Wakefield Morris Dancers, Wakefield Videos

Videos by Wakefield Morris Dancers in Wakefield. Official page for Wakefield Morris Dancers

Boom boom bang bang

Other Wakefield Morris Dancers videos

Boom boom bang bang

Morris practice

So we did it again! Learn Celebration yourself using John Earnshaws fantastic instructional video on YouTube, just use this link- https://youtu.be/bHgqQHJIZTE #StGeorgesLMF #lonemorrisfestival #notalone #covid-19 #WakefieldMorrisDancers

Wakefield play with fire ....again!
Wakefield Morris playing with fire....again

We are dancing in York today for our Pre Christmas Tour. We will be joined by the lovely Ebor Morris Men. Come say "Hello". 11.00 St Helen's Square 11.45 Army Museum 12.30 Brewyork 2.30 Minster 3.15 St William's College 4.00 Minster

More from our dance out in York.

Breaking new ground again! We are dancing at Ossett Brewery social

🔥 So, tonight was practice night. It was also Bonfire Night 🔥

Good session at The Polka Hop

Dancing in the fountain ⛲

Saying goodbye to Wakefield Beer Exchange 😢

Horbury Polka at Horbury Street fair.

We are at Horbury Street fair... Now! Come join us