Christel Wellness Yoga

Christel Wellness Yoga

Alignment based Vinyasa and Yin Yoga Instructor, nature lover I live for yoga and anything healthy.

I give group and private yoga classes in and around Saint-Gaudens (Haute Garonne). I also give Kambo sessions, Reiki healing and Hopi Ear Candles treatments. For more information you can check my website:


Revolved Triangle Pose or Parivrtta Trikonasana in front of the Mas-d’Azil gigantic cave! This pose strengthens and stretches the legs, opens the chest to improve breathing, relieves mild back pain and improves your sense of balance. It also facilitates movement in the abdominal organs, helping digestion. Use a block if needed placed next to front foot to help keep your balance ⚖️


Voici le planning des cours d’été du samedi au studio Ahimsa à Estancarbon.

Je donnerai moi aussi des cours cet été en semaine: un Vinyasa le mardi soir et un Yin le mercredi soir. Je confirme les dates dès que possible alors continuez à me suivre pour plus d’infos.

Namaste 🙏

Planning des samedis de l’été chez Ahimsa ☀️


With the nice weather I find practicing yoga outdoor brings another dimension and make my practice even more enjoyable🌸Even if you don’t have a garden, go to your local park, mountain or lake and practice in the fresh air. If you would like to join me for outdoor yoga, send me a DM. Remember I also give private lessons in your home or garden. Summer is the perfect time to start your practice at your own rythme. On this photo I was giving a private class to a small group of British ladies in Windsor (UK) and they all loved it!🌻🌺🪻🙏

10 SHOCKING facts about Yoga! 10/06/2024

Hey Yogis

So you’ve played around on a mat and fell in love. But here’s some facts about yoga you probably never knew…

Read this article for fun and informative facts about yoga.


10 SHOCKING facts about Yoga! Here are 10 facts about yoga you might have never heard about.

Yoga in the Treatment of Scoliosis—A Doctor’s Perspective 07/06/2024

Hi Everyone

Some of you know already that I came to yoga by chance about 20 years ago and found it was the only 'therapy' that could relieve my back pain due to my scoliosis.

In this article, it is explained how yoga can help in the treatment of scoliosis. I highly encourage you to read this article if like me you have a scoliosis or simply suffer with backache.

Christel 🙏

Yoga in the Treatment of Scoliosis—A Doctor’s Perspective Yoga turns out to be a simple and effective means of exercise that can benefit or improve the curve or rotation caused by scoliosis.

Photos from Christel Wellness Yoga's post 05/06/2024

Aujourd’hui une partie de l’équipe du studio Ahimsa à fait partie d’une émission de radio locale pour parler des différents types de yoga! C’était super sympa et très instructif pour les auditeurs de Radio Coteaux. Un grand Merci à Patrick pour son chaleureux accueil et nous permettre de parler de notre passion ❤️‍🔥🙏 et à Sophie pour avoir organisé ces émissions de radio dédiées au yoga Vous pouvez écouter l’émission en suivant ce lien:


Very grateful for a yoga weekend spent with the École Française de Yoga Midi Pyrénées! During the w-e, I discovered a new type of yoga based entirely on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Very enlightening and transformative experience. Thank you also to Sophie for making me discover the EFYMP 🙏💚

Mounting Research Evidence Shows that Yoga Can Help Ease Symptoms of Depression 27/05/2024

Hi Everyone

Yoga is proven to help with depression.

Read this article to find out more and if you're feeling depressed, roll out your mat immediately.

Hope yoga will help you feel better soon

Christel 🙏

Mounting Research Evidence Shows that Yoga Can Help Ease Symptoms of Depression New worldwide meta analysis study finds that yoga can help ease depression symptoms and improve overall mental health.


Happy World Meditation Day! Today is World Meditation Day and to celebrate I’m releasing a lovely Root Chakra Meditation to practice any time of the day to develop a sense of safety, security and belonging. The Muladhara chakra is placed at the base of the spine and its colour is red. Join me today for this meditation to help balance your root chakra to help you feel safe and confident. Follow this link now to practice with me: 🧘‍♀️🙏

Yogic Breathing for Better Sleep - Balancing Apana and Prana Vayus 21/05/2024

Hi Everyone

Are you struggling to go to sleep?
Then Yogic breathing might be the answer you are looking for!
Read this article for more info.


Yogic Breathing for Better Sleep - Balancing Apana and Prana Vayus Restless Leg Syndrome and Snoring are common problems. Yoga Therapist Olga Kabel shares how yogic breathing could help with these issues.


