Energy for Health ltd

Energy for Health ltd

Founded in 2002, offering innovative and inexpensive tools for maintaining good health in the home

Intermediate Level Training Video 25/04/2024

What’s the connection between Russian astronauts and these 3 fortunate individuals in England?

It is all included in the article below! First published by PositiveHealthOnline


Intermediate Level Training Video More advanced training to help you get more out of your Flexxicore Challenger

Vibration Plates and Exercise Machines for All Ages 28/03/2024

Trial Results at the London Back Pain Show reinforce the benefits of FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser - First published in Positive Health magazine, issue 217 - October 2014

“Continuous Passive Motion” [CPM] equipment is used clinically to prevent joint stiffness¹ and provide stimulus to joint regeneration processes². CPM has been used to treat low back pain with clinically significant results³. By creating a sideways oscillating motion through the spine, the flow of synovial fluid between the discs can be encouraged, helping to reduce inflammation and ease pain, as well as improving range of motion.

The FlexxiCore® Passive Exerciser combines the therapeutic back care benefits of CPM with the energizing and calming effects of a simple exercise machine popularised by the Japanese. The user simply lies down, puts their feet up on a cushioned cradle, and lets the FlexxiCore’s robust motor do the work. The body’s natural response to the swinging of the feet is a pleasant goldfish-like motion from the hips up, releasing tension in back, neck and shoulders, deepening respiration, and boosting circulation.

Research has shown that back pain can often be attributed to an inability to relax, physically and/or mentally⁴. A regular rocking motion is also known to help synchronize brain waves and calm the nervous system⁵. Another area of research has shown how cartilage production in degenerative joints can be stimulated by relatively small degrees of motion, thus allowing for better gliding of the joint surfaces without pain or restriction⁶.

At a recent Back Pain Show at Olympia, London, 50 visitors were offered a 5-minute session on the FlexxiCore, with 84% reporting having experienced stiffness or pain in their Back / Neck / Shoulders (“BNS”) recently. Each reported on what they noticed during and after a 5-minute session: 72% reported feeling more relaxed / calmer; 54% noticed a reduction in tension; 40% said it had immediately helped BNS problems; 32% reported feeling more energetic; and 85% felt the session was of benefit for their condition, including 35 of the 42 (83.3%) who had recent BNS stiffness or pain.

Case studies from Practitioner Trials with over 200 healthcare professionals have previously confirmed the FlexxiCore’s benefits with a broad range of health conditions⁷. One practitioner’s client had back problems following removal of a benign tumour. After just 11 sessions she reported relief of tension in the back, increased mobility, better posture, and improved feelings of hope and courage for the future⁸.

1. O'Driscoll, SA, Nicholas J. Giori, NJ. Continuous passive motion (CPM): Theory and principles of clinical application. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development. 37 (2): 179-88. Mar-Apr 2000.
2. Salter R. The biologic concept of continuous passive motion of synovial joints. The first 18 years of basic research and its clinical application. Clin Orthop Relat Res,;(242):12-25. May 1989.
3. Acosta-Rua AJ, Scuderi GJ, Levine SM, et al. Treatment of subacute low back pain with a novel device for continuous passive motion of the spine. Am J Ther 15(2):176-9. Mar-Apr 2008.
4. Lundberg U. Stress responses in low-status jobs and their relationship to health risks: musculoskeletal disorders. Ann N Y Acad Sci 896:162-72.; also Lundberg U. 1999. Psychological stress and musculoskeletal disorders: psychobiological mechanisms. Lack of rest and recovery greater problem than workload. Lakartidningen 100(21):1892-5. 297. 2003..
5. Bayer L., Constantinescu I., Perrig S., Vienne J., Vidal P.P., Mühlethaler M., Schwartz S. Rocking synchronizes brain waves during a short nap. Curr Biol. Jun 21;21(12):R461-2. 2011.
6. Viidik, A. Functional properties of collagenous tissue. Review of Connective Tissue Research 6:144–149 1970.
7. McDonald, H. Clinical Relief with Use of FlexxiCore Exerciser. Positive Health. Issue 141 November 2007.
8. Tisserand, M. Supervised Use of the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser in a Clinic Context. Positive Health. Issue 177. December 2010.

Further Information:
To find out more Tel: 01934 257066 / 08456 120129; [email protected]; for more background and to watch introductory and training videos visit

Vibration Plates and Exercise Machines for All Ages Stress free exercise equipment for use by fitness enthusiasts and amateurs alike


Our FlexxiCore Challenger Trial Announcement is better viewed by clicking here:

This article in TalkBack, the magazine of the UK's National Back Care charity, summarises the benefits of Continuous Passive Motion 09/08/2023

This article in TalkBack, the magazine of the UK’s National Back Care charity, summarises the benefits of Continuous Passive Motion.

