

Parent Plus is a confidential, safe place with trained and experienced Psychotherapist and Coach to help & support YOU! Why? Who runs the page?

Parent Plus offers support, training and education to parents. There is a private page as an opportunity for parents to access confidential and professional help and support, with all things parenting! We don’t know about you, but as professionals, we often wonder why emotional support for children when growing up is not ‘just’ as important as education? We are aware there are some fantastic schoo


💕 Thought is the invisible architect of your reality 💕

🤔 We often hear phrases like "mind over matter" or "think positive," but have you ever truly pondered the power your thoughts hold in shaping your everyday experiences?
I believe that understanding this can be a game-changer in how we live our lives.

👉 Our perceptions, emotions, and even physical sensations are influenced by the thoughts we entertain.

😱 When we recognise this, we begin to see how powerful our minds truly are. It's not about suppressing negative thoughts but about acknowledging them and realising they are transient and not definitive of who we are.

😍 The mind-body connection is a perfect illustration of how our thoughts influence our physical reality.

😄 When we experience stress or anxiety, our bodies respond with physical symptoms like tension, headaches, or digestive issues and our positive thoughts can promote relaxation, improved immune function, and overall well-being.

I know which one I choose 💕


🌟 Embrace the Power of Thought 🌟

Have you ever noticed how a single thought can change your entire day? 🤔

Imagine this: you spill your coffee, miss the bus, and forget an important meeting. It’s easy to label the day as terrible, right? But what if you changed your perspective? ☕️💼🚌

Instead of seeing these moments as disasters, laugh off the coffee spill as a human moment, enjoy a refreshing walk instead of the bus ride, and view the missed meeting as a chance to show your resilience. By altering your thoughts, you transform your day! 🌈

Understanding that our thoughts shape our experiences gives us incredible power over our emotions and well-being. Remember, not every thought needs your attention or reaction. Observe without entangling. This simple shift can lead to greater peace and resilience.💖✨

No One Gives a Sh*t About What You’re Doing (And That’s Liberating) 09/05/2024

My latest blog post is up 🥰

No One Gives a Sh*t About What You’re Doing (And That’s Liberating) After all, most people are worried about their own sh*t to be giving sh*ts about what you’re doing – and that’s the best news you’ll hear all day.


🌍 Happy Earth Day 2024! 🌿
Let's celebrate our beautiful planet by taking action to protect and preserve it. Whether it's planting a tree, reducing waste, or advocating for environmental policies, every small step makes a big difference.
Together, we can create a healthier, more sustainable world for future generations. 🌎💚


🌟 Let's talk about the fascinating world of equine guided therapy! 🐎 In a recent podcast episode, Jacci Jones and Julie Lewis delved into the incredible impact of working with horses for therapy. Here are some highlights from the conversation that will leave you in awe.

🐴 Julie Lewis, an instructor and equine guided therapy practitioner, shared her journey of discovering the power of horse therapy during a retreat in America. Hearing about the incredible results with clients, she knew she had to bring this to the UK.

🌿 Equine guided therapy holds a magical connection between humans and horses. Julie and Jacci described how horses mirror the emotions and intentions of the individuals they work with, leading to profound emotional breakthroughs and empowerment.

🤔 Have you ever wondered how an animal as majestic as a horse could have such a profound impact on human well-being? Jacci and Julie discussed the unique ability of horses to connect with individuals on a deep level, providing a therapeutic experience like no other.

💪 Equine guided therapy isn't just about riding horses. It's a mental and emotional journey where individuals are guided by the horses' reactions and responses. The therapeutic sessions have profound, long-lasting effects, filling up the emotional bucket for weeks.

🌍 The impact of equine guided therapy extends across various areas, from stress relief and overcoming anxiety to family therapy and team-building activities. The power of this therapy transcends boundaries, making it an invaluable resource for diverse groups of people.

📢 Jacci and Julie are taking their expertise to the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy (MIP) conference in November, dedicating 2 hours to discussing equine guided therapy. It's an exciting opportunity to learn more about the incredible work they're doing and its potential for transforming the therapy landscape.

🙌 Equine guided therapy is not just a trend; it's a transformative approach to therapy that's gaining recognition and acceptance. It's a testament to the evolving understanding of therapy as a form of self-care that goes beyond traditional methods.

Whether you're a horse enthusiast or someone curious about the impact of unconventional therapies, the world of equine guided therapy is bound to leave you captivated.


