

Emcee, Singer, Songwriter, Producer, Ghostwriter

https://soundcloud.com/westro I am a emcee, rapper, singer, songwriter, ghost writer, producer!!!


People keep asking me when am I doing some new music and when am I going to be emceeing again? And trust me, I have loads in the pipeline. Just my stomach has fu**ed me over for a few years now and I can't concentrate properly on my writing and I just don't have enough patience or motivation at the moment because of being in pain 24/7. The best you're getting out of me is me just spitting bars wherever I am sometimes. Many people have been wanting to work with me but I just haven't been able to. Which is gutting tbh. But don't worry, my stomach will settle and I'll be back with some new stuff. And bigger and better than I've ever been. ❤️🎵