Old Yorker

Discover the historical city of York through the people who shaped it.

Photos from Old Yorker's post 16/03/2024

Gracias a Sue por elegir mi tour como regalo para sus invitados españoles, Sandra y Javi; ¡y gracias a Andrew por aguantar dos horas escuchándome hablar en español! Espero que hayáis tenido un buen fin de semana 😃

Si quieres hacer el ÚNICO tour de York en español 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸 y conocer mejor esta bella ciudad, haz click en el enlace de mi bio.

Photos from Old Yorker's post 13/03/2024

🇬🇧 Have you seen the Snooks yet? These mysterious, cute, book-loving creatures have invaded the streets and buildings of York to encourage young people to read more 📖
It's an initiative by and and the design is by Sheffield artist
Pick up a map and follow the around the city. Each Snook has a letter on it; if you find all 21 of them, you'll have completed a website link that, when accessed, unlocks a secret prize 🏆. Don't ask me what it is; I haven't completed my own trail yet! 🤭

🇪🇸 ¿Ya has visto los Snooks? Estas criaturas misteriosas, tiernas y amantes de los libros han invadido las calles y edificios de York para animar a los jóvenes a leer más 📖
Es una iniciativa de y y el diseño es de la artista de Sheffield
Coge un mapa y sigue el por la ciudad. Cada Snook tiene una letra; si encuentras las 21 que forman el itinerario, habrás completado un enlace a un sitio web que desbloquea un premio secreto 🏆. No me preguntes qué es; ¡aún no he completado mi propio recorrido! 🤭

▶️▶️ visityork.org/snooks ◀️◀️

Photos from Old Yorker's post 23/02/2024

🇬🇧 Last Sunday the weather was beautiful and my lovely husband 💕 agreed to do a spontaneous photoshoot; he kept saying "What a shame I haven't got my camera with me!", because he's as picky as a professional photographer. We'll do a sessiom with the proper camera at some point, but I think these came out quite well! 📸
*Coat and skirt from , brooch by 's artist mum 🥰

🇪🇸 El domingo pasado hizo un tiempo espléndido y mi encantador esposo 💕 accedió a hacer una sesión de fotos espontánea: "¡Qué rabia no tener mi cámara conmigo!" decía todo el tiempo, porque es tan exigente como un fotógrafo profesional. En algún momento haremos una sesión con la cámara, ¡pero creo que estas fotos salieron bastante bien! 📸
*Abrigo y falda de , broche de la madre artista de 🥰



Beautiful sunset today in York... 🌇


Slightly wet 🧊
Here posing in the "set" of 'Wonka'! ❄️🍫🎩


I know I haven't been around for a while... But I'm still here!!!
Want to know what I've been doing..? Have a look at the new post in my blog (and you'll understand why the above image 🤭...) 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Happy New Year! 26/01/2024

¡Hola! I am aware that we are well into 2024 by now, but it is still January, so I think I can get away with wishing you a very happy new year!🥳 I have not been very active on the 'socialist medias' - as one of my friends controversially called them once - lately; mainly because I got a new job at the…...

Happy New Year! ¡Hola! I am aware that we are well into 2024 by now, but it is still January, so I think I can get away with wishing you a very happy new year!🥳 I have not been very active on the ‘socialist …


Happy Autumn!!! 🍁 🍂 It is arguably the most beautiful season with its shades of ochre, yellow and brown.
Today though, it was very mild and ☀️ so I went on a short walk around the Knavesmire to stretch my legs and shake the COVID 🦠 off

I will be back in October with more tours 🎉🎉🎉
Spaces are limited though, so make sure you book your place to avoid disappointment!


🇬🇧 I had a matcha 🍵 & white chocolate cookie from today.
This is no ordinary cookie. This is THE cookie.
Matcha lovers, don't miss out on this one 😛

🇪🇸 Hoy he probado una cookie the matcha y chocolate blanco de Ippuku Tea House.
Está no es una galleta normal. Es LA galleta.
Amantes del matcha 🍵, no os la perdáis 🤤


If you are in York this weekend and like eating international food🌏🧑‍🍳 , you are spoilt for choice! The city centre has many high-quality and varied options from all over the world to delight your taste buds 😋
My suggestion for today is The Blue Barbakan on Fossgate. They serve predominantly Polish cuisine but also do some cool Western-Eastern European fusions. Pierogi is my personal favourite so I order it almost every time!

Photos from Old Yorker's post 29/08/2023

🇬🇧 Saint Margaret Clitherow (or Clitheroe), also known as "The Pearl of York", is York's most famous saint and one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales 🏴✝️🏴 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forty_Martyrs_of_England_and_Wales).