Have you seen the new Manduka Spring collection?! Beautiful spring colours that really want to make you practice yoga every day! Remember to use my special code ‘ChristelWellnessYoga’ to benefit from 15% off all your purchases with Manduka. Follow the link in my bio above to go directly to their website 😊🙏💚


Si vous avez passé la journée au travail alors ce cours est absolument nécessaire pour votre bien-être! Passer ses journées devant un ordinateur tout la journée peut avoir des conséquences très néfastes pour votre santé alors il est important de contrebalancer les effets de passer trop de temps le plus possible et le plus souvent possible! Reprenez votre bien-être entre vos mains en pratiquant avec moi des maintenant en suivant ce lien: 😊🙏🌸 ❤️


Join me this evening for a lovely gentle Vinyasa class to release stress and anxiety. We all suffer from stress and anxiety at some point in our lives and if the stress is constant then it can cause illnesses in the body hence it is very important to release that stress as soon as possible and as often as needed. Follow this link to feel more relaxed and calmer: 😌🙏 🏡


500 Subscribers on YouTube! 🎉 - Exciting news: we have reached the 500 subscribers on YouTube!! Read my latest newsletter to understand the importance of a good quality mat for your practice and I totally recommend Manduka for their mats which you can purchase with a 15% discount thanks to my special code ChristelWellnessYoga.
Reminder for all: online yoga classes are available with me in both French and English. DM me for more info.
See you soon on the mat
Christel 🙏


Dancer pose or Natarajasana at Bisham Abbey! Good memories of my 1st photo shoot with Mark by the Thames in a beautiful summer day🌸☀️This pose is a challenging hip and heart opening practice as it is performed by balancing on one leg! The key benefits of this pose are: strengthens the legs; improves balance and focus; stretches the shoulders and chest but also thighs; groins and abdomen; strengthens core; improves flexibility; reduces stress & anxiety; improves posture; increases energy and finally promotes spiritual connection! A pose to include in your practice as much as possible 😀🙏🧘‍♀️

6 Vagus Nerve Exercises to Boost Your Well-being - Free Online Yoga Video 12/05/2024

Hey Everyone

Did you know that activation of the vagus nerve in yoga keeps your immune system in check and releases an assortment of hormones and neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine and oxytocin? This results in reductions in inflammation, reduced allergies, relief from tension headaches, improvements in memory, and feelings of relaxation.

Read this article to find out great ways to stimulate your vagus nerve and feel better!

If you found this article useful, please let me know by commenting below this post.

Christel 🙏

6 Vagus Nerve Exercises to Boost Your Well-being - Free Online Yoga Video Try these 6 vagus nerve exercises to boost your well-being and health. Try it yourself with our free online vagus nerve & yoga practice video


Hi Everyone

I just want to remind you that you can benefit from a reduction of 15% on all your purchases with Manduka thanks to my special code: ChristelWellnessYoga

Use it now to purchase your new yoga mat!

Christel 🙏


Je suis ravie de vous offrir aujourd’hui un cours de Yin yoga focalisé sur le Méridien du Rein!

Le Méridien du Rein est l’un des principaux Méridiens du corps, selon la médecine chinoise. Il est considéré comme l’organe gouverneur en hiver et est responsable de la conservation de l’énergie vitale, du Chi, dans l’organisme. Le Méridien du Rein est également lié à la gestion du stress, de la reproduction et de la régulation de la tension artérielle. Donc il est très important d’aider l’énergie à circuler mieux sur ce Méridien en faisant ce cours de Yin yoga avec moi. Suivez ce lien pour me rejoindre: 🙏🧘‍♀️


If you are spending too much time seated in front of a screen every day then this is the class for you!
Spending too much time seated every day is very bad for your health as you already probably know.
Here are some of the potential serious consequences:
• Increased risk of cardiovascular disease: Prolonged sitting has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
• Weakened muscles: The seated position can lead to muscle atrophy, particularly in the legs and glutes, which can make it difficult to stand or walk.
• Poor posture: Sitting for extended periods can cause poor posture, leading to strain on the back, neck, and shoulders.
• Brain function decline: Spending too much time seated has been linked to a decline in brain function, including reduced cognitive function and increased risk of dementia.
• Social isolation: Prolonged sitting can lead to social isolation, which can negatively impact mental health and overall well-being.
• Back and neck pain: Sitting for extended periods can cause strain on the back and neck, leading to pain and discomfort.
• Reduced metabolism: Sitting for long periods can slow down the metabolism, making it more difficult to lose weight and maintain overall health.
This Vinyasa flow will help release all the tension held in your legs and hips due to spending too much time seated. If needed practice this class every day after work ☯️

So wait no longer and start practicing with me now! Follow this link: 🙏🧘‍♀️🌸


Aujourd’hui je vous propose de réveiller votre corps en entier avec ce cours de Vinyasa de 20min. Dans ce flow nous enchaînons des poses qui engagent tous les muscles majeurs du corps et donc de les réveiller en douceur. C’est une bonne idée de pratiquer ce flow dès le réveil ou alors quand vous en avez besoin dans la journée. C’est un cours pour tous niveaux alors n’attendez plus! Voice le lien pour pratiquer avec moi: 🙏🧘‍♀️


