

Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching
Helping fed up women achieve their health & fitness goals


Reality Check... πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Yes I have a gym at home
Yes in theory I can train whenever I want
Yes it is easier for me to exercise because I have a gym at home

Here's the thing - I still skip workouts 🀷

I still have days where I CBA with every fibre of my being

I have huge advantages knowing there is a space for me to train in my home. That still doesn't make doing the workouts any easier.

Getting to the gym - easier. Doing the workout - just as tough.

It may look like I have my sh*t together on social media but I assure you I do not.

I will always be a 100% honest about that 😊

Photos from Weights&Wine's post 10/06/2024

How I Help My Clients Make Their Comebacks πŸ₯³

First thing's first, coaches pretending their clients never fall off plan or skip workouts or don't commit to meal plans is a joke. Because it happens.

But more important than sharing that it does and will happen...

Is sharing how we make the comeback!

So here are the steps I follow with any client who's coming back to training after a break for any reason what-so-ever.

Why they stopped isn't as important as how we work together to get started again.


What would we do without her? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

I definitely wouldn't have survived Finley's viral infection. She was the only person who made him smile.

On a serious note, your village might not have turned out like you expected. Perhaps motherhood looks different too.

If you've found yourself without the kind of support network you were hoping for, please remember my DM's are always open.

I would not have survived these first 10 months of motherhood without some of the amazing help, advice and understanding I've had on social media πŸ’•


Because honesty is the best policy...


Sometimes I choose sleep.
Sometimes I do the workout.

Every day ask yourself - what will make me feel better?

Because some day's the answer is 😴 and sometimes the answer is πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ


Is it just me?... or....

I just haven't got time for sh*t anymore (I know I sound a *tad* dramatic)

BUT πŸ‘‡

Everything has to be simplified for me now, otherwise it's gone.

It is possible to make some really smart changes to make life flow that little bit easier.

It can be so easy to fixate on all the barriers and the lack of time you have now.

It is also completely possible to focus on the little micro habits and behaviours that can make a huge difference long term.

In my newsletter I'm sharing all my best tips and hacks as a new Mum trying to move from surviving to thriving. Click the link in my bio to subscribe πŸ’Œ


How does it feel more emotional than when I came back to work? πŸ₯Ή

I don't know, but somehow it does.

Transitioning back to work after having a baby is challenging. There's no two way's about it.

I thought it might help some of you heading back in the next few months to share some tips on how I survived the transition back...

1️⃣ There is no such thing as too organised, everything you can make easier for yourself, you should.

2️⃣ Getting ready for work is hectic with a baby. Get your clothes picked out and streamline your morning routine as much as possible.

3️⃣ Travel mugs for the win - there's nothing sadder on a Monday than a cold brew before you start work!

4️⃣ Pack their nappy bags and pick out their clothes the night before too, the less decisions you need to make first thing the better.

5️⃣ If you've got mixed feelings about returning to work and having less time with your little one, grab a notepad and braindump before bed everything that you're feeling. It's totally OK to feel a mixture of insanely excited for some alone time and serious mum guilt at leaving them.

If mat leave is drawing to an end for you soon, give these 5 things a try to help you ease back in to your new working life.


Because when does your baby ever get the memo? 🀦

I don't know about you but the minute I need to leave the house, our routine somehow goes to sh*t

It's like the baby knows! πŸ˜‚

The reality is, maybe you do only have 20 minutes - should you skip it?

Absolutely not!

I know 20 minutes might not seem like much but hear me out, if you squeezed in a 20 minute workout 3 times a week. You've exercised for an hour more than you would have done across that week.

Those hours add up and over time, if you stick with it, will improve your fitness.

My top tips:
➑️ Exercise gear on as soon as you wake up
➑️ Utilise your babies most reliable nap window
➑️ Get any kit out before you put baby down
➑️ Phone away to minimise distractions
➑️ Set a timer to help keep you on track
➑️ Circuit exercises together to make best use of your time

I know there's never enough time once you become a Mum, but if there's anything I've learnt about Mother's... it's this ⬇⬇⬇

We can do a lot in a 20 minute nap window if we have to πŸŽ‰


Every pregnant woman loves a list... ⬇⬇⬇

I said what I said.

But here are my top 1️⃣0️⃣ things I used and needed when I was pregnant.