Embracing the Magic of Self-Forgiveness ✨
I want to talk about something that's been a game-changer for me:
Self-Forgiveness 😍

Yep, it's been quite the adventure, and a big part of my healing journey.

Imagine carrying around a backpack full of rocks. Each rock is a little (or big) mistake we've made, it can get really heavy. That's what hanging onto self-blame feels like. But what if we could lighten that load? 🎒

Self-forgiveness is like putting down those rocks one by one. And you know what happens when we do? It's like a breath of fresh air. Our stress levels go down, our hearts thump more happily, and we start sleeping like babies again. 🛌

There's more! This whole self-forgiveness thing isn't just about us. It's like throwing a pebble into a pond - the ripples reach far and wide. Our relationships get a boost, our smiles become more infectious, and we just make the world a slightly better place, one forgiven mistake at a time. 🌍

So, how about giving it a whirl? Let's start treating ourselves with the same compassion we offer to our besties. We're all human, after all, and we're all doing our best. 💕

Photos from Parent-Plus's post 26/03/2024

This Daily Wellness Journal is more than just a diary; it's a tool for healing, mentally and physically.


Weekly Plans.
Daily Diary with times from 6am to 11pm, To Do list and space for Notes.
Daily Record - Sleep, Water Intake, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks. Exercise/Activity. How I'm feeling.
Two Journal Pages every day.
Juice Recipes and nutrition information
Weekly Reflection Page with prompts.
Weekly Review Pages with prompts.
3 Month Review Pages with prompts.
Permission Slips
Wheel of life
Never miss an important date with your doctor, therapist, or support group.

A dedicated space for you to put down your feelings, experiences, and milestones. Reflecting on your journey can be therapeutic and offer clarity during difficult times.

Keep an organised record of your medications and supplements, dosages, and timings. This ensures you're always on top of everything.

Monitor your food intake, ensuring you're getting the right nutrition to support your wellness. This can also help in identifying any foods that might be causing discomfort.

Staying hydrated is vital. Keep tabs on your daily water intake to ensure you're adequately hydrated.

Amidst the challenges, it's essential to find moments of gratitude and inspiration.

Photos done by the amazing


This one might be a bit deep 💕
I'm still processing last weekends retreat with Angela the Ice Warrior
📝 I wrote this when I got home so I wouldn't forget the 'Trippy' experience I had during one of the amazing breathwork sessions we had.

I think a lot of deep healing was done over the weekend 🥰
You can read the blog here 👇 👇 👇


Just incase you need to hear this today 💕

"In the quiet place of self-reflection, the past versions of Me gather, each remembering the times they stepped aside, allowing the needs and desires of others to eclipse their own.

They stand, with the Me of today, not blaming or shaming, but in a silent wave of forgiveness and understanding. My younger selves, vibrant with dreams still untold, forgive Me for the times their voices were hushed, their ambitions paused to make room for another's."


😍 Hey everyone,
I've got some difficult news to share – my cancer's back and I'm getting geared up for another surgery soon.

😘 It's times like this that really show how awesome and important it is to have you all in my corner. Whether you've hung out in my free groups, joined my courses, or we've chatted one-on-one, your energy and involvement mean everything to me.

👍 Right now, I'm all about keeping my spirits up and making sure life, including work, keeps humming along. I'm looking at ways to boost my 'Sort Your Shizzle Out' and 'Wellness Membership' programs. They're my passion projects that help women tackle their mental health and wellness in a real, no-nonsense way. Plus they are both online so I can continue delivering them during my recovery.

📝 If we've touched base and you've walked away with even a little something, I'd love to hear about it.
Could you drop me a review with your thoughts/reviews/experiences to
Check my bio for the link if its not clickable

🌟 Your stories are gold – they help grow our tribe and support me as I figure out how to keep things ticking along while I recover.

💕 Your support is huge to me – it's not just about backing up the work we've done, but it's also a way to pay it forward to others who might need a hand.
Massive hugs and thanks,
Jacci 😊✨


🌱 Chia Seed : The Omega-3 🌟

Phew!! I hope you have seen at least one thing you can incorporate in your diet, everything starts with the first step 😍

Embark on a journey with chia seeds, the tiny but mighty superfoods that are bursting with omega-3 fatty acids, fibre and antioxidants. 🌟✨

Why Chia Seeds?

🔵 Omega-3 Oasis: Chia seeds are rich in ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid important for heart and brain health.
🔵 Fibre: High in dietary fibre, chia seeds support digestive health and can help maintain a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight management.
🔵 Antioxidant : Packed with antioxidants, they help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, contributing to overall well-being.
🔵 Versatile: Easily incorporated into your diet, chia seeds can be sprinkled on yogurt, blended into smoothies, or used to thicken puddings and jams.

