HEAL Kinesiology By EMMA

HEAL Kinesiology By EMMA

Biokinesiology is a natural healthcare system which enhances health by getting to the root cause of i


Every little toxin adds up
Same as
Every little prevention adds up
Know what is in your food, cosmetics and everyday items! Our bodies are exposed to an ever increasing number of toxins daily, so being able to eliminate as many as possible, will make a difference.
Dis-ease in the body happens when the toxic load has reached it's limit.
Knowledge is key and prevention and elimination do make a difference
Healing is within your control 💜


Discipline & Consistency
When we practice daily discipline every day doing the things that keep us well = 💜 self love 💜
Being consistent is the key to health, happiness and feeling good.
So these daily and see the difference in your mental and physical health
🔹8 hours sleep
🔹Daily movement / exercise / walks
🔹Nature - Get Outside - forest, sew, river, mountains
🔹Eating real food - Protein, vegetables, fruit, leaves
🔹Laughter, joy, fun, things that make you happy
🔹Keep your mind active - read, write, journal, listen
🔹Drink enough water daily
🔹DeStress & Relax - meditation, bath, alone time
🔹Connection with others - friends, family, kids


Everything in moderation
I try to follow the 80:20 principle in life
80% of the time I follow a healthy routine
20% of the time, I allow myself a treat and ensure that I savour it and enjoy it fully 💜


Go somewhere you've never been
Do something you've never done
Keep life exciting
Keep living ..... It's good for your health 💜


🤢No illness or disease is caused by "lack of medication"
💊 Doctors are more & more often prescribing medications for people who are NOT SICK
💉 In the USA medical intervention has become the 4th leading cause of DEATH
🍒When your body is SICK, it needs a higher dose of NUTRIENTS to restore HEALTH (Not more chemicals ☠)
🦋 Use Kinesiology to find out what nutrients / natural remedies you need to restore your HEALTH 🦋

Free Webinar: Preconception Nutrition and Advice 24/02/2023

For anyone who wants some support with fertility 🤰🫄🫃

Free Webinar: Preconception Nutrition and Advice Join our expert speakers in this free webinar on Preconception Nutrition and Advice.


How often you p**p is a good sign for how well your detox pathways are working.
If your not going 💩 at LEAST once EVERY day, then there could be a build up of toxins ☢️ in the body leading to;
Skin issues
Poor immunity
Thinking hair & brittle nails
Weight gain
Anxiety / Depression

Find out if constipation is a symptom of something else or is it just due to poor diet and exercise choices?


We must heal in a holistic way.
This means looking at all causes and all symptoms and not just treating one issue alone with one remedy alone.
Long-term healing means supporting the person as a whole, including their mental, emotional, physical and social health and history. Otherwise healing will only be short term and temporary

Photos from HEAL Kinesiology By EMMA's post 22/02/2023

Gut heal and trauma


Hair Thinning and Hair Loss

There are many different types of hair loss and a multitude of factors that can contribute to the issue. The hair loss that we have seen post-COVID-19 is usually telogen effluvium, a condition in which hair sheds in response to a stressor. Telogen effluvium—the most common type of generalized hair loss—is not only triggered by viruses, it can also be a side effect of certain medications, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal abnormalities, and stressful events.

Other types of hair loss and statistics:
About two-thirds of men will experience some hair loss by age 35. Male-pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) is responsible for about 95% of hair loss in men. High levels of androgens, including DHT, can shrink hair follicles as well as shorten this cycle, causing hair to grow out looking thinner and more brittle, as well as fall out faster.

About half of the women start losing their hair by age 50. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall, and the effects of the androgens, male hormones, are increased.
It is estimated that 22% of those with PCOS suffer from androgenic alopecia.

Various nutraceuticals have been shown to be beneficial for thinning hair and loss, especially in the case of nutritional deficiencies.
Here are just a few:

Silica: A nutrient that is the third most abundant trace mineral in the body. A study of 50 women given 10 mg of orthosilicic acid per day for 20 weeks found increased hair shaft thickness and improved strength, including elasticity and break load.

Biotin: a water-soluble essential nutrient associated with the B-vitamin family. It has been used for decades for improving the health of hair, as well as skin and nails.

