Oxfordshire Business First

Oxfordshire Business First

Oxfordshire Business First is a not for profit company bringing together the best business people i

Managing mental well being in the workplace - a practical framework 16/05/2023

Are you interested in managing mental well-being in the workplace better?

If you are, please join us on Thursday for this workshop on how to manage mental wellbeing in the workplace effectively.

Managing mental well being in the workplace - a practical framework Join us to explore a simple framework for proactively managing wellbeing in the workplace.

Carbon Monsters Project - helping businesses get to net-zero emissions 31/03/2022

Williams Jet Tenders is looking for help with greener energy and with waste.

Join us for the Carbon Monsters Project

Location: Online, click on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/carbon-monsters-project-helping-businesses-get-to-net-zero-emissions-tickets-287924910157?utm-campaign=social%2Cemail&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-source=strongmail&utm-term=listin
on 7th April. Learn how we can reduce our carbon emissions and find opportunities to work with other companies.

Here are some of Williams' key issues:

Gaining landlord buy-in to install green energy solutions. We have conducted a number of solar viability studies and received quotes but the roofs need reinforcing to accommodate the panels (the buildings are very old and generally in poor repair) Low Carbon Hub were interested but we would need £250k investment for new roof structures. We are interested to hear how others have overcome landlord/tenant relations with regards to green energy install.

GRP waste material. We produce a significant amount of raw fibreglass and foam core offcuts that we have no home or recycling solution for, is there anyone in the wider South Oxon community who could use this?

Pallets. We have large numbers of pallets to dispose of. We are installing a crusher for optimising skip space but would be interested in the possibility of a pellet maker for a "biomass" burner. If anyone local has similar needs we might be able to combine.

Developing a Business wide Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy. We need help drafting an overarching ESG statement for the business, we have a specific sustainability strategy focused around our facilities, product and supply chain but need help tying this into the wider ESG plan, focused on governance, workers' rights, social/community impact etc.

The green premium........ So far, when looking to implement the Green' solution its generally more expensive, so ends up eating into our bottom line or being passed directly to the customer. We are fortunate that our customers are relatively price insensitive but when combined with ever increasing costs in the Bill of Materials (BOM), facilities and staffing costs there's only so much you can pass on. We are currently negotiating new energy contracts, its looking like a 175% increase in costs due mainly to the worldwide energy crisis but also choosing a green supplier (Drax) carries a premium over standard energy tariffs. Doing the right thing is really hard as we still need to make money....... This can also be translated to our product, to create a tender with a green powertrain would require us to retail for between 5-7x the current product, which is not commercially viable.
We are all passionately bought into improving our business and moving to a greener footprint but there are big hurdles in every direction, hoping your project can help us move forward! The above is just a small sample of the challenges.

Recognise Williams' problems? Do you have solutions or ideas? Do you face similar issues? Come and discuss it on 7th April. Sign up here

Location: Online, click on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/carbon-monsters-project-helping-businesses-get-to-net-zero-emissions-tickets-287924910157?utm-campaign=social%2Cemail&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-source=strongmail&utm-term=listin

Carbon Monsters Project - helping businesses get to net-zero emissions The Carbon Monsters Project is about helping small businesses take their first steps to reduce carbon emissions to net zero.

Carbon Monsters Project - helping businesses get to net-zero emissions 30/03/2022

Carbon Monsters Project - 7th April 2022.

The Firoka Group is looking for sustainable solutions in its properties and business

Join us for the Carbon Monsters Project on 7th April. Learn how we can reduce our carbon emissions and find opportunities to work with other companies.

The Firoka Group is one of the featured companies for our online event. Firoka is a substantial hospitality and real estate group.

In Oxfordshire, its portfolio includes:
The Kassam Stadium and The Kassam Leisure Complex
Hampton by Hilton Hotel, Oxford
Holiday Inn Express Oxford, Kassam Stadium

It has actively started engaging with companies on:
Water consumption
EV charging
Solar panels
Energy usage (with advice from Energy Solutions Oxfordshire)

Firoka would also welcome hearing more about anything else that may feel relevant to the hospitality sector including:
Food waste reduction
General waste reduction
Recyclable products, e.g. coffee cups
Sustainable/eco-friendly products
Bulk packaging, e.g. toiletries, cereals etc.
Sustainable laundry companies

Please bring your products, services or ideas to the discussion on 7th April and see if you can help out Firoka Group or any others working towards net zero carbon emissions.

Location: Online, click on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/carbon-monsters-project-helping-businesses-get-to-net-zero-emissions-tickets-287924910157?utm-campaign=social%2Cemail&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-source=strongmail&utm-term=listing

Carbon Monsters Project - helping businesses get to net-zero emissions The Carbon Monsters Project is about helping small businesses take their first steps to reduce carbon emissions to net zero.



“Carbon Monsters Project - helping businesses get to net-zero emissions”

The Carbon Monsters Project is about helping small businesses take their first steps to reduce carbon emissions to net zero.