Quick Tip: Soak chia seeds in water or almond milk to create a gel-like consistency, perfect for making nutritious chia puddings.

Check out our website for more hints and tips 👇


🌱 Tofu : The Plant Protein Powerhouse 🌟

Discover the versatile world of tofu, a soy-based staple that's transforming kitchens worldwide with its plant-based protein and culinary adaptability. 🍲✨

Why Tofu?

🔵 Protein: Tofu is a fantastic source of complete protein for vegetarians and vegans, containing all nine essential amino acids.
🔵 Calcium: Often fortified with calcium, tofu can be a key player in bone health, especially in plant-based diets.
🔵 Texture: From silky to firm, tofu's range of textures makes it suitable for a variety of dishes, from smoothies to stir-fries.
🔵 Flavour Flexibility: Tofu's mild taste absorbs flavours well, making it a culinary chameleon in marinades, sauces, and more.

Quick Tip: Pressing tofu before cooking can improve its texture and enhance its ability to soak up marinades and spices.

Have you signed up to our newsletter for more great tips on wellness? 👇


🍯 Almond: The Heart-Healthy Nutrient Voyage
Set sail on the almond odyssey, where these crunchy kernels offer a bounty of heart-healthy fats, protein, and essential nutrients. 🌰✨

Why Almonds?

🔵 Heart-Healthy Fats: Almonds are a great source of monounsaturated fats, contributing to heart health and cholesterol management.
🔵 Protein : As a protein-rich snack, almonds provide essential amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth.
🔵 Vitamin E: High in vitamin E, almonds support skin health and provide antioxidant protection against free radical damage.
🔵 Culinary Kernel: Almonds can be enjoyed whole, sliced, or as almond butter, flour, and milk, making them a versatile addition to any diet.

**It's Not Too Late To Join In**
If you want to join me to learn more I'm running a FREE 3 Day Wellness Challenge here's the link 👇


🥒 Cucumber Chronicles: The Hydration Hero's Journey 🌟

Refresh your palette and hydrate your body with the crisp, cool essence of cucumbers, a staple in salads and detox waters worldwide. 💧✨

Why Cucumbers?

🔵 Hydration : Composed of over 95% water, cucumbers are perfect for staying hydrated and supporting skin health.
🔵 Vitamins: Cucumbers contain vitamins K and C, along with magnesium and potassium, contributing to overall health and wellness.
🔵 Low-Calorie Crunch: Their low calorie and high water content make cucumbers an ideal snack for weight management and digestion.
🔵 Versatility: From fresh salads to chilled soups and infused waters, cucumbers are a versatile ingredient that adds a refreshing touch.

Quick Tip: Keeping the peel on increases the fiber content of cucumbers, enhancing their health benefits and aiding in digestion.

**Tonights The Night**
If you want to join me to learn more I'm running a FREE 3 Day Wellness Challenge here's the link 👇


🍌 Banana Bliss: The Potassium Puncher 🌟

Delve into the delightful world of bananas, where each peel reveals a bounty of nutrients, including a mighty punch of potassium. 🍌✨

Why Bananas?

🔵 Potassium: Bananas are renowned for their high potassium content, which is crucial for heart health and regulating blood pressure.
🔵 Energy Elevator: The natural sugars and fibre in bananas provide a sustained energy release, making them a perfect pre-workout snack.
🔵 Digestive Aid: Rich in pectin, bananas can help normalise bowel function and soothe gastrointestinal discomfort.
🔵 Versatility: Bananas are incredibly versatile in the kitchen, adding natural sweetness and moisture to smoothies, baked goods, and more.

Quick Tip: ripe Bananas have more natural sugar so maybe go for the less ripe ones for an even healthier choice.

**Starts Tomorrow**
If you want to join me to learn more I'm running a FREE 3 Day Wellness Challenge here's the link 👇


🍠 Quinoa Quest: The Complete Protein Package 🌟

Embark on the quinoa quest, where this ancient grain unfolds its complete protein profile and a universe of health benefits. 🌾✨

Why Quinoa?

🔵 Complete Protein: Quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a rare plant-based complete protein source, ideal for vegetarians and vegans.
🔵 Fibre: High in dietary fibre, quinoa aids in digestion, helps lower cholesterol, and contributes to feeling full after a meal.
🔵 Minerals: A good source of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and folate, quinoa supports various aspects of health from bones to metabolism.
🔵 Versatility: Quinoa can be used in salads, bowls, soups, and even as a healthier alternative to rice or pasta, adapting to any flavour profile.

