

Bringing magic to your kitchen & mindfulness to your baking in letterbox sized packages every month. ��


Love this from Crystal Cariad.

Mindful Monday and the Moon.

How you can Manifest with the Moon 🌕.

With the New Moon just around the corner, why not think about creating the life you really want?

This is a simple way to set your intention and begin to work with the power of the Moon.

You'll need:
A glass jar
A bay leaf
A few things that represent your intention
Crystals that represent your goals
A blue pen.

Fill your jar with the crystals and items you've collected for your jar. For example, if you want to manifest wealth and prosperity, think about adding chinese lucky coins, a pound coin, anything gold, some citrine and Aventurine. Write a word or intention on your bay leaf, in blue pen (blue is the colour of truth) and pop them all inside. If you have fresh or dried lavender or flower petals pop those in too. Make it pretty!

Hold your jar as you focus on your goals.

Put outside to charge in the moonlight.

Meanwhile, write down 3 goals that match the energy in your manifestation jar. For example: I am open to receive financial abundance. Money comes easily to me. I am attracting wealth and prosperity.

When you bring your jar in, put it on top of the goals you set in a place you can see it but where it doesn't need to be disturbed. If you have one, put a clear quartz on top to amplify your goals.

Simple! There's no right or wrong here as long as your intention is pure.

Have a go and have fun with it! What will you be manifesting?

Jars and crystals available to purchase from Crystal Cariad.


Hi 👋🏻 I’m Rhian. It’s been a while since I’ve posted so thought it was time to introduce myself.

I have been baking as since 2012. Like many, it started as a hobby and grew into a full time business. Over the years as I have grown and developed, my ideas, my interests and my values have all changed and impacted the business in one way or another.

One day I noticed I wasn’t really enjoying the baking anymore. I was baking the same cakes over and over. It was all automatic, and while I really loved seeing people’s faces when they got their cakes, I wasn’t enjoying the process and felt it was starting to tell. I read a book called ‘The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake’ about a girl who could taste the emotions of the person who had made her food and it got me thinking. Everyone says about the special ingredient in cooking being love... so what if it was true?

The Magical Baking Co came from a need for me to find the magic in baking again, and wanting to share the joy with all of you.

So I went right back to basics. I put my mixer aside and worked on recipes that needed minimal equipment, were accessible to as many people as possible by including gluten free, dairy free and nut free options. I looked for the magic. I found recipes that were meaningful to me and invoked joy and happy memories. I actively went looking for ways to bring mindfulness into my baking where before I’d be rushing or thinking about what needs to be done next.

I absolutely love baking my magical recipes and I’ve had some great feedback from my taste testers. Every month I learn a bit more magic and explore new ways of being mindful. And all of this is poured into each monthly baking box for you to find. To give yourself some me-time & a little sprinkling of magic.

Even if you think you can’t bake, I promise these recipes are straightforward and I am always here to offer help if needed.

Any questions? Ask away 💖

Photos from magicalbakingco's post 01/08/2021

🌻 Happy Lammas 🌻
Today we celebrate the first harvests. We look at everything we have achieved, every that that has grown from the seeds we’ve planted over the last few months. Whether actual crops, or ideas and inspiration into action. 💖

Traditionally baked goods are made in honour of the wheat harvest. How are you celebrating today?


A little peek into June’s baking box, where we celebrated the Sun. 🌞
Today is your last chance to get July’s box where we’re focusing on gratitude as we come to Lammas. I only have a couple of this month’s boxes available to order, so head over to the website today to get your order in. 💖


Happy Summer Solstice bakers🌞
The summer solstice, midsummer or litha, is the longest day of the year, and traditionally marks the start of the Summer.
It’s a time for abundance and love and growth. It comes at roughly halfway through the year and is seen by many as a time to set resolutions or goals for the second half of the year. I have spent some time today thinking about the last 6 months, accepting my mistakes and worries and setting some goals for the rest of the year.
I chose to pick out the sun card as a focus as it’s full of positivity, warmth and optimism. It’s a fun card, reminding us to take time to play. There’s a lot to be said for making sure you get out in the sun to soak up some vitamin D and I know I feel better when the sun is shining.
What are you doing to celebrate the summer solstice today? Have you set any goals for the next 6 months?



Solstice Blessings to you all. May you stand in your power, release what no longer serves you and open your heart to recieve.

The Summer Solstice festival is named after Litha, the Goddess of fertility, power and order.

Solstice has always been a time to celebrate, to honuor our connection to that outer fire power and our inner firepower, that keeps us vibrant, motivated and feeling alive.

It's a moment of abundance, filled with the potential for growth.

Things to do today:
Release, clear out all that no longer serves you.

