Rebecca Bonneteau: The Eczema Expert

Rebecca Bonneteau: The Eczema Expert

My focus is supporting parents of children with eczema. Many understand that creams aren't the answ

My focus is helping individuals and families living with eczema, I qualified as a Nutritionist and Naturopath to help myself now I want to help others.

Replenishing your medicine cabinet naturally 11/09/2024


When you begin your journey into the world of healing naturally, you will quickly realise that most of the items in your medicine cabinet are filled with toxins.

So what are the alternatives? I am often asked for ideas as to what should go into a natural medicine toolkit. There is no perfect set list of items as it really depends on what your family finds effective.

Take a look at this blog post for some inspiration from some of my Eczema Expert team members. From there, you can work out how to build your own!

Replenishing your medicine cabinet naturally Upon moving into the world of healing naturally, we quickly realise that our medicine cabinets are filled with toxins. As the need comes about to replenish these items, it’s time to think about their natural alternatives. There is no perfect, set list of items for a natural medicine cabinet as it ...



I have created a free mini course, Eczema Evolution: the Basics, which will give you a taster of what I am about and how I work.

It covers the basics of taking control of eczema naturally and includes information on:

🧡 why eczema isn't a skin condition
🧡 why just focusing on gut health isn't the answer
🧡 why your mindset is really important

In addition to this, you will receive a beautiful downloadable detox guide.

I would love you to sign up for my free membership and start making use of this information. All you need to do is click on the link below.


When I was a teenager I did my work experience at the offices of the National Eczema Society in London. Most of my friends stayed in Derby but I was lucky enough to be allowed to join a team at the charity for 2 whole weeks and help them.

I've always wanted to help others with eczema even from a much younger age, I would want to give hope to other children even when I was still itchy and scratchy. Maybe I already knew then that this was what I was going to be doing!

Anyway, at 15 I was one of the 4 young people living with allergies or atopic conditions chosen to represent the UK at the EFA's European Conference in Sweden. I got to go and meet other amazing positive thinking young people all living with serious health conditions and discuss how we could make Europe a better place for those living with atopic conditions.

In 2018 the EFA released a report, titled Itching for Life. This report goes someway to assessing the cost of living with these conditions both monetary and otherwise.

Check it can download the report from this page in numerous languages.


Are you fed up with being stuck in an itch scratch cycle? Do you find it hard to watch your child going through this?

It’s important to remember that the itching is there for a reason and the reason is to release toxicity.

Eczema is not a skin condition. It’s an internal problem. Basically the toxins aren’t able to come out of the body via the route that is designed for them - the digestive system, the colons or the kidneys - so they have to come out of the skin.

So what we really need to do is fix what is going on inside the body and support the organs inside. While our bodies aren’t functioning properly, we’re always going to be itchy.

If you’d like to learn more about this, why not sign up for my free membership? It’s a great place to start your eczema education!



So many of us go through life following the instructions of people who have never had our condition, and those instructions haven't progressed in decades!

I am still shocked by how the advice on eczema is still the same to you parents now as it was to my parents 30+ years ago...

This is why I want to help you. So, who would benefit from working with me?

🟠 Are you googling continuously and still getting nowhere? Then it’s for you….

🟠 Are you cutting more and more foods out of your diet and seeing no improvements? Then it’s for you…

🟠 Are you applying steroids but don’t want to? Then it’s for you…

🟠 Have you just had a diagnosis of eczema and don’t know what to do? Then it’s for you…

🟠 Are you frustrated that the only answers you get from the doctor are cream and steroids? Then it’s for you…

🟠 Do you want to get to the root of the problem? Then it’s for you…

If you recognise yourself in this, then I am ready and waiting to help you! Reach out to me if you’d like some information.

I look forward to welcoming you on your natural healing journey and seeing your progression x

5 Eczema Statements You Won't Hear from your Doctor (treating eczema naturally) - MadeOn Skin Care Products - Hard Lotion for Dry Skin 04/09/2024

🦋 5 Eczema Statements You Won’t Hear from Your Doctor

Renee Harris, owner of MadeOn Skin Care, has written this lovely blog post about eczema, which summarises Rebecca’s teachings.

Renee creates hard lotion bars out of natural ingredients for those with dry skin. She discovered the Eczema Expert through one of her customers and after hearing about our free Eczema Evolution: the Basics course, she decided to take a look and see what it was all about.

