Becky Miller

Currently based in Cornwall 🌊 Offering yoga, sacred dance, sound healing and coaching 🧡

Photos from Becky Miller's post 17/06/2024

I am launching my new website today (link in bio) 🙌🙌 It feels like the perfect moment to launch it as I take this step in to a new chapter in Cornwall. New beginnings and new offerings 🌺 Come and take a peek at my new website. Once I am settled (which will be very soon) I will be adding more offerings, classes and workshops for you to enjoy ☺️


Post sea swim happiness 🧡🧡🧡🙌 I have been having a lot of coaching sessions recently. As part of the coaching diploma I am doing, we give and receive coaching sessions. I am absolutely loving it and one of the things that I have gained real clarity with recently for myself from being coached is how important a sense of belonging is for me, to be a part of a community, to have like minded souls around me and connect and create with each other. I’m In my 40’s now and I feel like I’m stepping into way more authenticity than I ever have before. I used to worry that I didn’t fit in, that I would be judged by others for the way I live my life, that I couldn’t really truly be me. So as much as that sense of belonging is something I crave, I won’t force it, I will find my tribe, new friends organically and I definitely feel a sense of giving less ***** as I get older and THAT feels super refreshing


In love with my new logo 🧡🧡 Launching my new website soon

Photos from Becky Miller's post 03/06/2024

Amazing weekend soaking up all the beautiful June sunshine , sea dipping , tree climbing and exploring 🧡🧡🧡 Such a beautiful time of the year to be in Cornwall. Still searching for our little landing place, but it feels like we are getting there and will soon be settled ☀️🌊🌳 I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. I don’t deal well with hectic and not knowing. Im a total free spirit at heart, BUT still need my space and time to feel that my feet are really on the ground. I’m vata dosha (air and space) which means I get unsettled and ungrounded very easily. What helps?? Having a routine, being in nature, belly breathing, swimming in the sea, carving out me time, walking, plenty of sleep and nourishing grounding food. Are you interested in Ayurveda and doshas?


I am currently amongst all the chaos that comes with moving countries, looking for a new place to live, a house and a school and starting a new diploma. So I thought that today I would post a little sunshine ☀️ to remind myself of the joy on the other side when we have finally settled and all the exciting new things ahead of us. That in between bit in life can be challenging, but knowing how to create a daily rhythm and routine definitely helps to stay grounded. Are you going through a time or change ? What helps you? This is a throwback to last summer in Lopud Croatia on our wedding day 🥰 thanks for the pic super photographer


You may have noticed the recent name changes on my social media accounts 👆👆 I decided it was time for a change, to create a new name, logo and website that reflects where I am in my life right now and what I’m offering 🧡 I decided to change my business name to my name; Becky Miller and didn’t want to restrict myself to any particular offering in my title as I love to offer many things and am continuing to learn and grow. My new website will be launching soon and I can’t wait to share it with you 🙌


We have arrived in the Uk and the sun is shining ☀️ It has been a busy time as I have started my professional coaching diploma and am teaching all my online 1:1 classes. But I am taking the time to ground, enjoy life and make plans for the future 🙌🧡 Looking forward to launching my new website and announcing new classes and workshops soon 🙌🙌🙌


It’s our last day in India 🇮🇳 and we are so ready for this next chapter in our lives ❤️🙌🙌🙌 Looking forward to everything that Cornwall has to offer and creating lots of wonderful memories 🧡 See you on the other side 🙏

Photos from Becky Miller's post 09/05/2024

Some lovely testimonials from some of my students ❤️❤️❤️


“The way we listen changes what people will say” I remember saying this on my sacred dance training in Sweden last year and it really stuck with me.

I feel passionate about holding space for others, about sharing tools for growth, confidence, joy and more and I am always seeking out new ways to learn more, to grow and strive for the balance in life 🙌

A lot has changed for me over the last few years and therefore a natural outcome as I change is that my path will also shift. This month I am embarking on a 9x month professional coaching diploma with and I am really excited and also READY for something new and to see where this will take me next.

I will keep you all updated on my journey and look forward to sharing some new tools and working with you on a 1:1 basis soon ❤️❤️🙌


Thanks for this beautiful testimonial ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰✨🙏 I love working with you too, beautiful soul 🙌


Last night I did a little mini sound healing session with my son. He thought it was funny, especially when I put the larger bowl on his belly and he could feel the vibrations all around his abdomen ✨✨After a few mins his whole body started to relax and for a while he went in to a very deep state of relaxation ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 It was so lovely to witness this experience and this may become a part of his future bedtime routines ❤️😴


Looking forward to diving in to this one soon. Has anyone else read this one?

