To broaden and strengthen support to disadvantaged children in Uganda so that they can benefit from good quality education and realise their full potential

Our Story

SEDCU’s founders are Jan (Janet) and Ben (Bernard) Herdan - a retired teacher and a semi-retired public sector leader who are also parents and grandparents and who love to explore the world. In 2011 they visited Uganda for the first time and were given a warm welcome by people they met. They visited a number of schools in the South West of the country and saw at first hand the challenge

Fundraising Ideas 25/07/2024

In September, 2 of our Trustees (Ben and Kate) will be running the Great North Run to raise money for SEDCU.

13.1 sunny miles around Newcastle Upon Tyne on a quiet Sunday morning (with 10,000 other runners!)

Any donation would be hugely appreciated. They deserve your support!

Fundraising Ideas Explore top fundraising ideas on JustGiving! Discover innovative ways to raise funds and make a difference. Start your fundraising journey today!



Team SEDCU arrived this morning to complete the colour run only to find out the event was cancelled 2 weeks ago, without any correspondence.

The team have gone to the pub to discuss an alternative event in the near future so any sponsorship given so far won’t be wasted.

Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored the team, they are very deflated and promise not to let your kindness go to waste.

Watch this space…..


Today’s the day!!

Good luck to team SEDCU πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ 🎨 πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ

On the 1st of June our trustee Becky will be joined by a group of friends to run the colour obstacle rush to raise money for SEDCU

Please dig deep if you can, every little helps!

Colour Obstacle rush Milton Keynes


On the 1st of June our trustee Becky will be joined by a group of friends to run the colour obstacle rush to raise money for SEDCU

Please dig deep if you can, every little helps!

Colour Obstacle rush Milton Keynes

Photos from SEDCU's post 19/10/2023

251,200 steps πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ 32 cows πŸ„ 97,001 pieces of stone and the odd pint 🍺 for medicinal purposes but no blisters!

Congratulations Ben πŸ€©πŸŽ‰πŸ€©πŸŽ‰ mission accomplished. 84 miles along Hadrian’s Wall in 7 1/2 days.

Today it poured with rain so just as well Ben was pounding the streets of Newcastle! Accompanied by Charlotte the path led along the river..

More iconic bridges... and the newly named Glasshouse.

Very wet walk eventually arriving at Wallsend (Segedunum) where Ben signed off and in the book.

Thank you to everyone for all your support which kept him going!

Photos from SEDCU's post 18/10/2023

Day 8… only 5 1/2 miles to go πŸŽ‰ m

Ben had a very pleasant walk with Sandy Rutherford who accompanied him for the first few hours.

Here is Ben at Heddon on the Wall one of the last intact stretches of wall.

On arrival in Newcastle the path goes alongside the River Tyne with its iconic bridges.

Tomorrow Charlotte is joining Ben for the last 5 1/2 miles through Newcastle to WALLSEND! Good luck team SEDCU πŸ‘

Photos from SEDCU's post 17/10/2023
Photos from SEDCU's post 17/10/2023

Day 6:

Two pieces of history from Ben today

The first is a piece of the wall and a display board giving an artist's impression of the wall under construction. There was obviously a problem of delay and cost overrun but nothing compared to HS2!

The second is a photo of St Oswalds Church, Heavenfield which, among other things, contains a Roman altar stone. It was built on the site of the Battle of Heavenfield AD 634. Oswald was triumphant and ruled for 8 years before being killed in another battle!

Only 18 miles to go… please support Ben ⬇️

Photos from SEDCU's post 16/10/2023

Day 5: Todays photos show where legions have trodden before and the layout of a "turret".

Dramatic landscape looking east and some cows for company!

Ben has now walked 55 miles and 162,000 steps and is heading for a warm bath and an early night! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Yesterday Ben achieved the half way mark and was greeted by his daughter Charlotte ☺️

If you’d like to show your support for Ben and help him raise funds for SEDCU’s bursary fund please follow the link below.

Photos from SEDCU's post 15/10/2023

Day 4: 11 miles of the most challenging terrain as the Wall goes up and down hills and along the top of crags.

Ben was grateful to be accompanied by Peter Jewitt, a friend from Corbridge who has lived in Northumberland for much of his life and knew the route for the day really well.

It was spectacular weather - sun and blue skies for most of the day and amazing visibility across the countryside.

Photos from SEDCU's post 14/10/2023

Day 3 for Ben!

Newtown to Gilsland with the score board totalling 32 miles and more than 96,000 steps!!

No-one said it would be so hilly!

Today Milecastle, near Birdoswald, saw the first bits of the Wall after 30 miles of walking.