Click below to read what she discovered about taking control of eczema naturally:

If you’d like to check out our free membership for yourself, follow this link:

5 Eczema Statements You Won't Hear from your Doctor (treating eczema naturally) - MadeOn Skin Care Products - Hard Lotion for Dry Skin When it comes to treating eczema, doctors offer steroids, or to simply lather up with lotion. This can actually make the issue worse.

Photos from Rebecca Bonneteau: The Eczema Expert's post 03/09/2024

Here are some of my truths when it comes to taking control of eczema:

🦋 Every child deserves to live a life free from being covered in cream daily or even more frequently.

🦋 Parents shoud be able to get the help they need to get to the root of their child's eczema - currently this is not the norm.

🦋 Our bodies are always trying to heal themsleves. Steroids and medication will suppress the healing. This in turn will slow down the recovery or stop it altogether.

If you want to learn why your child is presenting with eczema, if you want to understand how to identify this for yourself, if you are ready to take the small steps necessary, get in touch with me!

I'd love to help you get to the root of the eczema 🦋 💗


Do words really affect us in a physical way?

Yes, telling someone to stop scratching when that particular request is impossible is having the same effect internally on that person as what is going on in this video.

We hurt when people tell us to stop scratching, well that's the initial reaction...

If that comment keeps coming then that hurt turns to anger, anger at the person telling us to stop scratching.

Be aware that your words and how you approach the eczema is critical to emotional health as well as physical.

My tip is always to create a safe space for scratching, be realistic and support and love the person who is scratching.

There are so many companies out there who create great scratch mitts and clothes for those who are struggling with itch attacks.


Recently I got thinking about my own eczema story and how I have rewritten my health future over the last few years.

When it comes to our health, we can often feel like we have a mountain to climb until we see results, especially after years of suppression. What I can share with you are the words that helped me, when at the age of over 30, I realised all the work I had ahead of me (and it’s all behind me now!).

The best time to start is now, don’t waste time wishing you started a year ago, 5 years ago, last week. You weren’t in a place where you were ready to hear the truth then, the time to start is now. Looking back, for me my 30s have been defined by constant learning so I can re-write my health future. I want to share with you my knowledge to help you do the same.

Nothing is predefined with your health: you have the power to change your outcome. Your genes load the gun and your lifestyle choices pull the trigger. Make sure your choices are positive ones!



My free downloadable detox guide will get you started on the path towards taking control of eczema naturally.

It‘s a part of Eczema Evolution - the Basics, a free mini course that I designed to give you an idea of how and why I work.

It covers topics such as:

🧡 reducing toxins in your daily life
🧡 supporting your body to eliminate waste
🧡 choosing foods which nourish the body
🧡 dealing with stress

To access the course and guide, join my free membership. Follow this link which will take you to my website. From there, click ‘join free’.



I’d like to share with you the story of how Emilia took control of her daughter Zoe’s eczema.

When we first started working together, Zoe’s eczema was the worst I had come across In my time as a naturopath.

But a mother, Emilia was so on board with everything she was learning on my membership programme. She showed up, followed all the guidance she was given and used her own judgement to apply what she was learning to her situation.

It was amazing what she achieved in a short space of time - the results (and photos) speak for themselves!

Click on the link below to read Emilia’s story in full:


🦋 FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY - start your journey towards getting to the root of eczema

This closed group is focused on supporting parents to take control of their child’s eczema and their health via natural strategies and working with the body, rather than suppressing what is happening on the skin.

It is set up as an educational space with content handily grouped into units. So if you want to learn about breastfeeding or formula feeding when your little one has eczema or you feel like digging into genetics then there will be a video for you.

Adults, you will learn lots too and are very welcome to join!

You can also posts questions in the group and receive support from other members of the community.

Click on this link to join:


Why all the butterfly references?

I always felt like I lived in a skin suit that was two sizes too small for me. Any move could tear it open at any moment. I always dreamt of freedom and shedding that suit and growing wings.

My logo represents just that: my membership is divided into levels to represent that exact journey. You can either be a Caterpillar, Chrysalis or Butterfly! As your journey evolves and your confidence grows, you can shift your membership level to suit!

We also have a free membership which is designed as a starting point.


