Expression Worship

Expression Worship

Expression Worship has to goal to bless the body of Christ in London, UK and beyond. We aim for a fresh expression of creative worship and prayers.

Expression Worship's goal is to bless the body of Christ in London, UK and beyond. We aim to facilitate a wide expression of creative worship and prayer such as painting, contemplation (soaking) together with creative and prophetic worship, singing own songs, dancing, scripture reading sessions and fellowship with one another. Holy Spirit jamming sessions where musicians and singers can get together, worship and jam and fellowship.


We LOVE kids worship.

Gooooood News everybody, we have 3 original KIDS tracks out. Let us know what you think...

Youtube Video:
Spotify Link:


Gooooood News everybody, we have 3 original KIDS tracks out. Let us know what you think...

Youtube Video:
Spotify Link:


Thank you very for your support in the the release of Hanna's 2nd song. We got 850 views in 3 days and over 300 people listened to the track in Spotify. She is overwhelmed with all the comments and love PM msg's. Thank you.


Mark Sandberg
Nešo Stjepanović

thank you for sharing the link.
