Compello Fitness

Compello Fitness

York's go to facility for Results Based Fitness. Personal Training
Semi-Private Training
Group Clas


Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mums out there 🌸

Your love, sacrifice, and strength do not go unnoticed. Thank you for everything you do to make our lives brighter. Wishing you a day filled with love and appreciation 👩‍👧‍👦


Calling all ladies of Compello 💃 This Saturday, join us at our Easingwold site for a special Ladies in Fitness event in celebration of International Women's Day 🌸 We'll be diving into topics like nutrition for menstrual cycle & menopause, stretching, self-care, and overcoming the fear of lifting weights. 💪 Hosted by incredible coaches Sophie Strutte, Emma Kennedy, and Becka Jenkinson. Don't miss out on a morning full of learning and empowerment! See you there at 9am - 12pm. And yes... there will be coffee ☕️ and cake 🍰


Meet Dan, our dedicated coach at Compello Fitness for 2 amazing years 🎉 He thrives on the supportive community vibe and the constant encouragement from our members to crush their goals 💪🏼

Ready to join our family? We're always welcoming new members with open arms! Reach out with any questions to start your fitness journey today. 🏋️‍♂️


Meet Jennifer Newsham, a dedicated member of Compello Fitness in Malton! 🌟 From tailored classes to expert coaches, she's found her fitness haven. With every session, she's not just improving her fitness but also building connections within the vibrant community. 🫂


🔥 7KG DOWN IN 12 WEEKS! 🔥 Meet Matt Midgley, the ultimate gym warrior who crushed his fitness goals with our small group personal training sessions at Compello Fitness! 💪🏋️‍♂️ Consistency is key and Matt proved that with dedication, hard work, and unwavering support from our amazing coaches.

Are you ready to follow in his footsteps and transform your body? Let's do this together! 💥💯


🔥 7KG DOWN IN 12 WEEKS! 🔥 Meet Matt Midgley, the ultimate gym warrior who crushed his fitness goals with our small group personal training sessions at Compello Fitness! 💪🏋️‍♂️ Consistency is key and Matt proved that with dedication, hard work, and unwavering support from our amazing coaches.
Are you ready to follow in his footsteps and transform your body? Let's do this together! 💥💯


Get ready to be inspired by all-star member Matt Midgley and his journey to becoming the fittest he’s ever been… full interview out later this week 👀


Small Group - Everyday, all day


All the coaching attention of 1-2-1 PT while you as a client get to socialise and experience the energy of a group session.

Results come quicker with a better value for money.

Training 1-2-1 once a week and being left to your own devices thereafter is great however for the same value you can train in a small group 3 times a week.

Results will come quicker - personalised coaching with the energy of group sessions deliver results quicker that are longer lasting

This is just our 2 pence but the reasons why we love and stand by the product we offer at Compello Fitness


Comparison is the thief of joy

Want to know how to kill your progress, hopes & dreams??

‘Dreams? S**t, I haven’t had one of those in years’ Chaz Michael Michaels

Comparing yourself to someone else in the gym or on social media who has trained for years.

The amount of reps they’ve done, the movement mastery gained, the exercises they’ve got wrong all added up where that other person is now.

Comparing yourself will only rob you of the enjoyment of the progress you personally make

The little wins…

- Getting your first full press-up

- Touching your toes since you’re not as stiff as a scarecrow anymore

- Retesting your 5k run and beating the time you did back at school.

Enjoy doing that extra rep or 2 because it felt easy

Enjoy getting things wrong

Enjoy the little wins

Most of all - Enjoy the process!


Complexity & Variety in training is boring, why? You see next to no progress in the long run…

Complexity is fun I agree but complexity is just novelty within training and doesn’t actually benefit you or help you progress

That’s why we all train at the end of the day isn’t it?

We want to see some progression…

No matter how small that progression is:

- getting that little bit fitter
- getting that little bit stronger
- knocking a few seconds off your 5k park run
- not having a stiff back after gardening all afternoon
- being able to partake in a marathon for the first time

That’s the real reason we train in the gym…

Your training should be simple but have a deep meaning & understanding behind what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.

When you have simplicity, you have more focus & more intention to do the work in front of you.

Next time you train, ask yourself the following: is this helping me towards my goals?

Hope this helps

Photos from Compello Fitness's post 04/01/2024

‘I either train EVERYDAY or I DON’T train at all’

Bored of this YoYo fitness regime?

