Sunny Worksop Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

Provide professional consultation with Herbal remedies, acupuncture, moxibustion or cupping therapy.


Traditional Chinese medicine, like whooping cough, emphasizes syndrome differentiation and treatment for coughs caused by COVID-19, and provides individualized treatment according to the constitution and symptoms of different patients. Cough caused by COVID-19 is usually divided into different stages such as mild, moderate and severe, and the clinical manifestations and treatment principles of each stage are also different.

1. Syndrome of wind-heat attacking the lungs:
Clinical manifestations: fever or mild fever, cough, little or yellow phlegm, sore throat, thirst, red tongue with yellow coating, and floating pulse. Treatment Principles: Dispelling wind, clearing away heat, clearing the lungs and relieving cough.

2. Syndrome of phlegm-heat stagnation in the lungs:
Clinical manifestations: cough, thick yellow phlegm, asthma, chest tightness, fever, bitter mouth and dry throat, red tongue with yellow and greasy coating, slippery and rapid pulse. Treatment Principles: Clear away heat and resolve phlegm, soothe the lungs and relieve cough.

3. Lung yin deficiency syndrome:
Clinical manifestations: dry cough with little phlegm, blood-streaked phlegm, dry throat and mouth, afternoon hot flashes, night sweats, red tongue with little coating, and thready and rapid pulse. Treatment principles: nourish yin and moisten the lungs, relieve cough and reduce phlegm.

This time, patient P was diagnosed with Covid-19 six months ago and was prescribed western medicine. However, after taking the entire course of treatment according to the doctor's instructions, his cough did not improve, and he developed fatigue and hoarseness. The patient said that he had to take deep breaths from time to time, his sputum was green in color, and he felt chest tightness when resting in bed. P usually likes to eat curry, chocolate and biscuits, and drinks 4 cups of coffee a day. He has dry and hard stools, a red tongue with dry yellow and thick greasy coating, and a stringy and strong pulse.

The patient usually likes spicy food, chocolate, biscuits and coffee, which are all hot and humid foods. Coupled with the evil of exogenous wind-heat, the stool is dry and hard and the heat is trapped in the large intestine. The yang energy of the Yangming Meridian is trapped in the large intestine, resulting in inflammation due to heat and dampness. It is phlegm, and the phlegm heat stagnates in the lungs, so cough occurs, the phlegm is yellow and thick, and chest tightness makes you feel uncomfortable and take deep breaths.

The treatment was directed towards clearing away heat and resolving phlegm, clearing the lungs and relieving cough. Traditional Chinese medicine was prescribed. By the time of the third consultation, the cough was close to being cured, the sand and phlegm color had become clear and thin, and the spirit was significantly improved. But the most important thing is that patient P has stopped eating the food he usually likes to eat!



1. 風熱犯肺證:

2. 痰熱鬱肺證:

3. 肺陰虛證:





After the beginning of summer, damp-heat type cold, persistent coughing, fever, and feeling heavy and fatigued, can Traditional Chinese Medicine help?

Recently, there has been an increase in consultations for damp-heat type cold. What is damp-heat type cold? Damp-heat type cold is a classification of diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine, mainly referring to a constitutional state related to the cold and damp weather conditions outside. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that it is caused by the invasion of external pathogens and the infiltration of dampness, leading to imbalance of yin and yang in the body and obstruction of qi and blood circulation, resulting in symptoms such as fever, sore throat, nasal congestion, and runny nose.

Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis of damp-heat type cold usually considers the following aspects:

Inquiry: Doctors will carefully inquire about the patient's symptoms, including discomfort, sore throat, fever, nasal congestion, and runny nose. The nasal discharge is often thick and may have a yellowish color. Some patients may also have cough symptoms, with the cough often being wet and producing thick and yellowish phlegm. Additionally, there may be a sensation of heaviness in the body, fatigue, and weakness.

Tongue examination: Traditional Chinese medicine often judges the condition by observing the color, shape, and coating of the tongue. The tongue coating of damp-heat type cold is usually thick and sticky, and the tongue may appear red with a coating of yellow and sticky phlegm.

Pulse examination: Changes in pulse rate are also an important indicator for Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis. The pulse of damp-heat type cold is usually slippery and rapid, reflecting the presence of dampness and deficiency of yang qi in the body.

