagram & FB
- Home or Gym Addition
- Recipe Books
- Welfare Pack
- Ebooks (Training & Nutrition)
More to come….

To request payment link or more information
📧 [email protected]


💥 Client Louise💥

Looking insane!

The key to your fitness/ body goals are:
- Setting goals
- A healthy mindset
- A healthy body (nutrition, training, lifestyle)
- Building long term habits!

The program is so much more than just training & nutrition!
I will give you the tools and full support to work towards your long term goals!

Next Challenge: SD 26/07

August Challenge: SD 09/08
Both 8 weeks long

To get started today email 📧 [email protected]



TRANSFORM 2k21 July Intake
SD: 05/07, 12/07 & 19/07
(Limited Spaces For Each)

Join the GLB community ❤️

- 10 Week Fitness Program
- All the basics tools to set you up for a healthier lifestyle long term
- Access to app and personal area
- Tailored Training Program
- Access to zoom classes
- Tailored Diet Plan
- Macros
- Private Group Access Instagram & FB
- Home or Gym Addition
- Recipe Books
- Welfare Pack
- Ebooks (Training & Nutrition)
More to come….

To request payment link or more information
📧 [email protected]


Happy Monday All………

Here is your weekly reminder you can do anything you put your mind to!

No need to over complicate the process!

No need to live in the past!

Every day is a brand new opportunity!

⭐️ You have a choice to eat healthier

⭐️ You have a choice to exercise

⭐️ You have a choice to stop and think about what you want

⭐️ You have a choice to believe in yourself

📲 Coaching Enquires

📧 [email protected]

Photos from GLB Lifestyle's post 27/06/2021

I am so proud of you….

Yesterday we looked back through some progress pictures (honestly gals, nobody wants to take photos trust me!) but in terms of tracking progress it’s the best! The proof is there staring at you!

Not to mention the boost, push, drive and determination to keep moving forward those photos can give to you.

Our bodies are capable of incredible things when you put your mind to it. Consistency is key 🔑 slow and steady wins!


GOALS are FABULOUS but don’t let this be your only focus……….

Hear me out!!!

I am ALL for goals, I have 5 year goals, yearly goals, quarter goals, monthly and weekly 🤪 I am 💯 a goal getter! BUT…..and I am guilty of procrastinating also!

All the ideas, all the plans, all the goals, all the must do, shoulda, woulda, coulda!!!

But are you taking ACTION???

If your always focusing on the end desired result you will very quickly feel exhausted!

Small wins all the way! The smallest habits will eventually get you there!

STRESS less! Your not going to click your finger, write down a goal and get there over night! Nor are you going to smash it EVERY DAY!

Starting a new fitness/body goal???
Here is my advice:

⚡️Be realistic, you want to train 5/6 times a week 🤷🏽‍♀️ Fabbbbbb but is it a realistic goal? Start with 3 days and build over time maybe!

⚡️Get up and get it done! We all have those same 24 hours, we are all BUSY BEE, just remember WHY and that your goals are a choice, you either want to or not!

⚡️Make smaller cut backs with food, slowly decrease the Kcals, going cold Turkey and slashing calories by silly amounts will 💯 end in a fail! Starvin Marvin hangry isn’t fun, trust me!

⚡️Small changes go a long way! Working from home maybe, minimal steps, try and take 30 minutes lunch and pop out for a walk! We are all entitled to a break throughout the day, so use it positively!

⚡️Have a plan! Plan, prep, GO! Your more likely to commit if you know A. Where to start B. Something to guide you

⚡️ACCOUNTABILITY, take time to reflect on each day, each week, only YOU can meet YOUR goals, just think if you could improve or do a little better each day 1%, how much you could improve little by little!

Comfort zones do not take is to new places! So of you WANT IT GO GET IT ❤️

Need HELP?
📲 Coaching Enquires

📧 [email protected]


You don’t have to be extreme…… just consistent ✌🏼


Starting out in your fitness journey?

Here are a few things to consider:

1 - Decide & commit, there will never be a good time to get going, but the journey is a commitment of self love and care.

2 - Visualise that goal, show up, take action, remind yourself with WHY

3 - Start small, small steps, small wins!

4 - Be realistic, don’t compare, be the beginner!

5 - NEVER give up!

6 - Have FUN! Find an approach that works for you, network, build confidence, inspire others, be part of a community 🙌🏼


It’s nearly time………

New App Launch!