As you can see a lot of my items were about comfort, the high waist, comfy material bras, snacks, cushions. Who doesn't love all of these things anyway.

I found having a hospital list to pack my back using, really helpful. At that stage in pregnancy I felt like my brain had a 100 tabs open.

So hit save and hopefully some of these items will come in handy for you during your pregnancy🀰


I thought it was about time I shared my postpartum must have list πŸŽ‰

I've had a few messages from Mum's to be and their relatives wondering what are the must have items for every woman heading into postpartum.

So here it is...

Don't forget to hit save πŸ‘


Still living in over-sized tops and leggings.

You're not alone.

My clothes before don't fit. Everything I wear now is elasticated. Don't even mention a bra to me.

More than that, I don't know what to wear anymore πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

I'd love to know how far PP you are and what you live in as a Mum in the comments ⬇️

Personally I am excited to find out what my Mum image will be but something tells me, it's going to be a while yet πŸ˜‚


I'm definitely not who I was before I had a baby.

But just because I don't recognise her, doesn't mean I don't like her.

I just don't really know her yet.

I guess we're figuring each other out and learning about who we'd like to be now we are a mother.

Hands up who feels like they've still not settled into themselves since becoming a Mum? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ


What is it actually like to work with a personal trainer after having a baby?

Well hopefully these messages from my amazing client will give you a bit of an idea πŸ’•

These are screenshots of messages from the past 4 weeks of her training plan.

Firstly I will say she is a dream to work with and we've been working together since she first fell pregnant in 2020, I've since trained her through her first pregnancy and postnatal recovery, into and through her second pregnancy and now her second postnatal recovery in 2024 πŸ₯³

I thought I'd share with you the biggest difference when you work with a postnatal qualified personal trainer...

✨ Your pregnancy and birth are taken into consideration when your workouts are being programmed

✨ Your lifestyle and personal circumstances are always factored in and we work with and not against what you've already got going on

✨ We discuss early doors what you are and are not comfortable sharing and discussing with me about your pregnancy and birth

✨ I find out about you as a person, your likes and dislikes when it comes to training and everything is taken into account

✨ Because its personalised, tweaks can be made on a weekly basis if needs be (which is key when niggles happen)

They might sound like little things but when you're short on time, overwhelmed by motherhood and never feeling like you're doing enough. I can't stress to you how valuable it can be to have someone in your corner cheering you on every day πŸ₯°

Fancy finding out more? Click the link in my bio or drop me a DM πŸ“©


It is a sickness.

I could sit and have a hot brew and watch the TV uninterrupted...

Instead I run around and attempt to complete every chore humanly possible before my little human awakes and the chaos starts all over again.

Is this your toxic trait? 🀦

Photos from Weights&Wine's post 20/03/2024

Announcement Time πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

I feel like I have been hinting and sort of talking about this course for AGES now!

So I thought it was about time I shared some more info on my brand new offering.

The New Mum Self-Care Starter Package πŸ₯³

A one stop shop for new Mum's to make time for themselves and their physical and emotional recovery postnatally.

Getting back into exercise after having Finley has been much harder than I ever imagined. Trying to find the time for myself, putting together all of the elements my body needed to recover.

It is the whole reason I have created this package.

I wanted to bring an affordable self paced course that included everything you need to start your recovery the right way. Whether you're 1 month or 1 year into your postnatal journey. This course can help you build trust back into your body again.

So swipe to find out more about what this package offers ➑️

And click the link in my bio to join the waitlist πŸ₯³

Photos from Weights&Wine's post 18/03/2024

I don't know about you but I am always looking for tips on how to make my days and weeks flow better as a Mum.

So here are my top tips to an easier start to the week...

✨ I find getting out my outfit (which let's be honest is mainly leggings and an over-sized top) the night before means I have one less decision to make first thing.

✨ I double up on most things and have a stash in his nursery and in our living room so I don't have to keep running up and down the stairs every time he needs a nappy change or he does a poosplosion! Nappy caddy for the win!

✨ I used to try and get on top of his bottles constantly. Now I clean and steralise them as a batch.

✨ Batch cooking is a live saver. If I have leftovers to heat up in the microwave it helps me eat more nutritious meals for my lunch (which frankly is the hardest meal of the day to make when you have a baby)

✨ When baby goes down for a nap, make the first thing you do sticking the kettle on. That way you're guaranteed to have a hot brew before they wake β˜•

If there's one thing I love social media for it is all the fab Mum tips I've had since becoming a parent πŸ’• so I hope these help you.

