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THE PUB: There's a war going on but no one can see it 07/09/2024

THE PUB: There's a war going on but no one can see it.

is the opposite of

This is a blog post I made 3 years ago, in September 2021, about the previous 10 years of posts I'd been making about the calamitous reality of what's happening to OUR pubs right in front of our noses... on OUR watch

I'm posting again just to be tedious

THE PUB: There's a war going on but no one can see it THE PUB: There's a war going on but no one can see it I just posted the below on a forum called Britain's Lost Pubs. I've been posting short...

Photos from Protect Pubs - Public Page's post 26/08/2024

'Jeremy Clarkson's pub is the highlight of our holiday'

"The opening of The Farmer's Dog may make a fascinating chapter on Clarkson's Farm on Prime Video but as many publicans up and down the UK will testify, the pub trade has become a notoriously difficult one in recent years."


Making a REALLY good, proper Public House work very well isn't difficult:
1) IF you have money - what we call capital
2) IF you know how to turn a dull pub into a GREAT PUB
3) IF you know how to project manage a REALLY good retrofit and refurbishment and you can manage a well planned budget professionally
4) IF you know what people (your audience) REALLY WANT and stock it with good products that people actually, really do, WANT -and understand how to exceed their expectations - and you know how to take the lead with customers by innovating and introducing them to the kind of products they will WANT to want
5) IF you make sure the building is accessible and suitable for all manner of nuances, occasions and people ~ acoustically and physically.
6) IF you attract GREAT people to work and run the business who are invested in the pub and the place and people they serve
7) IF you know how to look after the products, care for the produce, develop great relationships with your suppliers, staff, customers, and investors
8) IF you have outstanding training in place and understand the nature of service and how to impart the experience and skills of traditional hospitality sharpened to be fit for 21st century conditions, and to always exceed customer expectations
9) IF you have excellent communications, marketing and promotion skills and can write a decent press release that will be picked up on and put into print so the story YOU want to tell is the one that gets published
10) IF you understand 'the market' know what people want, can predict the future and run the technical side of the business really efficiently, pay people well, offer good workplace conditions and the offer of a decent, fulfilling, stable career
11) IF you can set out new benchmarks for quality, service, and perceived value in everything you do to quickly become the market leader- not by TRYING, but by having high standards, by BEING and DOING the best possible you will keep ahead of competitors and be seen to deliver better value than they are able to ... and YOU become the place to go to - and THEY come and copy your leading example
12) And you round that off with a brilliant range of events and activities for customer engagement that get people INVESTED in The Pub... the way a proper pub should be:

AT THE HEART OF SECULAR COMMUNITY; accessible, diverse, inclusive, welcoming, leaving no one behind, depolarising debate, curating conversation being part of the change we all want to see in the world.



The Who, What, When, Where, Why of a Story
One of the best practices for writers is to follow "The 5Ws" guideline, by investigating the Who, What, Where, When and Why of a story.

I'm going to try to work through the using this method called the 5 WH

Who is driving the story? Who is it about? Who is affected? Who benefits? Who loses?
What has happened? What are the consequences? What does this mean for the reader?
Where is this taking place (building, neighborhood, city, country)? Where should readers go to learn more?
When did it happen (time of day, day, month, year)? When was the last update? When can you expect to learn more? When will the effects be felt?
Why did this event take place? Why is this important in the big picture? Why should readers care?


The Future of Pubs, sustaining the very fabric of the public house as Britain's unique secular social construct, is dependent on the values Bertrand Russell articulated so well

10 great quotes from the British philosopher and humanist Bertrand Russell

1) 'Remember your humanity, and forget the rest.'

2) 'The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Neither love without knowledge nor knowledge without love can produce a good life.'

3) 'A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage; it does not need a regretful hankering after the past or a fettering of the free intelligence by the words uttered long ago by ignorant men.'

4) 'Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the sufferings of mankind.'

