Cloud 9 Holistics

Cloud 9 Holistics

Mobile reflexology ��


❤️👣 It can start with your tiny toes looking and feeling like this 👇🏼 .. then the rest of the foot will follow.. then the rest of the body and mind will follow 🪄 ✨
If there is something that your body wants you to know then it’ll pass you a message via me, your feet will always feel out of this world after a treatment .. but the after affects for the body and mind will be ongoing.
We can ease energy blockages
Bring peace and relaxation to the body
Help with sleep, stress, fatigue & tension
Bring balance to your entire systems
Put you in a place where you may feel in another realm, and you probably will be
Look how happy they are! 😊👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️ 👣 excited and grateful to offer this beautiful new therapy.. what is it?

Pellowah is a profound journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and inner serenity.
Expanding consciousness Pellowah enables you to make positive and long lasting change in your life.
The name Pellowah was given to an energy healing technique first developed in 2003 by Australian Spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an. The purpose of Pellowah is to increase your capacity for positive change by creating a “Shift in Consciousness”, enabling you to reach your highest purpose and potential.

Pellowah is an angelic word meaning “Radical Shift in Consciousness” It is pure source energy, a direct transmission from the Light from the Practitioner to you. Unlike other forms of energy healing, Pellowah does not work through the Practitioner. Pellowah is direct from source to the person receiving the healing.

This is a non sensory therapy so there is no touch and no sound, eyes masks and ear buds must be worn for the full benefit as you can truly be with yourself and not distracted by the outside world.
Treatments are about 45 minutes .. you only need this if it calls to you 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️ 👣 We have some rare weekday appointments for this Wednesday.. message if you want to snap them up! They don’t happen often 🙏🏼
Foot love bliss on Hump Day 😃 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️ 👣 A day of lovely feet and sunshine!
Dont forget after your treatment to drink some water, wrap up warm if you need, if you feel like napping.. do it! Your body needs the time to rest and recalibrate
After a treatment .. you may need to wee more, you may get a headache, feel the need to cry or giggle, feel cold/shivery, have crazy dreams when you sleep.. or you might have none of the above and just float about on cloud feet after some lovely feeling foot love!

There’s no set pattern, your body will respond as it needs. And I’ll always check in on you 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 Welcome to all the lovely new followers! If you didn’t know much about reflexology and what it can do for you.. here’s a tiny insight of benefits for you to look at!
We can also look at things that are negatively affecting your life, blockages in energy, things that no long serve you and situations that you may not think are affecting you, when actually your body is trying to tell you different.
These things all happen to put you back into alignment, to make sure that you aren’t feeling stressed, or fatigued or anxious. Your body wants what’s best for you and it’ll try it best to give you signs 🙏🏼 it’s not working against you I promise. We’ve just got to release the magic ✨👣❤️
Ps. It also feels amazing!!

Any more questions, needing a treatment .. or think it would benefit someone else?.. I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 foot love has been super busy of late! We’re supposed to be in spring .. as is the natural rhythm of your body, however spring hasnt seemed to officially arrive yet, so don’t be alarmed if you’re feeling all over the shop! The natural balance is out ..

We have a Monday morning appointment that has come available at 10am if you need a bit of rebalancing and relaxation! Doesn’t happen often so snap him up while you can
Also a few slots left for May 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 It doesn’t take long to get you back into a place where you feel calm and refreshed after feeling a bit frazzled for a while
There could be a whole host of reasons, blocked energies, blocked lymphatic system, human burnout, build of up toxins, not enough replenishing the energy you’ve been exerting.
Having an hour to yourself will take you out of your own head where the body can do some much needed work to rebalance, while you do absolutely nothing but feel foot benefits 😊 I’ll be sure to bring you any messages meant for you to 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 Stuck for a treat for Mother’s Day, want to give her a gift that will make her feel better and takes care of her well being?.. we have gift vouchers available for some pamper time 🤗👣❤️

Message for info.. I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 Another lovely Monday of beautiful Soles 🤗 there’s a whole spectrum of things that reflexology can help you with… not only does it feel amazing, it can work on a level that’s sometimes beyond our comprehension and rebalance our whole systems just by you being still, being present and giving your mind time to escape. Even an hour can make so much difference!!
Things will pop up that may have been asking for your attention for a long time, you may have missed the signs.. but I can help pass on the message 🙏🏼 and you can float away into a relaxing world while I treat your feet! 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 A lovely day of treatments for some gorgeous new soles 🙏🏼
Out of the countless benefits of having reflexology .. just allowing yourself the time to just be.. in a relaxed state so that your body can get back to homeostasis and begin to heal itself as it should do, without us being busy & distracting the magic happening is probably the most important.
That’s you giving yourself the gift of self care and respect 🥰