This article in TalkBack, the magazine of the UK's National Back Care charity, summarises the benefits of Continuous Passive Motion Give your back a treat with “Goldfish Exercise”

Intermediate Level Training Video 01/08/2023

A revolutionary approach to staying toned, fit and flexible without breaking sweat!

Intermediate Level Training Video More advanced training to help you get more out of your Flexxicore Challenger

Research shows that Regular Exercise Slows Down Ageing 25/07/2023

🚀 Research shows that Regular Exercise Slows Down Ageing! 🏋️‍♂️🌱 Stay young and vibrant with a consistent fitness routine. 🌟

🔬 Discover the science-backed benefits of exercise for a youthful glow:

Embrace the fountain of youth with regular exercise! 🌄🏃‍♀️ Stay motivated and slow down the aging process. 💪 Share this exciting discovery with your friends and join the movement! 🌟

Research shows that Regular Exercise Slows Down Ageing Exercise is man's best medicine, but his message has been lost over time and we are an increasingly sedentary society.

Where did the Chi Machine concept originate? 18/07/2023

Curious about where did the Chi Machine concept originate? Check out the article below!

Where did the Chi Machine concept originate? Katsuzo Nishi was a Japanese Engineer who was responsible for building the Tokyo subway system back in the 1920’s.


Positive Health Online Magazine article: No Time or ‘Surplus Energy’ For Exercise?
The Irony Of Our Instinct To Conserve Energy


Does exercise really keep you young? Amazing New Research Results!

Amazing relief from my back problems with the FlexxiCore Passive Exerc | Energy for Health 11/04/2023

Amazing relief from my back problems with the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser.
Louise Clarkson has been using her FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser for almost 2 years. She kindly sent us this account of her story.

Amazing relief from my back problems with the FlexxiCore Passive Exerc | Energy for Health Louise Clarkson has been using her FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser for almost 2 years. She kindly sent us this account of her story - which has been published in TalkBack - the magazine of the UK BackCare charity - see page 6: "My last slipped disc was over 10 years ago. This was because of my desk bou...


Does exercise really keep you young? Amazing New Research Results

The fact that exercise is good for your health is generally recognised. Most of us know in the back of our mind that the couch potato lifestyle is not very healthy. But recent research has shown the remarkable difference this makes to the heart and muscular health of 75-year olds who have been exercising regularly.

The lead researcher in this study, Scott Trappe, who is an exercise physiologist, explained how surprised they were by the results: “We saw that people who exercise regularly year after year have better overall health than their sedentary counterparts. These 75-year-olds — men and women — have similar cardiovascular health to a 40- to 45-year-old.”

They decided that the marked improvements observed were probably due to the body’s ability to process oxygen more efficiently when stimulated by regular exercise. Generally this capacity to utilize oxygen begins to decline by nearly one percent each year after the age of 30. This tendency becomes more noticeable as people approach their 50s, and this is often accompanied by shortness of breath and increased difficulty in performing any type of exercise.

The study also found that people in their 70s who had been exercising regularly during their adult life had muscle health that was virtually at the same level as the muscles of people in their 20s: “50+ years of aerobic exercise fully preserved capillarization and aerobic enzymes, regardless of intensity. These data suggest that skeletal muscle metabolic fitness may be easier to maintain with lifelong aerobic exercise than more central aspects of the cardiovascular system,” the researchers said.

You can read the full study here:


Effects of whole body vibration (WBV) on the skeleton and other organ systems.

What we know and what we need to know:

This review of studies on the health and fitness benefits of WBV is published by the National Library of Medicine (USA). To read the full article click here. We have pasted the abstract of the article below:

Previous investigations reported enhanced osseous parameters subsequent to administration of whole body vibration (WBV). While the efficacy of WBV continues to be explored, scientific inquiries should consider several key factors. Bone remodelling patterns differ according to age and hormonal status. Therefore, WBV protocols should be designed specifically for the subject population investigated. Further, administration of WBV to individuals at greatest risk for osteoporosis may elicit secondary physiological benefits (e.g., improved balance and mobility). Secondly, there is a paucity of data in the literature regarding the physiological modulation of WBV on other organ systems and tissues. Vibration-induced modulation of systemic hormones may provide a mechanism by which skeletal tissue is enhanced. Lastly, the most appropriate frequencies, durations, and amplitudes of vibration necessary for a beneficial response are unknown, and the type of vibratory signal (e.g., sinusoidal) is often not reported.

This review summarizes the physiological responses of several organ systems in an attempt to link the global influence of WBV. Further, we report findings focused on subject populations that may benefit most from such a therapy (i.e., the elderly, postmenopausal women, etc.) in hopes of eliciting multidisciplinary scientific inquiries into this potentially therapeutic aid which presumably has global ramifications.



Slowing down and taking things easier as we get older could be a big mistake. Instead, we should stay active for as long as we can.

New research suggests that inactivity, especially during retirement, could be one of the main causes of the epidemic of chronic diseases.

