Jon Card

Jon Card

Jon Card is a freelance journalist and media trainer. He writes for The Guardian, Telegraph and The

About Full Story Media.

Corinne and I set up Full Story Media in the summer of 2017. We run media training events, create content, advise on PR campaigns and work as journalists.

We’ve been working in these areas for some time. Corinne was previously head of content and digital PR at digital agency atom42. Whereas, I have been working as a journalist for 15 years and my clients include The Guardian, The Telegraph and The Times.

One of the most exciting aspects of our business is public speaking and media training. We’ve set up the Coverage Class events for business owners and media professionals. Here I teach people how the press works, how to gain coverage and better understand the media.

Our first event in Brighton in October 2017 gained great feedback. Similarly, our London event held in Camden, London on February 6, was also successful. We plan to create many more of these events in the future while also building online communities to support our clients and attendees.