Why not finally get a plan that works for you…

Photos from Compello Fitness's post 24/12/2023

Christmas Eve Eve & Christmas Eve Shoot out 🙌

All 3 gyms coming together today for a heavy breather

Awesome atmosphere, even better people


Wednesday evening in York with 4 of my longest serving clients

Sometimes it’s nice to go off piste and have a little fun with your training

Photos from Compello Fitness's post 18/12/2023

Client with some superb results recently

Time frame - September 2023 - December 2023

Matt wanted a little extra focus with a Hyrox competition coming up in Jan 24.

We’ve only changed a few things with his eating and continued training as normal with the addition of a running session on a weekend to help prep him for the competition.

6-weeks out from the Hyrox event Matt says ‘he’s in the shape of his life’

Absolutely amazing results so far - looking forward to seeing how you keep going 🙌


Biggest mistakes people make when starting at the gym

- Not finding enjoyment in exercising

Do you ever have the thought…

‘I feel I should go to the gym and lift weights because I know it’s good for me’

Don’t worry if you do - lots of people join you here with this thought and we also train a lot of these people too

Can we change the thought process for a moment…

Always try and turn it to a positive and ask yourself

What do you enjoy?

Answer - Running & boxing

Ok, let’s continue with these 2 fitness formats in whatever for you currently do

Eg: 1x run a week & 1x boxing sessions a week

Do we have time to add a training session at the gym in here?

I’m not going to list the benefits of training even if you don’t thoroughly enjoy it however you can see where I’m going with this…

Prioritise the session you least enjoy (the gym) do that on a Monday when you’re rested from the weekend and have the most energy & focus

After that you’ve got the rest of the week & your 2 favourite sessions to get in which will invigorate you towards the end of your work week as well

Hope that helps


1. Fixating on bodyweight

You’d be better off getting a clear understanding of body composition and how it effects your bodyweight as you start to lift weights and exercise more

2. Expecting results over night

‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ whether you want to ‘lose weight’ or ‘get stronger’ these changes and adaptations don’t come quickly. Consistency and realistic expectations will keep you on track

3. All or nothing attitude

3 training sessions a week for 6 months is better than 7 days a week for 1 month.

Any questions about training or nutrition - pop us a message or comment on this post


Ever had that feeling?

Or have it right now because you think you should be starting the gym but you’re nervous or unsure?

Don’t worry you’re not alone.

They key thing to focus on

Is about the environment and who you do these things with.

Ever gone to party and thought ‘I have to go this event but I don’t want to and I don’t know many people’ ?

You go and end up having an absolute blast of a time because the atmosphere & group of people you did it with were amazing.

Firstly, if you’re on the fence about starting the gym or having a session with a trainer - just try it. Honestly…

What’s the worst that can happen?

The worst possible outcome is you don’t enjoy the session at all and you have to admit that to yourself

The best possible outcome…

You smile, you have a laugh with the other clients & enjoy yourself with a feeling of accomplishment

Benefits here of starting a fitness journey and having the privilege of going to the gym:

- Healthier
- Fitter
- Physically stronger
- Mentally more clear
- Genuine feeling of accomplishment

You can always make it ‘one day’ or you can make it ‘day one’


A win is a win no matter how big or small but make your wins personal and meaningful

Running 20mins for some people will be easy, for others, it’s a dream that they never think will be possible.

A win can be as complex or simple as you wish

Here are a few more examples our clients have said to us recently…

- Ran a 10k Personal Best
- Woke up without back pain
- I’m able to partake in Dads vs Lads end of year sports match
- I smiled when I saw a picture of myself on holiday as I wasn’t embarrassed

Have you had any wins recently?

Photos from Compello Fitness's post 13/11/2023

Thinking about starting training?

Here are a few things to focus on and a few things to avoid

‘Starting slowly is always better than not starting at all’

Photos from Compello Fitness's post 30/10/2023

What do you think progress looks like?

Sometimes the best progress is doing the same exercise, with the same weight with better form…

Better is better, quality not quantity


Why is sleep important? 😴

Sleep is the bodies ultimate rejuvenating resource.

Your quality and quantity of sleep doesn’t just determine how tired you feel the next day.

Sleep has a significant impact on your performance, cognition and overall health.

A night of quality sleep can improve mental focus, increase strength/ power and also aid recovery times.

How can I improve my sleep? 🤔

Reduce or eliminate caffeine intake later in the day - Caffiene can remain elevated in your blood 6-8 hours after consumption.

Create a routine - Being consistent with your sleep times can aid long-term sleep quality.


Always nice to hear from our clients 😍

Photos from Compello Fitness's post 23/10/2023

Are you being coached towards your priorities or away from them?

Feel like you’re always sore, injured or lacking progression from training?