Saw Palmetto: It is an herb that may prevent testosterone from breaking down, which can help prevent hair loss.

Pumpkin Seed Oil: It could block testosterone from transforming into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone associated with hair loss. Research shows that men who took pumpkin seed oil daily for six months saw a 40% increase in hair count!

Evening Primrose: It is a rich source of linolenic acid (LA) and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which may help with hair growth.

Grapeseed Oil: This is a source of linolenic acid, vitamin E, and flavonoids which help with hair growth.

Flaxseed: Either freshly grounded or in the form of oil, it is a natural source of vitamin E and omega‑3s, which promote hair growth.

Fish Oil (Omega‑3s): These fatty acids are some of the most-researched anti-inflammatory agents, important to consider as inflammation can be an underlying contributor to hair loss.

Green Tea: This classic and subtle tea delivers high amounts of catechins (especially EGCG) that help lower levels of DHT and thus prevent the shrinking of hair follicles.

Folate: Also known as vitamin B9, it helps with new-cell generation. Folic acid is believed to help hair follicles produce new hair.

Vitamin D: Low levels may be associated with female pattern baldness, according to some studies.

Download the brochure:
Download the technical datasheet:https://www.newrootsherbal.eu/products/english/medical/FE1555-Informationsheet.pdf


We are closed for the month of January and will reopen again in February.
Wishing all my clients, old and new a Fantastic and Healthy New Year 💜


Gluten Free

It is hard to visit a naturopath or herbalist (in fact probably any alternative practitioner) without hearing the recommendation that you are gluten intolerant and need to become gluten-free.

So, what’s the story? How is it that we are to pray for our daily bread and there are passages devoted to the imagery of bread in Scripture but today it seems to be true that we face an epidemic of gluten intolerance? Can bread really be that bad for us? More to the point…. Why all of a sudden are we all reacting to it?

First things first though. My confession. I am a bread aficionado. Getting me to be gluten-free is a bit like asking a duck to live without water. I would need to have a really good reason to even consider trying to go gluten-free. In my defense, I did manage to go gluten free and keep a keto diet for 3-4 months when training to become a medical herbalist. Now, however, I tend to be a little more relaxed. Sourdough treats at the weekend are a definite must!

So what has gone wrong? Is it really possible that most auto-immune diseases, allergies, autism, coeliac disease, depression, anxiety, MS, Parkinsons', Alzheimer's, diabetes, and epilepsy can all be exacerbated by gluten? The answer, in short, is… “Yes!”

Gluten opens up little tight junctions of the gut monitored by zonulin. This leaves the gut more porous; allowing toxins to pe*****te into the bloodstream and subsequently, the blood-brain barrier, leading to all sorts of inflammation. Gluten doesn’t necessarily cause the problem in all cases but it does exacerbate and often acts as a major trigger to inflammatory disease. Sugars and grains add further fuel to the fire.

To be fair to the sour-dough loaf, it really isn’t all due to the gluten. Fundamentally we have changed the way we produce and manufacture wheat. Thanks to Monsanto we now use grains that produce two harvests rather than one in a bid to create more grain and more profit. We have also created grains that are resilient to pesticides and insecticides. Glyphosate (Miracle grow) is confirmed as a neurotoxin and sprayed liberally on many GMO and non-GMO crops to the detriment of our health and those of pollinators.

Further, modern manufacturing no longer stone-grinds our grains but pulverizes it into the finest possible flour to ensure a white flour that is much higher in gluten than would ever be possible historically. The increase in surface area means more gluten and sugar.

Combine that with a gut that is compromised by a deficient microbiome thanks to pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, (and dare I say “antibiotics”?) leaving the body vulnerable.

Removing bitters from our diet and loading up on sugars and processed food tipped the scales and left western civilization with a "SAD" (Standard American Diet) diet that has caused an epidemic rise in nutritional inflammatory disease.

Gluten isn’t necessarily the bad boy on the block. Humanity is! It is the way we treat the grain, grow the grain, and process the grain that matters. Our obsession with greed, profit, and mechanical efficiency has left us nutritionally bereft and out of touch with nature. Our pursuit of pharmaceutical medicine and modern agriculture has left our microbiome deficient, our bee population in crisis, and a soil that is depleted of essential nutrients.