Medical history: Traditional Chinese medicine also considers the patient's personal medical history and lifestyle habits, including diet, sleep, and bowel movements, to obtain a more comprehensive diagnosis. There is usually a history of consuming cold and raw foods, irregular eating habits, and sticky stool.

Patient N sought medical attention, stating that they had been feverish for one week, had taken antipyretics, but still had a persistent low-grade fever and cough. They experienced coughing until vomiting and nausea, with yellowish phlegm, aversion to wind, fatigue, weakness, pale complexion, poor appetite, sticky stool, red tongue with yellow and sticky coating, and slippery and rapid pulse. The diagnosis was damp-heat type cold, and the treatment principle was to dispel dampness and clear heat. After taking the prescription of Chinese herbal medicine for four doses, the patient's mental state significantly improved, and there were no more fever episodes. Additionally, the cough, pale complexion, and appetite significantly improved.

We all have similar experiences: in the UK, the spring weather changes rapidly, and sometimes, if one isn't careful, they may fall ill. With the warming weather, there is also a desire to eat cold foods. However, cold and cool foods have negative effects on the spleen and stomach, most commonly causing dampness in the middle jiao. Combined with the invasion of warm pathogenic factors, this leads to the formation of damp-heat type cold.


立夏之後的濕溫型感冒,持續咳嗽, 發燒及身重乏力, 中醫幫到手嗎 ?



1. 問診:醫生會仔細詢問病人的症狀:包括身體不適感、喉嚨痛、發熱、鼻塞、流鼻涕等。鼻涕多為黏稠性,且色澤可能偏黃。有些患者可能出現咳嗽的症狀,咳嗽多為濕性咳嗽,咳出的痰液可能黏稠且帶有黃色。另外,也有身體沉重感,倦怠無力等症狀。

2. 舌診:中醫常藉由觀察舌頭的顏色、形態、苔色等來判斷病情。濕溫型感冒的舌苔通常會厚膩而黏濕,舌頭可能出現紅色或有黏液覆蓋。

3. 脈診:脈搏的變化也是中醫診斷的重要指標之一。濕溫型感冒的脈搏通常會比較滑數,反映出體內濕氣重、陽氣不足的狀態。

4. 病史:中醫還會考慮病人的個人病史和生活習慣,包括饮食、睡眠、排便情況等,以獲得更全面的診斷。通常有進食生冷、飲食不定時、大便質黏情況。




Sudden loss of voice after Covid, how to treat it with Chinese medicine?

In the British winter in December, the weather is really cold, especially around Christmas. The temperature is indeed much colder than in November. In that kind of weather, many upper respiratory tract diseases are more common, and patient M braved the cold temperature to come to the clinic to see me.

M had suffered from Covid. One week ago, he caught wind and cold due to outdoor activities. Then he suddenly developed a low voice and even hoarseness. He also had trouble swallowing, itchy throat, unpleasant cough, dull sense of smell, runny nose, and aversion to cold and fever. Condition. M said that he had taken Western medicine: anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and throat lozenges, but the effect was not satisfactory, so he wanted to use traditional Chinese medicine for treatment.

Acute laryngeal fistula refers to a hoarse voice that cannot make a sound. It is named because the voice is not raised, or even hoarse and aphonic. The onset is rapid and the course of the disease is short. It is similar to "acute laryngitis" in Western medicine.

M felt the wind and cold due to outdoor activities. The wind-cold evil poison was blocked in the lungs, the lung qi was lost, and the cold evil condensed in the throat, causing the opening and closing of the glottis to be unfavorable, resulting in low voice or even hoarseness. The lung qi is not clear and goes upward, so the cough is uncomfortable. The nose is the lung or***ce, and wind and cold invade the lungs, so the nose or***ce is unfavorable and the nose is runny. The treatment principles are pungent and warm, dispersing cold, dispersing wind, relieving superficial symptoms, and clearing the lungs.

M was in high spirits during the follow-up consultation, which was obviously different from last time. M said that his voice had improved significantly, and his runny nose and cough had disappeared. His sense of smell had returned to normal, and his appetite had returned to the previous level.

Looking at M's eyes full of gratitude and joy, I also have a warm feeling in my heart. After all, it is really worrying when the sense of smell and taste disappear and the voice is also lost.


