DM Media Solutions

DM Media Solutions

South Wales based, Web Design & Marketing Agency, specialising in Web Design, Lead Generation & Soci

As a sustainability focused business, we are committed to proactively managing our environmental impact, not just as a business but also as individuals: 'We're not 100% perfect, but we're striving for 100% perfection’.


Amazing to see one of our clients featured like this on British tv 🇬🇧🤩

3 Effective Techniques to Produce Leads On Facebook - DM Media Solutions 30/08/2021

In this blog, you’ll figure out what makes Facebook a reliable tool for list building and lead generation, as well as some tips for getting the most out of your approach.

Click the link below to read the whole blog!👇



Yn y blog hwn, byddwch chi'n darganfod beth sy'n gwneud Facebook yn offeryn dibynadwy ar gyfer adeiladu rhestrau a chynhyrchu arweiniadau, yn ogystal â rhai awgrymiadau ar gyfer cael y gorau o'ch dull gweithredu.

Cliciwch y linc i ddarllen y blog llawn!👇


3 Effective Techniques to Produce Leads On Facebook - DM Media Solutions - Facebook's value for marketing is no longer up for argument. It's one of the most effective devices for remaining in touch with consumers, sharing news, and raising engagement in the market. With the right method, it can also be useful for generating brand-new leads. A lot of organisations think o...

Timeline photos 27/08/2021

Client appreciation time🥳

Yay, another 5⭐️ review!

Thanks Alex, it means such a lot to read how far your business has progressed! We loved working with you!😀


Amser gwerthfawrogiad cleientiaid🥳

Hwre, adolygiad 5⭐️ arall!

Diolch Alex, mae'n golygu cymaint i ddarllen pa mor bell y mae eich busnes wedi symud ymlaen! Roeddem ni wrth ein boddau â'n hamser yn gweithio gyda chi! 😀

Timeline photos 25/08/2021

Somedays the inspiration comes by itself. You wake up, grab a cup of coffee, open your laptop and that’s it🧑‍💻

But other days…not so simple (we've all been there!)💤

The list below might be able to help you today!👇

✅ Break up over-whelming or 'boring' tasks in to smaller pieces.
✅ Reward yourself. It could be a stretch or a fresh cup of coffee!
✅ Take the time to chat with your colleagues. A simple email with a funny gif or arranging a lunch date will give you the chance to strike up a conversation with someone, who is more than likely, in the same boat as you!

Top 3 Reasons Why A Good Website Is a MUST - DM Media Solutions 23/08/2021

Having a website for your company gives you an opportunity to present useful information to potential customers and nurture them into trying your products or services.

Click the link to read our top 3 reasons why a good website is a must!👇



Mae cael gwefan i'ch cwmni yn rhoi cyfle i chi gyflwyno gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol i ddarpar gwsmeriaid a'u meithrin i roi cynnig ar eich cynhyrchion neu wasanaethau.

Cliciwch ar y linc i ddarllen ein 3 rheswm gorau pam mae gwefan dda yn hanfodol! 👇


Top 3 Reasons Why A Good Website Is a MUST - DM Media Solutions Reasons why you need a good website. When people need a product or service, they almost always search online first. You need a clean, fast, user friendly website.

Timeline photos 20/08/2021

Another 5 ⭐️ review!

This time, for David who helped Lisa with generating leads!

Thank you Lisa for your review, it was great to work with you💙


Adolygiad 5 ⭐️ arall!

Y tro hwn, i David a helpodd Lisa i gynhyrchu arweinyddion!

Diolch i Lisa am eich adolygiad, roedd yn wych gweithio gyda chi💙

Timeline photos 18/08/2021

It takes a special kind of person to want to create more happiness in the world, and once you find these people or this person, hold on and do not let go!💙

They will constantly remind you what it means to be nice and how you can, indeed, throw kindness around like confetti🎉

Photos from DM Media Solutions's post 16/08/2021

If you’re not a WordPress expert, it can be easy to make mistakes which can have a devastating impact on your website speed, usability, security and more!

Swipe to read the 5 most common WordPress mistakes to avoid!👉



Os nad ydych chi'n arbenigwr WordPress, gall fod yn hawdd gwneud camgymeriadau a all gael effaith ddinistriol ar gyflymder, defnyddioldeb a diogelwch eich gwefan!

Darllenwch y 5 camgymeriad WordPress mwyaf cyffredin i'w hosgoi! 👉


Timeline photos 13/08/2021

Another glowing review that we just had to share with you!

Lorena was so happy with the service that Manu provided, she took the time to leave us a 5 ⭐️ review!