Everything I do is around education, because for me, it’s critical that you learn to rely on yourself for your healthcare. I teach you how you can help yourself!

It’s our choice whether we make disease our prison cell or our freedom. I chose freedom and now teach others how to find it. There are times when that cell seems like it could be so cosy. At the start, it‘s a struggle but once you learn how simple health can be, you won’t look back!

Reach out if you’d like to learn more about what I do.



My Members Herbal Store is now open! I have set this up to help you to purchase herbs at a reasonable price. These herbs are mixed and blended with love and sent out via 1st class mail from the UK. 🧡

To access the store, you will need to join as a free member:

Just some of the products we have available are:

🌱 common herbal blends
🌱 child safe herbs
🌱 gentle detox support blends
🌱 blends of tea
🌱 creams (although creams of course aren’t the answer)

It’s a great resource to help you to create a herbal toolkit. We can also create individual recipes for blends - free members can come here after their Case Study Call.

If you have any questions, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!

Managing Eczema In Babies And Children With Rebecca Bonneteau 21/08/2024


In this podcast interview, Rebecca chats to Caroline Frenette, the founder of Journey to Glow, whose story and reason why she started her work bear many similarities to Rebecca's!

Caroline had rosacea for 15+ years, and 2 years ago, she decided it was time to do something about it.

"After spending thousands of dollars on treatments and expensive beauty products — and being nowhere near her goal of having clear, radiant skin — she realised that she would have to become a “detective” so that she could make informed and empowered choices that work for her."

Journey to Glow is a beacon of light for those who are on a quest to keep learning when it comes to their health, specifically their skin. Caroline brings together experts in the field of holistic medicine and green beauty, and gets them to share their stories and their wisdom so you can continue to feel inspired.

Below is a little hint of what was covered in the podcast:

👍The hormone-eczema connection
👍The crucial role of the lymphatic system when you have eczema
👍How to improve the lymphatic system and move out “waste”⁣
👍Looking at p**p for clues on what’s happening in the system
👍Benefits of saunas + dry brushing
👍How to protect your skin in the sauna if you have rosacea⁣
👍Dry brushing and essential oils
👍What happens when you use steroids cream for eczema and suddenly stop
👍Essential oils for eczema and self-care
👍Should you use essential oils if you have eczema?⁣

Click the link to take a listen. We recommend adding this podcast to your regular listening so you don't miss out on future episodes.

Managing Eczema In Babies And Children With Rebecca Bonneteau Rebecca Bonneteau N.D. was born with chronic eczema and after spending many years learning how to support her body, she decided to share...



Sign up for free membership and gain access to an online community of parents, all working towards taking control of their children’s eczema naturally.

Ask any questions you might have about eczema in our community feed. It is a safe place for you to share your wins and struggles and start your learning process.

A team member reads through the messages and then reaches out where possible with support. You will also receive help and advice from other families in the community.

To gain access, click on the link below and sign up for free membership.



This is just a friendly reminder that you should not blame yourself for your childs eczema. It's no one's fault. Least of all yours!

We are a unique complex machine, no two of us are the same. Even identical twins have the ability to be unique in their choices and thought patterns.

Yes, it's partly your DNA that went into making them, but you are made up of your parents’ DNA so if you are blaming yourself then every person in your family line should be held accountable too.

Don't waste your time apportioning blame, to others or yourself. Put your energy into learning how the body works, and how to support it to strengthen itself.

If you are someone who blames themselves then I want you to write yourself a note saying, ‘IT'S NOT MY FAULT‘, and put it somewhere prominent.

If you are still struggling, then check out my free Facebook group where there is a live video all about this. You will find it in Guide 3: Live Training, entitled "Eczema Parents - Guilt and Blame"

Join the group via this link:



Why all the butterfly references?

I always felt like I lived in a skin suit that was two sizes too small for me. Any move could tear it open at any moment. I always dreamt of freedom and shedding that suit and growing wings.

My logo represents just that: my membership is divided into levels to represent that exact journey. You can either be a Caterpillar, Chrysalis or Butterfly! As your journey evolves and your confidence grows, you can shift your membership level to suit!

We also have a free membership which is designed as a starting point.



We have a lovely downloadable detox bath guide available to those of you who are in need of some topical support on your journey towards taking control of eczema naturally.

