Jerusalem Self Defense Academy

Jerusalem Self Defense Academy

Gentle self defense classes for children and adults taught by 10th dan Bujinkan ninja and Wingate certified sports instructor Ruben Ekebom.

Arts include ninjutsu, judo, jujutsu, krav maga, boxing, and feldenkrais.

לכבוד רבי שמעון בר יוחאי 22/05/2024

לכבוד רבי שמעון בר יוחאי Reuven Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]

Bruce Lee fish 22/05/2024

Bruce Lee fish Reuven Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]


Private health exercise sessions for men 50+.

Two air conditioned studios in Jerusalem and area.

Also do classes over Zoom.

Coach: Ruven Ekebom, over 30 years of experience.

Tel: 050-5719770

אומנות לחימה לילדים עם צרכים מיוחדים 22/03/2024

אומנות לחימה לילדים עם צרכים מיוחדים Reuven Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]


We have a new "buba" ( a playing doll for big boys :))



אומנות לחימה לילדים עם צרכים מיוחדים 14/02/2024

Special needs kids benefit so much from our training. We combine elements of Feldenkrais and self-defense techniques to make kids who need that extra boost of self-esteem to feel strong and confident. Check it out.

אומנות לחימה לילדים עם צרכים מיוחדים Reuven Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]


Self defense and survival strategies for these difficult times at the Jerusalem Self Defense academy.

Discounts and free classes available both live and online for those in financial distress because of the war.



Ruben's martial art chug for boys & men running as usual. Discounts and free classes available for those in financial distress because of the war.
For more info and registration, call: 050-5719770

"Bein ha-Zmanim" Fitness regimen 23/08/2023

"Bein ha-Zmanim" Fitness regimen Reuven Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]


Summer vacation is over and we resume training. Old school - New school - Health and Fitness.

Advanced Taihenjutsu 体変術 - Side flip - אקרובטיקה - קפיצת היפוך צד 18/06/2023

Advanced Taihenjutsu 体変術 - Side flip - אקרובטיקה - קפיצת היפוך צד Reuven Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected] Taihenjutsu 体変術 - Side flip - אקרובטיקה - קפיצת היפ...

Timeline photos 15/06/2023
Bow and Arrow - Kyujutsu 弓術 04/05/2023

Bow and Arrow - Kyujutsu 弓術 - It is a Jewish custom for children to play with bows and arrows on this day, in commemoration of the times of Rashbi when the rainbow was not seen.Bnei Yis...

דוד שטרן אירוע אמת ממקור ראשון 01/05/2023

דוד שטרן אירוע אמת ממקור ראשון להצטרפות לאימונים שלנו0543982313

סדרת שיעורי תנועה לשיפור תפקוד הברכיים 16/04/2023

פלדנקרייז לבעיות ברכיים לנשים ובנות.

סדרת שיעורי תנועה לשיפור תפקוד הברכיים כל כך הרבה אנשים ונשים סובלים מכאבי ברכיים שמשתקים אותם ומשבשים את תפקודם היום-יומי.

Fighting trailer 20/03/2023

Fighting trailer Reuven Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]

Purim Games for Kinderlach 27/02/2023

Purim Games for Kinderlach Music by Rabbi Mendel MarkelReuven Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]

JSDA-Trailer with R Mendel Markel's music 15/02/2023

JSDA-Trailer with R Mendel Markel's music Rabbi Mendel Markel Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]

4 versions of Tomoe nage - basic Ninjutsu throw - תרגיל הקרבה טומואה נאגה נינג'וטסו 08/02/2023

4 versions of Tomoe nage - basic Ninjutsu throw - תרגיל הקרבה טומואה נאגה נינג'וטסו Reuven Ekebom[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected] versions of Tomoe nage as a basic Ninjutsu throwTomoe nage...

מה לעשות כשהמון זועם מנסה לתקוף אותי ברכב? 04/01/2023

מה לעשות כשהמון זועם מנסה לתקוף אותי ברכב? מקומות אחרונים! באימון ירי ולחימה בסביבת רכב לשריון מקום ומידע נוסף שלח הודעה 0543982313לרכישת הקורס האינטרנטי "להגן על עצמך" המדריך המלא להתמודדות עם תקיפות...


Courses both onsite and online (through Zoom) at the JSDA (Jerusalem Self Defense Academy).

Here's what we learn:

For children and teenagers:

Boll on all fours, playing with hands (and sometimes also legs)
"Crab" position
In standing playing with hands


rolling, tumbling jumping, falling

Body evasion against striking and kicking and padded sticks

Incl. striking drills, boxing, attack and defense (the "non-violent" response)

Groundholds, releases (also in standing) and Ground wrestling

Judo falling

Sumo wrestling (wall slam, throwing onto thick mat)

Acrobatics, movement, learning and coordination.

For Adults


Rolling, falling and other body evasion

Basic striking, kicking and blocking

Techniques of the old school

Variations and fighting drills

Boxing (and fencing)

Grappling in standing and on the ground

Body strengthening with coordination

Cool down with movement, learning and coordination

For the elderly and people in pain or with developmental or rehabilitative issues

Functional Integration

Videos (show all)

Soft shoulders and arms
One-handed swing with the stick
"Grandpa"-posture striking
Flexible hips
basic moves with the short stick
Pushing kick
Preparation for a bridge, part 2
Preparation for a bridge, part 1
Healthy stretching and kicking
Fight play/drill - Randori