So… the advice to go gluten-free is just one aspect of nutrition that people suffering from inflammatory dis-ease need to consider. Removing PUFA’s, eating organic, sleeping well, enjoying bitters, and reducing our sugar load drastically is also very much part of the picture.


😢 Mood disorders
😟Post traumatic stress
😟Post natal depression
🤯Chronic stress
There are many options, remedies and modalities that help. Please find the ones that work for you, to help you feel better so you can enjoy life & have a better quality life


Go somewhere new
Try something new
Do something new

Break the habit of being yourself!

If you want different results, do something different

Biokinesiology is a new type of healthcare used by more and more people today.

If something isn't working
(eg: GP, pills, avoidance, hoping you'll heal yourself, ignoring symptoms, pharmaceuticals, galviscon, over the counter medication etc etc etc) THEN TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT

TRY Bio Kinesiology 🦋


Emotional Energy Healing Treatments HEAL Kinesiology By EMMA


Cling film often acts as an oestrogen disruptor, in plain language it is messing with out hormones.

Once you are aware of that, there is no going back to carelessly using it to cover your foods.

I come across hormone imbalances every day of my working week. To find the root cause for you is my job. May it be cling film, too much electromagnetic stress, cow's dairy, dental fillings, the reasons are many.

If cling film is the culprit for you, here are some nifty tricks to store your food in a different way, helping our gorgeous planet too I hope 👍👑🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


😁 Fun - what provides amusement or enjoyment

😀 Fun is sooooo important in life and we are never too old to be having more fun

😃 Sometimes we take life far too seriously and forget to have fun or even worse, prioritise work, money, chores, TV, social media or something else instead of fun!

😄 Who does not want more fun, joy, good memories and laughter in their life?

⭕ Benefits of fun are

🔺Reduces depression
🔺Boosts seretonin
🔺Relives stress
🔺Increases energy
🔺Better quality sleep
🔺Increases creativity
🔺Improved social skills
🔺Helps heal emotional wounds
🔺Better memory
🔺Increases productivity
🔺Reduces pain

📸 Photo of me zip lining over a canyon in Croatia = fun


You get what you pay for

I get so many clients who have been to their doctor many times over months or years and still have no answers and still experience their symptoms, despite being given tablets or medicine (which didn't work for them)

They're frustrated, feeling let down and not listened to in the 7-10 minutes of allocated time they get at a GP appointment

No GP has the time to discuss all your symptoms, all aspects of your lifestyle, your diet, your mood, your stresses, your family circumstances, your relaxation practices, your work life, relationships etc etc. So it would be unrealistic to think they would be able to treat all your symptoms successfully in 10 minutes

That's where Biokinesiology comes in. We are here to listen, to look at all areas of your life, to treat your body holistically and naturally so your body can restore itself back to full health without the need to rely on pharmaceutical drugs which can sometimes cause more negative side effects than cures.

Biokinesiology will look for the root cause of illness and symptoms so we can support you to heal from the inside out. We will not 'just treat symptoms' as this is not healing. This is putting a plaster on, allowing the cause to still fester and create an imbalance somewhere else in the body.

You get what you pay for. So if you believe your health and wellbeing is worth investing in, then find a practitioner who will listen, who will identify root causes and who will support you to fully heal from the inside out 💜

Photos from HEAL Kinesiology By EMMA's post 01/10/2022

💞. Self Love. 💞

❓Do you want to experience less self-criticism and more self-love in your life

📝 Journaling is one way to promote self-love by reminding us of how unique and amazing we are.

💜 Below are 50 journaling prompts that are specifically focused on how to promote self-love. Answering these will increase your self esteem, self love and self confidence

🖋 Why not give it a go


☯️ Fear - can be perceived in many ways.
Like anything 'once we change the way we looks at things, the things we look at change'

😬 So why not look at fear as exciting! It CAN BE exciting to be scared

💜 Fears can be an adventure!

🕉️ We all know, life begins at the edge of our comfort zone. And almost everything we treasure, took facing fear to achieve it!
Eg: getting married, going for that job interview, buying your house, going to a new country etc etc


💙 Making memories

I decided a long time ago to - Accumulate memories, instead of possessions.

