His Own Man Counselling

His Own Man Counselling

His Own Man counselling is a service based in Camborne, Cornwall and working online via Zoom. We can find a solution.

Hi, I'm Kieran, a BACP Accredited Counsellor and Psychotherapist and I work with men and young guys that want to feel better, happier and have confidence in where their life is going. I don't pass judgement on what you have done (or what you haven't done) and I work with you to get to where you want to be in life. If you find that your anxious in social situations, struggle to find the confidence


Talking therapies is a great intervention.
Su***de is on the rise let's fight against it!


2 in 5 men admit to regularly feeling worried or low, an increase since 2009.

The number of men experiencing suicidal thoughts has double since 2009.

Men are now almost 3 times more likely to see a therapist if they're worried, compared to 2009.


Deeply saddened to hear the passing of last Saturday.

Despite being the source of so much laughter for tens of millions of viewers, Perry’s private life was no laughing matter.
Behind the scenes, he was harbouring a dark secret. “From an outsider’s perspective, it would seem like I had it all,” he said. “It was actually a very lonely time for me because I was suffering from alcoholism.”



Afternoon all!

I thought this was relatable with this horrible weather!
I hope everyone is staying dry !



Hey fellas 👋
How we all feeling?
Today's been pretty busy but i'm feeling 🙂



When a loved one/ friend reaches out we often try to find a resolution which can be overwhelming.
Listening is a good medicine.



Autumn, with its inherent beauty, also ushers in a unique set of emotional challenges. It’s during this season that the autumn blues can descend, casting shadows of stress, anxiety, or even depression.

Check out my blog post


Morning fellas,

Hope you all had a good weekend?!

It's Monday! Already! Stay in control! You've got this 💪





Remembering Chester Bennington today, the lead vocalist from the rock band Linkin Park.

Chester struggled with depression since childhood, sadly commitinh su***de in 2017.

Fellas, you are not alone- it's time to speak out!



Quote I came across which I feel many can relate.

Mental health is a journey.


When we are anxious, depressed or simply overwhelmed with the pressures life brings, we often find that our sleep is disturbed.

Here is 5 small tips to help with a better sleep when you are struggling.

I'm Kieran, a BACP accrediated counsellor offering face to face and online sessions.

Enquire via direct message, or head over to my website for further information www.hisownmancounselling.co.uk


Here is some Monday reminders which I hope can motivate your week.

I'm Kieran, a BACP Accredited counsellor and psychotherapist offering oneline and face to face sessions.

Check out my website for more information or drop me a direct message



Whether you gain 10 minutes extra sleep, gain a walk in the park, gain a call with a friend or loved one etc, any gain is a gain!
It's your weekend! Make it a positive one!


Fellas, this is your reminder that it is okay to ask for help!


Hello and welcome

My name is Kieran Mountney and I am a BACP Accredited counsellor providing both short and long-term therapy to adult and young individuals in Camborne, Cornwall. I also offer counselling by telephone or online, using Zoom or Whatsapp.

📲 💚


We often hear about the term "mindfulness"

But what actually is mindfulness you may ask ? And how do we practice mindfulness?


We all know the iconic Verne Troyer aka Mini Me who sadly past away in 2018 after a long battle with depression.

Fellas, it's time to speak out !!

You are not alone in the battle!!


Facebook - hisownmancouselling

BBC Radio 4 - Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley - 10 easy ways to boost your health and wellbeing during your working day 02/10/2023

Absolutely thrilled to share these 10 incredible mental health benefits with you all! Taking care of our mental well-being is such a rewarding journey, and these benefits are the cherry on top. Let's keep spreading awareness and supporting each other in this important endeavour! 🌟💚

BBC Radio 4 - Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley - 10 easy ways to boost your health and wellbeing during your working day Dr Michael Mosley guides you through a few simple additions to your daily routine.

Good for the sole: Fishing found to greatly benefit men's mental health | ITV News 27/09/2023


Fishing isn't just about catching fish; it's about catching peace of mind.

