Spectrum Fine Arts

Spectrum Fine Arts

Online stockist of art and design materials for the student, amateur and professional. Also on ebay: Sam & Matt

Originally on Colmore Row, Spectrum Fine Art and Graphic Materials has enjoyed a long standing reputation as a specialist art store selling quality brands. Following the closure of the Colmore Row store and under new managers, Spectrum relocated to Fletchers Walk in March 2003. We started trading on a micro budget and have spent the last ten years developing our range to provide the service and pr

Product: Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencils: Individual Colours 01/08/2021

Update to Polychromos pencil customers: our backorder of Black (199) has finally arrived and we are now stocked up again across the range, apologies for the delay! £1.26 each, 120 colours.


Product: Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencils: Individual Colours