Thanks Lorena, we are so glad that we could be of help 💙


Adolygiad disglair arall yr oedd yn rhaid i ni ei rannu gyda chi!

Roedd Lorena mor hapus gyda’r gwasanaeth a ddarparodd Manu, cymerodd yr amser i adael adolygiad 5 ⭐️ inni!

Diolch Lorena, rydym mor falch y gallem fod o gymorth💙

Timeline photos 11/08/2021

Everyone is different and moves at their own pace 👟

If you're worrying today about your pace, remember, everyone is different and that's okay ❤️

Photos from DM Media Solutions's post 09/08/2021

As the saying goes, “first impressions last”, not just in real life but also in the online world. What people see on your profile will leave a lasting impression on them – either good or bad.

Swipe to read our 5 tips on how to create an attractive instagram profile!👉



Fel mae'r dywediad yn mynd, mae “argraffiadau cyntaf yn para”, nid yn unig mewn bywyd go iawn ond hefyd yn y byd ar-lein. Bydd yr hyn y mae pobl yn ei weld ar eich proffil yn gadael argraff barhaol arnyn nhw - naill ai da neu ddrwg.

Darllenwch ein 5 awgrym ar sut i greu proffil instagram deniadol! 👉


Timeline photos 06/08/2021

Client appreciation 🥳

As a small business, we really value working with such amazing clients. Reading Faigy's review has made us realise how much hard work can make such a difference to someone 💙

Thanks again Faigy, it has been a pleasure!


Gwerthfawrogiad cleientiaid 🥳

Fel busnes bach, rydyn ni wir yn gwerthfawrogi gweithio gyda chleientiaid mor anhygoel. Mae darllen adolygiad Faigy wedi gwneud inni sylweddoli faint mae waith caled yn cael effeaith mawr ar rywun💙

Diolch eto Faigy, mae wedi bod yn bleser!

Timeline photos 04/08/2021

It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from or what you do, just be a nice human ❤️

Remember, you could be talking to someone who is trying their very best to hold it together. Be kind 🤝

Photos from DM Media Solutions's post 02/08/2021

While there are many topics you can write about, it’s a challenge to decide which topics to choose.

Swipe to read some solutions for writer's block!👉



Er bod yna lawer o bynciau y gallwch chi ysgrifennu amdanyn nhw, mae'n hêr penderfynu pa bynciau i'w dewis.

Darllenwch rhai ffyrdd i ddod o hyd i ysbrydoliaeth! 👉


Timeline photos 30/07/2021

Client appreciation 🥳

We love to read our clients reviews and hearing how our service has helped them 💙

Thank you Noelia for your kind review! We're so glad that you had a good experience with us, we enjoyed working with you!


Gwerthfawrogiad cleientiaid 🥳

Rydyn ni wrth ein bodd yn darllen adolygiadau hyfryd i'n cleientiaid a byth yn blino clywed sut mae ein gwasanaeth wedi eu helpu💙

Diolch Noelia am eich adolygiad caredig! Rydyn ni mor falch eich bod chi wedi cael profiad da gyda ni, fe wnaethon ni fwynhau gweithio gyda chi!

Timeline photos 28/07/2021

Sometimes the stresses of the working week means we forget to look for the joy in things💼

Looking at the funny side can put problems into perspective and help you to move on from confrontations.

So, next time something appears as a problem, take a minute, re-evavlaute and if it isn't the end of the world (which is guaranteed it won't be), LAUGH!🙊

Photos from DM Media Solutions's post 26/07/2021

Sustaining a business is dependent on the quality and number of the leads you generate.

Swipe through our top 7 strategies on how to increase sales!👉



Mae cynnal busnes yn dibynnu ar ansawdd a nifer yr arweiniadau rydych chi'n eu cynhyrchu.

Darllenwch trwy ein 7 strategaeth orau ar sut i gynyddu gwerthiant!👉


Timeline photos 23/07/2021

Based in South Wales, The Gift Gazebo is a company which sells a variety of personalised and affordable gifts for all occasions.

They wanted their website to have a more modern and professional approach so we chose to keep the same colours from the previous website design and make the re-design quite soft and calming, ensuring that its easy on the eyes and still obtains the high-class professionalism desired.

Click the link to find out more!


Wedi'i leoli yn Ne Cymru, mae The Gift Gazebo yn gwmni sy'n gwerthu amrywiaeth o anrhegion fforddiadwy sydd wedi'u personoli ar gyfer pob achlysur.

Roeddent am i'w gwefan fod â dull mwy modern a phroffesiynol felly gwnaethom ddewis cadw'r un lliwiau o'r dyluniad gwefan blaenorol a gwneud yr ail-ddylunio yn eithaf meddal a thawel, gan sicrhau ei fod yn hawdd ar y llygaid.