Best decision I've ever made. Possessions come and go and end up as clutter, whereas memories are forever and we can access them at any time.

By making the decision to collect memories. I prioritise scheduling in fun, joy and connection.

This photo was taken last month in Croatia. I travelled on a boat for a week. Sailing around the islands in Croatia and woke up to this view every morning. I can still feel the wind in my hair, the sun on my skin, the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves and the feeling of peace in my heart. This is a momory I will treasure and one I can access anytime when I look at this photo or close my eyes.

Memories are precious
Prioritise making good ones 💙

The magic of medicinal mushrooms growing wild in Ireland 05/09/2022

Great for it's anti cancer properties
Worth a read 📖

The magic of medicinal mushrooms growing wild in Ireland Who is taking advantage of these potent medicines lurking in our woodlands?


🦋 What is Bio kinesiology?

💪 Kinesiology uses muscle testing to gain information from your body. This makes it personalised to you & accurately let's you know what your health challenges are, the root cause of your symptoms & what your body needs to heal

🤔What's muscle testing?

💪 Basically the practitioner gently pushes down on your forearm or leg, while you resist their gentle pressure. It is non invasive, safe, pain free and very accurate(it does not involve needles or blood)
You'll be amazed by how simple yet effective your body is at communicating information.

🤔Is it painful?

💪 Absolutely not, there will be no pain, only a very gentle resistance when your muscle weakens.

🤔What can my body tell you?

💪 You body can communicate so much information, depending on what we ask or. For example, it can tell us what toxins you could have, what is stressing you out, if your thyroid is low, if your digestion is working well, why you are tired or have low mood or anxiety, what vitamins you are deficient in, what food intolerances you have, why you don't feel so good.. .. It can answer anything we ask and identify what is the best remedy for your body in your situation

🤔Do I need kinesiology?

💪 Only of you are interested in improving your health and quality of life, if you want to feel better mentally and physically, if you want more energy and if you want to prevent illness or disease on the future

🤔 Why is Bio Kinesiology different?

💪 Bio Kinesiology goes much deeper than other types of kinesiology. It uses the science of biology and bio chemistry, the knowledge of Eastern medicine along with nutrition and anatomy & physiology to get to the root cause of your symptoms.
It doesn't just balance the body or tell you what you can't eat or what remedy to take, it finds out why your body is out of balance, how this has caused your symptoms and what your individual body needs to heal.
BioKinesiology gives you answers and lots of information so you can heal yourself

🦋 We have only a handful of fully qualified Bio Kinesiologists in Ireland so if you live near one, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND you book yourself in for a health check or to find answers to your ailments 💜

💜 Prevention is better than the cure
💜 Health is wealth
💜 Love yourself enough to give yourself the gift of healing



Based in Dungiven but seeing clients from all over North Ireland and Donegal.
We currently have clients in

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😢 Mood disorders😥Depression😟Post traumatic stress😟PMS😟Post natal depression😩Anxiety🤯Chronic stressThere are many options...
Emotional Energy Healing Treatments HEAL Kinesiology By EMMA
Gut HealthInstead of just treating a symptom - treat the root cause for long term healingMost over the counter medicine ...
💜 EMOTIONAL KINESIOLOGY🟣Chakra Balancing🟣 Releasing trapped Emotions🟣 Emotion Code🟣 Crystal & sound therapy 🟣 Meridian e...
🥪 🥛 🥚 Food intolerances and root cause
Homeopathic HealingBach Flower & Tissue Salt remedies for Emotional Healing 🌿💚
🌼Bach Flower Remedies - personalised for you, your child or a loved one to treat emotional issues.🌹🌼🏵️These are truly am...
💜 EEH - Emotional & Energy Healing❓What does a EEH session involve?❓How can it help me?❓What do you do during a EEH sess...
Are you on a contraceptive pill ?It's important to know that they can lead to nutritional deficiencies which in turn can...
💜 Biokinesiology gives you the answers you need to HEAL YOURSELF💜 It is not me who heals a client, I just find the answe...
"All disease starts in the Gut" - Hippocrates

Opening Hours

Monday 17:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00