Staying active as we get older directs processes in the body that help support ageing, such as the release of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, and improves blood flow, say researchers from Harvard University. As a result, we reduce our risk of chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers. It doesn’t only make good sense—it could be in our evolutionary make-up. The scientists discovered from 40,000-year-old fossils that hunter-gatherers were active for around 135 minutes every day—roughly six to 10 times more active than the average American today—and lived to around the age of 70.Although we evolved to be physically active throughout our lives, the amount of exercise we need to do isn’t daunting. Even moderate activity for up to 20 minutes a day lowers our risk of chronic disease and an early death.
(Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021; 118: e2107621118)


Ever wondered where did the Chi Machine concept originate? Find out below!


Comparison between the Surge of Chi Exerciser and the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser.

Could Whole Body Vibration be the best way to exercise over 50? - Fighting Fifty 09/03/2023

Tracey McAlpine, editor of Fighting Fifty - the online blog which advises on ways to age positively and live life after 50 to the full - recently tested the FlexxiCore Challenger.

Could Whole Body Vibration be the best way to exercise over 50? - Fighting Fifty Exercise is something we know to be good for us, but we aren’t getting enough. According to the British Heart Foundation, more than 20 million people in Britain are physically inactive. And in fact, women are more likely to be inactive than men – 11.8 million women compared with 8.3 million men.

Top 10 Anticancer Benefits of Exercise - What Doctors Don't Tell You 07/03/2023

Regular exercise has numerous benefits for overall health and well-being, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer. In fact, exercise has been shown to have a significant impact on preventing and treating various types of cancer. Here is an interesting article on the top 10 anticancer benefits of exercise

Top 10 Anticancer Benefits of Exercise - What Doctors Don't Tell You Whether you have cancer or not, you may find your motivation to exercise is lacking. Dr Connealy gives you 10 reasons your body needs you to get moving

Intermediate Level Training Video 02/03/2023

FlexxiCore Challenger – Practitioner Trials – Summary Report

Intermediate Level Training Video More advanced training to help you get more out of your Flexxicore Challenger


Curious about which machine best fits your needs? Check out our Surge of Chi Exerciser model range below!


An overview of the Flexxicore Passive Exerciser.


An introuduction to the Flexxicore Challenger.


An introduction to the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser.

No pain, no gain? Science debunks yet another exercise myth 19/01/2023

An interesting article on "You don’t have to feel the burn to see improvements to your health and well-being"

No pain, no gain? Science debunks yet another exercise myth While culture promotes the exercise myth of "no pain, no gain," research shows that moderate exercise improves habit formation and frequency.


Here is a short video showcasing and explaining everything you need to know about the Surge of Chi.

Intermediate Level Training Video 15/12/2022

There are many ways to use the FlexxiCore Challenger - no matter what your fitness level, age or objectives. Here's a selection for you!

Intermediate Level Training Video More advanced training to help you get more out of your Flexxicore Challenger


Here's another reason to make sure you're using your FlexxiCore Challenger regularly -

The research report ends with this:

Dr. Gepner adds: "Our results indicate that unlike fat-burning exercise, which is relatively moderate, it is a high-intensity aerobic activity that helps in cancer prevention. If the optimal intensity range for burning fat is 65-70% of the maximum pulse rate, sugar burning requires 80-85% - even if only for brief intervals. For example: a one-minute sprint followed by walking, then another sprint. In the past, such intervals were mostly typical of athletes' training regimens, but today we also see them in other exercise routines, such as heart and lung rehabilitation. Our results suggest that healthy individuals should also include high-intensity components in their fitness programs. We believe that future studies will enable personalized medicine for preventing specific cancers, with physicians reviewing family histories to recommend the right kind of physical activity. It must be emphasized that physical exercise, with its unique metabolic and physiological effects, exhibits a higher level of cancer prevention than any medication or medical intervention to date."

And if you'd like to treat a family member, we have a special 30% OFF discount offer available during the holiday period. For more details send us a message here - [email protected]

Call for Dorgelesse to be freed 01/12/2022

5 years in prison for joining a peaceful protest -

Call for Dorgelesse to be freed Dorgelesse - a mother and hairdresser - attended her first ever protest in Cameroon after noticing that daily life was getting harder. She was arrested and sentenced to 5ys in prison. Call on the Cameroon government to immediately free her.

Awakening Dignity Appeal 28/11/2022

Awakening Dignity Appeal Please note: since you are in the testing mode, this Paypal button will direct you to Paypal testing site (Paypal Sandbox) to simulate the payment process. All information is fictitious in Paypal Sandbox and there will be no real transactions. For your convenience, you can use our pre-registered tes...

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Videos (show all)

An overview of the Flexxicore Passive Exerciser
Flexxicore Challenger
An introduction to the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser.#passiveexerciser #fitnessgoals #healthandwellness #healthylifestyle
Here is a short video showcasing and explaining everything you need to know about the Surge of Chi.#passiveexerciser #fi...




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