Perhaps assess what you’re doing currently and seek some advice/help if you’re unsure…


When training for health, fitness & longevity, the journey is much more important than the destination

‘But isn’t the aim to get fit & healthy?’ You might say

Yes of course!

However you’re never going to get or stay there if you don’t learn to enjoy the process along the way.

Understanding that consistency is built over time, through actual enjoyment of training & keeping fit.

Learning that the busy weeks when you can’t train because of:

- work
- travel
- family
- life just getting in the way

You actually feel worse for it and look forward to getting back in the gym

Health & fitness is a life long goal thats ever evolving as you get more experienced in the gym & as your training priorities change

Rushing to get that 5k run Personal Best or lifting more than your friend may stroke the ego in the short term but doesn’t always lead to more progression & enjoyment.


Just - Move - More

I’m big on ‘quality over quantity’ at Compello, we actually used to use it as one of our Hashtags along with ‘Programmed Not Punished’ (maybe we should bring it back 🤔)

However, sometimes you just need to do more…

Yes - quality movement should always be the goal but doing the odd quality training sessions a week just won’t cut the mustard if the desired effect is to be fitter & healthier.


Can we find time in your week to get that extra session at the gym? Or simply get some fresh air where we can walk, jog, run, just move for 30-60mins during the day


The compound effect of that one extra session each week is +52 across the year (minus holidays) it’s a huge increase in your total physical activity.

One that will have a positive effect & benefit your
- Sleep
- Energy Levels
- Mindset

All we ask our clients to do when they start is 10% extra.


Add 10% to your daily step count over the next month while changing nothing else and see if you notice the difference

Eg: Currently - 5,000 steps/day

New target would be 5,500/day.

What’s 500 steps eh? 5-mins of walking extra should be easy enough.


It’s purely a game of volume & accumulation

Bringing a max effort mentality for 10mins isn’t going to improve anything other than your ego.

There’s no easy way around improving your aerobic system aside from putting in a fair amount of volume at a much lower intensity.

Try moving continuously for 20mins at a conversational pace (that’s exactly what it says on the tin) on a bike-erg or assault bike, these are much easier to pace than other machines.

The key is to take it slow, if the aim is to move for 20mins, your pace should be as if you were going for 60mins

When you’re starting, it can be boring so bang a podcast or your favourite playlist.

Once you hit 20mins steady away with a controlled heart rate a few times, try going for 25-30mins to build your base bigger.


‘Anything over 8 is cardio bro…’ 🤦‍♂️

Perhaps we should all add a little extra running or cycling into our weekly training


Monday coming in hot 🔥

Photos from Compello Fitness's post 01/10/2023

Motivation or discipline?

Both work, however finding the real reason why you want to train will keep you training & fitter long term…


JC - one of our faves in York 😍 (not that we have favourites of course 👀)

Crushing our Small Group Personal Training sessions

All the interaction of a 1:1 session in a small group format for added socialising

Whether you've got an injury or a specific priority in fitness that you want support with, we can modify your session to make sure you get the most out of your membership.

Videos (show all)

Meet Dan, our dedicated coach at Compello Fitness for 2 amazing years 🎉 He thrives on the supportive community vibe and ...
Meet Jennifer Newsham, a dedicated member of Compello Fitness in Malton! 🌟 From tailored classes to expert coaches, she'...
🔥 7KG DOWN IN 12 WEEKS! 🔥 Meet Matt Midgley, the ultimate gym warrior who crushed his fitness goals with our small group...
Get ready to be inspired by all-star member Matt Midgley and his journey to becoming the fittest he’s ever been… full in...
Always here to check your form and give coaching points where needed as well as the all approving "good form" from big C...
York Head Coach - Henry Smith talks us through a few coaching cues on 2 different lifts.Every session is lead by one of ...
👇 Meet our client Tracey 👇Tracey has been a member just over a year now, she first came down after losing a love for run...
Give small group personal training a try 🔥..Use the link in our bio to sign up for our 6 week challenge and to start mak...
We’ll tailor the sessions to your current fitness levels...Whether you don’t exercise at all or you play sport on a regu...
Gaining strength doesn’t mean you’ll become ‘bulky’...Our main priority is facilitating pain free movement for all of ou...
The Easingwold gym 🔥..Our brand new facility in the heart of Easingwold will provide you with everything you need to cha...
Compello - Moving forward together...You don’t need to do it on your own. ..Every single session at Compello Fitness is ...

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday 06:00 - 20:00
Friday 06:00 - 19:30
Saturday 08:00 - 12:00