Share your best Mum hacks in the comments below ⬇️ I'd love to hear them!


New Mum Self-Care Starter Package πŸ₯³

I mentioned on my stories that my next offer is going to be supporting new Mum's. I'm in the final stages of putting together this self-paced course designed to help you get moving again after having a baby.

I know the prospect can be daunting so I have designed this to be a guided journey through your postnatal recovery.

The membership portal includes...

πŸŽ‰Real time follow along videos
πŸŽ‰Access for six months
πŸŽ‰Support with breath work, pelvic floor engagement, returning to core exercise, stretches for pain relief, full body scans and grounding techniques.
πŸŽ‰A selection of postnatal specific workouts
πŸŽ‰ Suitable from 8 weeks PP (or GP sign off to exercise)
πŸŽ‰Ongoing support and contact with me as your personal trainer

You can watch and access the content anytime and complete as many time as you want during your 6 month access.

If this sounds like just what you need, you can join my waitlist using the link in my bio! πŸ₯°


If there was one piece of advice every new Mum needs and all Mum's need reminding of, it is this.


I say this as someone who after a very stressful week with a poorly baby had convinced myself he had any number of illnesses.

There is such a thing as too much information.

You can guarantee for every helpful thing you come across, you'll see 10 thing that's help nobody and probably make you feel like sh*t.

So next time you're about to, don't google it ❌


Real mum talk... ⬇️⬇️⬇️

There's so much talk about how we need a village, but sometimes that looks different than we expected.

After the early day visits dry up and the daily check in messages stop, the people who are left might surprise you.

What matters most is that there are people you can turn to πŸ’• for both the highs and the lows.

Who's in your village?


Balancing motherhood and running my PT business is really flipping hard.

There are moments of joy and moments of worry and overwhelm.

The mum guilt is next level.

If you ever look at my social media and think "how does she do it?" know that a lot of the time I don't.

I hope you never look at my feed and feel like I've got my sh*t together because I promise you, I do not. We are all making this up as we go along πŸ’•



I remember before I got pregnant, seeing so many posts from Mum's talking about how they lost themselves during the first few years of motherhood.

Every single one talked about how they had put themselves bottom of the pile for the sake of their little human.

And you know what, I get it.

Prioritising yourself in any way when you're a Mum is hard. I still haven't figured out how you do it.

There are some things I know though.

πŸ‘£ This is a season in your life, not your full story

πŸ‘£ You will never regret time with your child

πŸ‘£ Looking after yourself is essential, not a luxury

πŸ‘£ Small things add up, the multivitamin, the glass of water, walking to the baby group

πŸ‘£ It's OK not to know who you are right now or who you want to be in the future, you're allowed to change

So if you're feeling all consumed by motherhood right now, me too πŸ’•


It's just not me πŸ˜‚

I was chatting to a client of mine yesterday about how much happier I am when I lean into my personality traits instead of battling against them.

I may fantasize about being a go with the flow mum. But that just isn't me.

I'm a planner, I love routine πŸ’•

Wouldn't life be much easier if we embraced who we are instead of always trying to change ourselves into something we're not?


When you're pregnant, they keep an eye on everything. I felt so well looked after. I mean I'll never p*e in a pot that many times again. The scans, the questions, the tummy checks, the bloods.

Then the baby arrives and it feels a bit like you're invisible.

The appointments with the midwife where you were asked how you were feeling turn into questions about how the baby is feeding and where he sleeps. And I get it, the babies welfare is obviously so important. But what about Mum?

In my personal experience, I was never even offered my 8 week GP check up πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ It definitely feels like we very quickly become the ones who have to seek out our own post natal support & care.

Which is why my personal mission this year is to bring the best, simplest, most cost effective support to new mum's I possibly can πŸ’•

Watch this space! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Coming soon... πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

I am so excited to be working behind the scenes on a brand new self-paced coaching package for new mum's.

I've got a brand new community space which will house all of my Motherhub products that I'm going to be offering this year.

The New Mum Self-Care Starter Package will be the first πŸ₯³

More details to follow...

For now I will leave you with this teaser of what you can expect!