Quick Tip: Rinse quinoa under cold water before cooking to remove its natural coating, saponin, which can give it a bitter or soapy taste.

Check out our website for more hints and tips 👇


🌱 Spinach Saga: The Leafy Green 🌟

Embark on a journey with spinach, a leafy green renowned for its nutrient density and versatility in kitchens around the globe. 🍃✨

Why Spinach?

🔵 Iron: Spinach is a great source of iron, which is essential for creating hemoglobin, a protein needed to transport oxygen in the blood.
🔵 Calcium: Important for bone health, spinach provides calcium in a leafy form, along with magnesium and vitamin K.
🔵 Vitamin Vault: Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, folate, and antioxidants, spinach supports eye health, immune function, and more.
🔵 Flexibility: From smoothies to salads and sautés, spinach can be easily incorporated into any meal for a nutritional boost.

Quick Tip: Lightly steaming spinach can reduce its oxalate content, making it easier for your body to absorb its calcium and iron.

Have you signed up to our newsletter for more great tips on wellness? 👇


🥑 Avocado Affair: The Heart-Healthy Fat Fiesta 🌟

Unveil the creamy delight of avocados, a fruit celebrated for its heart-healthy fats and versatile charm in healthy creations. 🍃✨

Why Avocados?

🔵 Omega-9 Excellence: Rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that's good for your heart and helps to lower bad cholesterol levels.
🔵 Fibre Fullness: Avocados are high in fibre, promoting digestive health and helping to keep you feeling full and satisfied.
🔵 Nutrient Booster: Eating avocados can help increase the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K from other foods.
🔵 Culinary Star: From guacamole to smoothies, avocados add a silky, rich texture to any dish, enhancing its flavour and nutritional profile.

Quick Tip: Store avocados with a cut onion to prevent them from browning quickly, keeping them fresh and green for longer.

If you want to join me to learn more I'm running a FREE 3 Day Wellness Challenge here's the link 👇
Its starting on February 26th at 8pm!


🌰 Cashew Craze: A Nutty Nutrient 🌟

Dive into the creamy, crunchy world of cashew nuts, a beloved snack that's not only irresistibly tasty but also packed with nutritional benefits. 🥜✨

Why Cashews?

🔵 Heart-Healthy Fats: Rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, cashews can contribute to a healthier heart and lower cholesterol levels.
🔵 Mineral Marvel: Cashews are a great source of magnesium, which is crucial for bone health, and zinc, essential for immunity and skin health.
🔵 Protein Punch: With a good balance of protein, cashews are an excellent snack option for energy making them a favourite among vegetarians and vegans.
🔵 Versatility: From cashew milk to cashew-based cheese, these nuts are a dairy-free dream in the kitchen, perfect for creamy sauces, desserts, and more.

Quick Tip: Toasting cashews enhances their natural sweetness and crunch, making them an even more delightful addition to salads, stir-fries, or as a standalone snack.

Let's go nuts for cashews and their myriad of health benefits and culinary uses.
I use cashews in my home made mayonnaise, I use it on everything 😍

Check out our website for more hints and tips 👇


🌶️ Pepper Panache: A Spectrum of Flavours and Nutrients 🌟

Ignite your palate with the vibrant world of peppers! From the sweet bell to the fiery chili, peppers offer a diverse range of flavours and a bounty of health benefits. 🌈✨

Why Peppers?

🔵 Vitamin C: Peppers, especially the brightly coloured varieties, are abundant in Vitamin C, supporting immune health and skin vitality.
🔵 Pain Relief: Found in hot peppers, capsaicin is known for its pain-relieving properties and may boost metabolism, adding a spicy kick to your health regimen.
🔵 Antioxidant: Peppers are loaded with antioxidants, helping to combat oxidative stress and potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
🔵 Versatility: Peppers can be enjoyed raw, roasted, stuffed, or sautéed, adding a splash of colour and nutrition to any dish.

Let's explore the colourful and healthful possibilities peppers bring to our tables.
Share your best pepper-infused dishes or cooking tips below and let's spice up our path to wellness! 🥗🌶️

Have you signed up to our newsletter for more great tips on wellness? 👇


🌴 Date Delight: A Sweet Nutrient Oasis 🌟

Indulge in the natural sweetness of dates, a delectable fruit that not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also offers a treasure trove of nutrients. 🍯✨

Why Dates?