➡️ Raised as a Protestant during the first years of Elizabeth I's reign, she converted to Catholicism in 1574. She married John Clitherow, a butcher, and lived in the famous with her family.
➡️ She was imprisoned several times for not attending the Anglican services. In 1586, she was finally condemned to death for the crime of harbouring priests (considered high treason at the time).
➡️ Before she died on 25th March, she publicly declared: "I do not die desperately nor willingly procure my own death; for not being guilty of such crimes as were laid against me, and yet condemned to die, I could but rejoice, my cause being also God's quarrel..."
➡️ Although her feast day is celebrated on 4th May in England, she is also honoured on the 30th of August. Her statue was carried through the streets of York yesterday as part of the annual pilgrimage organised by the Fathers of the . You can see some pics of yesterday's procession here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CwhQwH4LTlv/?img_index=1

If you want to know more about this incredible woman, come to the Saints & Sinners Tour: the best way to know the city of York through the eyes of those who shaped it!
▶️▶️ BOOK NOW - LINK IN BIO ◀️◀️

🇪🇸 Santa Margaret Clitherow (o Clitheroe), también conocida como "La Perla de York", es la santa más famosa de York y una de los cuarenta mártires de Inglaterra y Gales. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuarenta_m%C3%A1rtires_de_Inglaterra_y_Gales.

➡️ Criada como protestante durante los primeros años del reinado de Isabel I, se convirtió al catolicismo en 1574. Fue encarcelada varias veces por no asistir a los servicios anglicanos.
➡️ En 1586, fue finalmente condenada a muerte por el delito de albergar a sacerdotes (considerado en aquella época alta traición).
➡️ Antes de morir el 25 de marzo, declaró públicamente: "No muero desesperadamente ni procuro voluntariamente mi propia muerte; porque no siendo culpable de los crímenes que se me imputan y, sin embargo, condenada a morir, no puedo más que alegrarme, siendo mi causa también la causa de Dios..."
➡️ Aunque su fiesta se celebra el 4 de mayo en Inglaterra, también se le rinde homenaje el 30 de agosto. Su estatua fue llevada ayer por las calles de York como parte de la peregrinación anual organizada por los Padres del . Podéis ver algunas fotos de la procesión de ayer aquí: https://www.instagram.com/p/CwhQwH4LTlv/?img_index=1

Si quieres saber más sobre esta increíble mujer, reserva el Tour Santos y Pecadores: ¡la mejor manera de conocer la ciudad de Yok a través de los ojos de quienes la construyeron!
▶️▶️ ENLACE EN BIO ◀️◀️

Photos from Old Yorker's post 19/08/2023

🇬🇧 Looking for a nice breakfast/brunch place in York? Try on 112 Micklegate - very close to the Saints & Sinners Tour starting point, Micklegate Bar! They have a range of amazing savoury options 🤤 for all tastes and diets (including vegetarian and vegan); but make sure you leave some space to try one of their beautiful cakes! 🍰

🇪🇸 ¿Buscas un buen sitio para desayunar o almorzar en York? Prueba en 112 Micklegate, ¡muy cerca del punto de partida del Tour Santos y Pecadores, Micklegate Bar! Tienen una gama de opciones saladas increíbles 😋 para todos los gustos y dietas (incluidas vegetarianas y veganas); ¡pero asegúrate de dejar espacio para probar uno de sus deliciosos pasteles y tartas! 🧁

Photos from Old Yorker's post 16/08/2023

🇬🇧 Today the site of York Tyburn is a peaceful, leafy space 🍃 in which to sit down and enjoy the view of the trees 🌳 and the green esplanade of the Knavesmire beyond.
Nothing suggests that, for more than 400 years, this was a place of ex*****on, where thousands of people would congregate to see criminals from York Castle Prison being hanged, drawn and quartered. For the last 70 years (until 1801), you could even go for a double bill: ex*****on ⚰️ + races 🏇!
The most famous criminal of all was, of course, the legendary Dick Turpin. If you want to know more about him, come to the Saints & SinnnersTour!

🇪🇸 Hoy, York Tyburn es un espacio tranquilo y frondoso 🍃 en el que sentarse y disfrutar de la vista de los árboles 🌳 y la explanada verde del Knavesmire más allá.
Nada sugiere que, durante más de 400 años, este fue un lugar de ejecución, donde miles de personas se congregaban para ver cómo ahorcaban, desentrañar (literalmente) y descuartizaban a los criminales de la prisión del castillo de York. Durante los últimos 70 años (hasta 1801), incluso podía uno hacer doblete: ¡ejecución ⚰️ + carreras 🏇!
El ajusticiado más famoso de todos fue, por supuesto, el legendario Dick Turpin. Si quieres saber más sobre él, ¡ven al Tour Santos y Pecadores!