5) 'The only thing that will redeem mankind is co-operation, and the first step towards co-operation lies in the hearts of individuals.'

6) 'The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.'

7) 'Love is wise. Hatred is foolish. In this world, which is getting more and more closely interconnected, we have to learn to tolerate each other. We have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things we don't like. We can only live together in that way. But if we are to live together and not die together, we must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance, which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet.'

8) 'Men tend to have beliefs that suit their passions. Cruel men believe in a cruel God and use their belief to excuse their cruelty. Only kindly men believe in a kindly God, and they would be kindly in any case.'

9) 'Mankind are faced with a clear-cut alternative: either we shall perish, or we shall have to acquire some slight degree of common sense.'

10) 'The secret of happiness is this: let your interests be as wide as possible and let your reactions to things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile.'

The perfect gift for London pub lovers | Get discounts at independent pubs with CityStack 18/06/2024

I've been around the pub scene for a long time and think CityStack is, actually, BRILLIANT. I met Alison Boutoille who's founder and promoter of CityStack, she's French and LOVES our pubs

WELL worth getting a pack and trying out ten of the pubs she's working with...

The perfect gift for London pub lovers | Get discounts at independent pubs with CityStack CityStack is a £25 stack of beer mats that lets pub lovers get £100 worth of discounts at great independent pubs across London. Looking for a small budget gift idea for your dad, your boyfriend or anyone who loves good beers and pubs? This unique stack of coasters is for you! Discover and support ...


The Future of Pubs

Letzte Runde in britischen Pubs? | ARTE Re: 10/04/2024

Letzte Runde in Britischen Pubs?

Just out on German/French documentary channel ARTE Re:

Last Round in British Pubs?
Will be published with English subtitles in a couple of weeks.

If you're interested in what's happening in the end of days for British pubs, search for and find the All For The LOVE of Pubs podcast, the Podcast From the Pub (Earl of Derby SE14) and follow for info on start date

Letzte Runde in britischen Pubs? | ARTE Re: Pubs sind die öffentlichen Wohnzimmer der Briten. Dort trifft man sich nach der Arbeit oder macht gleich vor Ort seine Geschäfte. Doch für immer mehr dieser ...

Buckminster Fuller, excerpt from "Spaceship Earth" | TOTA 20/01/2024

Buckminster Fuller was a man ... who thought about things clearly and logically

“…In organizing our grand strategy we must first discover where we are now; that is, what our present navigational position in the universal scheme of evolution is. To begin our position-fixing aboard our Spaceship Earth we must first acknowledge that the abundance of immediately consumable, obviously desirable or utterly essential resources have been sufficient until now to allow us to carry on despite our ignorance. Being eventually exhaustible and spoilable, they have been adequate only up to this critical moment. This cushion-for-error of humanity’s survival and growth up to now was apparently provided just as a bird inside of the egg is provided with liquid nutriment to develop it to a certain point. But then by design the nutriment is exhausted at just the time when the chick is large enough to be able to locomote on its own legs. And so as the chick pecks at the shell seeking more nutriment it inadvertently breaks open the shell. Stepping forth from its initial sanctuary, the young bird must now forage on its own legs and wings to discover the next phase of its regenerative sustenance.

My own picture of humanity today finds us just about to step out from amongst the pieces of our just one-second-ago broken eggshell. Our innocent, trial-and-error-sustaining nutriment is exhausted. We are faced with an entirely new relationship to the universe. We are going to have to spread our wings of intellect and fly or perish; that is, we must dare immediately to fly by the generalized principles governing universe and not by the ground rules of yesterday's superstitious and erroneously conditioned reflexes. And as we attempt competent thinking we immediately begin to reemploy our innate drive for comprehensive understanding.