Photos from Becky Miller's post 25/04/2024

I have spent the past week both giving and receiving daily sound healing sessions during my training course. Everyone’s experience will be different and as a facilitator of a few different healing modalities I believe that we are not here to “heal” the client, but hold the space for them to go through their own unique process whatever that may be.

I received daily sound sessions on a 1:1 basis and this was my experience;
1. felt my anxiety levels getting less each day
2.My breath was much softer and calmer
3. I felt a deep feeling of relaxation and peace
4. I felt very present and content
5. After a much longer session I felt some pressure in my forehead and a rush of emotions/tears coming to the surface. Afterwards I had a huge release of tears and really allowed myself to be vulnerable and let the tears flow.
6. Hours after the session I felt a lot of clarity and very clear minded with lots of ideas flowing.

What have you experienced during a sound healing session? ❤️

Looking forward to offering these 1:1 sessions in. Cornwall soon


Sound healing ❤️❤️❤️ I am half way through my sound healing training and it’s been a very relaxing few days so far. I absolutely love learning new things and adding to what I already offer. Over the years I have experienced many sound healing sessions both group and private and have always felt such a deep feeling of peace and calm afterwards. I am really looking forward to offering 1:1 sound healing sessions which can be a deeply relaxing and restorative experience and will also be using sound as a beautiful grounding tool throughout my yin, restorative yoga and dance sessions. So many possibilities.
Does this sound like something you would love to experience ? ❤️❤️❤️🙌🙌🙌


I am here for deep conversations, morning coffee, intuitive movement, change, learning and growing, solo dance parties in my lounge, rest, singing my heart out, Nidras, family, nature, sea swimming, intuitive eating, healing, early nights and bed time reading 📖 ❤️❤️❤️💃 😴

What are you here for in this moment in your life??


Feeling so much love and gratitude for these two and our time here which is almost coming to an end 🥲 India as always you have given us so much, but the most important thing is the time and space we have all had together and the opportunity to grow and heal. I am as always so open to change and what the future will bring ❤️❤️❤️🙏


After a little break my online monthly workshops are making a comeback ❤️❤️❤️🙌🙏🌙 Soulful Sundays, Rest and Renew, woman’s circle sharing, yin and acupressure, dance exploration…. What kind of workshop would you love? ❤️❤️❤️🙌🙌🙌☯️🩸💃 ⭕️


Brahmani Sacred dance workshop 💃 Wednesday 17th April 5:30pm-7:30pm 🙌🙌🙌

Brahmani Sacred Dance is medicine in motion. Sacred dance is taking movement one step further in to the stories our bodies hold often trapped in the silence, but words can’t express.

“What if you could release the stories that bind you? even the ones words can’t express?”

Sacred dance is based on non-verbal communication, dance therapy and movement meditation and it can have a deeply healing effect on the practitioner who experiences it.

I create a safe and compassionate, non judgemental space for students to move through any emotions they are experiencing. This practice can be a powerful expressive and empowering outlet. it can also be a really enjoyable and joyful experience.

As a facilitator I am guiding students through a 2 x hour movement journey that includes some structure, movement activities, freedom, journaling and parter/group work: building trust throughout the process. The most important thing is that you come as you are 🙏

If you would like to join this session please DM me or comment to book your space.

Look forward to moving with you soon


I have made a lot of life decisions recently and there are a lot of changes coming in the next few months.

“I trust my intuition, I am always being guided” - This is one of my present mantras and really helps me to make decisions and trust that I have made the right decision.

Once I make that decision I trust deeply and tend not to question that decision and go in fully with my heart and my head ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙌

What is your current mantra/affirmation?? 🤩

Photos from Becky Miller's post 02/04/2024

A couple of sneaky previews of a super fun photoshoot we had yesterday 🙌🙌🙌🙌 New website coming soon ❤️🤩 Change is coming and I’m so ready for it ☀️ Thanks to all the beautiful souls that helped me 😘


Confession: I often struggle to believe in myself and can feel self doubt creeping in. I don’t always feel enough in certain situations and sometimes lack the self confidence to really go in feet first.
I can definitely pin point many things from my past which have triggered this, but those things are in the past now, so for me it’s about moving forward, shifting my mindset and creating ways to believe in myself more.

How do I do this? Because anyone can tell me I’m enough, but I need to truly believe it myself.