Photos from Old Yorker's post 12/08/2023

🇬🇧 If you are in York this weekend and have a long day of exploring ahead of you, consider starting the day with a breakfast. Whether you choose sweet or savoury, you will not be disappointed: both the food and the service are AMAZING 😍

🇪🇸 Si estás en York este fin de semana y tienes un largo día de exploración por delante, considera empezar tu día con un desayuno de . Ya elijas dulce o salado, no te defraudará: tanto la comida como el servicio son INCREÍBLES 😋

Photos from Old Yorker's post 11/08/2023

🇬🇧 Thank you so much to all my lovely visitors. This makes the effort worth it 😍

🇪🇸 Muchísimas gracias a todos mis estupendos viajeros. Esto hace que el esfuerzo merezca la pena 🥰

Photos from Old Yorker's post 09/08/2023

🇪🇸 Siempre es un placer trabajar para una audiencia tan estupenda como Mónica y su familia. Aquí estamos las dos con nuestro amigo William Etty delante de la Galería de Arte de York, última parada del Tour Santos y Pecadores. ¡Muchísimas gracias Mónica por tus amables palabras!

🇬🇧 It is always a pleasure to work for such a great audience like Mónica and her family. Here we are with our friend William Etty in front of the York Art Gallery, the last stop on the Saints and Sinners Tour. Thank you very much Monica for your kind words!

Photos from Old Yorker's post 03/08/2023

🇬🇧 And here is Part B: curious objects!
- Wooden ornate box to keep cutlery..
- Ingenious device to pour oil and vinegar without mixing or spilling the!
- You would store your wigs in the sides of this cabinet.
- Steps to climb onto your bed with incorporated toilet.
- Noel Terry's trunk!
- Some amazing 18th-19th outfits, including a stomacher (last one) worn by the ladies as part of their dress.
- Ivory barometer.
Which one is your favourite? 😍

🇪🇸 Y aquí está la Parte B: ¡objetos curiosos!
- Caja de madera adornada para guardar los cubiertos.
- Ingenioso aparato para verter aceite y vinagre sin mezclarlos ni derramarlos.
- Guardarías tus pelucas en los lados de este mueble.
- Escalerita para subir a la cama con orinal incorporado.
- ¡El baúl de Noel Terry (famoso fabricante de chocolate 🍫)!
- Algunos atuendos increíbles de los siglos XVIII and XIX, incluida una pieza para la parte del estómago (la última foto) que usaban las damas como parte de su vestimenta.
- Barómetro de marfil.
¿Cual es tu favorito? 😍

Photos from Old Yorker's post 29/07/2023

🇬🇧 Exhibition Square is where the tour finishes after taking you on a journey through the history of York, seen by the people who lived in it...

🇪🇸 Exhibition Square es donde termina el recorrido del tour después de llevarte en un viaje a través de la historia de York, vista por las personas que vivieron en ella...


Photos from Old Yorker's post 29/07/2023

The weekend will not be as summery as some of us would hope... But it might be warm enough for others! Depending on which side of the fence (or the thermometer) you are on, you might want to cool down with a delicious smoothie/milkshake 🍨 from , or rather warm up with a flowery jasmine tea ☕ from . The choice is yours! 😋


I'm back after a sunny ☀️ holiday in Spain 😎🇪🇸!!!
In the weather is not as good but it always clears up after the rain ☔🌈 and the tour is going ahead!
Book your tickets now!!
⏩ Link in bio ⏪


¡¡¡Estoy de vuelta después de unas vacaciones en España 😎🇪🇸!!!
En el clima no es tan bueno pero tras la lluvia ☔ siempre sale el sol ☀️🌈 ¡y el tour de sigue adelante !
Reserva ya tus entradas:
⏩ Enlace en bio ⏪


🇬🇧 I recently visited this pub in Dublin and came across a sign that was nicely familiar 🍫☕

🇪🇸 Hace poco estuve en Dublín y me encontré con un letrero 🪧 muy familiar 🍫🤗

Photos from Old Yorker's post 21/06/2023

🇬🇧 Did you know that the scene from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone where Hagrid takes Harry to King's Cross and they're walking down a footbridge was filmed in York station? 🚉
Well, that's what I was told when I came to live here and I've believed it since. But apparently it's a myth! The footbridge (a Grade 1 listed structure) was actually in King's Cross station, although it was moved to another station near Surrey in 2008.
I any case, make sure you visit York train station when you come. It's an absolutely beautiful building: photos are proof of it 😍