🔵 Nutrient Dense: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre, dates are a healthy way to sweeten your day while providing essential nutrients.
🔵 Energy Boosting: High in natural sugars, dates offer a quick energy boost, making them a perfect snack for active lifestyles or a midday pick-me-up.
🔵 Digestive Harmony: The fibre in dates aids in digestion and can help maintain a healthy gut, contributing to overall well-being.

Quick Tip: Soak dates in warm water for a few minutes to soften them, making it easier to blend them into smoothies or mix into batter for baking.

Let's celebrate the versatility and health benefits of dates in our diet. I remember dates at Christmas at my nana's house I 'hated' them - It's funny how our tastebuds can change 🤔
If you want to join me to learn more I'm running a FREE 3 Day Wellness Challenge here's the link 👇


Are You On TikTok?
Pop over and give me a follow and find out how I felt this morning before my ice bath.
I think the 'This Is S*****' 💩 is a bit of a clue 😂 😜


Transform Teen Routines
"Transform nagging into nurturing with My Wellness Journal! 📚

One parent shared, 'I was sick of nagging my teenager daily... The journal has been great because not only can she record it with a sense of satisfaction, but she can also show me, so I stop nagging!' ❤️

Give your teen the tools to manage their health and wellness independently.

On sale for a limited time!


Organize Your Health, Transform Your Life
I've just noticed A-mazon is doing a sale on my 'Daily Wellness Journal'

📆🌟 Keep track of every important health appointment, from doctor visits to therapy sessions, with My Daily Wellness Journal.

It's your comprehensive companion in managing every aspect of your wellness journey.

With dedicated spaces for medication, supplements, and important dates, it's everything you need to stay on top of your health.

And for a limited time, (I have no idea how long for a-mazon has put it on sale) it's on sale!
Don't miss the chance to bring organisation and peace of mind into your life. 📚👩‍⚕️

3 Day Wellness Challenge 09/02/2024

🌱 Ready for a Healthier You but Unsure Where to Start? 🌱
The 3 Day Wellness Challenge is back!
Starting on Monday 26th February at 8pm.

Start your transformative journey with me! Join the 3 Day Wellness Challenge starting Monday, 26th February at 8pm.

It's your chance to discover your path to wellness in an engaging and supportive environment.

🔍 Day 1: Monday, 26th Feb - Explore the profound Mind-Body Connection. We'll dive deep into how your mental and physical health are intertwined, opening your eyes to your wellness.

🌟 Day 2: Tuesday, 27th Feb - Unveil 5 transformative tips for your daily routine. Learn what to embrace and what to let go of for a healthier lifestyle. These aren't just tips; they're life-changers!

📢 Day 3: Wednesday, 28th Feb - Join us for a revealing Q&A session to address your queries and curiosities. Plus, get a sneak peek into what lies ahead in our wellness journey.

This challenge is perfect for anyone looking to make a positive change but feeling unsure where to begin. Whether you're new to wellness or looking to enhance your journey, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

✨ Sign up now! Embrace the change and be part of a community committed to wellness. ✨

3 Day Wellness Challenge


How to Chuck out the Old and Smarten Up in 5 Snappy Steps with Our Wellness Membership

Step 1: Give Your Bad Habits the Old Heave-Ho!
At the stroke of midnight, it's time to tell your dodgy habits they're sacked! Wave them goodbye and stride confidently into our community where the only thing heavy is the kettle (and that's just for tea).

Step 2: Sign Up! It's Easy
Forget those gym memberships that gather more dust than your attic. Joining our community is easy peasy. You don't even have to leave your settee.

Step 3: Get Stuck into Weekly Themes
Each week in our membership is like a new episode of your favourite series – exciting, a bit unpredictable, and always entertaining.

Step 4: Welcome in the new you!
Before you know it, you'll be oozing wellness and relaxation. Imagine just being able to share all your worries in a supportive community of like minded people.

Step 5: Bag Yourself a Bargain with Our Founder Rate
Who doesn't love a bit of a deal? Lock in our founder's rate faster than you can say "Bob's your uncle and fanny's your aunt!" It's a proper steal. You'll be investing in your wellbeing with the smug satisfaction of snagging the best deal.

And There You Have It!
Ready to kick off 2024? Join us and transform yourself your future self will be over the moon you did!


Tomorrow We Start Our Journey Together - Are You With Us?

The doors to our wellness community open tomorrow. This is your opportunity to join a group of individuals dedicated to personal and collective well-being. It's more than a membership; it's about real change and support.