1. I use mantras/positive statements to tell myself “I am enough”
2. I notice when I’m saying no to something because I really don’t want to do that thing compared to saying no to something I probably do want to do, but feel some fear
3. I remind myself that no one is perfect and that we all have different skills/offerings to bring to the table
4. Taking time to fall in love with all the different parts of myself
5. Being authentically me and knowing that is so completely enough
How do you create more self belief? ❤️❤️ would love to hear 🙏


I have been reading some of books recently and only recently came across this quote, which resonated with me so much and so I wanted to share it with you ❤️ Currently reading “the body says no” by Gabor Mate and would highly recommend 🥰🥰


Today was about change, being inspired and creating something new with these two lovely humans ❤️❤️ There is one thing in life I am always open to and that is change. We don’t have to get stuck or stay on the same path, or with a particular ideas if we don’t want to. We can shift, change and grow as many times as we want. For me it’s about believing in myself and having the confidence to create something new and trust that it’s meant to be. Some exciting changes and announcements coming soon 🙏🙏


This was from last nights grief circle ⭕️ and afterwards I thought about how helpful this could be in many difficult situations. Life can bring so much of the polar opposite feelings; love and pain, joy and sadness; sometimes at the same time in equal or unequal measures. There have been many times where I have felt soooo much joy and pleasure for a particular moment, but at the same time a deep sadness and it takes time to feel every single one of those feelings and not push them away. Because really how can we feel joy, if having never felt sadness, to experience love is to open up to the possibility of feeling pain. And without abandoning oneself; this could have many personal translations, but for me this is simply taking care of myself and practicing deep self love ❤️

Photos from Becky Miller's post 11/03/2024

This is my mum, she is beautiful, a total fashion queen 🫅 and super strong in every way. When my son was 1x years old my whole world got turned upside down and I had to move countries, start my life from scratch, build a new business and heal a lot of traumatic stuff. Lucky for me as a single mum I had soooo much support from my mum and dad and my whole family and all my amazing friends. I actually moved back to my home town where I was born (from Bali to w-s-m) it definitely wasn’t part of “the plan”. But with love and support life moved on, life moved forward and I am forever grateful for that support and always will be. I am always so in awe of single mums and their strength and power to move through life. Love to my mum and all the mums around the world 🌍 ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Happy international woman’s day everyone ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I have personally found that as I get older and maybe because of the things I have experienced in life; my friendship circles have become smaller, but so much stronger. I am blessed to have woman in my life that share openly with me, that hold space for me to be exactly who I am in the moment, who listen and make me feel completely seen and heard, who allow me to show up as my vulnerable, messy , struggling self, no judgements, no force, just love ❤️ Holding on to those kind of friendships tightly and with so much gratitude 🙏


It is never too late to change your path, your career, your lifestyle. We as humans are constantly in motion and the things we experience along the way can transform and change us in many ways. Change can be scary sometimes, but it can lead to something exciting and you might find that you are more ready than you think you are ❤️❤️🌙

My personal experience of change is; I love yoga and it will always be one of my passions to both practice and teach, but over the last few years I have been exploring a lot of other amazing healing modalities including reiki, dance as therapy, breathwork journeys, sound therapy, coaching and healing touch.

I love working with people on a 1:1 basis and I always have, I love that connection, having the time to work with that person’s particular needs. So I’m on a little journey now to explore these modalities even more and over the next 2x years I am going to be diving in to some amazing training courses that will make some changes to my path and what I offer 🙏

I feel excited and ready for something new and I will always always stay open to these changes, following my passions and reminding myself that I am not here to “fit in”, to follow a particular path and stay on it. I am here to stay open, curios and to be totally true to myself and I know that this will continue to bring me joy and fulfilment 🥰


Join me this Sunday 10th December for a grounding and calming Yin workshop on zoom from 10am-12noon (uk time) ❤️❤️ Join from wherever you are in the world 🌍 message me to book your space. If you can’t make the timings, then I can send you a recording 🙌


After a recent conversation with one of my soul sisters I remembered this poem and wanted to share it with you. Maybe it will resonate with you today ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️ This

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Videos (show all)

Little ramble in a field in Cornwall today ❤️
Growing up is so overrated 😆😆😆 who agrees? Have you embraced your inner child recently?? Who thinks I need a puffier tut...
Because of the time difference between uk and India I haven’t been able to offer any evening sessions online. But now th...
These wonderful bowls each create a different tone and vibration to promote energy flow and deep relaxation 😴 After each...
I Made some beautiful purchases today for my sound collection. In the UK I have a beautiful crystal bowl and 3x large bo...
Part 2: Excited for this new chapter ❤️🙌
Part 1: new beginnings, change is coming, growing, learning, putting down mini roots ❤️❤️❤️
A small taste of what an embodied yoga class with me might look like 🙌  I am guiding you through this practice encouragi...