Covid 之後突然失聲,中醫點處理?







I still remember that about a month ago, I met a patient N in the outpatient clinic who was troubled by "regular headaches". N said that she started to have headaches about a month ago, with the attack time ranging from 2 pm to 10 pm. She felt wind and cold again, the headache worsened, the forehead and sides felt like they were being pinched by a circle, the eyes also had pain and discomfort, and the pain would be severe during mood swings. I looked at N's painful expression and knew that she was deeply troubled, because no matter what painkillers N took, it could not alleviate her situation.

When treating patients, Chinese medicine practitioners will use the "Four Diagnoses", namely "look", "smell", "ask" and "cut", among which "cut" means "cut", which means palpation. The familiar "pulse feeling" is one part of the "diagnosis" process.

Before taking the pulse, I will first touch the patient's palm to collect the patient's physical condition from the temperature of the palm and the moisture of the skin. N's palms are cold, her pulse is thin and stringy, her tongue is red and thin, and she feels cold even though she is wearing thick clothes. Depending on the situation, it may not be a headache caused by a simple cold caused by wind and cold.

N's face is dull. When asked carefully, N's menstrual blood is light red in color with occasional blood clots. This is a sign of blood deficiency and blood stasis. Coupled with the patient's description of cold hands and headache, this is similar to the clinical manifestations of cold in the liver due to Zujueyin. The treatment principle is to warm the meridians and dispel cold, warm the liver and nourish blood. After the second consultation, there was no more headache.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that headaches in the liver meridian of Zujueyin are caused by liver qi stagnation, liver yin deficiency, blood stasis, etc. These conditions may be affected by factors such as emotional stress, bad living habits, and improper diet. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that emotional factors are closely related to the liver meridian. There is a saying: "A happy heart is good medicine, but a sad spirit dries up the bones." This coincides with the theory of Chinese medicine. Merry Christmas to all my friends!









Business hours are until 1:00 pm today.



Yesterday was the day to switch to winter time. When I looked out the window in the morning, it was still dark, the temperature was low, making people feel cold, and the sunset was earlier. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is a cold and damp environment, and common clinical manifestations of various joint pains. I will share relevant information with you when I have the opportunity.

This time I want to share a case with you, which is about urticaria. Patient M reported that he had swollen lips 2 months ago, which usually occurred one hour after dinner, but the swollen lips would disappear by the next morning. M feels his face is swollen and his neck muscles are sore, but what troubles him most is the rashes that appear on his abdomen at night before going to bed. They protrude from the skin, are red in color, sometimes burn, and sometimes stop. M means dry lips, stringy and slippery pulse, red tongue with yellow and slippery coating. According to the clinical manifestations of M, it is a damp-heat condition.
In fact, traditional Chinese medical diagnosis believes that urticaria is a skin disease caused by internal dysfunction, disharmony of qi and blood, and excessive heat and toxins. Symptoms are mainly caused by external environmental stimulation and allergens acting on the body, causing damp-heat or wind-heat invasion.

According to M's clinical manifestations, he usually sleeps at night and likes to eat hot food. The dampness and heat are accumulated in the large intestine. In addition, the neck muscles are sore. The large intestine meridian of Hand Yangming passes through the shoulder, so the treatment is to clear away heat and dampness, and dispel wind. For dampness, select the relevant acupoints on the large intestine meridian and combine it with traditional Chinese medicine that has the effect of clearing away heat, removing dampness and detoxifying.

After M's two treatments, his neck muscle soreness and lip swelling were significantly improved, and there was no more rash on his abdomen. The pulse has also become smoother, and the tongue coating is no longer yellow and slippery. I also told him to pay attention to his daily life, his rhythm of work and rest, and to avoid eating spicy, fried, alcoholic and other irritating foods to avoid irritating the condition, and eat more light foods, such as lotus root, corn, etc. I wish you all good health and a comfortable winter.








Hi, I am Jason, a registered Chinese medicine practitioner from Hong Kong. I have been practicing in Hong Kong for more than 15 years. I practiced in a tripartite Chinese medicine clinic (that is, there is a Chinese medicine clinic in the districts in Hong Kong). In order to avoid the smell of cooking Chinese medicine, it provides Chinese medicine powder, as well as acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion services.