Who's going to be joining me at the Motherhub? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ


I mean, do I look like I'm having fun? πŸ˜‚

All joking aside, I definitely had rose tinted glasses on when I thought about breastfeeding. I knew it was something I wanted to try and before my little man arrived I felt pretty relaxed about it. I had the, well if it happens great, if not, that's OK too attitude.

I was fortunate to be able to breastfeed, but I didn't love it.

Here are some of the things I loved about breastfeeding
πŸ’• The connection
πŸ’• The ability to sooth the baby quickly
πŸ’• The convenience
πŸ’• The new appreciation of my body it brought me
πŸ’• My new big b***s (really miss those)

Here are some thing's I didn't love
πŸ™ƒ Constantly worrying he wasn't getting enough
πŸ™ƒ Mastitis & Blocked ducts
πŸ™ƒ The delirious 90 minute newborn feeds
πŸ™ƒ That he would only feed on one side no matter what I tried
πŸ™ƒ How touched out I felt

No matter how you feed your little one, know it's OK to have mixed feelings about it. There's no road map for navigating something that everyone makes you feel should be the most natural thing in the world.

Hands up who had mixed feelings about breastfeeding? πŸ™‹



In case you missed it (if you did, where have you been?)

I recently ran a free 7 day challenge for all my postnatal followers πŸ™‚ each day they received emails with access to short videos. The entire week was based around the concept of habit stacking. This meant each video was no longer than 5 minutes and was something that could be done whilst you made your morning cuppa β˜•

I loved running it so much, I decided to make it into a document you can download and access whenever you like πŸ’•

So if you fancy giving it a go, head to the link in my bio to get your hands on it.

As a new mum who's exhausted but who also wants to make more effort to take care of herself, it is a gift from me to you πŸ₯°


Nobody tells you it's OK not to love all of it πŸ’”

So here is your permission to not enjoy every part of being a parent.

It's a job none of us are qualified and it's hard work.


Wouldn't want to do life with anyone else πŸ’•


Anyone else's baby using nap time as a talent showcase? πŸ™‹πŸ˜‚

It's difficult to even feel mad about it when they're so pleased with themselves.


The number 1 thing a new mum needs, to feel listened to πŸ’•

It isn't always about advice.

We don't always need to know what's coming next.

Sometimes we just need someone to send us a message to tell us we're doing a good job.

So here's a reminder to tell a fellow mum how great she's doing πŸ₯° It is guaranteed to make her day.


After childbirth, women need time to create a sense of safety within their own bodies again.

For 9 months they have been the vessel.

They have endured a physically and emotionally taxing childbirth.

Before starting any workout plan, they need time to build trust back into their bodies.

To get to know their new body.

This starts with -
πŸ’•Gentle movement
πŸ’•Looking at yourself in the mirror
πŸ’•Going back to basics with exercises
πŸ’•Learning how to use your full breath again

Want to know what this might actually look like for you? Get in touch πŸ“§

And keep your eyes p*eled for more info on my upcoming Motherhub membership which is launching soon πŸ₯³

Videos (show all)

There are 4️⃣ aspects that make up our body image;   πŸ’™The way you view yourself.   πŸ’™The way you feel about the way you l...
It's as simple as that...If you follow someone who makes you feel a certain way and deep down you know it plays into som...
Is it just me?... or....I just haven't got time for sh*t anymore (I know I sound a *tad* dramatic)BUT πŸ‘‡Everything has to...
How does it feel more emotional than when I came back to work? πŸ₯ΉI don't know, but somehow it does.Transitioning back to ...
Anyone else's baby using nap time as a talent showcase? πŸ™‹πŸ˜‚It's difficult to even feel mad about it when they're so pleas...
This was hands down my favourite pelvic floor exercise to do during pregnancy.And I'll tell you for why (think Uncle Bry...
I live for the feedback from my clients after the first few workouts when they return from having a baby 🀱There is so mu...
Hands up who wants to live somewhere in the middle? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈSocial media is so good at showing us the extreme, but I'm just ...
Neck & Shoulder Stretches For New Mum's 🀱
Let's normalise living the life you dreamed of, and still finding it the hardest thing you have ever done πŸ’™
Who's New Years resolution is a full night's sleep or to drink a full warm cuppa?I know mine is.That and maybe a full da...
Hands up who's feeling seen right now? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈI know, me too.After the Bank Holiday weekend the inevitable feelings of guil...