..you're driving to the office in the morning, and as you approach, you see a big black smoke cloud hanging like a vulture above the building.

You start to look around the office and you notice that there is black smoke bursting from the boiler room, engulfing the cars in the car park, the bins out the back, and even oozing from the food in the canteen.

Suddenly, the penny drops. All that black stuff is actually carbon, connected to everything within your workplace. As the thick fog crawls out from the building, the sky darkens, the vibrant colours of birds and trees grow dull, and people both inside and outside the building are coughing.

"I need to do something about all these emissions before it's too late!" you exclaim.

You look out of the window - horrifyingly, there's a carbon monster above every business as far as the eye can see.

You happen to notice that over one particular building, the menacing dark cloud seems to be shrinking and the blue sky and sunshine can be seen above.

Below, you notice a group of people who are fighting their own cloud - and are winning. As well as defeating the monster, this business team seems healthier and happier, too.

You think to yourself, "I want to be like that business.”

If you want to be like that business and learn how you can tackle your own carbon monster, join our event, online;

Date: Thursday 7th April from 10am.

Location: Online, click on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/carbon-monsters-project-helping-businesses-get-to-net-zero-emissions-tickets-287924910157?utm-campaign=social%2Cemail&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-source=strongmail&utm-term=listing

Cost: Free

Our exciting line up of key note speakers includes:

Sarah Jordan, founder of You Underwear (www.youunderwear.com)
Sally Dear, founder of Ducky Zebra (www.duckyzebra.com)
Oli Coles, founder of The Welba App (www.welba.app)
Michael Buick, founder of Pegg Furniture (www.peggfurniture.com)

And in addition we will be joined by Sara Le Roux - Reader in Applied Economics at Oxford Brookes Business School who will be telling us about research she's doing into how small and medium sized businesses are responding to the net-zero challenge.

We also want you to get the opportunity to talk with other likeminded entrepreneurs and business people so we've also lined up some facilitated discussion groups for you to join in. The groups will include:

Reducing carbon emissions in your business accommodation - led by Richard Dorey from Energy Solutions Oxford.

Reducing carbon emissions when moving people and products - led by Lewis Knight and Hannah Scott from Bioregional

Reducing carbon emissions when designing products and services - led by Laura Gelder Robertson and Claire Snowdon.

Join us to find opportunities and partnerships in sustainable business. Take advantage of the huge demand generated by the worldwide drive to net zero carbon.

The Carbon Monsters event is a great chance to join the movement, learn ways to cut your energy costs and how to improve your carbon footprint to secure your place in the supply chains of the future.

Find out about practical solutions for:


Partners helping to organise the Carbon Monsters Project include:

Bioregional (https://www.bioregional.com/)
Energy Solutions Oxfordshire (https://www.energysolutionsoxfordshire.org/)
Oxfordshire Business First (https://obfirst.org.uk/)
Go Climate Positive (https://www.go-positive.co.uk/)
Oxford Brookes Business School (https://www.brookes.ac.uk/business/)
Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (https://www.oxfordshirelep.com/)
Climate Change Coaches (https://climatechangecoaches.com/)
Unipart (https://www.unipart.com/)
Glow Innovation (www.glowinnovation.com)
Thalia Carr Coaching (https://thaliacarr.co.uk/)
Snowdon Consulting (www.clairesnowdon.com)
John Karslake
My Sales Guru International (www.mysalesguru.co.uk)

And don’t forget to forward this invitation to anyone you feel might benefit from attending the event, we want to be able to help as many businesses as possible.

Richard Dorey from Energy Solutions Oxfordshire 10/01/2022

Paul Essery in the Zoom Room with Richard Dorey of Energy Solutions talking about The Carbon Monsters Project


Richard Dorey from Energy Solutions Oxfordshire Richard Dorey from Energy Solutions Oxfordshire talks about why he got involved in the Carbon Monsters Project and why he feels it's important for businesses...

David Richards, Frank Nigriello and Paul Essery discuss Thought Leadership Stories 19/07/2021

Thought Leadership discussion with Dave Richards, Frank Nigriello and Paul Essery


David Richards, Frank Nigriello and Paul Essery discuss Thought Leadership Stories David Richards, Frank Nigriello and Paul Essery discuss the role that story telling plays in the production of Thought Leadership. If you would like to join...

Joe Kay, Frank Nigriello and Paul Essery discuss Thought Leadership Stories 19/07/2021

Thought Leadership discussion with Joe Kay, Frank Nigriello and Paul Essery


Joe Kay, Frank Nigriello and Paul Essery discuss Thought Leadership Stories Joe Kay, Frank Nigriello and Paul Essery discuss the role that story telling plays in producing effective thought leadership products.

Colette Norbury from MIND talks about why she got involved Healthy Minds for Thriving Businesses 19/07/2021

Interview with Colette Norbury from MIND


Colette Norbury from MIND talks about why she got involved Healthy Minds for Thriving Businesses Colette Norbury from MIND talks about what MIND offer to businesses and why she got involved in the Healthy Minds for Thriving Business project organised by ...