Today’s video release on our YouTube channel is a juicy 40min Vinyasa class to strengthen your legs and bum! This is an advanced level class but a great challenge for beginners as we practice many leg and butt muscles burning poses 🥵. This is a great workout that will help you feel better overall. Get your body beach summer ready with this Vinyasa flow 🏖️Watch it here: 🙏😊


Embark on a journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation by joining me in invigorating yoga classes, either online or in a serene studio setting. Whether you're seeking to enhance flexibility, find inner peace, or simply unwind from the demands of everyday life, my classes offer a sanctuary for body and mind. Through a fusion of mindful movements, deep breathing, and guided meditation, together, we'll cultivate strength, balance, and harmony. Join me on the mat, where every session is an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and embrace holistic wellness 🙏 DM me if you would like to join my classes 🧘‍♀️ 💗

How to Relieve Neck Pain: Avoid These 4 Common Mistakes 29/04/2024

Hello my Friends 😀

Are you suffering with neck pain? Then read this article that tells you which mistakes to avoid that could make your neck pain worse.

I hope this helps

Christel 🙏

How to Relieve Neck Pain: Avoid These 4 Common Mistakes Did you know that neck pain is often caused by faulty movement habits? Here are 4 common mistakes to avoid.


Wide Legged Standing Forward Fold pose or Prasarita Padottanasana pose has many benefits as shown above. Definitely one pose to include in your daily yoga practice 😃🙏

Take Time to Replenish: 5 Self-Care Strategies for Stressful Times 27/04/2024

Hello Yogis

Are you feeling stressed and unwell? Then follow these simple 5 self-care strategies because self-care is necessary for living a fulfilling, healthy, meaningful and happy life

I hope it will help you return to a state of wellness.

Christel Wellness Yoga 🙏

Take Time to Replenish: 5 Self-Care Strategies for Stressful Times Writer Joy Stone shares five self-care strategies and helpful tips to incorporate into your schedule to help in these stressful times.


Master the Kicking Donkey pose or more commonly called Three Legged Downward-Facing Dog with Hip Opener ! Watch this reel to see me coming into this pose and listen to my instructions to practice carefully. From Downward-Facing Dog, one leg reaches up toward the sky, the top knee is bent and the hips are stacked. The shoulders are squared to the earth. Heart is open. The shoulder blades squeeze together and the forehead drops down toward the earth. The gaze is to the back.
The benefits are: it tones and strengthens the standing leg; it improves flexibility; it opens the hips.


Bonjour à tous.tes🤩 La toute nouvelle vidéo de yoga mise en ligne aujourd'hui sur ma chaîne YouTube a pour but d'augmenter votre fléxibilité🐍 Cette séance de Vinyasa yoga, entièrement en français, est conçue pour travailler la souplesse du corps de manière progressive. En pratiquant régulièrement ces exercices, vous pourrez constater des améliorations significatives dans votre mobilité et votre agilité. Le Vinyasa yoga est une forme dynamique de yoga qui se concentre sur la synchronisation du mouvement avec la respiration, favorisant ainsi une plus grande conscience corporelle. Que vous soyez débutant ou pratiquant expérimenté, cette séance est accessible à tous et vous permettra de vous sentir plus détendu et énergisé. N'hésitez pas à vous joindre à nous pour cette pratique bienfaisante qui vous aidera à renforcer votre corps et votre esprit en suivant ce lien: 🧘‍♂️🌿 😎


Happy Tuesday everyone! Today’s release is a short and sweet 10 minute Vinyasa flow to wake up happy 😃 With this Vinyasa practice you will wake up your entire body as well as your mind thus allowing you to feel ready for the day ahead! It’s an all level class you can easily squeeze in your busy schedule. Follow this link to practice with me: 😁🧘‍♀️


Happy Earth Day! 🌎🌳🍃I love our planet earth and I’m so grateful for everything she gives to us every single day! Let’s all remind ourselves of the importance to respect and protect the planet from deforestation and pollution. We all play a part in this and it’s never too late to start protecting what’s most precious to the human race. Enjoy this day by walking in nature or climb a mountain as I did in this photos⛰️🌲☀️

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Videos (show all)

Improve Flexibility and Strength.mp4
Master the Kicking Donkey Yoga Pose.mp4
Use my special code for 15% off your purchases with MANDUKA, my favourite yoga gear brand! Place your order today and us...




Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 8pm
Tuesday 7am - 8pm
Wednesday 7am - 8pm
Thursday 7am - 8pm
Friday 7am - 8pm
Saturday 7am - 12pm