Pulsing Training

Pulsing Training

Training in Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork, one of the very best forms of transformational bodywork.

Pulsing is a transformative Reichian bodywork massage that helps you connect to your embodied self, release physical tension and emotional stress, let go of old patterns and discover your authentic self. Pulsing uses a continuous rocking of the whole body to encourage the receiver to release both the superficial holding of everyday muscular tension and the chronic holding of body armour. The wave-


Great news about the upcoming workshop on the side-lying form of Pulsing. Jenny Firkins has offered to come out of retirement and join us for most of the day to share her skills and experience of this delightful approach.

I've been working with Jenny to revise the form and make it even more fluid and rhythmic, so there are noticeable changes since the last time I ran this workshop some years ago.

This is open to anyone who has completed the basic Pulsing training.

*Only one place remaining*

Email or ring me if interested.

Mob. 07502 136692
Email [email protected]

EDIT: This is now fully booked. Drop me a line if you want to be on the wait list in case anyone has to cancel.


It seems that emails to me have not been delivered for some time (possibly since I changed Web hosts last month, or maybe for some other reason). So if you've emailed me and I haven't replied it's not because I'm being slow or rude.

The tech guys have said that the problem is now fixed. However, the undelivered emails have disappeared into a black hole, and the backlog will not magically appear in my inbox.

If you've emailed me and not received a reply, please re-send.


EDIT: Fixed now!

It seems that emails to me have not been delivered for some time (possibly since I changed Web hosts last month, or maybe for some other reason). So if you've emailed me and I haven't replied it's not because I'm being slow or rude. The tech guys are trying to sort it out now. I suspect that the emails have disappeared into a black hole, and the backlog will not magically appear in my inbox when the problem is resolved.

Meanwhile, send me a text in Messenger or WhatsApp instead.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Bodylistening | Body Psychotherapy Training | Brighton 17/07/2024

If you're interested in developing an understanding of body psychotherapy, you might look at Tim Brown's Bodylistening course later this year. Tim's a really lovely guy and has years of experience in the field. He's being assisted by Lindi Dick, who is occasionally an assistant on my Pulsing training.

Bodylistening | Body Psychotherapy Training | Brighton Bodylistening is a training course introducing body psychotherapy and Reichian bodywork. It's for therapists and bodyworkers who want to develop a balanced approach to working with body, mind and spirit.

Photos from Pulsing Training's post 17/06/2024

This past weekend was the second module of the 2024 Pulsing training. I loved seeing how everyone is developing their skills in touch and connection; there was some beautiful work being done and I could see how some deep emotional changes were happening for many.

A big thanks to Janice Schembri for assisting me and bringing so much to the weekend. Her demo on breathwork in Pulsing was awesome. When I mentioned that I admired her posture and movement at the table, she told me she had learned so much in her first two training modules from Jenny Firkins, who used to be my regular assistant (and is now, sadly, retired from her bodywork career).

That is a great example of how we can all learn from each other. I love the mix of people on the trainings, and truly appreciate that everybody has something to offer. Different skills, characters, temperaments, attitudes, interests... they all make a wonderfully rich learning environment.



Applications are now open for the 2025 Pulsing training. This transformational bodywork (based on Bioenergetics and Reichian therapy) helps you connect to your embodied self, release physical tension and emotional stress, let go of old patterns and discover a more authentic way of being. It is perhaps unique in the field of somatics in being touch-based, movement-based and emotion-focussed.

This is likely to be the last foundation training I shall run. To the best of my knowledge I am the last person in the world teaching Pulsing in its original form, so if you want to discover this amazing bodywork you need to seize this opportunity.

In 2026 (and perhaps 2027) I shall be offering a Master training to those who have completed the foundation in the hope that a new generation will take the work forward.

This video gives a little taste of Pulsing (from the 2023 training). It doesn't do it justice - but I hope it piques your curiosity.

For more information visit https://www.bodymind-integration.co.uk/pulsing-training


As relational beings, much of our pain comes from others. Equally, much of our healing does too.


The 2024 Pulsing training got off to a fantastic start this weekend. It proved to be a lovely group of participants who were all keen to engage in the work and also willing to open up emotionally and be truly present. Here we can bring our skills, our knowledge, our curiosity and our willingness to explore - and our pain, our fears and our frailities. When all these come together, that's when the magic happens. Well done, everybody! I know I am really looking forward to the next module in June.

And a big thank-you to Lindi Dick for assisting me in the facilitation - I know everyone appreciated her presence and her contributions.


Here's a rare opportunity to learn the side-lying technique of Pulsing. I'm running a one-day workshop for qualified Pulsing practitioners wishing to learn this advanced skill. Side-lying is excellent where lying flat is physically problematic (due to pregnancy or obesity, for example). The very nurturing and protected position also makes it ideal for those carrying a high level of fear or anxiety.