Our busy minds can keep us in some unhealthy loops and habits, and more often then not we ignore the signs our bodies give us.. until it’s too late and we become ill.
The trick is self maintenance.. being proactive instead of reactive when it comes to your health and well being 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 We are in winter .. a lot of people are struggling at the moment with energy levels, illness, feeling out of sorts, ear issues, bladder issues, kidney issues, aches & pains, Feeling fearful and insecure which can lead to anxiety.

While this is annoying for us trying to function at what we think should be optimum levels.. we need to take a tip out of natures books and slow down!
Our whole body is designed to be in hibernation mode at the moment as reflected by what we’re surrounded by.

Here’s some tips to get through and not deplete yourself of what little energy you have to work with.. don’t drain yourself anymore by trying to push through!
❄️ keep warm - areas like feet, lower back (protect your kidneys) head and hands the body will struggle if you let cold in.
❄️ stay hydrated - plenty of water to flush your system out
- dandelion leaf tea helps to cleanse kidneys & boost urine output
- ginger tea (with cinnamon and honey) for warmth, gut health and to help clear out sinus passages.
❄️ avoid raw & cold foods like salads in winter as they will promote coldness in body and deplete spirit energy levels
❄️ eat kidney nourishing foods like black beans, rice, leeks, mushrooms, soups & stews (beef or lamb) all slow cooked with stir fried or steamed green veg.
❄️ keep your vitamin c levels up during this time to help boost your immune system, these can be in the form of
- broccoli
- cauli
- cabbage
- supplements

These are just a few small ways to make a massive difference to how you feel. Give them a try and REST!! 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 And we’re back after the longest break! The weekend and today has been full of beautiful soles.. who are looking to give themselves the much needed gift of self care and I am grateful to help with that!

The last few weeks have seemed an absolute boggle to us all, if you feel like squirrelling away at the moment.. rest assured that’s exactly how you should be feeling. Old cells are making way for new, we’re basically on power down for spring
Don’t try and push through what you don’t feel you can.. that’s like asking a daffodil to bloom in December. Rest and don’t feel guilty 👣❤️

For all the new followers to the page.. welcome! If you’re looking to feel 👇🏼👇🏼 I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 We are back, recharged and looking forward to giving you some probably much needed relaxation and resetting and the busy festive period!

You’re possibly feeling a little foggy brained, achy, run down, unmotivated.. but know that this is the season for hibernation naturally, so that’s what your body needs to do in preparation for spring where everything gets reborn and rejuvenated!
Just go easy on yourself inbetween 🙏🏼
Few slots left for January 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 What is happening with your wellness! You may feel a bit all over the place at the moment as we transition from late autumn into the coming winter.. this will affect us in many different ways as per the season

So during the last few months and weeks you may have felt sadness, grief, picked up colds, have chest issues such as tightness or coughs & the need to get rid of toxins and clutter/waste

As we go into the colder season.. governed by the water element.. you may now start feeling your bones and joints ache, your lower back may feel weaker, ear, teeth plus brain fog issues may arise and you may be prone to water infections. Your energy will feel very depleted as your body now goes into storage mode to protect the energy of these.. your kidney holds your essential life force, and with less daylight, with the world slowing down, just as trees drop their leaves to renew for next summer.. your body is doing the same. Natures processes are mirrored in our bodies

Some may feel depression, seasonal affective disorder & loneliness move in, where others will feel comfortable with the quiet time of reflection.

The corresponding emotion related to this season is fear .. so please don’t worry if you feel this, it’s right on time.. but obviously there may be an imbalance and this is where I can help to balance you out.

Drink water! Make sure you flush yourself of any unwanted feelings.. and restore the bodies flow.
Eat salty foods and avoid raw food where you can! And wear beautiful blues and blacks 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 One of the key elements of life is stress. We don’t live in a vacuum, so we can’t avoid it. It is everywhere in our daily lives, and can creep in to everything that we do unless we understand this ....

The causes of stress are external, but stress itself is not in them, it is in us. Stress is the internal response we make to external changes, difficulties, challenges, and even situations that shouldn’t cause us stress at all.

