Videos by FitbyAdina in Watford. Buna, Eu sunt Adina si lucrez in domeniul fitnessului de opt ani. De-a lungul anilor am cochetat cu diferite ramuri din sport si am urmat cursuri acreditate specializandu-ma in: indoor cycling, zumba, strong nation, step, aerobic si personal training.
Are you unsure how to start or frustrated not getting results? I can help! #personaltrainer #personaltraining #femalecoach #watford #watfordmums
Program de antrenamente la sala/acasa/aer liber🏋🏻 dieta personalizata in functie de nevoile tale si de obiectiv🥙🥗 te pot ajuta indiferent de obiectiv 🙏 #fitness #personaltrainer #personaltraining #antrenorpersonal #antrenoronline #FatLoss #weightloss #bodytransformation #watford #watfordmums
Same weight‼️‼️ I hear often in my consultations “ I want to loose weight” While the scale can tell you how much you weight, sometimes body composition is more important than the scale! A lower number on it ,is not always a good thing, if you loose muscle with fat! This is also 8 months not 8 weeks! Don’t know how to get this process done? Get in touch and I can guide you!😊 #personaltrainer #personaltraining #fatloss #fatlossjourney #femalecoach #watford #fitnessjourney #fitnesslifestyle #fitnessgoals #fitnessbody