Cliciwch ar y linc i ddarllen mwy!

Timeline photos 30/06/2021

Wednesday, or—as it’s affectionately called—“hump day,” is when you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

After all, there are only two more days to go! The weekend is fast approaching, and everyone is excited🥳

We hope you've all had a good, productive week! Let's carry on smashing it - after all, we're over the hump now!❤️


Happy Social Media Day from all of us at DM Media Solutions!

We’re so thankful to all our followers on each of our platforms and we’re grateful for social media which is part of our work💙

Social Media has become very important in everyone’s lives, especially during the pandemic to keep us in touch with our friends and family🤳🏻

What’s your favourite platform to use? Let us know👇

How Branding Can Make or Break Your Business - DM Media Solutions 28/06/2021

You want people to recognise your brand when they see your tone of voice, your colours and products. It gives you an identity that separates you from the competitors, and increases trust.

In today's blog, read all about the things to consider that will either make or break your business!



Rydych chi am i bobl gydnabod eich brand pan fyddant yn gweld tôn eich llais, eich lliwiau a'ch cynhyrchion. Mae'n rhoi hunaniaeth i chi sy'n eich gwahanu chi oddi wrth y cystadleuwyr, ac yn cynyddu ymddiriedaeth.

Yn blog heddiw, darllenwch bopeth am y pethau i'w hystyried a fydd naill ai'n gwneud neu'n torri'ch busnes!


How Branding Can Make or Break Your Business - DM Media Solutions - Businesses are established with the end goal of getting revenues. This is a long shot and as you grow your business day by day, branding plays a vital role. Think of branding as the invisible thread that ties your product, brand story, and company vision. Through branding, you are creating…

Timeline photos 25/06/2021

Focus with Faigy, ran by Faigy Lieberman, focuses on spreading awareness of ADHD as well as training ADHD coaches in the United Kingdom.

Although Faigy contacted us specifically for marketing, we discovered that she could use some help with her website as it had some faults. So, she decided on a complete remake and design before we began improving the traffic of the website.

If you want to read more about this project, build your growth online and find the right customers for you, head over to our website and book your online strategy session for free!



Mae Focus with Faigy, sy'n cael ei redeg gan Faigy Lieberman, yn canolbwyntio ar ledaenu ymwybyddiaeth ynghylch ADHD yn ogystal â hyfforddi hyfforddwyr eraill yn y Deyrnas Unedig.

Er i Faigy gysylltu â ni yn benodol ar gyfer marchnata, fe wnaethon ni ddarganfod y gallai ddefnyddio rhywfaint o help gyda'i gwefan gan fod ganddo rai diffygion. Felly, penderfynodd ar ail-wneud a dylunio llwyr cyn i ni ddechrau gwella traffig y wefan.

Os ydych chi eisiau darllen mwy am y prosiect hwn, adeiladu'ch twf ar-lein a dod o hyd i'r cwsmeriaid iawn i chi, ewch draw i'n gwefan ac archebwch eich sesiwn strategaeth ar-lein am ddim!


Timeline photos 23/06/2021

Wednesday morning feels! 💤
What more could you want? Coffee & cats = bliss!
We hope that everyone's week has been good so far, we're sending postive vibes for the rest of it!❤️

How To Create a Digital Marketing Plan - DM Media Solutions 21/06/2021

Due to modern developments, the way we market businesses has changed dramatically.

These days, screen-to-screen is the way to go, not door-to-door. If you want to stay relevant and make your business a success, then first you need a Digital Marketing Plan.

Here’s a guide for small business owners on how to create a digital marketing plan to increase the success rate of your marketing campaigns.


Diolch i ddatblygiad y rhyngrwyd, newidiodd y ffordd yr ydym yn marchnata ein busnesau yn ddramatig.

Y dyddiau hyn, sgrin-i-sgrin yw'r ffordd i fynd, nid o ddrws i ddrws. Os ydych chi am aros yn berthnasol a gwneud eich busnes yn llwyddiant, yna yn gyntaf mae angen Cynllun Marchnata Digidol arnoch chi.

Dyma ganllaw i farchnatwyr ar sut i greu cynllun marchnata digidol i gynyddu cyfradd llwyddiant ymgyrchoedd marchnata.


How To Create a Digital Marketing Plan - DM Media Solutions - The development and accessibility of the internet paved the way for changes in how we market our business. In this modern era, Digital Marketing is the new trend and will probably continue for years. If you want to stay relevant and make your business a success, then you need to…

Timeline photos 18/06/2021

Lugotex SL, located in Alcover, Spain, has been dedicated to manufacturing home textiles for businesses since 1984, with 38 years of experience and two generations.