Saturday 19 October 2024, 10am-6pm. Southwest London location. Cost £100. Places are limited.

For further details email me at [email protected] or WhatsApp me on 07502 136692

Holistic Alternative to Psychotherapy & Counselling: Reichian therapy 05/04/2024

I've just migrated my website to a new hosting service. Everything seems fine, but do let me know if you have nay problems accessing the website or sending me emails.

Holistic Alternative to Psychotherapy & Counselling: Reichian therapy Humanistic therapist in Southwest London offers body-centred therapies: the holistic and whole-person alternative to counselling and psychotherapy.


I've received a lot of interest in a workshop on the side-lying form of Pulsing. I have a provisional booked a space for a one-day training:

Saturday 19 October, 10am-6pm, SW London. One day only. Cost £100.

I hope you'll understand that I'm not wanting to commit to the room booking and then have to chase around to fill the spaces. So I will only confirm the date with the Centre if people are willing to make a serious commitment now to the workshop.

If I have at least 6 paid-for bookings within the next month or so, all's good. Otherwise, it won't happen.

Side-lying is excellent for anyone who finds it uncomfortable for any reason to lie flat. That might be pregnant women (but I suggest you be qualified in pregnancy massage) or obese people. It uses a very nurturing and protected position, so is also ideal for those carrying a high level of fear or anxiety.

Let me know if you're interested!

Please note that this workshop is only open to those who have aready completed the basic Pulsing training.


Wishing everyone the very best for 2024.


"Pulsing explores that curious terrain between the voluntary and involuntary, between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. Whereas voluntary movement and involuntary movement governed by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system tend to be wakeful, focused and time-bound, the physiological effects of movement applied to the body during parasympathetic predominance are dream-like, diffused, spacey, tending towards trance states." (From "Pulsing - touch with rhythmic movement" by Guy Gladstone)

Guy Gladstone first trained me in Pulsing a long time ago, and I was his assistant on his Pulsing trainings for many years. He passed the traning program over to me when he retired.

The full text of his article can be found on the Pulsing Association website: https://www.pulsing.org.uk/pulsing-touch-with-rhythmic-movement


"When I first saw a demonstration of Pulsing, with Curtis Turchin back in 1978 at The Open Centre, I cried. Watching that massage, I was so caught up in the rhythms and movements, the contact of that very early, nonverbal space near the womb, that I joined in, ebbed and flowed with the movement in front of me and, deeply touched, allowed my tears to flow." (From "Pulsing with Life" by Silke Ziehl)

I did my Master training in Pulsing with Silke - a wonderfully intuitive bodyworker. You can read the rest of her article at the Pulsing Association website here: https://www.pulsing.org.uk/pulsing-with-life

Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork workshops and training 16/11/2023

Movement can have a deep impact upon us. We naturally rock babies to sleep. Children and adults alike will often rock themselves when feeling distressed. Rocking can occur as part of spiritual practice, during meditation or prayer. Gentle movement is physically relaxing and emotionally soothing, and tends to promote an altered state.

Pulsing is a transformational bodywork that uses gentle rocking as the foundation for a deep journey into the bodymind. Within a rhythmic matrix, the practitioner uses soft-tissue work, skeletal manipulation, breathwork and verbal interventions to connect the receiver to possibilities beyond their habitual ways of being. Sessions can be playful, meditative, dynamic or explicitly psychotherapeutic – and may often flow between all these dimensions. People become deeply relaxed yet energised, often experience emotional release and feel more connected to themselves and to the natural flow of their energy and power.
With its roots in Bioenergetics and Reichian therapy, Pulsing is perhaps unique amongst somatic approaches in covering the whole triad: movement, touch and emotions.

Each year I run a training in this delightful modality. It is open to all: individuals on a journey of self-discovery & change; people wanting to explore embodiment; therapists & counsellors interested in the therapeutic use of touch; and bodyworkers & healers wanting to add a new modality to their skillset.

The course consists of 8 days (2 long weekends, plus one weekend). The group is kept small and intimate to encourage trust and openness between participants. There are currently only 3 places left on the 2024 course.

For further details see: https://www.bodymind-integration.co.uk/pulsing-training

Or email me at: [email protected]

Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork workshops and training Weekend workshops in Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork for personal development and professional training

Pulsing Training 2024 22/09/2023


Pulsing Training 2024 Pulsing is a transformational bodywork, a rhythmic body therapy that is possibly one of the very best forms of bodywork, and certainly one of the most enjoyable. This Reichian bioenergetic bodywork helps you connect to your embodied self, release physical tension and emotional stress, let go of old....

Photos from Pulsing Training's post 20/09/2023

Last weekend was the final module of the 2023 Pulsing training. I truly appreciated everyone's courage in opening up, which made the group gel together and brought such a richness to the work.