The architects and planners, particularly the planners, though rated as specialists, have a little wider focus than do the other professions. Also as human beings they often battle the narrow views of specialists-in particular, their patrons-the politicians, and the financial and other legal, but no longer comprehensively effective, heirs to the great pirates’-now only ghostly-prerogatives. At least the planners are allowed to look at all of Philadelphia, and not just to peek through a hole at one house or through one door at one room in that house. So I think it’s appropriate that we assume the role of planners and begin to do the largest scale comprehensive thinking of which we are capable. We begin by eschewing the role of specialists who deal only in parts. Becoming deliberately expansive instead of contractive, we ask, “How do we think in terms of wholes ?” If it is true that the bigger the thinking becomes the more lastingly effective it is, we must ask, "How big can we think?” ...

-From “Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth,” Buckminster Fuller, 1969

Buckminster Fuller, excerpt from "Spaceship Earth" | TOTA Chapter 4 from "Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth"

We need a “People’s Pub Partnership”—new cooperative business models for pubs, so they can serve community and planet — THE ALTERNATIVE 17/10/2023

Creating The Alternative Pub Company

"how do we unleash our imaginations and creativity to create a culture and a world beyond our wildest dreams, one in which we look after one another and the more-than-human world? How do we code for care?"

We need a “People’s Pub Partnership”—new cooperative business models for pubs, so they can serve community and planet — THE ALTERNATIVE We’ll always want to talk to a man deeply concerned with the “future of pubs”. Ex-publican and now campaigner J Mark Dodds , has founded the People’s Pub Partnership (PPP), and dreams (from this 2021 Coop blog ) of “a radical pub company that’s properly fit for 21st century pur

Breaking Free – A Mobil 1 Film 20/07/2023

This is what WE'RE up against. The agency who did this, and Mobil will be indicted when ecocide is made a criminal offence

Breaking Free – A Mobil 1 Film Life gets overconnected, overscheduled, and overprogrammed. Disconnect and rediscover the joy of the open road. For the love of driving. Mobil 1. The world's...

Myles Bonnar on Twitter 09/08/2022

First broadcast in June 2022 this podcast by deserves to be widely shared

Myles Bonnar on Twitter “A year on from the letter, the 6-part ‘Good Ship BrewDog’ podcast is now available in full on or wherever you get your podcasts. Hats off to &”

Pubs Code Adjudicator on Twitter 27/09/2021


Help me (J Mark Dodds) out here please> This Tweet from the Pubs Code Adjudicator needs a proper response to counter the billocks she spouts...

Did YOU go and meet Fiona Dickie at the ~~?

If you did, what happened? Feedback below please!

Pubs Code Adjudicator on Twitter “It’s been fantastic to talk to tenants directly and hear their views first-hand Thank you to everyone who has come to talk to us ”

New bid to scale up the community pub model - Co-operative News 01/09/2021

"New bid to scale up the community pub model"

"The People's Pub Partnership would operate a chain of pubs as a social enterprise, using a multi-stakeholder co-op model"

The Revolution Will Be Televised

New bid to scale up the community pub model - Co-operative News The People's Pub Partnership would operate a chain of pubs as a social enterprise, using a multi-stakeholder co-op model

Watch Micropubs - The New Local Online | Vimeo On Demand 07/08/2021

MICROPUBS - The New Local (?)

If you love pubs this self funded painstakingly made documentary by across 5 years is only £3.50 to view. You'll love it.

The Pub, OUR unique secular social construct, needs to have more in depth, well researched, thoughtful documentaries like this one made about it.

WATCH IT and share!

Watch Micropubs - The New Local Online | Vimeo On Demand All across the UK, a micro revolution is brewing. With an increasing number of traditional British pubs shutting down due to large overheads and predatory property…

British Pub Tradition Under Threat 01/06/2021

"British Pub Tradition Under Threat" from 2009... nothing changes except more pubs get pushed under the hedge funded bus to oblivion

"In Britain, old and beloved institutions are not necessarily immune to the effects of the economic downturn. In fact, British pubs are closing at an alarming rate-- nearly 2400 in the past year alone, with the loss of 24,000 jobs. Critics say if the government doesn't ease up on beer taxes, the trend will continue. Jennifer Glasse reports for VOA from London."