Ruben, who runs the company decided that his current website was unable to reach the standard that he required; they needed a re-design that was more polished, professional and with higher quality displays of the products.

We created a simple yet classy website design that included large, high quality images and a complementing colour scheme.

If you want to read more about this project, build your growth online and find the right customers for you, head over to our website and book your online strategy session for free!



Mae Lugotex SL, a leolir yn Alcover, Sbaen, wedi bod yn weithgynhyrchu tecstilau cartref i fusnesau ers 1984, gyda 38 mlynedd o brofiad a dwy genhedlaeth.

Penderfynodd Ruben, sy'n rhedeg y cwmni, nad oedd ei wefan gyfredol yn gallu cyrraedd y safon yr oedd ei hangen; roedd angen ail-ddylunio arnynt a oedd yn fwy caboledig, proffesiynol a chydag arddangosiadau o'r cynhyrchion o ansawdd uwch.

Fe wnaethon ni greu dyluniad gwefan syml ond dosbarthog a oedd yn cynnwys delweddau mawr o ansawdd uchel a chynllun lliw canmoliaethus.

Os ydych chi eisiau darllen mwy am y prosiect hwn, adeiladu'ch twf ar-lein a dod o hyd i'r cwsmeriaid iawn i chi, ewch draw i'n gwefan ac archebwch eich sesiwn strategaeth ar-lein am ddim!


Timeline photos 16/06/2021

In the final edition of our series, we're introudcing the newest member of our team, Georgia 👋

Our new Administrative Assistant started earlier this month & is responsible for all areas of admin within our busy team.

Aside from work, Georgia enjoys playing video games & experimenting with plant-based recipies!👾🥦

Pros and Cons of Free Web Hosting - DM Media Solutions 14/06/2021

Curious whether free web hosting is for you? Not sure if you should get paid hosting?

This blog will answer ALL your questions (and if you still have some more, we're here to help!)

Here are some of the benefits and limitations of having free web hosting.



Moyn gwybod a yw cynnal gwe am ddim i chi? Ddim yn siŵr a ddylech chi gael gwesteiwr â thâl?

Bydd y blog hwn yn ateb POB UN o'ch cwestiynau (ac os oes gennych chi ragor o hyd, rydyn ni yma i helpu!)

Dyma rai o fanteision a chyfyngiadau cael gwe-letya am ddim.


Pros and Cons of Free Web Hosting - DM Media Solutions - There’s a saying that the best things in life are free. But for web hosting, this might not be always applicable. If you’ve started building your website and wanted to know what web hosting is all about, including the benefits and services you can receive from having one, then free web…

Timeline photos 11/06/2021

BoboFunnco, ran by Harmesh Sethi and based in Wembley, is a balloon and party wholesale company.

Our consultation was done over email and telephone, where we discussed the problems he was having with his current website and what his aims were.

Since the redesign, the online traffic has increased and BoboFunnco is on the first page of Google when searching for balloons and balloon gas suppliers in his area, thus resulting in an increase in Harmesh’s leads and sales.

If you want to read more about this project, build your growth online and find the right customers for you, head over to our website and book your online strategy session for free!



Mae BoboFunnco, sy'n cael ei redeg gan Harmesh Sethi ac wedi'i leoli yn Wembley, yn gwmni cyfanwerthu balŵn a phartïon.

Digwyddodd ein hymgynghoriad dros e-bost a ffôn, lle buom yn trafod y problemau yr oedd yn eu cael gyda'i wefan gyfredol a beth oedd ei nodau ac amcanion.

Ers yr ailgynllunio, mae’r traffig ar-lein wedi cynyddu ac mae BoboFunnco ar dudalen gyntaf Google wrth chwilio am ‘party baloons Wembley’, gan arwain at gynnydd dramatig yng ngwerthiant Harmesh.

Os ydych chi eisiau darllen mwy am y prosiect hwn, adeiladu'ch twf ar-lein a dod o hyd i'r cwsmeriaid iawn i chi, ewch draw i'n gwefan ac archebwch eich sesiwn strategaeth ar-lein am ddim!


Who are we?

We know that you do an amazing job, so let us show the world! We treat every project as if it was our own – working closely with you and giving everything we have to bringing your project to life.

What can we help with?

  • Graphic Design

  • Branding
  • Videos (show all)

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    'This is what you should do, love the earth and the sun and the animals' - Walt WhitmanHappy Earth Day from everyone at ...

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    Monday 09:00 - 17:00
    Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
    Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
    Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
    Friday 09:00 - 17:00