OUGym Alumni

OUGym Alumni

A page for old members of Oxford University Gymnastics to remain involved with the club.


Hi OUGym alumni! This year Oxford is hosting Varsity on Sunday 5th March at Abingdon Gymnastics Club!

We are still looking for at least 1 MAG judge and at least 2 WAG judges. If you have a qualification or you know anyone who could help, please reach out to Benedetta Mussati (President) or Edward Yarrow (Secretary)!



Thames Travel have updates their bus timetables as of 21st Nov. I'm aware a few alumni will be joining us for today's session so if you are taking the bus from the city centre, please take the X40 bus from K2 stop on High Street outside Queen's college. The bus leaves at 16:54, but everyone will be meeting at 16:45.

Further timetable updates will be shared with our mailing list. To join, please email our secretary, Wen ([email protected]) with the subject 'Mailing List'

Gym Love,
Lewis (President)

Timeline photos 07/11/2021

Thank you for your donations to the sports campaign!
This additional funding raised has allowed us to cover transport costs for our members this year which has incentivised more people to try out gymnastics - we're only half way through Michaelmas term and we've already exceeded our membership target for the academic year 🤸😀 Your donations really do make a difference!
Donations are still welcome at http://bit.ly/31Pk7Xq

Sending a huge thank you to all our active supporters, your generosity has enabled us to raise a grand total £62,000 for sport clubs across Oxford during our fundraising campaign.

Thank you!

Donations are still welcome if you would like to support the campaign: http://bit.ly/31Pk7Xq



VARSITY 2021! Available to ALL current and former members of OUGYM :)

Visit the event page below and sign up to join! Looking forward to a flipping great time 🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏼🎉🏆🏆🏆



➡HOW?: This is the only time in history that ANYONE can be on the team (beginners and pros, current members and alumni, gymnasts, coaches and judges) so get registering!! https://docs.google.com/.../1iTGYZalnyL8Vy6EwNObr.../edit...

➡WHEN?: 24th OR 25th April 2021, 5pm-late
(Final date will be confirmed nearer the event for the best weather).

➡WHERE?: Zoom (with optional outdoor groups of 6 in Ox & Cam).
Meeting ID: 770 042 4385 | Passcode: 40227N

➡COMPETITION: Six rounds -
1. Strava running (started already – see below),
2. “Bring Sally Up” press-up competition,
3. Skibbl.io online pictionary,
4. Handstand hold competition,
5. Yoga challenge,
6. Surprise spicy bonus round.

The top scores from each round will count towards the Oxford and Cambridge totals. Special pandemic Varsity trophies will be presented virtually to the winning teams

➡SOCIAL: We’ll finish with a pizza social (+ optional drinking games and a video reel)

➡Video Reel: Please send in your favourite OUGym gymnastics fail videos! Any gymnastics@home and cool skill videos would also be great! Send to Liza Hadley ([email protected]). (Please get permission if the video is not of yourself)

➡Strava: Any running or walking that you do between now and the Varsity Match will count. Join your running club below:
Cambridge Strava = https://www.strava.com/clubs/CUOGC
Oxford Strava = https://www.strava.com/clubs/908970
If you cannot make the actual Varsity Match, you are still welcome to join the Strava!

We hope you are all excited! Get those guns pumping!


OUGym Live - Restart!

We'd love for you to join our training sessions for the rest of this term. All links to join sessions can be found on our term card - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_P1YGatPTaFGXxL83yu_wFVK0nvzt26OIKTPqfo-Teg/edit?usp=sharing

Sessions will be twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm.
Wednesdays will be dedicated to learning a particular skill and some mobility work. Fridays will be focused on fitness with a full body circuit that will allow you to track your progress from week to week, finishing each session with a short cardio challenge!
For full details, check out the term card.

Planche Training
I've come up with a series of progressions for you to identify your starting point and I will soon have a training plan to go alongside each level too! The aim is to have progressed by one level by the time we reach the end of term. More info to be explained on Wednesday but if possible bring a couple of ~0.5kg dumbbells or equivalent (e.g. two cans of baked beans). See you there!!

Gym Love,

Men's Captain