🇪🇸 ¿Sabías que la escena de Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal en la que Hagrid lleva a Harry a King's Cross y caminan por un puente fue filmada en la estación de York? 🚉
Bueno, eso es lo que me dijeron cuando vine a vivir aquí y lo he creído desde entonces. ¡Pero al parecer es un mito! El puente peatonal (una estructura catalogada de Grado 1) estaba en realidad en la estación de King's Cross, aunque se trasladó a otra estación cerca de Surrey en 2008.
En cualquier caso, aseguraos de visitar la estación de tren de York cuando vengáis. Es un edificio absolutamente hermoso: las fotos son prueba de ello 😍

🚂 ⚡️

Photos from Old Yorker's post 21/06/2023

🇬🇧 Did you know that the scene from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone where Hagrid takes Harry to King's Cross and they're walking down a footbridge was filmed in York station? 🚉
Well, that's what I was told when I came to live here and I've believed it since. But apparently it's a myth! The footbridge (a Grade 1 listed structure) was actually in King's Cross station, although it was moved to another station near Surrey in 2008.
I any case, make sure you visit York train station when you come. It's an absolutely beautiful building: photos are proof of it 😍

🇪🇸 ¿Sabías que la escena de Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal en la que Hagrid lleva a Harry a King's Cross y caminan por un puente fue filmada en la estación de York? 🚉
Bueno, eso es lo que me dijeron cuando vine a vivir aquí y lo he creído desde entonces. ¡Pero al parecer es un mito! El puente peatonal (una estructura catalogada de Grado 1) estaba en realidad en la estación de King's Cross, aunque se trasladó a otra estación cerca de Surrey en 2008.
En cualquier caso, aseguraos de visitar la estación de tren de York cuando vengáis. Es un edificio absolutamente hermoso: las fotos son prueba de ello 😍

🚂 ⚡️

Photos from Old Yorker's post 16/06/2023

⛪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 The history of the Catholic Church in England is quite a turbulent one... 🔥

😇 One of the characters in our is Margaret Clitherow "The Pearl of York", who was martyred for her faith in 1586.
Told she would die for treason - for harbouring priests and having Mass celebrated in her house - she replied: "No, no, Mr. Sheriff, I die for the love of my Lord Jesu."
She was laid down on Ouse Bridge and door was placed upon her, which was weighted down till she was crushed to death. Her last words were "Jesu! Jesu! Jesu! have mercy on me!"

🤔 If you want to know more about St Margaret and other saints who lived and died in York, book your place for the next tour!!
▶️▶️ LINK IN BIO ◀️◀️

❗And if you would like to visit one of the most beautiful Catholic churches in York this weekend, go to St Wilfrid's Church in Duncombe Place, just a stone's throw away from York Minster. The Fathers of the York Oratory do an incredible job in preserving the traditional Latin Mass whilst taking care of every detail of the liturgy, all paired with carefully selected, beautiful music 🎵🎶
This weekend there will be several masses and events to celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, including a 40-hour devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. It's a good opportunity to experience what St Margaret Clitherow died for ✝️ (see if you can find her STATUE in the church! 🕵🏻)
▶️ All details in the LAST IMAGE ◀️

© Images:of.art

Photos from Old Yorker's post 10/06/2023

🇬🇧 Amazing Summery weather today in York ☀️😎
Perfect day for a tour, although we had to find shady spots to stand because it was hot! 🥵

🇪🇸 Increíble clima veraniego hoy en York ☀️😎
Día perfecto para un tour, aunque hemos tenido que encontrar lugares con sombra para pararnos porque hacía mucho calor. 🥵


Photos from Old Yorker's post 07/05/2023

I'm out of town at the moment. However, if you are spending the in and you like Japanese 🍙🍡 food...

Go to for a light lunch like this: super tasty vegetable gyoza dipped in soy sauce and a couple of onigiri: I had 1. Smoked salmon and 2. Pickled plum. Absolutely delicious 🤤

If you prefer to get a sweet treat to take away, I fully recommend the white chocolate matcha blondie: just BEAUTIFUL. I love sit so much that I couldn't help myself going back for another one the other day: they had run out of white chocolate after a super busy first , but they substituted it for dark chocolate 🍫 and it was equally amazing! They're vegan too! (they have quite a few 🌱 options on their menu so if you're vegan it's a great place to go).

PS. And don't forget to try one their teas! 🍵


Beautiful day in York, next to Clifford's Tower where one of our sinners was held in the 1730s... 🥷🏇
This is the best time of year to go on the of
(Link in bio).

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Have you seen them yet? This weekend is the finale of the #jorvikvikingfestival2024 and is packed with events!⚔️ 'Stagin...
El santuario de Santa Margaret Clitherow en #shamblesyork es un verdadero oasis de calma en medio del bullicio del centr...




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