Congratulations (and my thanks) to the newly qualified participants: Betty Mezzarano, Heidi Sanders, Isaac Aguaristi, Kathy Miller, Lucy Ellis, Reuben Miller and Tae Catford. I really hope you all take this forward as practitioners.

Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork workshops and training 27/07/2023

The Pulsing training for 2024 is now open to applications. I have given priority to those who applied but missed out last year, so places are very limited.

Pulsing is perhaps unique in the field of somatics by being touch-based, movement-based and emotion-focussed. Many other modalities tick two of those three boxes, but I don't know of any that explicitly work with all three.

If you're interested in exploring this fabulous mode of working, then follow the link below for more details.

Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork workshops and training Weekend workshops in Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork for personal development and professional training

How Your Body Posture Communicates Feelings to Others 28/04/2023

For those interested in the science behind Pulsing and other body-centred modalities, here's a report on an interesting little study on posture and emotions. It's quite brief and very readable.

How Your Body Posture Communicates Feelings to Others New research suggests that body postures can reveal our emotions to other people—and maybe even change how we feel inside.


The 2023 Pulsing training got off to a great start last Friday. This year's intake proved to be a lovely group of people keen to engage, and by the end of the weekend there was some delightful work being done. Well done to you all! For myself, it was great to resume teaching after a long COVID-enforced break. I'm really looking forward to the next module in June.

Photos from Pulsing Training's post 20/10/2022

Here are some photos from the last Pulsing training. I'm really looking forward to resuming in 2023.

Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork workshops and training 11/10/2022

Pulsing is back!

As you will be aware I had to suspend the Pulsing training during the pandemic, but at last it's coming back. I have changed from a rolling programme of workshops to a structured training that will allow participants to qualify in 6 months. I believe the course offers exceptional value for money for those interested in exploring embodiment and for professionals looking to add a new modality to their offering.

Full details can be found here: https://www.bodymind-integration.co.uk/pulsing-Pulsing Training

Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork workshops and training Weekend workshops in Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork for personal development and professional training


Pulsing is my favourite bodywork modality - it's a pleasure to give and a joy to receive. I have really missed running the Pulsing trainings during the pandemic. I love teaching, and also have a passion for making this modern Reichian approach to healing and transformation more widely known.

This enforced shutdown over the past 15 months has given me plenty of time to reflect on how to improve the trainings. The weekends are quite intense, and I have long thought that 3 days rather than 2 would be better, allowing a change in pace to permit more embodied learning.

I am considering making changes to the structure of the training schedule. Currently there are 3 weekends per year, and to gain the professional qualification you have to do any 4 weekends within a 2-year timespan (8 days in total). My plan would be to allow the qualification to be completed in a single calendar year using this format:

Workshop 1: Front sequence (3 days, Friday-Sunday)
Workshop 2: Back sequence (3 days, Friday to Sunday)
Workshop 3: Putting it together (2 days, Saturday-Sunday)

I am aware that some people may find it difficult to take time off from work on a Friday, but it's only 2 days within a single year. I would hope that this is manageable for most. I think the benefits of the new format outweigh the inconvenience it may cause to a few.

I welcome feedback from everyone on this proposal.


I hope everyone is doing well. It's been a great challenge for many to navigate their way through the 14 months of COVID - but hopefully the worst is behind us and we can look forward to a gradual opening up.

My recommendations on Pulsing remain unchanged. Pulsing involves close contact, breathwork and vocal expression - and cannot realistically be done effectively with either client or practitioner wearing PPE. So it is a very high transmission risk for COVID.

I am not offering individual sessions at present, nor is there any certainty about resuming the trainings. My thinking is to see where we are at the end of the summer: the vaccination rate here and around Europe and worldwide; the presence of mutations and any worrying trends arising from people travelling on holiday. But right now I feel there is too much uncertainty to make definite plans.

Stay safe - and be well.

Our Story

Pulsing is a transformative Reichian bodywork massage that helps you connect to your embodied self, release physical tension and emotional stress, let go of old patterns and discover your authentic self.

Pulsing uses a continuous rocking of the whole body to encourage the receiver to release both the superficial holding of everyday muscular tension and the chronic holding of body armour. The wave-like rhythm brings a sense of ease and flow, and coaxes the receiver to accept support and nurturing, to surrender to the motion and release their habitual control of the body's natural impulses.

Within this matrix of continuous rocking, the limbs are stretched, lifted, shaken, rotated and swung to encourage the whole body to open up. Different rhythms may be explored, from the slow and meditative to the dynamic and exciting. This allows you in your body to experience unfamiliar states or engage with ones you habitually block while being safely held. It grants you permission to connect with feelings and sensations, to release physical tension and emotional stress and attune to your natural energy and power.

These weekend workshops are for anyone who wishes to experience this delightful bodywork. Weekends can be attended simply as personal development or as a professional training.

Videos (show all)

PULSING 2025Applications are now open for the 2025 Pulsing training. This transformational bodywork (based on Bioenerget...
