KAN Hypnotherapy

KAN Hypnotherapy

I help people who are stressed, stuck, unhappy, wanting to make significant changes to the direction I don’t wear cardigans. I swear when it is appropriate.

I operate a ‘kick up the bum’, ‘give it to me straight, Kate’ approach to helping and supporting people through the ups and downs of life. I listen. But when I think you’ve said enough, I stop you talking, and tell you to listen to me! I understand that this might not seem terribly empathetic. But I can assure you – I like to work the way I do because I am empathetic. I don’t want you to go down r

Every day should be a new year! - Kate Ashley Norman 03/01/2022

The decs have gone back into their boxes, the fallen needles have been sucked up into the vacuum, and we're all faced with watching the pounds fall from our bank accounts straight onto our waistlines!

There are no magic bullets to help us achieve our goals - it's simply back to the drudgery of effort.




Which is probably why 46% of us (and probably more) fail to keep those resolutions for longer than a few weeks (or, like me, it may only be days!).

But we’re not an either/or species.

Our lives run around in circles, go over humps and bumps, take sudden and unexpected diversions, hit brick walls or trip over hidden pot holes.

While a resolution is a great reset of the new year, all it really represents is our overwhelming need to gain clarity and focus on moving forward once again.

If you didn’t have the mental skills to change forward before Christmas, you’re not going to suddenly acquire them again after 1st January.

But you can give yourself a kick start.


Every day should be a new year! - Kate Ashley Norman the holiday hangover is lingering, and already the good intentions are beginning to wane. The top 10 resolutions are: Exercise moreLose weight

It's true - the elephant never forgot! - Kate Ashley Norman 14/12/2021


It's true - the elephant never forgot! - Kate Ashley Norman Learned helplessness is when you feel a sense of utter powerlessness – that no matter what you do, it won’t make any difference, so there’s no point even trying.

Staying Sane in an Insane World - Kate Ashley Norman 12/12/2021


Staying Sane in an Insane World - Kate Ashley Norman The following are ten habits that I follow religiously to help me stay sane in a world which can at times feel quite insane.

Anxiety is NOT your default setting - learn to switch it off - Kate Ashley Norman 09/12/2021


Anxiety is NOT your default setting - learn to switch it off - Kate Ashley Norman Our ability to deal with anxiety is deep within our own power. Anxiety has almost become the default setting. The unpredictability and lack of control we perceive every single day can take its toll on both our sense of emotional stability, and our physical health as well.

Miraculous Results... following massive effort! - Kate Ashley Norman 06/12/2021

Trouble sleeping?

Miraculous Results... following massive effort! - Kate Ashley Norman For may years I have suffered with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid athritis. One of the many symptoms of these illnesses is being unable to sleep, and never feeling refreshed in the morning if I have managed to sleep. One of the things that amazed me was within the first few days of working with Ka