Very often we experience stress when we do not have the capacity to see it in perspective, or are too overloaded to cope with it.
Reflexology is an amazing modality in helping to keep us calm, adaptable, resilient, prepared, able to keep perspective, and better equipped to cope when stressful situations arise.
Turn your mind off for a little while

Gift vouchers are available as always if you want to give the gift of relaxation 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️



We have availability for Saturday morning .. message to book 💁🏻‍♀️ you might need it after spooky Halloween dancing 💃🏻 🎃


❤️👣 If you’ve been feeling particularly burnt out.. there a few spots left for November to get you recharged after sending you to a realm of relaxation and calm 🧘🏻‍♀️

We have a tendency during these up coming winter months to push through as we normally do, but it is a time to unwind and slow down. Our bodies are also going with the seasons 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 feeling particularly haunted this month?… with the season changes, it is perfectly normal and right on time that we will be feeling lethargic, pick up lung issues and bugs, feel run down and generally foggy & fatigued.

There is nothing wrong with you.. your body is responding to & going through it’s own change of elements, this may leave you with blockages and we can look to balance you back out 🙌🏼

As humans we tend to push ourselves to work as we think we should always work, but please remember that your body needs the rest and time to recover! You’d charge your phone up.. charge yourself!! 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 A lovely day of feet & messages today 🥰
Taking an hour to yourself will have some much needed benefits .. mentally, physically & emotionally, and while you take the time to just switch off, the answers you may have been looking for will just come to you! Sometimes they’ll come via me.. I don’t know how, but they’re your messages 😊 and I’m glad to help!
Your feet are so under valued.. even if you don’t like them, show them some love for getting you through, holding your secrets and giving answers! 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 If you have unprocessed emotions and past trauma that you ignore, suppress or simply push away your body will at some point present you with a bill, even if you are the cleanest eater on earth. These are things that may have been out of your control.. but now we have to fix

If you don’t acknowledge, meet, understand and transform your anger it will affect your liver, heart, lungs - and potentially lead to headaches, reproductive issues, inflammatory conditions, allergies etc...

Unprocessed sadness and grief will weaken your lungs and heart - potentially cause depression, numbness and disassociation, pneumonia, frozen shoulders, memory loss, lower back pain, irritable bowel syndrome etc.

Worry will weaken your stomach and create a host of digestive issues, weaken your abilities to make decisions and lead to self sabotage.

Stress will weaken your heart and brain and potentially lead to strokes, heart attacks, teeth grinding, jaw problems, brain tumours etc.

Fear greatly weakens your kidneys and leads to urinary infections, venereal disease, OCD, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, cysts, haemorrhoids etc.

The body will always try and find ways of letting you know what it’s struggling with to begin processing and releasing for your greater good 🙏🏼 👣❤️

If you didn’t know.. take a look 👇🏼 we can work on these 🥰

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 I’m not saying it’s like magic.. but it is! 😉

Not only does a reflexology treatment feel amazing and can send you into another realm of much needed comfort and peace for a little while.. but your feet will also let me know areas that have been asking for your attention.
When I say this I mean, is there a decision you need to make? Had something been niggling away about a certain area of life, are you doubting yourself too much? Are the emotions you’re feeling really belonging to you?

Don’t ask me how they tell me.. they just do 🤷🏻‍♀️ they’re messages for you

Sometimes these things will turn into physical ailments, and this is also something we can work on. But the real change comes from more self love & self care practises .. I can facilitate, but you are in charge 🤗 let’s make you feel better! 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 September’s appearance may take affect on your body as it engages in preparing us for another change in season (our bodies operate in the same way as seasons)
We haven’t had much of a summer this year and the body may seem a bit confused.. making you feel a little out of sync, and more susceptible to colds, fatigue and a general feeling of foggyness 🤕
It’s not ‘how your are’ .. everything is currently out of the norm and this will impact you more than you know

If you’d like a little help with rebalancing yourself, pushing the reset button, and shifting some blocked up energy from your organs.. I have some space for you 👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️


❤️👣 After a busy weekend of lovely feet.. for the first time in a long time I’ll be taking some time off for my birthday😃

Remember to take time for yourself, stay hydrated, block anything that doesn’t serve your greater good.. and rest!!

Your soles mean the world to me, I’ll still be on my messages .. but see you when I’m back & older 😅👣❤️

I’m just over here when you need 💁🏻‍♀️