Placi Espejo, Deputy Chair of Oxfordshire Business First 23/06/2021

Interview with Placi Espejo, Deputy Chair of Oxfordshire Business First


Placi Espejo, Deputy Chair of Oxfordshire Business First Paul Essery interviews fellow board member Placi Espejo about why she got involved with Oxfordshire Business First.


Big Question - Natural Netwalking Asks the BIG GiG

‘We Love This Concept’ ‘Really Needed Now’ A Fantastic Idea that has Legs?

Natural Netwalking brings businesspeople together in a safe way to enable more meaningful conversations, than is possible on zoom or at traditional events.

Walking itself has become so much more popular since lockdown. More people having experienced the mental, physical, and emotional benefits walking brings are keen to do more.

Walking with purpose could be the new running!

Natural Netwalking provides a simple structure and formula that enables Businesspeople to walk and talk whilst enjoying beautiful locations (Like Blenheim Palace) and each other.

Participants and Members gain the opportunity to swop partners to have up to 6 good quality conversations, sharing ideas, building relationships, and identifying opportunities to further engage. Coffee and more conversation follows:

This is safe Networking on your feet, combining exercise with business, negating the need to feel guilty about taking timeout for a walk.

We, Jackie Jarvis, The Walking Business Coach and Dawn Lillington of Brand-New Dawn, a Website and Brand Designer came together through our love of walking and doing business together. Keen to pass on our passion and create a business model that encourages more green time, Natural Netwalking was born.

When Paul Essery invited Natural Netwalking to take part in the BIG GIG we said yes right away. We had suffered like many businesses with the effects of lockdown and resultant loss of confidence in face-to-face networking.

Natural Netwalking needed a boost to get back on its feet and we thought the BIG GIG could help.

On the night, Paul set up the evening structure. It started with a short presentation from us, getting across, our business model, who it is for, how it works, what we want to achieve and our BIG GIG question for the evening. It was important to be clear to get the most from the BIG GIG audience.

Our Question was ‘How can we gain a large enough Volume of Participants and Members to enable us to grow’

The second stage involved the audience of 25+ business professionals and entrepreneurs asking us questions about our current model, ambitions and more. There were some great questions!

The third stage was about solutions creation. The audience went away into break out rooms to look at perceived barriers to growth and potential solutions.

Whilst this was happening, we had a private consultation with Frank Nigriello who provided us with insights from the perspective of Unipart Group, a blue-chip company, and from Paul, a professional sales coach.

The Groups’ ideas were captured, shared, and later sent to us to assess at our leisure.

We gained creative input across several key areas, Our USP, revenue streams, pricing, commercial partners, quality of locations, key messaging, leadership value, and marketing.

We found this a hugely valuable experience which has prompted us to make some plans and decisions about how we are going to grow. It also gave us a much-needed boost after the lockdown effect.

This is an idea that most definitely has LEGS.

If you would like to find out more about Natural Netwalking go to www.naturalnetwalking.co.uk

Please contact us for a Complimentary Guest Place at our Blenheim Palace Netwalk as Dawn and I would love to meet you.

[email protected]

[email protected]

More details about us:
Jackie Jarvis www.walkingbusinesscoach.com
Dawn Lillington www.brandnewdawn.com

John Knights - Oxfordshire Business First board member 06/06/2021

Interview with John Knights, Chair of LeaderShape and Oxfordshire Business First Board member.


John Knights - Oxfordshire Business First board member John Knights - chair of Leadershape Global talks about why he got involved in Oxfordshire Business First and how he sees it developing.

Wendy Tindsley - Oxfordshire Business First board member 23/05/2021

Wendy Tindsley, Director of Innovation at Oxford Innovation, talks about why she got involved with Oxfordshire Business First.


Wendy Tindsley - Oxfordshire Business First board member Wendy Tindsley - Director of Innovation at Oxford Innovation talks about why she got involved in Oxfordshire Business First.

Frank Nigrello - chair of Oxfordshire Business First 23/05/2021

Frank Nigriello talks about what Oxfordshire Business First is trying to achieve.


Frank Nigrello - chair of Oxfordshire Business First Paul Essery interviews Frank Nigrello Director of Corporate Affairs at Unipart about how Oxfordshire Business First came about and how excited he is about th...


Get Connected

Oxfordshire Business First is a not for profit company bringing together the best business people in Oxfordshire.

We primarily focus on the following issues: promoting entrepreneurship, facilitating business innovation, campaigning for 21st-century infrastructure and sharing of best practice.

We work best by connecting people and sharing information.

Our network is diverse and extensive with members drawn from Oxfordshire businesses that have been involved in events or are interested in learning from their peers.

They benefit from attending events and working on joint projects. Its networking, but not as you know it!

You can also join our LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/790937/

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No 1G Windrush Park, Network Point, Range Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9am - 5:30pm
Friday 9am - 5:30pm