As a Member, You'll Gain:
Community Connections: Discuss, share, and learn with people committed to improving their health and well-being, just like you.
Supportive Resources: Enjoy access to practical content, live Zoom sessions, and more, all aimed at enhancing your lifestyle and well-being.
Exclusive Rate: Secure your spot at a special founder member rate of £19.99/month and help shape a community that's all about making realistic, positive changes.
Our community is focused on providing real, tangible support. Whether you're looking to overhaul your lifestyle or simply incorporate healthier habits into your busy schedule, we're here to offer the resources and support you need.

Ready to Make a Practical Change?
If you're seeking a supportive environment to start making positive changes, this is it.
Join us and see what practical, everyday well-being looks like.

Click below to find out more and join our community.


🎊 Get Ready to Welcome 2024! 🎊

Tonight's the night!
As we countdown to a New Year 🎆, prepare to launch into a healthier, happier you with our Wellness Membership - starting tomorrow!

Step 1: Say Goodbye to Old Habits 🎉
Midnight marks the end of old vices. Give a final wave 👋 to those bad habits as you join a community where positivity is our favourite vibe! 😀

Step 2: Easy Peasy Sign-Up! 🌟
Don't wait for the New Year's bell to join! Click here and glide into our supportive circle from the comfort of your own safe space.

Step 3: Weekly Wonders Await! 📅
Get ready for weekly themes that add spice and everything nice to your routine. Each week is a new adventure with us! 🚀

Step 4: New Year, New You! 🌈
Imagine a year where wellness, self care and joy are your best friends. That's what awaits! Share, grow, and thrive in a community that roots for you. 💪

Step 5: Exclusive New Year Offer! 🎁
Snag our founder rate it's an offer too good to miss, making your journey to wellness as rewarding as it is enriching. 💸

The Countdown Begins! ⏰
As you revel in the New Year's Eve excitement, know that a transformational journey awaits you. Join us as we step into 2024 with health, happiness, and a whole lot of community spirit. Your future self is already cheering and thanking YOU! 🙌

Ready, Set, Thrive! See you on the other side! 🚀🥂


😀 New Year, New You

As the calendar turns, so does the opportunity for change.
My new wellness community opens its doors on January 1st, offering you the chance to be part of a fresh start all this for just £5 a week 😱
This isn't about grand resolutions; it's about realistic, sustainable changes for a healthier, happier you.

😊 What You'll Get as a Member:
Private Facebook Community: Join others who are serious about improving their well-being. Share experiences, tips, and support in a down-to-earth community.
Practical Resources: Access a variety of content, live interactive Zoom sessions, and more—all aimed at providing you with the tools you need for your wellness.
Special Founding Rate: Be one of the first to join and help shape the community going forward. As a thank you, you will get a special founding member rate of £19.99/month that will never increase for the time you remain.

🙂Here’s what you can look forward to:
Expert Guidance: Over time there will be access to professionals like myself, trained in psychotherapy and life coaching, you'll receive advice and support tailored to your unique experiences and challenges.
Health and Wellbeing Focus: A holistic approach to health and wellbeing. The membership includes sessions on the mind-body connection, mental health, and exploring alternative healing methods and so much more.
Personal Growth: Beyond managing the physical aspects of your wellness journey, we will explore personal development, focusing on the power of positive thinking and self-compassion.

😍 Month 1 Is all about Understanding Your Current Self
Week 1 - Self Reflection and Self Assessment
Week 2 - Emotional Intelligence And Awareness
Week 3 - Mindfulness and Being In the Present
Week 4 - Personal Growth And Continuous Learning
Whether your goal is to manage stress better, improve your health, or just find more daily joy and accountability, our community is geared towards tangible results and real accountability.
Take the Step Towards a Better You

Ready for a change that lasts beyond January? Click below to learn more and step into a New Year with a commitment to your ongoing growth and well-being.
Jacci X

Videos (show all)

Soet Your Shizzle Out Live
Sort Your Shizzle Out Show
Sort Your Shizzle Out Show
The Sort Your Shizzle Out Show
Sort Your Shizzle Out Show
Sort Your Shizzle Out Show
I wanted to talk to you about something that's been on my mind lately... the fact that looks can be deceiving and mental...
The Living Life Being Human Show LIVE Should we listen to our brain
The Living Life Being Human Show LIVE Should we listen to our brain
The Living Life Being Human Show LIVE -What we can do when things don't go according to plan - Just go with the flow
The Living Life Being Human Show LIVE -Just Be You!