It has been one and a half year since my family and I immigrated to the UK. Although the clinic has been opened for ten months, I am grateful for the many opportunities to meet Hong Kong people and local residents. It turns out that many customers have some pain problems: shoulder and neck pain, fifty shoulders, waist and leg pain, knee joint pain, tennis player...etc. All kinds of discomfort, especially when it is windy and rainy or the weather turns cold, It's even more uncomfortable. I once treated a Hong Konger for ankle pain. It turned out that he had to stand for a long time due to work, and because of his previous illness, he developed pain within about 3 hours of standing. After the diagnosis, it belongs to the scope of "Bi Syndrome" in traditional Chinese medicine. The treatment is to relax the tendons and activate the collaterals, promote qi and blood circulation. Acupuncture and moxibustion can relieve the pain. I also remind him warmly that he might as well use hot Soak the feet in warm water to enhance blood circulation, and the effect will be more obvious.

Every time he comes back for a follow-up visit, he reports that the pain condition has improved. I am very happy and support my decision to open a Chinese medicine clinic in Worksop. In order to facilitate the booking of customers, an online appointment system is adopted. You only need to fill in the basic information (name, email address and mobile number), you can complete the registration and you can choose the date and time.

Not only medical treatment, but also health conditioning is the characteristic of Chinese medicine. Even if it is to nourish the liver and kidney, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality, or some problems of children who "procrastinate for a long time, they still can't get it", Chinese medicine diet therapy is also one of method. This time I will talk about it in detail. Welcome to my website to make an appointment, or you can contact me on WhatsApp / Signal. (The contact number is in the clinic website)


Hi, I am Jason again to share with you. During my 15 years of practicing medicine, the question I was asked the most was "Is there any special medicine for Chinese medicine?" besides "When will I see the doctor?" To be honest: "There is no specific medicine", only the medicine that is most suitable for the patient, and it is unique, and the effect may not be the best if other people take it. Because one of the concepts of Chinese medicine treatment is "three factors and measures", which varies from person to place and time, that is, when Chinese medicine makes a diagnosis, it will take into account the patient's living preferences, living area and time (season). Seems complicated? Let me explain with a case. . . . .

Patient A had pain in the right back rib two weeks ago, mainly from 1 am to 3 am. The pain was obvious during the attack, and he could not turn around. At the same time, he felt uncomfortable in the chest. The pain is significantly reduced when waking up in the morning, and the pain disappears after exercise. A detailed physical examination was done, but no abnormalities were found. A said that she was always worried and easily lost her temper. Recently, she was worried because the progress of moving house was not as good as expected.

Combined with the pulse and tongue conditions, plus A's own irritable personality, it fits the Arthralgia Syndrome (Stagnation of Liver Qi Type) in traditional Chinese medicine, which means that the Qi circulation of the Liver Meridian in the body is not smooth, and if the Qi is not smooth, there will be pain. In addition, the ribs are where the Qi of the Liver and Gallbladder Meridian circulates, so pain occurs in that area.
According to TCM theory, the Qi in the Liver Meridian should be unblocked, but if you are affected by emotions, such as rage, worry and other emotional problems that have not been properly dealt with for a long time, the circulation of Qi in the Liver Meridian will be affected, and pain will occur if the circulation is not smooth.

In addition, in the theory of Chinese medicine, 24 hours a day, every two hours, the qi in the body will flow from one meridian to another meridian, and 1:00 to 3:00 in the morning is the time when the air flows through the liver meridian, so the pain will occurred at that time. But as time goes by, the Qi is blocked from flowing from the liver to the lung meridian (3-5 points), and the pain will disappear. Just like the traffic jam at Roundabout, only one of the two lanes is used, and the vehicles will pass through in the end, but the traffic will stop and the traffic will not go smoothly. That is also the content of the "Twelve Meridians Timetable" in Chinese medicine.

Being troubled by emotional problems is a "person" factor; the onset time is from 1 am to 3 am, which is a "time" factor; this time it has nothing to do with the place of residence, but the pain is located in the ribs, indicating that there is something wrong with the liver meridian.

