Fundraising Works Ltd

Fundraising Works Ltd

Fundraising Works Ltd delivers great fundraising results and practical solutions for charities of all sizes. We're passionate fundraisers!

Fundraising Works Ltd was established in 2015 to deliver great fundraising results and practical solutions for charities of all sizes. Led by Liz Haigh-Reeve MInstF, with over 25 years experience, the company provides strategic and operational support leading to tangible results. We specialise in:

* Strategic direction, planning and leadership
* Fundraising Audits
* Capital Appeals
* Major Gift F

How do you connect with donors? Show more. 24/07/2024

So true.

How do you connect with donors? Show more. Connect with donors by using the power of imagery. An image is the fastest way into someone's brain. Here's how to use them.

3 Ways to Enhance Donor Experiences With Online Fundraising 12/03/2024

Always good to keep on the right side of the donor.

3 Ways to Enhance Donor Experiences With Online Fundraising Giving donors positive experiences motivates them to continue supporting your cause. Learn how to enhance these interactions through online fundraising.

13 super-common comments that will crush your fundraising -- and how to answer them 30/11/2023

"There are a lot of cooks in the Fundraising Kitchen, many of them know nothing about cooking" Thoughts welcome.

13 super-common comments that will crush your fundraising -- and how to answer them There are often a lot of cooks in the fundraising kitchen. Many of them know nothing about cooking. But that doesn’t keep them from having strong opinions about what does and doesn’t work in fundraising. Here’s a very helpful post from Hands-On Fundraising that give some of the most common une...

Following up IS fundraising 04/09/2023

Could not agree with this more. As they say the "Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil". If you don't follow up - don't expect any results.

Following up IS fundraising Following up is one of the least exciting parts of fundraising. But follow up is critical if nonprofits are to reach their fundraising goals.

Your small fundraising team can do big things 28/06/2023

Love this straight forward and reassuring way that a small fundraising team can really make a difference.

Your small fundraising team can do big things Think your small fundraising team means you can't raise money? You may be overlooking the strength in (smaller) numbers.

Major Donors and Gifts: Insight into Large Donations 12/06/2023

Are you prepared to approach Major Donors?

Major Donors and Gifts: Insight into Large Donations Major giving is often the largest revenue source for nonprofits, so being able to identify and build relationships with large-gift donors is crucial to successful fundraising efforts. In this article, we will go into more detail about major gifts, major donors, and how software can help identify pro...

Too many cooks spoil the chili - or your next appeal 26/10/2022

Absolutely!! Too many cooks spoil the chilli - it's a good read!

Too many cooks spoil the chili - or your next appeal Too many cooks can spoil the chili - and also your next appeal. Here's why and how to step around the roadblocks.

Why your good story leads to a better world ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 08/03/2022

Keep your story telling simple and engaging.

Why your good story leads to a better world ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising The best way to someone's heart (and head) is with a good story. But why is that? And how can you tell one?

This is your brain on stories ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 08/02/2022

Stories are so powerful and useful when creating engagement.
Love this story.

This is your brain on stories ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising A good story is central to fundraising. Using a story reaches people in a way that opens them to empathy and giving.


We are delighted to have played a part in raising the money to enable this amazing centre to open serving the community of Gloucestershire at The Chamwell Centre

It's year-end fundraising time. But you'll be OK! ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 13/10/2021

I love this post. It is US centric but resonates across the Pond to us.

It's year-end fundraising time. But you'll be OK! ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising It's year-end fundraising time! Somehow, it's already October. But it's not too late to pull together your year-end fundraising campaign.

How to tell me a story ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 14/09/2021

It's all about having a great story....

How to tell me a story ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising Hands-On Fundraising Blog: Fundraisers need to be storytellers to succeed. Here are some ideas about how to tell a story.

What do you have to offer? ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 18/08/2021

Always good to remind ourselves who really is driving the fundraising process.

What do you have to offer? ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising A fundraising offer is critical to your best fundraising efforts. What are you offering a donor in return for their gift?

8 Tips for Facilitating Nonprofit Hybrid Meetings | Beth Kanter 18/08/2021

Some great tips on how to hold meetings in the new "Hybrid" era

8 Tips for Facilitating Nonprofit Hybrid Meetings | Beth Kanter Beth Kanter is a consultant, author, influencer. virtual trainer & nonprofit innovator in digital transformation & workplace wellbeing.