Learn all about how you can use essential oils, bath salts, tissue salts, mud and clay to create your ideal detox bath.

To receive this guide, all you need to do is sign up to our mailing list.

Click on the link below to be taken to our website. Then scroll down to enter your details.



Back in January 2022 I spoke to Renee Harris, owner of MadeOn Skincare, as part of her series of wellness podcasts.

In this talk, I explain why eczema isn’t just a skin condition and share my story of how I took control of my own eczema. If you’d like to learn more about me and what I do, why not listen in:

Want to know more about MadeOn Skincare? Renee creates hard lotion bars out of simple, natural ingredients, which are made specifically to fix dry, cracked skin. If you are in the USA or Canada, take a look - they are great products! Here is a selection of some of my top picks:


🦋 Do these words resonate with you?

I see patterns in my clients who reach out and join my membership programme. Many of them will use most of these terms in their communication with me when we start talking.

You are not alone. It’s sad that it's so common for parents to be made to feel this way. The lack of help and support while you are trying to figure things out for your little one is taking its toll on your health too.

If you want to take back that control and learn how you can turn round the health of your family, then reach out. I'm here not just to help those little ones with eczema but to teach everyone how they can help themselves to improve their health too.


Eczema impacts our ability to be happy in life. It impacts not just those with the condition but those around them. I don't need to tell you that though do I?!

For many years I was very unhappy that I was born with this condition. I spent a lot of time quite angry at how unfair life could be. Then one day I decided to put my energy into helping others.

Today my health is much improved and my mental health is in a much better place. It's so important to raise awareness of how this condition affects us emotionally and not just physically.

I encourage you to get your voice heard. What is your struggle? If you want to learn how to be at peace with this condition, I'm here to lead the way for you. Peace and love to you all x


Reach out to me if you would like to be shown the way to take control of your child’s (or indeed your own) eczema naturally. I would love to be the guiding light in helping you figure out the underlying reason for it.

To learn more about how you can work with me, take a look at my website:

Words of wisdom: Sweta’s story 07/08/2024

An inspirational story of how one mother found healing for her daughter by taking control of eczema naturally.

Words of wisdom: Sweta’s story An inspirational story of how one mother found healing for her daughter. Read on to find out how Sweta took control of the eczema through working with naturopath and Eczema Expert Rebecca Bonneteau and relieved her feelings of stress through tapping with EFT practitioner Gwen Orwiler. Learn about ho...

Photos from Rebecca Bonneteau: The Eczema Expert's post 05/08/2024


I was born with chronic eczema. It was all I ever knew. I grew up with this condition and at times I felt like a prisoner in a skin suit.

I took myself back to school in my early 30s to train as a naturopath. I wanted to learn and understand my body and I wanted to actually take control of this condition myself.

What I learnt has changed my outlook on life. I learnt so much about the body, more than I ever realised was possible. I applied all my learnings to myself - In the first two pictures, you can see my skin as healing was happening.

Now I have turned my health around completely. In the third picture you can see my skin as it is today - I never dreamed that I would have skin like this!

It became abundantly clear that I needed to utilise this knowledge to serve others and help them understand how to improve their health.

It takes courage, it takes commitment but where I am now, I wouldn’t change a thing. The hard work was worth it. It will be even more worth it if I can help you!



Are you living in a place of fear around your little one’s condition?

I teach parents not to fear the flare and this empowers them to take control. Need some of this help in your life? Get me on your team!

To start your journey, click here:

Videos (show all)

🦋 PODCAST - NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDHOOD ECZEMA Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 PODCAST - NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDHOOD ECZEMA Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 PODCAST - NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDHOOD ECZEMA Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 PODCAST - NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDHOOD ECZEMA Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 PODCAST - NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDHOOD ECZEMA Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 PODCAST - NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDHOOD ECZEMA Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 PODCAST - NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDHOOD ECZEMA Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 PODCAST - NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDHOOD ECZEMA Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 Podcast - Natural Solutions for Childhood Eczema Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 Podcast - Natural Solutions for Childhood Eczema Back in September 2020, I was interviewed by the College of Naturopat...
🦋 New podcast - Natural Solutions for Childhood Eczema Back in September this year, Rebecca was interviewed by the Colle...
🦋 New podcast - Natural Solutions for Childhood Eczema Back in September this year, Rebecca was interviewed by the Colle...