A After taking the prescription of "Soothing the Liver, Regulating Qi, Nourishing Blood and Softening the Liver", during the follow-up consultation, the pain in the right back rib was significantly improved, and the sleep at night was no longer affected by the pain. I am very happy to know that A's condition has improved significantly, no more nighttime rib and back pain, and he is very comfortable. When worrying about family/business in Hong Kong, emotions will unknowingly bring invisible harm to the body. There is a saying: "Heart disease still needs heart medicine medicine." In addition to the emotional relief of the person concerned, Chinese medicine treatment (Chinese medicine, acupuncture) can also be effective.

Jason Mak
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Hong Kong
Sunny Worksop Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
46 Sandy Lane, Worksop.
S80 1S


Hello! The clinic has been in operation nearly a year before I realized it. I still remember that there were more things to prepare than I imagined. After all, I used to focus on diagnosis in Hong Kong. Various problems that will be encountered: decoration, purchase, layout, accounting and cleaning...etc.

Due to limited funds, most of the things have to be done by myself, a real one man band. For example: because the weather in the UK is very different from Hong Kong, with four distinct seasons, mainly damp, cold and wind evil, so Chinese medicine is used On the one hand, traditional Chinese medicines with pungent and warm properties, dispelling cold and dampness should account for a large proportion, while traditional Chinese medicines with heat-clearing and detoxifying effects should account for a small proportion. That point is different from Hong Kong, and the medicine has an expiry date, so every time you buy it, you have to predict it clearly.

In addition, the electricity bill in the UK is high. In winter, when I was alone in the consultation room, I would turn on a large electric heater. As a result, I received the electricity bill immediately, and my heart was really separated, and my heart beat faster: palpitations. In order to save power, it used to have Max and Half power, but now it only dares to turn on Half power, and only a few windows are opened. Now I understand why there is not much air circulation in homes and restaurants in the UK. It turns out that it is to keep warm and save electricity!

All places in the UK that operate acupuncture and moxibustion treatment must apply for an acupuncture operation license. The process is special and I am deeply impressed. The most memorable thing is the encouragement from the commissioner. Looking at the license issued by the council, I know in my heart that I can provide acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for everyone. is a precious thing. Thanks to them, there are now more locals who come to receive acupuncture treatment, patient B is one of them.

B himself is a baker who is good at desserts. When I met him for the first time, he said that due to the long-term manual dough making for 3 years, he had pain in the right elbow joint, which was getting worse day by day, especially when the forearm was pronating and supinating. Intensified, I did some tests on him and diagnosed tennis elbow. Later, he bid farewell to me because he was going on a long trip. Before leaving, he told me that after the first acupuncture treatment, his pain level was greatly reduced. He was very grateful.

At the beginning of the opening, the number of patients was not too many, and I was worried about income, but a simple compliment from a patient was a great encouragement to me, and it also strengthened my confidence in opening the business.

But after the hard work, all the processes are well-run, and looking back, you will find that you have walked a path that you will be proud of. Come on everyone!

Jason Mak
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Hong Kong
Sunny Worksop Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
46 Sandy Lane, Worksop.
S80 1SW


Good Day! In the traditional solar terms, after the Qingming Festival, the weather will not be cold anymore. The temperature in Hong Kong today exceeds 20 degrees. If the same situation happens in the UK, it will be really hot! At present, the weather in the UK is still very cool in the morning and evening, and if it rains again, it will freeze to a few degrees. If you are exposed to strong winds during outdoor activities, you will be very vulnerable to wind and cold. If you usually like raw and cold food, such as soft drinks, ice cream, cheese, etc., the spleen and stomach are injured by the evil of cold and dampness, and the efficiency of transporting and dissipating moisture in the body will be reduced.

Over time, different clinical manifestations will appear, and one of them is those Dampness stays in the joints, causing the joints to feel heavy and sore, especially when the weather turns cold or it rains. Patient C came to seek medical treatment under such conditions.

I still remember that C came to the clinic to look for me on a rainy day (make an appointment in advance), and looked at his inflexible gait, and slightly raised his knee joint when sitting on a chair, which were all manifestations of knee joint pain. It turns out that C likes ball games. He had a knee injury, but he continued to participate in the game without any treatment or rest. Later, I developed a feeling of heavy weight and soreness in the knee joints, which became more and more serious. Every winter or when it rained, the condition became more serious and even affected my walking. C knew that a Chinese Medicine Practitioner (Chinese Medicine Practitioner) opened a Chinese Medicine clinic in Worksop. In addition to Chinese medicine, he also provided acupuncture treatment services, so he came to have a look.