Step into your power. Sing, dance, lay in the sun, celebrate, light candles, pick flowers.

Connect with your Earth Star Chakra, walk barefoot, tend to your garden, work with herbs and flowers.

A blessing from Holly of the Woods.

We are called to stand in the light
And be seen
A fiery reckoning
May you stand where the light can hold you, and say:
I invite the cleansing fire
Of sun and of soul
To burn away that which is dry and dead
Breathing in, I stoke my inner flame
Breathing out, I exhale that which no longer belongs to me
Just as my life is one deep inhalation
And one full exhalation
May every breath I take
Stoke this inner fire
May I know what it is to burn with life, with joy, with feeling
In my days under the sun
And when they are over, may I lime the soil for another’s blossoming
Just as my life is one deep inhalation
And one full exhalation
May the solstice of short shadows
Be an invitation to allow the sparks within my soul
To catch light and glow.


How beautiful are these clear quartz crystals? 🤩
Included in May’s baking box, Clear quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. She stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.
A master healer, clear quartz harmonises all of the chakras and aligns the subtle energy centres. It attunes to the needs of the wearer and can be programmed to work with anything.
Clear Quartz can be used as a substitute for any crystal.
Description by Crystal Cariad


A little magic can take you a long way. 💖
Whether that’s the Crystal you pop in your pocket, the intention you set when you make a cup of tea, the candle you light, or the ingredients you use.
Have a magical Monday! Don’t forget today is your last chance to get your hands on June’s baking box.

Photos from magicalbakingco's post 13/06/2021

Here’s a little reminder to take a mindful minute today. 💖
In Swansea today we have some beautiful sunshine. Wherever you are just take a minute to go outside. What’s it like with you? Is it sunny, cloudy, raining? Is it hot, cold, humid? Is there a breeze? How does it feel? What can you smell?
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Just see what you can notice that would normally pass you by.
I’d love to know where you’re from & what the weathers doing with you today. Let me know in the comments. 🌞
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Gentle reminder tomorrow is your last day to order for June’s baking box, and we’re celebrating our beautiful sun this month as we come to the Summer Solstice.
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Photos from magicalbakingco's post 10/06/2021

to the first ever Magical Baking Box. 💖

The recipe was for Chocolate Orange brownies and the theme was all about love and friendship. We had gorgeous chocolate from Robins and Sons, a Rose Quartz from Crystal Cariad, tea from Chantler Teas. Magical information about chocolate and oranges, mindful minutes, pure orange oil and more.

I love putting these boxes together, thinking up the theme, finding a recipe to suit and every box I learn something new about the ingredients and how to add a little extra magic to my baking. 🧙🏻‍♀️

Did you get the first box?


The recipe in May’s box was for these delightful cupcakes, topped with freeze-dried raspberries.
Did you know all recipes in the baking boxes are vegan? And include tips on making them gluten-free too. 💖


In June’s baking box we’re celebrating the Sun as we come towards the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year.

Sign up before the 14th of this month to get your hands on a box. 🌞


Don’t underestimate the Magic of a fresh start 💖
I love any excuse for a fresh start or a new beginning. I quite frequently decide that I will start a new habit, or try a new way to plan. Sometimes it sticks, sometimes it doesn’t, but there’s always a marker that can be the start of something new.
Maybe it’s a Monday, a new month, a full moon or 8pm on a Wednesday. Maybe you’ve moved house, changed job or signed up to class. The inspiration and hope that comes with a fresh start, whenever or why-ever, IS magical. You are full of hope and good intentions, you have ideas on what’s possible and how your life will change. That’s magic.
I’ve been a bit overwhelmed over the last few months and haven’t posted as much as I’d like. But I took last week off work and had an amazing time. I had some great conversations and got all inspired again. It’s hard working alone to keep ideas and creativity going. So I’ve come into this week feeling excited again. Today is my fresh start. My Magical Monday.
What about you? Do you like a fresh start?

Timeline photos 07/05/2021

Be Happy 💖
This month marks my 13th box, so I’ve sent a whole years worth of Magical Baking Boxes. 😍
Be Happy is the theme for May’s box to celebrate a Happy Birthday to Magical Baking Co and generally send some positive vibes. 🎂
This month will be a bumper box to celebrate before prices for one-off boxes go up next month. Anyone with a subscription will remain at the current price! I am so grateful to all of my subscribers, many of you have been with me from the start and there will be extra content and bonuses to those that sign up via the PayPal subscription. You’ve got 7 days to get your orders and subscriptions in (by the end of the 14th) to guarantee this months box and tie in your regular box at £13 a month.
Have a fabulous Friday all. 💖