All current clients will be transferred over and I am now taking on NEW CLIENTS 🙌🏼

Watch this space for some exciting GIVEAWAYS

Photos from GLB Lifestyle's post 07/06/2021



8, 10, 12 and 16 Week Programs

SWIPE ➡️➡️➡️
To see what’s included and MUCH MORE (eeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk)

All current clients will be updated and transferred across 🙌🏼


Watch this space for further updates this week


Fab Meet Up With

Highly recommend the if your ever in the area or fancy a day trip out to another gym, great vibe, great equipment 🙌🏼

📲 Coaching Enquiries

Photos from GLB Lifestyle's post 27/05/2021

Client Meal Prep 😋

Creating the “Green Spaghetti” from recipe book!
Ideal veggie dish and swipe to see added ingredients (Salmon) for her partner

All clients will receive GLB LIFESTYLE Meal Prep Recipe Ideas Ebook 1 & 2

📲 Coaching Enquiries


Motivate the mind and the body will follow!

Midweek reminder! You can do anything you put your mind to!

How do you keep your mindset in check?


All things NEW..........coming soon

📲 Coaching Enquires

📧 [email protected]



“Awh thank you! These are literally the reasons i think everyone should have a coach even if they can’t stay 100% on plan, you keep me going!” - Carlie Marrows ☺️

Carlie is one of my lifestyle clients, and we have worked together for a long period of time now. As time has gone by, we have been through the rollercoaster of life, the pandemic and more! With her fitness goals always a priority.

This is not to say you need to be 💯 on a “diet” for the rest of your life! Nor do you need to train every day! I work with a very realistic approach depending on goal, long term, sustainable, and foods you actually enjoy!

Carlie’s consistency is paying off, she adheres to the program the majority of the time allowing her to enjoy higher calorie days when needed and to be sociable!

The biggest part of the program has been mindset shifts, removing that stigma that you can only get results your happy with if you overly restrict yourself and go all in with some crazy fad! This could not be further from the truth or approach.

📲 Coaching Enquires

Photos from GLB Lifestyle's post 14/05/2021

Client Spotlight 🤩

really has been putting the work in and here she is 😍

Nothing makes me prouder than when my clients send me their updates, seeing the changes, hearing how they feel!

Full time momma, extremely busy business owner and still making time to put the work in 👏🏼

📲 Coaching Enquires


Photos from GLB Lifestyle's post 07/05/2021

Transform 2k21

Join today........ 8, 10, 12, 16 week programs available!

No matter what your health and fitness goals, I got you covered! Mind, body, diet, training, meal ideas and more!

All levels of fitness welcome!

Home, Gym or Both!

You will receive all the support, guidance & tools you need to reach A to B and beyond! It’s a lifestyle!

📲 Coaching Enquires

[email protected]

Photos from GLB Lifestyle's post 03/05/2021


Eeeeekkkkkkkk A Very Happy BH ✌🏼

Been back to the gym 3 weeks and already seeing big changes in my team and personally!

Who will be joining me in May?

Spaces are NOW OPEN, let’s go 🙌🏼

📲 Coaching Enquires

[email protected]



Early Morning Sessions

We have worked together for some time, focusing on eating habits, the key to balance, training for results and mindset towards goals and juggling life!

Very proud of you and your consistent approach. Hard work pays off!

📲 Coaching Enquires

Photos from GLB Lifestyle's post 26/04/2021

Don’t wish for it, work for it!

Far to often we say we want something, we set goals, we have vision, however the fundamental part to reaching it is, the action!

So proud of my clients progress she has sent over this weekend! Just weeks in 13lbs down, inches lost, healthier habits and body composition changing weekly 🙌🏼

Hard work is paying off!

📲 Coaching Enquires

[email protected]


SPACES available!
We are back!
Whether it be home or gym programs
Let’s Go!

Eeeeekkkkkkkk A Very Happy BH ✌🏼

See you in the gym, 1 week to go!

Let’s get to work all 🙌🏼

Who will be joining me?

A very busy week ahead changing programs for current clients and welcoming new peeps on board.

Spaces are NOW OPEN, let’s go 🙌🏼

📲 Coaching Enquires

[email protected]


Videos (show all)

New Week! May your week be filled with good thoughts, kind people and happy moments! August Slots Open For 121 PT 09th A...
It’s nearly time………New App Launch! All current clients will be transferred over and I am now taking on NEW CLIENTS 🙌🏼Wat...
Mudo DNA



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday 10:00 - 12:00