From VOA News a US government funded news channel in 2009. Alarm about the threat to The Pub replete with anecdotal suggestions, here headed up by Neil Williams from the British Beer and Pub Association, that it's ALL down to consumer habits changing and government imposing restrictions and taxes on pubs that make them non viable.

Look out for mention of the beer tie and the - nothing to see or hear here

British Pub Tradition Under Threat In Britain, old and beloved institutions are not necessarily immune to the effects of the economic downturn. In fact, British pubs are closing at an alarmin...

91-Year-Old Vows to Walk 100 Miles in Support of British Pubs in Belford, England 03/03/2021

The People are assembling to

91-Year-Old Vows to Walk 100 Miles in Support of British Pubs in Belford, England An elderly man vowed to walk 100 miles in Belford, England, as part of a campaign to save Britain’s pubs.Footage taken by Twitter user shows the man, identified as ’s father, walking in Belford.According to the Campaign for Pubs, the 91-year-old, Roy, had walked to “give...

‎Jon Richardson and the Futurenauts - How To Survive The Future: S2 - EP4: The Future of Pubs (with J. Mark Dodds) on Apple Podcasts 12/12/2020

Jon Richardson and The Futurenauts asked PPP founder Mark Dodds to join their podcast on THE FUTURE OF PUBS

Thanks guys: If the Future ain't Green There ain't No Future

‎Jon Richardson and the Futurenauts - How To Survive The Future: S2 - EP4: The Future of Pubs (with J. Mark Dodds) on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Jon Richardson and the Futurenauts - How To Survive The Future, Ep S2 - EP4: The Future of Pubs (with J. Mark Dodds) - Dec 8, 2020


Extraordinary campaign taking off for the Locks Inn, Geldeston, Norfolk...

Have a look on Facebook

The Locks Inn Community Pub

BBC World Service - Business Daily, Craft beer in a pandemic 22/09/2020

BBC WORLD SERVICE Business Daily very interesting programme:

Craft beer in a pandemic.

How is the craft beer industry faring during the coronavirus pandemic?

BBC World Service - Business Daily, Craft beer in a pandemic How is the craft beer industry faring during the coronavirus pandemic?

What’s the ‘Green New Deal’? The surprising origins behind a progressive rallying cry. 22/08/2020




Share this and send it to people you know with SMEs who want to cut carbon emissions, reduce energy consumption and business running costs.

Pubs are particularly useful in this exercise providing data for a pub company business plan I'm working on but all businesses are welcome to respond.

Anyone wanting to help with this feedback survey can friend / DM me here or email me: [email protected]


In 2003 I tried to create the world's first Carbon Zero at the Sun and Doves in Camberwell to be a showcase for a GREEN NEW DEAL, yeers before the phrase was coined by Thomas Friedman. It was entirely feasible then and it's more doable now. The only thing that stands in the way is endimic scepticism and the rigid status quo of the oil based paradigm.

Now it's beyond time to set up the People's Pub Partnership, a substantial proper pub company, which will operate fossil fuel free and develop a sustainable supply chain and, seriously, you can help make this happen. I've been talking with Roger Macklin at H***e Lea, a Bristol based multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy firm, specialising in Building Services



Good to speak to you again this afternoon.

Low Carbon Pub Retrofits

As I mentioned we are doing some work with the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy. Part of this is to develop a process of recovering data from SMEs on their buildings and providing them with a high level ‘route map’ to net zero carbon. If you could identify a number of sites (the more the merrier) who would be able to complete the survey (takes about 10 mins or so) I can send out the survey link which would give them that report. We can then discuss further how we might persuade investors and others to get engaged in the low carbon agenda. Indeed we might be able to arrange financing of the low carbon measures ourselves.