Good for the sole: Fishing found to greatly benefit men's mental health | ITV News A study by three British universities has found male anglers are more likely to avoid anxiety and depression, ITV News' Rachel Younger reports. | ITV National News


Anger isn't the enemy; it's a natural emotion, a signal from within, telling us something isn't right. It's OKAY to feel angry sometimes. In fact, it's healthy to acknowledge it. 💥

But here's the catch - what we do with that anger is what truly matters. Use it as a catalyst for positive change, fuel for your ambition, and a reminder to stand up for what you believe in. 🚀

Don't bottle it up; channel it into something productive, whether it's hitting the gym, creating art, or speaking your truth. 🔊

Let's break the stereotype that men should always be stoic and unfeeling. Embrace your emotions, understand them, and become a stronger, more authentic version of yourself in the process. 🙌

Remember, it's okay to be angry; it's a sign you're alive and passionate. Just make sure that passion is harnessed for good. 💪✨


🌬️ Finding Calm in the Storm 🌪️

Life's twists and turns can stir up anger in even the calmest of us. Here's five strategies to help you find your centre when anger comes knocking:

1️⃣ Deep Breathing: Inhale serenity, exhale frustration. Take a moment to breathe deeply and let go of anger's grip.

2️⃣ Physical Activity: Sweat out the stress. Whether it's a jog, hitting the gym, or a brisk walk in the British countryside, physical activity can soothe the soul.

3️⃣ Mindfulness and Meditation: Ground yourself in the present. Practicing mindfulness or meditation can be like hitting the reset button for your emotions.

4️⃣ Time-Out: It's okay to step away. When anger flares, take a break, find your space, and regain your composure.

5️⃣ Communication: Share your feelings. Talk to someone you trust, be it a friend, family member, or professional. Sometimes, just talking it out can bring clarity.

Remember, anger is a natural emotion, but how you handle it makes all the difference. Share your tips for keeping cool in the comments below, and let's support each other on this journey to emotional well-being. 💪❤️


Hey fellas! 👋 This one's for all the awesome men out there who work hard, hustle daily, and deserve a little weekend self-care. 🙌💼

🌞 Embrace the Weekend Vibes 🌞
The weekend is your chance to unwind, destress, and recharge for the upcoming week. Take a moment to breathe and enjoy the beauty of simply being in the present. 🧘‍♂️

🏞️ Explore the Great Outdoors 🏞️
Nature is your playground! Whether it's hiking, biking, or just a leisurely stroll, getting outdoors can do wonders for your mental health. 🚴‍♂️🌳

🧘‍♂️ Practice Mindfulness 🧘‍♂️
Mindfulness isn't just for yogis. It's for anyone who wants to find peace in the chaos. Take a few minutes each day to meditate or practice deep breathing. 🧘‍♂️🌬️

📚 Feed Your Mind 📚
Reading can be a fantastic way to escape into another world or gain new insights. Whether it's fiction or self-help, pick up a book and get lost in it. 📖🤓

💪 Stay Active 💪
Physical health and mental health go hand in hand. Hit the gym, play a sport, or simply go for a run – whatever gets your blood pumping and those endorphins flowing! 🏋️‍♂️🏀

👨‍🍳 Cook Up Something Delicious 👨‍🍳
Try your hand at cooking something new this weekend. It's not just about the meal; it's the joy of creating something special for yourself. 🍳👨‍🍳

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Connect with Loved Ones 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Spend quality time with family and friends. Sharing laughs and making memories can be incredibly therapeutic. ❤️👪

Remember, it's not about what you do, but how it makes you feel. Prioritise your mental well-being this weekend and set the tone for a fantastic week ahead. You've got this! 💪💼


🔥 Embrace Every Setback as a Stepping Stone! 💪💡
Life's journey isn't always smooth, fellas, but remember this: "Never a failure, always a lesson." 📚✨
🚀 Every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth and learning. Whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal development, setbacks are just pit stops on the road to success! 💼🤝
🤔 Didn't get that job you wanted? 💼
💔 Going through a tough breakup? 💔
📉 Faced a setback in your goals? 🏆
It's all part of the journey, my friends! 💪 Embrace it, learn from it, and come back even stronger. 💥
💡 Share your favorite lesson from a setback in the comments below! Let's inspire each other to keep pushing forward. 🙌🗣️

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00