Can fundraisers be both human and smart? ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 11/08/2021

Always good to hear sound basic common sense advice.

Can fundraisers be both human and smart? ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising Are our fundraising tactics keeping us from acting human? Can we be both human and smart?

Volunteering levels reach new high but proportion of givers down, major government survey shows 02/08/2021

Would you agree with this? Seems like there are mixed messages from across the network.
Share your thoughts/views.

Volunteering levels reach new high but proportion of givers down, major government survey shows The annual Community Life Survey shows a rise in 'informal volunteering' during the coronavirus pandemic

Fundraising for introverts - how you can build genuine relationships 14/07/2021

Something no doubt a lot of us can relate to.

Fundraising for introverts - how you can build genuine relationships Introverts can be great fundraisers. Here's how you can use your natural strengths to build genuine donor relationships.

Mass fundraising events return to England 13/07/2021

This is such great news!! No doubt a lot has been learned over the last 18 months.

Mass fundraising events return to England Popular mass participation fundraising events on closed roads can return to England to help charities to raise funds.

You have new donors. How will you keep them? ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 30/06/2021

Always good to remind ourselves how to handle donors.

You have new donors. How will you keep them? ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising Hands-On Fundraising Blog: Fundraising advice and insights for fundraisers like you. Fundraising strategy, donor communications, and more.

The Ins and Outs of Facebook Fundraising: A Complete Guide | sgENGAGE 29/03/2021

Some useful tips on how to use Facebook Fundraising.

The Ins and Outs of Facebook Fundraising: A Complete Guide | sgENGAGE Do you understand the ins and outs of Facebook fundraising? Check out the complete guide here to raise your relationships with supporters on the platform.

Are you simply getting less, faster? ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 23/03/2021

Sometimes less is less.

Are you simply getting less, faster? ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising Nonprofits are experts at making do. And we must be responsible. But not spending money is not the same as having money. Are you simply getting less, faster?

How Changing your Mindset Will Help You Attract New Donors ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 03/03/2021

These are always refreshing posts from our friend across the Pond. Simple but hits the spot about how Donors behave and how we as fundraisers can do our best to retain them.

How Changing your Mindset Will Help You Attract New Donors ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising How changing your mindset will help you attract new donors. A shift in your approach to marketing, fundraising, and your mission is needed.

Social Media and Newsletter Ideas for March 2021 25/02/2021

I know this is from the US, but it really lays out a simple way of setting out a Social Media calendar a month in advance. Some great ideas!!

Social Media and Newsletter Ideas for March 2021 If you need ideas for your newsletter articles or social media posts next month, then this post is for you! These ideas come from our Monthly Nonprofit Writing Prompts email newsletter*. If you would like these ideas sent to your inbox a month in advance, sign up for our Monthly Nonprofit Writing Pr...

Superpowers of Successful Major Gift Fundraisers | Fired-Up Fundraising with Gail Perry 29/01/2021

Friday Feeling? Feeling powered up? This is a great read! Have a great weekend and stay safe.

Superpowers of Successful Major Gift Fundraisers | Fired-Up Fundraising with Gail Perry Here are 3 superpowers that successful major gift fundraisers have, and you can have them too: confidence, focus and listening skills.

What's in a name? Respect ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising 26/01/2021

Something we often overlook but speaks volumes to the person receiving your communications.

What's in a name? Respect ⋆ Hands-On Fundraising Does your name matter? If you work with donors, names matter. Names and identity are important to us. Here's why you should care.

Fundraising channel FundraisingTube launches with #WorldCupOfFundraising competition | UK Fundraising 21/01/2021

What a brilliant idea.

Fundraising channel FundraisingTube launches with #WorldCupOfFundraising competition | UK Fundraising Jonathan Cook, Director of data analysis and supporter research fundraising consultancy Insight-Ful, has created FundraisingTube, a YouTube channel Jonathan Cook, Director of data analysis and supporter research fundraising consultancy Insight-Ful, has created FundraisingTube, a YouTube channel dedi...

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