The skin of his knee joint is very cold. It should be said that the whole lower limbs are cold when palpated. In addition, the stool is watery from time to time, and the frequency is frequent. He also likes cheese and soda. When he palpated the abdomen, he also felt cold. . Add the corresponding tongue and pulse conditions, which belong to the Arthralgia Syndrome of Spleen-Yang Deficiency. As long as the method of invigorating the spleen and nourishing qi, eliminating dampness and relieving numbness is applied to the corresponding acupoints, it will have an effect.

After 30 minutes of acupuncture and moxibustion, C said that his knee pain has improved. I also told C to suspend ball games and pay attention to diet, refrain from eating raw and cold food, soak his feet in warm water and wear long pants to keep warm, and he will soon recover comfortable.

In fact, I also briefly explained the function of acupuncture to the local Qu. The human body is like a complex machine, but it also has different self-repair and adjustment functions. Acupuncture uses needles to stimulate the corresponding acupuncture points on the body, so as to achieve the body's self-regulation and repair functions for the relevant faulty areas. I watched him walk out of the clinic with a comfortable expression (it went quite smoothly), and I was very satisfied in my heart.

Jason Mak
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Hong Kong
Sunny Worksop Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
46 Sandy Lane, Worksop.
S80 1S



Hello everyone! The clinic will soon have some pictures of pastels painted solar terms. They are drawn by a qualified painter. I have seen other works of hers. The style of painting is simple and innovative, which is very comfortable, so I invited her to draw 24 solar term powder paintings, I really hope to receive them soon!

I remember that when I first arrived in the UK, I had to stay in a hotel temporarily. My daily diet was traditional local food, such as sandwiches, hot dogs, fried fish, chips, fried meat, and pancakes. You can't make a fire to cook, so you don't have anything to eat. In addition to the new environment, I can't sleep well at night. At the same time, I was infected with Covid. As a result, I have dry throat, cough, sticky yellow phlegm, stuffy nose and a large amount of nasal mucus. The clinical manifestation is the obvious clinical manifestation of coughing at night.

At that time, because I had just arrived, and there was still some time before the interview for joining the British Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ATCM) [Full Member, Qualified to practice Chinese acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and Tuina], I only had a simple traditional Chinese medicine prescription (Yinqiao San) for emergency use, the feeling is still deep. At that time, I reminded myself that after passing the written test and interview, I should immediately use the obtained membership certificate to purchase Chinese medicine from relevant certified Chinese medicine suppliers.

A while ago, patient D came to see me for treatment, which was very similar to my clinical manifestations when I first came to the UK. D likes to eat spicy and fried food. In addition, peanuts and nuts are also his favorite food. He developed a cough a month ago, and then developed a stuffy nose and a large amount of yellow nasal mucus. The sputum was also dark yellow. The cough was particularly obvious at night. It is a patent medicine, but the effect is not obvious and the attacks are repeated, and the mouth is very dry.

After diagnosis, it is a cough of liver fire invading the lungs in traditional Chinese medicine. The treatment is to clear the liver and relieve the lungs, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. D After taking traditional Chinese medicine and abstaining from eating hot air and spicy food according to the doctor's advice, the cough was reduced by half, and I could sleep peacefully at night without being woken up by the cough.

After the follow-up visit, the amount of sputum decreased significantly, the color of sputum and mucus became clearer and thinner, and the cough almost disappeared.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the internal organs are a whole, as long as one member has a problem, other "teammates" will also be affected. In the case of D, the fire in the liver is too strong, causing the lungs to be attacked by the liver fire, and there is a problem with the circulation of lung air, so coughing occurs, coupled with burning body fluid, resulting in sticky yellow phlegm, stuffy nose and yellow mucus Condition.

It is spring now, TCM theory believes that spring is the season of the liver, active and growing, so it is prone to diseases related to the liver, TCM can treat the relevant situation accordingly in terms of medicine and acupuncture.

Jason Mak
Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Sunny Worksop Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
46 Sandy Lane, Worksop S80 1SW
Website :

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46 Sandy Lane

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Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 4pm - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm

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