This is the longest stretch of unspoilt Wall and goes all the way to Gilsland where today finished and tomorrow's walk will start!

Sleep well Ben πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Photos from SEDCU's post 14/10/2023

Yesterday was Day 2 for Ben!

It started off with rain! A tough morning's walk revived by a little refreshment at a local pub to celebrate the first 20 miles. The Landlord saw the SEDCU sign on Ben's rucksack and donated the pint!

After refreshments Ben walked on across a field....alongside the Wall. What Wall? The one under the ground which is yet to be excavated!!

Finally, a lovely path through hedgerows and trees until today's planned destination was reached. A tough 11 miles!

Well done Ben πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Well done Ben!! πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸŒ³πŸ

β€˜Walk started well - clear blue sky, not too warm. Achieved target of 13 miles in 7 hours. Enjoyed fabulous countryside and first traces of the wall! Staying near Carlisle, happily with a good supply of beer for rehydration!!’ 🍺

Day 2 tomorrow πŸ‘

Photos from SEDCU's post 12/10/2023

And he’s off!

Huge shout out to Ben who is starting his epic walk the length of Hadrian’s Wall today. πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

He even got a Β£10 donation from a lady at the start πŸ˜ŠπŸ’°

If you’d like to support Ben along the way please see the link to our just giving page below or comment with your words of wisdom and moral support 😁

Donate to an amazing cause today. 10/10/2023

Our wonderful trustee Ben is walking the length of Hadrian’s Wall to raise money to support SEDCU’s bursary fund. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

If you feel you can support him, any donation would be hugely appreciated


Donate to an amazing cause today. Anything you can give will make a huge difference!


In October our trustee, and SEDCU founder, Ben Herdan will be walking (at the ripe old age of 75!) the whole 85 mile length of Hadrian's Wall in seven days.

Ben will be starting out on October 12th.

The aim of this walk is to raise much needed funds for SEDCU's Bursary Fund to finance laptops and other costly equipment (typically Β£250 per child) needed by the growing number of sponsored children aiming for College and University.


All at SEDCU are very excited to launch our 2023 build a library campaign today!!

Mgahinga primary school, near to Kisoro, in Uganda is home to a number of children that SEDCU supporters sponsor. Over the years we have been delighted to support Mgahinga with a number of projects, including a new water tower, a new kitchen and dining hall, and improved classrooms.

In 2023 we would like to support the school by providing the children with new and essential text books.

Books cost from as little as Β£2 each and range from English, Maths, Science, and Religious Studies.

If you would like to buy specific books for the school, maybe you would like to support the nursery children with phonics, or maybe you're a budding scientist and you'd like to buy science books, you can contact us today for a full list of books and make your choice.

If you are happy to contribute towards any text books that will so enhance a child's education please follow this link and comment that your donation is specifically for our build a library campaign.


The final visit in Uganda has been to see G.

He was our first sponsored boy and Jan and Ben were delighted to catch up with him. Here he is with his supporter, who is with him 24/7 to enable him to live a normal life despite being totally blind.

He is studying English at University and Shakespeare is his favourite author. He has just returned from Morocco where he participated in paralympic athletics trials for the 2024 Olympics!

The difference that has been made to G’s life because of the generosity of our sponsors is remarkable and it’s truly wonderful to see. Thank you.


Jan and Ben have spent some time with our 3 deaf students at their Vocational College some 4 hours drive from Kisoro.

πŸš—The drive was on some very rough and flooded roads! ⛰️

All 3 girls are making excellent progress developing their tailoring skills. These skills will enable them to work and support themselves and their families in the future.


Today Jan and Ben met with P in Kabale.

She graduates from college in May, with a Diploma in Tourism and Hotel Management. She has been sponsored through SEDCU for 8 years. She has a bright future ahead of her!

Isn’t this the most wonderful photo πŸ’•


Today Jan and Ben are at a Secondary School for blind children in Kabale, two of whom are sponsored through SEDCU. The children who were successful at national paralympics trials are here with Martin their teacher.

This really does show that disability is not inability. Something we hear many of the teachers we have met in Uganda say regularly. Well done all πŸ…


Happy Mothers Day from all the trustees.

Today SEDCU founders Ben and Jan are continuing visits to secondary schools to meet sponsored children and their teachers. Here is Jan (a phenomenal mother herself) at BAVOSS school.

As it is Sunday and the children are doing their washing for the week ahead, which is spread out to dry.


Jan and Ben took 400 hats knitted by Ladies in Lockdown and they were a tremendous success! We were overwhelmed by demand and all week they were worn by the children. Although Mgahinga is not far South of the equator it can be very chilly!!

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