Read about Roger and H***e Lea here'

Read about the Green New Deal here:

What’s the ‘Green New Deal’? The surprising origins behind a progressive rallying cry.

What’s the ‘Green New Deal’? The surprising origins behind a progressive rallying cry. Liberals are reclaiming a climate action term once used by centrists — and giving it a progressive twist.

Pubs Code Adjudicator on Twitter 12/08/2020

THE PUBS CODE ADJUDICATOR IS LOOKING for feedback from tied tenants.

Please share this with any and aall tied publicans you know, past or present ... and assure them their responses can be anonymous. their privacy will be respected by Hive the company hired to do the research

Pubs Code Adjudicator on Twitter “Be part of the discussion about Pubs Code communications. Register your interest by completing this quick survey or texting YES to 07401 230 698”

C20 Society on Twitter 05/08/2020

Good article from 20th Century Society about the importance of the Iron Duke in Great Yarmouth

C20 Society on Twitter “The Iron Duke’s late Art Deco styling is beautifully streamlined with intricate flint detailing. There can be few public houses so well preserved from the interwar period, which helps explain the pub’s listing. Yet it remains under serious threat of neglect...”

🔥Act now: Call for a competition inquiry to help UK Pubs and Micro-brewers 09/07/2020

Please share this petition asking for fairness in the beer and pub sector.

THIS is what the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) is FOR and THIS is LONG overdue; The proof is all in public domain but no organisation with authority and no one with the money to expose it has put it together...

We consumers can't get great beers in most local pubs - it's THAT easy to work out. THAT is the evidence of abuse of the beer tie stopping great beers from getting into 20K tied pubs and that's the evidence of Big Brewers pricing quality craft beers out of free of tie pubs (by undercutting them on prices).

The last in-depth inquiry into competition in the beer and pub sector was forty years ago and it's pretty much public knowledge now that there's NO 'Free Market' in beer and pubs; People go to their proper, purpose built local pub and they can't get great beers from the Beer Revolution that's swept over Britain in the last 15 years; Beer and pubs are all tucked up by Big Business - Tied Pubcos and Massive Global Brewers.

🔥Act now: Call for a competition inquiry to help UK Pubs and Micro-brewers Let’s get to 188 signatures by the end of today - can you add yours?

The Food Programme - Last Orders: Does coronavirus spell boom or bust for Britain’s drinks sector? - BBC Sounds 27/05/2020

Jaega Wise the Food Programme. 24 May 2020

Emma McClarkin for BBPA's sounding almost knowledgeable and reasonable when she's talking about the 20,000 pubs she doesn't represent 'we are the original social network' rather than "Over the past forty years we've effectively shut down all communications between all 20,000 members of the original social network and their customers with the outside world and replaced their voice with mine, the paid for shill of Big Brewing and Vulture Capital backed retail asset conversion vehicles we refer to as' pub companies'"...

Was a very interesting programme overall, especially if you know what's really going on in the beer and pub sector.

The Food Programme - Last Orders: Does coronavirus spell boom or bust for Britain’s drinks sector? - BBC Sounds Is lockdown an opportunity as well as crisis, for alcoholic drinks vendors and producers?

#NoPubNoRent The #GreatBritishPubcoScam 18 April 2020 19/04/2020

Quite a few peopole have done videos for social media to help back Ed Anderson's No Pub No Rent movement four weeks into shutdown... here's mine

#NoPubNoRent The #GreatBritishPubcoScam 18 April 2020 British pubs are closed through no fault of the thousands of individual publicans running them, whose businesses have been shut down and their f...

Cheltenham landlord conquered national chain Marston's Brewery 11/01/2020

Cheltenham publican wins landmark legal case against for overcharging on cask ale

Cheltenham landlord conquered national chain Marston's Brewery Edward Anderson, who runs The Railway, The Swan and The Vine, went through a three year battle